- Учителю
- ТЕМА: The City Transport.
ТЕМА: The City Transport.
Открытый урок в 11 классе
ТЕМА: The City Transport.
Тип урока: Комбинированный.
ТИП УРОКА: Комбинированный
Развивать умения вести беседу в соответствие с конкретной ситуацией
Систематизировать грамматический материал
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Развивать умения высказывать мнение по теме «Городской транспорт»
Развивать умение аудировать текст, содержащий незнакомые слова
Тренировать умение воспринимать на слух и понимать речь, предъявляемую одноклассниками
Развивать умения письменно оформить и передать информацию
Развивать умения монологической речи
Развивать умения создания презентаций
Развивать интеллектуальные умения учеников(сравнивать, логически мыслить, делать выводы)
Формировать чувство патриотизма
Воспитывать самостоятельность и уважение
Ход урока:
Good Morning. Take you seats , please. I see everyone is present and we can tart our lesson. At first, I would be glad if you were attentive to the proverbs on the screen. They will help us to guess the topic of our lesson.
Packed like herrings
(Набились как сельдь в бочке)
Slow and steady wins the race
(Тише едешь, дальше будешь)
Slow but sure
(Медленно но верно)
The more the merrier
(В тесноте да не в обиде)
As you have guessed we are going to speak about transport. This question is still one of the most important for people who live in cities and towns. We are going to discuss and to speak about the city transport. I have prepared a short video. Now we will watch it and then I will have some questions to be answered.
1. What kinds of transport is the most popular in our city?
2. Can you say that it is the safest?
3. How do you get to school?
4. How long does it take you get to school?
5. Buses are the main kind of transport in Lugansk, isn't it?
6. Is there traffic jam in Lugansk and could we do anything to improve the things?
7.Whic is the most comfortable kind of transport?
9. Which is the most expensive kind of transport in Lugansk?
10. Can you name any kinds of transport which is the most comfortable but less expensive?
11 .I f you had a chance to travel abroad what kind of transport would you choose and why?
12. Less dangerous kind of transport is f tram. Do you agree with me?
II. Today we are going to compare the means of transport, so it would be better to revise the adjectives. You have hand - outs on your desks. You have a list of adjectives and you must write their antonyms.
III. We change our task. Open your books at page 149. Exercise number 11. We will listen to the short dialogues and TICK THE RIGHT ANSWERS IN THE BOXES.
Let's check your answers.
IV.Well done. Now on the screen you will see structures which we can use to speak about the city transport and to try to compare them.
Thank you.
V.We have done a lot of tasks to speak about the topic of our lesson. To summarize everything we have done I suggest you doing the exercise on your netbooks.
Now let's check your answers. Well done.
VI. As homework some of your classmates had a task to prepare presentations about the transport in Lugansk, in Baku, in Tbilisi and in Munich. Let's listen to them.
VII. Well. You see the things aren't as good as we would like. But we can always do something to improve the situation. The next task will show us if you are able to do your best. We have two groups of young people: THE FIRST GROUP ARE THE SPECIALISTS WHO ARE GIVEN A TASK TO IMPROVE THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN OUR CITY.The next group are young parents whose children study in our school. They have some suggestions to local authorities.