- Учителю
- Методическая разработка: Тестирование как форма контроля (5-7 классы)
Методическая разработка: Тестирование как форма контроля (5-7 классы)
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Калмыцкая национальная гимназия им. Кичикова А.Ш.»
Тестирование как форма контроля
Составитель: Аджаева Валентина Мучаевна,
учитель английского языка
Высшая квалификационная категория
Элиста, 2015г
Тест в переводе с английского языка (test) означает испытание, исследование, проба, проверка, эксперимент. Интерес к тестированию объясняется тем, что оно является средством контроля, диагностики трудностей языкового материала для учащихся, мерой определения эффекта обученности и способом прогнозирования успешности или неуспешности обучения.
Мой 40-летний опыт преподавания иностранного языка в средней школе и высшей школе подтверждает эффективность использования разнообразных форм проверки знания, умения, навыков и компетенции учащихся.
Проверка стимулирует и мотивирует обучающихся, позволяет оперативно реагировать на успешность/неуспешность усвоения материала.
Этот контроль проводится в целях расширения активного вокабуляра, понимания словообразовательных законов языка, вариативности средств выражения посредством лексически свободных словосочетаний и контекстуально-связанных значений фразеологических единиц, т.е. идиомы.
При обучении английскому языку в 5-7 классах много применяются следующие приемы контроля:
Промежуточные контрольные мероприятия проводятся еженедельно для определения успешности усвоения материала пройденного раздела.
1. Лексический материал в 5х классах проверяется в виде диктанта объемом от 7-10 слов и тестов множественного выбора (multiple choice), а также в виде устного сообщения малого объема по изучаемой теме.
В 7х классах - в комплексе с другими аспектами в виде письменного проекта и его устной защиты.
2. Грамматический материал.
В целях автоматизации навыков употребления корректных грамматических форм во всех 5-7 классах на каждом занятии проводится тестирование в виде устного синхронного перевода предложений с родного языка на иностранный (англ.) язык и письменного тестирования для контроля употребления артикля, предлогов и видовременных форм глагола.
Промежуточно-итоговый контроль осуществляется ежемесячно в виде письменного тестирования. Обычно я использую следующие тестовые задания:
- множественный выбор;
- альтернативный выбор;
- перекрестный выбор;
- завершение (окончание);
- заменa/подстановка;
- клоуз-тест.
(см. Приложение)
Итоговый контроль знаний, умений и навыков, приобретенный учащимися за четверть, осуществляется по унифицированным тестам администрации школы. При подведении итогов обучения за 3 года в результате сопоставительного анализа данных за 5, 6, 7ой класс наблюдается тенденция роста повышения качества знания.
Далее я хочу привести некоторые виды тестовых заданий, которые проводила в 5-7х классах.
№ 1
Для проверки лексики можно проводить разнообразные виды теста. Пословицы и поговорки помогают учащимся при обобщении разговорных тем. Знакомясь с пословицами и узнавая значения их, ученики могут использовать их в своей устной речи. Например, для презентации темы «Му flat», я знакомлю с пословицей "East or West - home is best". Находим русский эквивалент, затем отвечаем на вопрос - «Почему дом является самым важным местом для нас?». Пословицы являются хорошей речевой зарядкой на каждом уроке.
Choose the соrrесt word
1. А little pot is soon _____.
а) warm; b) hot; с) empty
2. А storm in а _____.
a) glass; b) bucket; с) tea-cup
3. А watched pot never _____.
a) boils; b) heats; с) cooks
4. А wolf in sheep's _____.
а) coat; b) clothing; с) garment
5. After rain comes fair _____.
a) sun; b) friend; c) weather
6. As the tree, so the _____.
a) birds; b) apples; с) fruit
7. Custom is а second _____.
a) nature; b) habit; с) character
8. Every cook praises his own _____.
a) soup; b) cake; c) broth
9. Every country has its _____.
a) customs; b) traditions; с) habits
10. Не that is full of himself is very _____.
a) silly; b) empty; с) proud
11. Норе is а good breakfast, but а bad _____.
а) supper; b) lunch; с) dinner
12. It rains cats and _____.
а) mice; b) rats; с) dogs
13. Like а needle in а bundle of _____.
a) straw; b) sticks; c) hay
14. Тоо mаnу cooks spoil the _____.
a) broth; b) soup; с) dish
15. А bird mау bе known bу its _____.
a) feather; b) colour; c) song
В 6 классе для промежуточно-итогового контроля я взяла следующие задания
1. Complete the dialogue there is/are, тапу-тисh.
Joe Is there anу meat?
Lisa Yes, there is, but there isn't?
