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  • Урок по английскому языку для 4 класса Boys Like Mysterious stories

Урок по английскому языку для 4 класса Boys Like Mysterious stories

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Сабақтың тақырыбы: Boys Like Mysterious Stories.

Мақсаты: шетел тілін үйрену барысында оқушының тілін жаттықтыру; сөздік қорын молайту; бағдарламада берілген тақырыптар мен тілдік материалдарды қайталау.

Дамытушылығы: жеке тұлғаны, танымдық қызығушылықты дамыту, оқушылардың сөйлеу, жазу, оқу, аудару қабілеттерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелік мәні: рухани және эстетикалық көзқарастарын қалыптастыру.

Сабақтың түрі: жаңа сабақ.

Әдісі: баяндау, сөздік жұмыс.

Пәнаралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

Көрнекілігі: интерактивті тақта, түрлі-түсті суреттер.

Сабақтың жоспары:

  1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. Organization moment.

  2. Тілдік жаттығу. Phonetic drill exercise.

  3. Үй тапсырмасын сұрау. Check up the homework.

  4. Жаңа тақырып. New lesson.

  5. Сөздікпен жұмыс. Work with new words.

  6. Оқулықпен жұмыс. Work with text.

  7. Сергіту сәті. Class activity.

  8. Бекіту жаттығулары. Evaluation exercises.

а) артық сөзді табу. Find the odd one out.

б) суретті сөздікпен жұмыс. Work with pictures.

в) қажетті сөзді табу. Unscramble the words.

9. Қорытынды. Conclusion.

10. Үйге тапсырма беру. Give and explain homework.

11. Бағалау. Give remarks.

The Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. Organization moment.


-Good morning, children!

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

2. Тілдік жаттығу. Phonetic drill exercise.

-Now let's read a poem. Pay attention to the following words and repeat after me:

Birthday,health,wealth, everything, that's,that

-Now read by yourselves as I point.

-Very good! Let us read the poem altogether. Repeat after me.

[θ] [ð] [s] [θ]

Every Birthday joy be yours

Fortune, Health and Wealth.

I wish you everything that's good

That you could wish yourself.

-Now read in unison. Ready,go!

-Now let me hear from each of you.(3 pupils will be called from each seat column)

-Brilliant! Great! Excellent!

  1. Үй тапсырмасын сұрау. Check up the homework.

Moving on. Did you do your homework?

- What was you home all about?

- Our homework was to make a dialogue.

- Let me check your work. Please take it out and get ready with your partner. Please speak loudly and clearly.

- Great!

-Now look at the board. Let's see how well you know your family members. Please complete the following information. You have two minutes to do this task. Do you have any questions?

My birthday is_______________

My mother's birthday is_______

My father's_________________

My friend's_________________

- Are you finished? Let's check your work.

- Pupil One, read your work in class.

- Good!

- Pupil Two, please share your work. Speak loudly.

4. Жаңа тақырып. New lesson.

Alright, please open your book. Look up page273. Look for 'Boys Like Mysterious Story'.

-Did you find it? This is our new topic.

5. Сөздікпен жұмыс. Work with new words.

I know, that you already know the word 'boys'. These are boys. What is the Kazakh form of 'boys'?

I know, that you already know the word 'like'. What is the Kazakh form of 'like'?

You know word 'like'. What Kazakh form 'like'?

The word 'mysterious' is the unknown word. Let us check a few definition of words. Try to understand their meaning. Let us read each word clearly and correctly. Follow after me.

  • Mysterious [mis'tiəriəs]-құпия

  • A story ['stɔri]- әңгіме

  • Melville ['melvil]- Мелвил (ер адам есімі)

  • To send [send]- салу,жіберу

  • Magazine [mægә'zi:n]- журнал

  • Niece [ni:s]- жиен(қыз)

  • Nephew['nevju:]-жиен (ер бала)

  • Thrilling['θriliŋ]-керемет

  • Detective [di'tektiv]- детектив

  • Detective -із кесуші

  • Buy [bai]-сатып алу

Good job everyone. Read aloud more for practice.

6. Оқулықпен жұмыс. Work with text.

Okey,it's time to read the book again. Listen carefully to the story from the CD.

Boys Like Mysterious Stories

Mr. Melvillle Dale, Jimmy's uncle in America, often sent books and magazines to his niece and nephew. Polly liked the magazines very much. There were lots of pictures there.

Jimmy liked the books. They were full of interesting and thrilling stories. Uncle Melville always read detective stories and bought lots of them.

  • Now listen to me.

  • Repeat after me.

  • Pupil One read this text and translate in into Kazakh.

  • Did you understand the text? Is everything clear?

7. Сергіту сәті. Class activity.

Now enough of that. Let me ask.

- Pupils are you tired? Let's do our exercise. All of you stand up.

  • Hands on the head

  • Hands on the hips

  • Hands on the table,

  • Hands like this.

  • Hands on the shoulders,

  • Hands up and down,

  • Hands behind the head

  • And sit down.

I hope that helped everyone feel better!

  1. Бекіту жаттығулары. Evaluation exercises.

Now,let's do some tasks. Listen, carefully to the instruction.

  • 1. Find the odd one out.

  • Father, teacher, sister, nephew.

  • Copybook, magazine, book, table.

  • Poem, song, story, present.

2. Find the name of the pictures and say them aloud.

Урок по английскому языку для 4 класса Boys Like Mysterious storiesУрок по английскому языку для 4 класса Boys Like Mysterious storiesУрок по английскому языку для 4 класса Boys Like Mysterious storiesУрок по английскому языку для 4 класса Boys Like Mysterious storiesУрок по английскому языку для 4 класса Boys Like Mysterious stories

3.Unscramble words. Find the right word.

1. torys- story

2. gamanize- magazine

3. ienec- niece

  1. Қорытынды. Conclusion.

  • What is the Kazakh equivalent of the word: 'mystery'?

  • What is the Kazakh equivalent of the word: 'niece'?

  • What is the Kazakh equivalent of the word: 'magazine'?

  1. Үйге тапсырма беру. Give and explain homework.

Your homework for tomorrow are follows:

1) Learn by heart the new words and memorize their meaning

2) Read the text and translate them into Kazakh. Write your translation in your copybook.

  1. Бағалау. Give remarks.

Those with the most participation during the lesson will receive a high mark.

  1. The end of the lesson.

Very good job! Let us give ourselves a warm applause. Yehey! That ends our lesson. Thank you for your participation. Do you have any questions? Good bye, class.


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