• Учителю
  • Урок английского языка в 7 классе

Урок английского языка в 7 классе

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Урок-конференция английского языка «Англоговорящиестраны» разработан в рамках учебно-методического комплекса  «Еnjoy English» для 7-го класса общеобраз. учрежд. авторов М.З.Биболетовой иН.Н.Трубаневой. Одним из действенных способоворганизации речевого взаимодействия на ур
предварительный просмотр материала




муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 3 г.Хвалынск


с ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ИКТ для 7-го класса

общеобразовательной школы

на тему:


(по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой, Н.Н.Трубаневой

"Enjoy English" для 7-го класса общеобраз.учрежд. -

Обнинск: Титул, 2012.


Учитель английского языка

высшей квалификационной категории

МОУ СОШ №3 г. Хвалынска

Суровягина Светлана Владимировна

Хвалынск -2014 г.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент (1мин)

- Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you. Today we shall find out what English-speaking people think about their countries. Today we'll be the participants of the International Conference.

Учитель приветствует учащихся и сообщает, что сегодня они будут участвовать в международной конференции англоговорящих стран и узнают, что думают жители о своих странах.

II. Речевая разминка (4 мин)

At first I'd like you to answer my questions:

  • What languages do you speak?

  • What the most frequently languages in the world do you know?

  • Why do you think English is popular all over the world?

  • Why is it important to learn English nowadays?

  • Why do you learn English?

  • What English-speaking countries can you name?

Учитель активизирует учащихся вопросами об английском языке и англоговорящих странах.

III. Фонетическая разминка (4 мин)

It's time to practice today's vocabulary. Let's read some English words from the blackboard. Can you read and translate them?

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к словам на экране (проецируются с помощью проектора). Ученики читают слова хором за учителем и индивидуально, переводят их, затем называют прилагательные, существительные и глаголы:

advanced financial official

powerful melting pot to consist

to share to occupy population

to be shortened a maple tree island

to be mixed to stretch important

emblem real to be called

IV. Активизация изученного материала по теме «Англоговорящие страны» (12 мин)

We have been learning English for six years. I am sure you know different facts about English-speaking countries. Work in groups of four and discuss the questions, use the map from the blackboard.

Учитель предлагает обсудить в группах вопросы, касающиеся англоговорящих стран. Затем от каждой группы по одному ученику выходят к доске, показывают на политической карте мира англоговорящие страны (the UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia) и рассказывают о странах по вопросам (вопросы проецируются на экран с помощью мультимедийного проектора):

  • What are the English-speaking countries?

  • What are their capitals?

  • Are there any other languages spoken in those countries? What are they?

  • What do you know about traditions in these countries?

Now, children, look at the pictures on the screen and say with which countries they are associated.

Учитель проводит видео-викторину с использованием слайдов (флаги и эмблемы, достопримечательности и виды англоговорящих стран), учащиеся говорят, с какой страной ассоциируется тот или иной слайд (см. презентацию Quiz "Do you know English-speaking countries?" )

V. Физкультминутка (1мин)

VI. Введение новой страноведческой информации (15 мин)

  • So, you have learned that English is the first language in the UK, in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But English is the official language in many other countries in different continents. We shall learn more about these countries today. Now, children, you are welcome to the International Conference about English-speaking countries. Let's choose some experts to express there opinion.

Учащиеся рассаживаются за столы по группам, представляющим разные англоговорящие страны: The Republic of Ireland (Europe), India (Asia), Jamaica (America), South Africa (Africa). (см. презентации учащихся). Каждая группа рассказывает о своей стране с показом презентации, затем отвечает на вопросы зрителей (учащиеся другой группы или параллельного класса). Независимые эксперты из класса оценивают презентации и выступления групп: «самая интересная презентация», «самая оригинальная презентация», «самая подробная презентация» и т.д.

Примерные рассказы учащихся:


Pupil 1: Hello! I'm from Ireland. Irish name of my country is Eire. It occupies five-sixths of the island of Ireland in North-Western Europe. It was a part of the UK till 1949, when Ireland became a republic.

Pupil 2: The capital is Dublin. Total area is 70,273 square kilometers. The population is 4,460,000 people. Official languages are Irish and English. They are both taught at school.

Pupil 3: Ireland has a temperate oceanic climate, mild with temperature not much lower than -3C in winter and not much higher than 22C in summer. Welcome to our green and lovely country!


Pupil 4: Hello! I'm from Jamaica, an island nation which is situated in the Caribbean Sea. It is the third largest island in the Caribbean. Total area is 11,100 square km. Kingston is Jamaica's capital and the largest city.

Pupil 5: Population is 2,825,928 people, it mainly consists of people of African origin. Official language is English. National language is Jamaican Patois. The climate of the country is tropical with hot and humid weather. It is a good place for rest.

Pupil 6: Though a small nation, Jamaica is rich in culture, especially music. Bob Marley, the most famous reggae musician is from Jamaica. I think my country is the best place to live in.


Pupil 7: Hello! I'm from India. The Republic of India is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second most populous country in the world. The capital is Delhi.

Pupil 8: There are a lot of nationalities in India. Official languages are Hindi, with the largest number of speakers, and English which is used in business, administration and education.

Pupil 9: Himalayas are the planet's highest mountains. Lotus is the national flower of India. Indian music and dance are very original and beautiful, Indian films are very popular. The climate is tropical in the North and subequatorial in the South. The temperature is never lower than 15C.


Pupil 10: Good morning! I'm from the South African Republic. It is a country at the Southern tip of the continent of Africa. The capital is Pretoria. The largest cities are Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.

Pupil 11: South Africa is a nation of more than 50 million people of different origins, cultures and languages. The most of the population are African or black. English is mostly spoken language, but there are also eleven languages spoken in the country.

Pupil 12: The climatic zones vary from the deserts in the North-west to the tropical in the East. There are a lot of flowering plants but very little forests.

Примерные вопросы зрителей:

  • What are the most interesting sights in India?

  • Is there as much rain in Ireland as in Britain?

  • Who is the head of the state of Jamaica?

  • Is South Africa rich in animals?

VII. Тренировка навыков монологической речи (7 мин)

Учитель подводит итоги конференции:

- So, children, tell us which English-speaking countries you'd like to visit and why. Give your reasons.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос (4-5 человек).

Примерные ответы:

Pupil 1: I'd like to visit the United Kingdom, because I'd like to communicate with English-speaking people and to improve my English. I also want to see London's sights: Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, London's museums and parks.

Pupil 2: My dream is to visit an island state Australia, which is called "the Lucky Country". I'd like to see kangaroos and Australian's lovely animal koala. I like animals very much.

Pupil 3: I'd like to see New Zealand because it's a very interesting country. It is unusual that when it is winter in Russia, it's summer in New Zealand. I'd like to swim in the ocean on New Years Day.

Pupil 4: I think all the English-speaking countries are interesting, but I'd like to visit India. I like Indian music and dances. I think the Indians are very beautiful and original people. And I'd like to see giant elephants.

Pupil 5: I'd like to visit the United States because it's the most powerful and advanced country in the world. It's a real melting pot. You can meet and communicate with people of many nationalities. I'd like to find out the differences between British and American English.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока (1 мин)

Учитель благодарит участников конференции за выступления и объявляет оценки за урок.

- They say so many countries so many customs. But English-speaking countries have a lot in common. All people speak one language. If you know English well, you can communicate with people in many countries. Thank you for your work at the lesson.

Mind the clock and keep the rule:

Try to come in time to school. Good-bye, boys and girls!

Домашнее задание: написать заметку в журнал об одной из англо-говорящих стран.


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