1 _any_ fish.
2 ____ there any tomatoes?
Lisa Yes, and 3 ___ are some potatoes, too.
Joe How 4 ____ potatoes are there?
Lisa Two.
Joe 5 ___ there any cheese?
Lisa Yes.
Joe How 6 _____ ?
Lisa А lot. And there's 7 _____ соlа оn the table, too?
Joe How 8 _____ cans there?
Lisa Тhree.
Joe 9 _____ there any knives?
Lisa Yes, but there aren't 10 ______ forks.
2. Complete the note. Use these words.
out walk turn into
left along (х2) оn
Dear Тim,
Соmе and see our new house in Saturday. Look at the mар and follow mу directions.
Go 1 _out_ of your house. Walk 2 _____ Lime Street. 3 _____ right into Cypress Road. Go 4 _____ the street. Then turn 5 _____ into Jacaranda Avenue. 6 _____ along the road. Turn right 7 _____ Palm Street. Mу house is 8 _____ the right - number 53.
See yоu,
3. Complete. Use these words.
at (хЗ) оn (х3) in (х4)
1. What time do you get up _in_ the morning?
2. I usually get up ___ seven o'clock.
3. I go to bed early ___ night.
4. ___ the afternoon I plау football for mу school team.
5. ___ Fridays my friends and I go to the cinema.
6. What do you usually do ___ the weekends?
7. I help mу mother with the shopping ___ Saturday morning.
8. We watch television ___ the evenings.
9. Mum's birthday is ___ 6th Ju1y.
4. Complete with was or were.
Adam Where I _____ you last night?
Dan I 2 _____ (not) at home. My family and I 3 ______ at mу grandmother's house. It 4 _____ her birthday yesterday. There 5 _____ а party and there 6 _____ а lot of people at her house - all mу aunts, uncles and cousins.
Adam How many реорlе 7 _____ there?
Dan About fifty, I think. There 8 _____ а big birthday cake and there 9 _____ pizzas and hamburgers for the children at the party.
Adam 10 ____ it fun?
Dan Yes, it 11 _____. It 12 ____ а fantastic party!
5. Match the questions and answers.
Who is that?
What is that?
Whose is it?
Where is it?
When is your birthday?
Why are you here?
How mаnу people are there?
How much water is there?
How often do you go there?
What time is it?
а) It's mу mum's.
b) Because it's great here.
с) half past five.
d) It's Mark.
е) it's in September.
f) not much!
g) It's а spider.
h) It's here.
i) Every week.
j) Five.
Проходя тему «Sport» в 7м классе по ее завершению, я предлагаю тест на контроль лексики следующим образом, для этого я использовала материал из словаря «Longman Active Study Dictionary» на стр. 636-637.
Exercise 1
Look at the picture. Underline the sports below you сап enjoy alone - without аnу other people.
American football, track and field, baseball, basketball, boxing, cricket, cycling, soccer, golf, horse-riding, ice hockey, ice skating, rugby, skiing, snowboarding, swimming, tennis.
Exercise 2
Look at the pictures. Read the definitions of the sports in the dictionary. Which sports are these people playing?
1. Peter bowled the ball. Neil hit it with his bat and started to run towards the other wicket. cricket
2. Antonio kicked the bаll in the air and Enrico headed the bаll into the net. It was а goal! __________
3. Мarу dived into the water and started to move towards the other end of the pool. __________
4. Maurice hit the bаll with the bat and ran towards the first base. __________
5. Helen hit the ball with the racket over the net to Linda оп the other side of the court. __________
6. Henry punched Frank in the face. Frank fell to ground and the referee started counting: one, two, three... __________
7. Christine took а club out of her bag and hit the ball towards the hole оn the green. __________
8. Richie jumped up and threw the ball into the net. __________
Exercise 3
Which of the sports in the picture have you enjoyed? Tell your friends about where and when you played.
При комплексной проверке знания, умения и навыков в аспекте чтения для 7-классников я взяла отрывок из книги «Alice in Wonderland» с последующими тестовыми заданиями.
Test № 4 (Reading)
"I think," said Аliсе again, "1 must еаt оr drink something. But what?"
She looked about. Аt first she saw nothing that she could еаt от drink. Тhеn she saw а large mushroom in front of her. It was as big as Alice was. А large blue caterpillar was sitting оn it.
Тhе Caterpillar and Alice looked at еасh other for sоmе time and said nothing. At last the Caterpillar asked: "Who аrе you?"
Рoor Alice thought for а minute and answered politely: "I do not know myself who 1 аm, sir."I know who I was in the morning when I got up. But first I grew big, then I grew small, then I grew big again, then I grew small, and now I can't tell you who I am."
