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  • План по английскому языку Our School

План по английскому языку Our School

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Date: ________________

</<font size="4">Grade: 3

Theme: Our school.

Aims: acquaintance with the rules of reading letters aw [ᴐ:] and ew [ju:]

Development of listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Acquaintance with new words, ordinal numerals.

Visual aids: cards, CD.

Lesson Procedure.

  1. Organization moment

  2. Greeting.

  • Hello, children!

  • Hello, teacher!

  • How are you?

  • We are fine!

  1. Warm up.

  • What is your name?

  • My name is ….

  • How old are you

  • I'm ….

  • Where are you from?

  • I'm from Kazakhstan….

  • What time do you get up?

  • ….

The rule of reading of the letters aw [ᴐ:] and ew [ju:]

  1. ex.1, p. 40.

aw [ᴐ:] [ju:]









Ex. 2, p. 40/ ex. 3, p. 12

- You must the ticked words in the book with a pencil. Then write ticked words in the exercise 3.

  1. Remember.

1st - the first

2nd - the second

3rd - the third

4th - the fourth

5th - the fifth

6th - the sixth

7th -the seventh

8th -the eighth

9th - the ninth

10th -the tenth.

Listen and repeat. Ex. 4, p. 41.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

  1. Ask and answer.

Ademy Bobby Kanat Adil Asem Masha Kate Vova Liza Abai.

first first

second second

third third

fourth fourth

fifth fifth

Who is the sixth ? …. is the sixth

seventh seventh

eighth eighth

ninth ninth

tenth. tenth

  1. New words: ex6, p. 42 (CD # 30)

Listen, point and repeat.







  1. Listen a4

  2. read.

Ex.7, p. 42. (CD # 31).

Our school is big and green. It has got three floors. On the first floor there is a big hall and canteen. On the second floor there is a big computer room, a Kazakh language room and classroom. On the third floor there is a music room and a big light library. We can read books there after classes.

  1. Summing up.

  2. Home task: ex. 8, p. 43.

  • The lesson is over! Good bye!


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