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  • Урок по английскому языку на тему 'Sport' (10 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему 'Sport' (10 класс)

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала


Цель урока:

Задачи: 1. ознакомление учащихся с новой лексикой по теме и развитие умений и навыков ее употребления в устной речи;

2. обучение аудированию;

3.развитие умений и навыков неподготовленной устной монологической и речи по теме;

4. развитие умений и навыков употребления изученного лексического и грамматического материала в устных высказываниях по теме.

Образовательные задачи: - расширение кругозора учащихся по теме.

Развивающие задачи: 1. развитие интереса и познавательной деятельности;

2. развитие умений сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать и делать выводы;

3. развитие активности и самостоятельности в условиях коллективной деятельности;

4. развитие творческого мышления, побуждение к выражения собственного мнения;

5. развитие речи и культуры речи.

Воспитательные задачи: 1. воспитание сознательной дисциплины, культуры поведения;

2. воспитание сознательного отношения к обучению, учению;

3. воспитание правильного отношения к занятиям спортом.

Тип урока: Комбинированный урок

Ход урока

I. Начало урока.

1. Организационный этап

a) приветствие;

b) ознакомление учащихся с темой урока и ходом работы.

T: Our today's lesson is devoted to a new issue called "Sport". We are going to speak about some extreme kinds of sport and listen to others expressing their own opinion. We shall also work with new words and discuss the problems connected with sport.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

T: Look at the pictures and say what this sport is called.

- caving

- mountaineering

- rock climbing

- heligliding (helicopter gliding)

- snowboarding

- roller skating

- surf sailing

- hang-gliding

3. Речевая зарядка

T: We are going to work in two groups. Each of the groups will get the pictures of unusual kinds of sport. Look at them and in groups discuss the following questions:

- What sorts of people can do these kinds of sport?

- What things can go wrong?

- What precautions should these sportsmen take doing these sports?

II. Основная часть урока.

1. Работа с аудиотекстом .

a) Pre-Listening Task

T: Now we are going to listen to the report about a caving expedition to the Baliem River caves. The caves are in the Trikora Mountains of Irian Jaya, New Guinea. (Учитель просит учащихся показать на карте остов Новая Гвинея, государство, на территории которого находятся горы - Индонезия; одновременно проводится работа с обозначениями на диаграммах в учебнике: entrance shaft, U-tube, base camp, Echo Beach Cave, Baliem River)

b) Listening Task

T: Listen to the report about the incident that happened to the expedition and say what diagram best represents the place.

Контроль выполнения упражнения и дополнительные вопросы по содержанию:

- Why do you think these caves haven't been explored before?

- The reporter says, "They've all gone back to the base camp to check their equipment and see what the situation is" What situation is he referring to?

- How can they check the situation from the base camp?

В заключение можно предложить учащимся следующие вопросы для обсуждения фронтально:

- Why do people do these sports? (Выражения для использования при ответах:

test your mental and physical abilities; develop bravery, quickness of reaction, self-control, stamina; promote personal growth, shape your personality; develop creative skills and abilities; develop self-confidence; get the adrenaline flowing)

- Do you know any places in Russia and other countries famous for particular kinds of sports?

Geographical places Sports

The Alps diving and scuba-diving

England tennis

The village of Korta cross country skiing

The Red Sea trekking

Canada watersports (windsurfing, sailsurfing, waterskis)

The Himalayas hockey

Wimbledon downhill skiing

The USA foxhunting

Australia baseball

The Urals caving

Northern Ireland bungee jumping

New Zealand hurling

- Where would you go and what sport would you do there? Why? (учащиеся работают с картой и используют фразы для выражения мнения)

I'd rather go to…

I'd prefer to go to…

I'd better go to…

I'd choose …

I'd go to…

I'd like to go to…

3. Работа с лексикой по теме.

a. Fill in the gaps using the right word from the table :

1) I enjoy watching football but I've never been very good _____ it.

2) At our local sports centre you can play a wide variety of _____ sports.

3) I'm not too keen ____ sports such as boxing.

4) The ____ you need for skiing, like boots and ski suit, can be quite expensive.

5) It's a pity that most people only support ____ during the Olympics.

6) Are you fond ____ sports like tennis?

7) Which do you prefer - summer or ____ sports?

8) Is swimming an ____ or indoor sport in your country?

9) Personally, I think the ____ should have awarded a penalty.

10) Athletes have to be extremely ____ if they want to compete successfully.

Answers: 1 at 2 indoor 3 on 4 equipment 5 athletics 6 of 7 winter 8 outdoor 9 referee 10 fit

b. Fill in "go, play or do"

1) ______ basketball

2) ______ running

3) ______ karate

4) ______ swimming

5) ______ football

6) ______ gymnastics

7) ______ golf

8) ______ windsurfing

9) ______ aerobics

10) ______ baseball

11) ______ cycling

12) ______ scuba-diving

Answers: 1 play 2 go 3 do 4 go 5 play 6 do 7 play 8 do 9 do 10 play 11 go 12 go

4. Развитие навыков и умений неподготовленной монологической речи.

Учащиеся получают темы для неподготовленных высказываний по теме «Спорт».



Task 1 (3-3,5 min)

Give a talk discussing the following: What is the most interesting kind of sport to do?

Look at the suggestions below and number them in what you think their order should be. Put '1' beside the most interesting sport and '4' beside the least interesting.

swimming parachuting boxing skating

Give the order in which you put the points and explain your reasons.

Remember to describe all the items.

You have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you first. Then he/she will ask you some questions.



Task 1 (3-3,5 min)

Give a talk on the following: Sport.

Remember to say:

• why many people are fond of sport

• what the most popular sports and games in Russia are

• why some people prefer to do sport but others like to watch sport on TV

• what your favourite kind of sport is and why

You have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you first. Then he/she will ask you some questions.



Task 1 (3-3,5 min)

Give a talk on the following: Sport.

Remember to say:

• what kinds of sport people do

• why people enjoy doing them

• where we can do sports

• what kind of sport you do and why

You have to talk for 2-2,5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you first. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

V. Заключительный

1. Подведение итогов урока

2. Оценки

3. Домашнее задание.

4. Конец урока.

План конспект урока в 10 классе:

Выполнила: учитель иностранных языков

(английский, немецкий), специалист II


Евтушенко Антонина Сергеевна



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