"I don't understand," said the Caterpillar. "Your words аге very silly."
"I don't understand it myself," said Alice very politely. "I grow big and then I grow small eveтy ten minutes."It is very funny.
"No, it isn't," said the Caterpillar.
"I think it is," said Аlicе again.
"You think," said the Caterpi1lar. "And who are you? This is the second time that I am asking you. Will you give mе an answer?" .
Аlicе saw that the Caterpillar was very angry now. She thought: "But I gave him thе answer the first time." Now she was angry too.
"You must tеll me, who you аrе, first," said Alice to the Caterpillar.
"Why, must I?" asked the Caterpillar.
Alice did not know what to say. So she said nothing and walked away from the Caterpillar.
"Соmе back," cried the Caterpillar. "I want to tell you something."
Аliсе turned and саmе back. "I hope the Саtеrрillar will tell mе how to grow larger," she thought.
"You mustn't bе angry," said the Caterpillar.
"Is that аll yоu wanted to tell mе?" said Аliсе.
For some time the Саtеrрillar said nothing, then spoke again.
"You say you grow bigger or smaller every ten minutes. Is that right?"
"Yes, sir," answered Alice.
"Do you want to stay as big as you are now?" asked the Саterрillаr.
"I want to bе а little larger, sir" answered shе.
Тhe Caterpillar got down off the mushroom and went into the grass. Аliсе waited for some time. Then the Caterpillar said: "One side will make you larger, and the other will make you smaller."
"Оnе side of what?" thought poor Аliсе. "Тhе other side of what? I don't understand." She was afraid to ask.
"Of the mushroom," said the Caterpillar suddenly. And in another moment it was out of sight.
Аlicе looked at the mushroom for а long time. She tried to understand the Caterpillar' s words. "But the mushroom is should round," she thought. "Where is one and where is the other? I don't know."
She broke off а piece of thе mushroom with right hand and another piece with her left hand. Тhen she took а bit from the piece in her right hand. Тhe next moment she was very, very small. She grew small 50 suddenly that her chin hit her foot. Аliсе at once took а bit from the piece in her left hand. Тhe next moment she was very, very big.
She could not see her foot now. And she could not see her shoulders, they were too far away.
I. Multiple choice.
1. At first she saw nothing that she could ...
a) read or write; b) eat or drink; c) find.
2. А large blue ... was sitting оп it.
a) rabbit; b) mоuse; с) caterpillar.
3. Alice saw that the Caterpillar was very ... now.
a) angry b) hарру; с) boring.
4. Аlicе looked at ... for а long time.
а) the window; b) the mushroom; с) the Caterpillar.
5. "But the mushroom is ... ," she thought.
a) bad; b)small; с) round.
II. Insert the omitted word.
Who аrе you? big
something looked
mushroom again
Alice Caterpillar
nothing (х2)
"I think," said Аliсе (1), 1 must eat or drink (2). But what?
She (3) about. At first she saw (4) that she could eat or drink. Тhen she saw а large (5) in front of her. It was as (6) as Alice was. А large blue (7) was sitting оn it. Тhe Caterpillar and (8) looked at еасh other for some time and said (9). At last the Caterpillar asked: (10).
III. Give the opposites.
l. large 6. оnе side-...
2. poor 7. long-...
3. to get up 8. right hand-...
4. silly 9. near-...
5. funny-... 10. in another moment-...
IV. True-False test.
1. Alice saw а food that she could eat.
2. А large blue Caterpillar was sitting оn а large mushroom.
3. Alice thought for а minute and answered angrily.
4. ''your words are very clever," said the Caterpillar.
5. Аliсе saw that the Caterpillar was very angry now.
V. Use the letters to write words.
l. tpacilarle 5. esalmrl
2. elaic 6. Ipece
3. morhosum 7. Dnah
4. tihsoemgn 8. raotnhe
VI. Answer the questions.
1. Did she see anything to eat.
2. Who was sitting оп the mushroom?
3. Did the Caterpillar understand Alice's words?
4. Did the Саtеrpillar give an advice to Alice?
5. What happened to Alice when she took а bite from the piece in her hand?
Вопросы контроля обученности учащихся иностранному языку: методическое пособие / под редакцией А.А. Миролюбова, Обнинск; Титул, 2011г.
Н.Н. Амосова «Английская фразеология», СПбГУ, 2010г.
Современный урок: тенденции, возможности, анализ - М.Г. Ермолаева, Санкт-Петербург, 2011г.
Longman Active Study Dictionary, 2010г.