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  • Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Мой город»

Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Мой город»

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Краткое описание: Урок английского языка по теме «Мой город»  предназначен для учащихся 8 класса. В нем представлены все виды речевой деятельности: аудирование, чтение, письменная речь, монологическая и диалогическая речь.Урок способствует развитию не только языковой, но и социокультурн
предварительный просмотр материала

Муниципальное казённое общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №11 пос.Нового»

Урок английского языка

по теме «Мой город»

Разработала учитель английского языка

МКОУ СОШ №11 пос.Нового

Швыдова Елена Владимировна

пос.Новый, 2014 год

Цель : воспитание патриотизма.


1. Образовательная -

1)Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком в рамках данной темы по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, устной речи, чтению и письма.

2) Отработать лексический материал по теме «Город».

3) Закрепить в речи грамматические структуры в настоящем простом времени в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

2. Воспитательная -

1)Повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.

2)Формировать осмысленное понимание учащимися родной культуры

3) Формировать навыки коллективной деятельности.

3. Развивающая -

1) Формирование социокультурной компетенции.

2) Формирование умений выделять общее и специфическое в культуре родной страны и страны изучаемого языка.

3) Расширение кругозора учащихся.

4) Развитие креативных способностей учащихся

Режимы: T-P, P-Cl, P-P.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, boys and girls! Today we are going to speak about our hometown. We'll spear about the history of our town, its sights and famous people. We'll learn some interesting facts about the twin-city of Georgievsk. We will travel round Georgievsk. I hope our lesson will be merry and interesting.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка:

Now I want you to listen and repeat a poem about our native town.

I live in the town of Georgievsk.

It's small.

There are no big plants

And skyscrapers at all.

It lies in the Caucasus

With the mountains blue

And different mineral waters for you.

On the river Podkumok

My town does stand,

In the circle of forests

And beautiful land.

I love my small town

Its squares and parks,

Its people and streets,

And its wonderful sights.

I wish, you my Georgievsk

To be happy and nice

And all of your people

To be friendly and wise.

Let us read the poem in turns.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

Now let us check, how you know the history of our town. I want you to answer some my questions.

  1. Where does our town situated? (Georgievsk is situated in Stavropol Territory.)

  2. What are the main colours of the flag of Georgievsk? ( The main colours of the flag of our town are blue, white, red and green.)

  3. When was the Georgievskaya Fortress founded? (It was founded in 1777)

  4. What was in the centre of the fortress? (In the centre of the fortress was a the Nicolskaya church)

  5. Who were the first people to live in Georgievsk? ( The first people to live in Georgievsk were soldiers)

  6. What famous people have visited our town? (A.Pushkin, M.Lermontov, A.Tolstoy.

  7. What are the main sights of Georgievsk? (The main sights are the Nicolskaya church, the monument to the friendship between Russia and Georgia, a park, cinema Beryozka)

  1. Обучение монологической речи:

And now it is time to see the projects about Georgievsk. They were made by our pupils. I want to listen to them and then ask some questions.

(презентация проектов)

The history of Georgievsk.

I live in Georgievsk. My town is small but it has a rich historic past. It was founded in the year 1777. First it was one of the ten fortresses on Azovo-Mozdok Defending Line. The place was very convenient to make a fortress. It stands not far the place where river Podkumok flows into the river Kuma. It was surrounded by plains. In 1787 Georgievskaya fortress was transformed into a town. It was the main town of the region for several years. My town was famous for the Agreement of friendship between Russia and Georgia. It was signed here in 1783. Georgievsk was also famous as a merchant town. Three big fairs took place in the town every year. People sold and bought different goods: cattle, fabrics, leather. In the year 1913 the first railway road appeared in my town. Georgievsk became one of the most developed industrial towns in Stavropol Territory. Many plants can be found here. Some of them still work. For example the oil-producing plant, which is situated not far from our school. The history of my town is interesting.

The famous people in Georgievsk.

My town is small but many famous people have visited it. A. Griboedov, M.Glinka, A. Alyabev, V.Belinsky, L. Tolstoy, N. Pirogov, V. Vereshchagin, V. Safonov, A. Solzhenitsyn, S. Mikhalkov. I want to tell you about two famous Russian poets whose life was closely connected with Caucasus.

Pushkin visited Georgievsk in 1820. He went to Goryachiye Vody with the family of his friend N. Raevsky. Pushkin visited our town in 1829 for the second time. He stayed at the hotel which situated on the corner of streets Lermontova and Shaumyana. Sorry to say, but this house was ruined during the Great Patriotic War. Pushkin began to write his famous notes "The Travelling to Arzrum" in Georgievsk.

Mikhail Lermontov a famous Russian poet visited our town in his childhood in 1820 and 1825. In the year 1841 he stayed in the hotel in Georgievk. Here he met his friend.There is a legend that one of Lermontovs friends suggested him to go to Pyatigorsk.. Lermontov decided to risk a chance. He throw a coin in the air to see what side it would fell to the ground. According to this he went to Pyatigorsk where he was killed at the duel.

The famous sights of Georgievsk.

