- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Стресс (11 класс)
Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Стресс (11 класс)
Разработка урока английского языка с использованием презентации Power Point.
Тема: Стресс
Автор: Артюх Татьяна Анатольевна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Лицей «Дубна» г. Дубны
Московской области»
Учебник: «Английский в фокусе», Москва, Express publishing - «Просвещение», 2015.
( 11 класс, Module 2a)
Цели и задачи урока:
совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся;
научиться работать в группах, прислушиваться к мнению партнера;
развивать навыки поискового чтения;
формировать умения говорения на основе прочитанного текста;
разобрать фразы и выражения по теме «Стресс», научить использовать их в рамках заданной ситуации;
повторить закономерности словообразования;
Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала.
Оснащение урока: учебник, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are you getting on?
Let's begin our lesson.
Warm-up and specifying the theme of the lesson.
T: Well, we are having some guests today and, consequently, the atmosphere in class is a little unusual. So,
What are your feelings?
a little nervous
While studying for exams, how do students feel?
They feel tense and nervous.
When people feel tense and anxious constantly because of difficulties, what can happen to them?
They are stressed.
When do you usually feel stressed?
Ss' answers.
And what do you think the theme of our lesson is going to be today?
учащиеся отвечают на вопросы и формируют тему урока (Stress)
Working on the theme of lesson
Reading for specific information
T: Now, please, open your books on p.28-29. Look at the picture and the title of the text. What do you think you are going to read about?
Ss' answers
T: Well done! And what I'd like you to do now is to read the text and fill in the gaps (1-8) in it. You can compare your answers with your partner.
Учащиеся выполняют задание.
T: Well, let's check your ideas. Listen to the text so that you can confirm the correct answer.
Учащиеся слушают запись текста и проверяют свои ответы.
Checking understanding the text
T: Speaking about stress, we should give a definition of it. So,
What is stress? (слайд 3)
Why does stress appear? (слайд 4)
What happens to people mentally and physically when they are stressed? (слайд 5)
How can we deal with it? (слайд 6)
What are some ways to reduce stress? (слайды 7-8)
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту.
Vocabulary practice
T: I wonder whether you understand all the vocabulary clearly or not.
Ss' answer
T: For this reason I suggest completing an exercise. Look at the screen. The task is to match the underlined words and phrases in the text with their meaning. (слайд 10)
Учащиеся работают над упражнением и затем проверяют с учителем свои ответы.
Word formation
T: Let's develop some derivatives from the words I've taken from the text. (слайд11) Fill each blank with the correct form.
Учащиеся разрабатывают цепочки слов от слов выбранных учителем из текста. Учитель помогает.
T: Excellent! Now let's practice our derivatives. (слайд 12)
Учащиеся выполняют упражнение на закрепление словообразования.
Working in groups
T: As our theme is stress today, it's so interesting to know your opinion on it. And I'd like to divide you into two groups. For the first group the subject of the discussion is "Some stress is a good thing" and for the second - "Some stress is a bad thing". You need to give me two arguments on your view. Don't forget your view should be supported by examples. Also you will choose a speaker to present your ideas. (слайд 13)
Учащиеся работают в 2-х группах. Выполняют задание учителя. Учитель подходит к каждой группе, слушает дискуссию учащихся и при необходимости помогает учащимся.
T: Ok, how's it going? Not too bad? Now I want each group to be listened to. Are there any volunteers to express and prove your viewpoints?
Учитель и учащиеся слушают представителей групп.
T: Well done! Let's summarize. (слайд 13) - слушая ответы, учитель заполняет таблицу
IV Final stage of the lesson
Hometask (слайд14)
T: Well, now that you have had the arguments and examples, you are ready to comment on the following statement: "Some people find some stress to be a good thing. What is your opinion?" It will be your homework.
And right now I'd like to remind you about the key notes of Writing Composition. (слайд 15)
Opinion essays are formal in style. They require your opinion on a topic which must be clearly stated and supported by reasons.
A successful opinion assay should have:
an introductory paragraph in which you state the topic and your opinion. You should replace words or word combinations with a number of items associated with the topic.
a main body which consist of three paragraphs.
- The paragraph in which you present your two arguments supported by examples.
- The paragraph giving the opposing viewpoint and reasons.
- The paragraph explaining why you don't agree with the opposing opinion.
a conclusion in which you restate your opinion using different words.
Linking words should be used throughout your composition.
As you can see, today I'm not going to give any differentiated task for students who are not so good in English or not going to take State Exam, because all the material and techniques have been studied well enough, but for those who need extra help there's a detailed scheme of writing. Raise your hands, please, who needs?
OK, come up to me during the break.
T: So, our lesson is going to finish. Did you like it? Which activity was the most interesting/ boring/ useful/ complicated for you? Why?
Ученики высказываются.
T: I like the way you have been working today. I'm pleased with … and a bit disappointed with …. Your marks for the lesson are …
T: Thank you for your work today. The lesson is over.