There are no many places of interest in Georgievsk. Some of them are old, some of them are new. But I want to tell you about the most beautiful and the oldest Georgievsk sights. It is Nicolskaya church. It was built in 1780 by the soldiers. The church was made from wood and painted in light blue colour. It is the monument of the Russian architecture of the 17-18th centuries. The church was reconstructed in 2009 and is open now.

The examples of architecture of 19- the beginning of 20 centuries are the former hotels "London"( it is wine wine plant) and "Luvr" ( the shop) and the school for girls (now it is school number 3), the Azovo- Donskoy bank (now it is the House of Creativity of Children).

The architecture of the 20th century is represented by the monument of Russia-Georgia's friendship. It is situated in one of the most beautiful squares of our town.

  1. Обучение аудированию:

Georgievsk has a twin citiy. Listen to the text and fill in the table.

Georgievsk as many other towns in Russia has different twin cities. One of them is Pazardzhik. It is a small town in the south of Bulgaria. 75,000 people live here. Pazardzhik is situated 100 kilometres south-east of the capital of the country Sofia. It stands on the river Maritsa. The town is very old. It was founded in 1485 by the Turkish. For several centuries it was a trade, agricultural and economical centre of Bulgaria. Now it is an administrative centre of one of the agricultural areas of Bulgaria.

There are not many sights in Pazardzhik. But the most famous ones are The Church of God's Mother. It was built in 1837. The style and the decorations are typical for Bulgarian architecture. The cathedral is famous for the beautiful carving and wooden sculptures.

Another place of interest is the Museum of Ethnography which is open since 1850. You can also visit some house-museums of famous people of Bulgaria: Konstantin Velichkov, Svetoslav Dospevsky. The Art Gallery, Drama Theatre, Musical Theatre and Puppets Theatre are opened for visitors.

Not far from Pazardzhik there is a town Peshtera. Here you can see a hundred years old tree. It is 26 mertes tall and its diameter is 3 metres.

In the surroundings of Pazardzhik you can see a mineral spring.

The best time to visit the town is spring.




When was founded

Main sights






Houses-museums of famous people,

Art Gallery, Drama Theatre, Musical Theatre, Puppets Theatre, hundred years old tree, mineral spring.

Answer my questions:

1. What is the name of twin town of Georgievsk?

2. Where does Pazardzhik situated?

3. What is a population of the town?

4. When was Pazardzhik founded?

5. What are the main sights of the town?

6. Обучение диалогической речи:

And now I want you to imagine such situation. Your foreign friend came to Georgievsk and wanted to visit its sights. Help him to find the way. Use the map of the town.

Card 1.

You are at the bus station. Your friend wants to visit a park.

A: Don't you want to have a rest?

B: Of course I do.

A: Let's go to the park.

B: I am sorry but I must attend my music classes. You may go to the park yourself.

A: How can I get their?

B: Look at the map. We are at the bus station. You must cross the street and take a bus.

A: What is a number of the bus?

B: 1, 8, 111. The bus stop is called 'Park'. Have a good time!

A: Thanks.

Card 2.

You have just left the cinema Beryozka. Your friend wants to visit a museum.

A: Did you like the film?

B: Yes, I like this film very much. and now I want to know more about the history of your region.

A: You can visit our museum.

B: How can I get there?

A: Take a bus 1 or 8. go to the stop "Park". Then go straight ahead. First corner right. Go up Lermontov street The museum is to the left.

B: Thank you.

  1. Обучение чтению:


Georgievsk differs little from tens of other quiet provincial towns of Northern Caucasus. It cannot boast any unusual sights or exotic landscapes which usually attract a lot of tourists. Everything here is quiet and simple. Georgievsk is surrounded by fields and woods. The town stands on the river Podkumok. Georgievsk is 233 years old. It was founded in 1777 as a fortress. Later it was transformed into a town. Many famous people such as A.Pushkin, M.Lermontov, L.Tolstoy, N. Rayevsky visited our town. Georgievsk has a rich historic past. Now it is one of the main industrial towns in Stavropol Territory. Many plants and factories can be found in Georgievsk. There are not many places of interest in my town. We can see a park, a square Pobeda, a cinema Aurora, a stadium Trud. There is a monument devoted to a famous Georgievsk agreement. It was signed in 1783 by Russia and Georgia.

Every year we celebrate the birthday of out town or Town's Day. The celebration usually takes place on last Sunday in September. We have o lot of interesting events this day. At the stadium and in the park you can take part in different competitions. At the square Pobeda a big fair takes place. In the afternoon there is a performance about the history of Georgievsk at our stadium. There are a lot of concerts. In the evening we usually go to the disco and watch the fireworks. I like my town very much. East or West - home is best.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

  1. Georgievsk is a … town.

  2. Georgievsk is surrounded by … and ….

  3. My town is situated in the region of …..

  4. In 1777 Georgievsk was a ….

  5. You can see a … devoted to the friendship between Russia and Georgia.

Northern Caucasus, fortress, provincial, woods, monument, fields.

  1. Обучение письму:

Your home task is to write a letter to a foreign friend who is going to visit you in your home town for a day.

  1. Подведение итогов: now I want you to tell me what interesting facts about Georgievsk you have learned?

  1. Домашнее задание: to write a letter to a pen friend about Georgievsk.


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