- Учителю
- конспект урока по теме 'FAUNA OF OUR EARTH'
конспект урока по теме 'FAUNA OF OUR EARTH'
Цілі: практична - узагальнити і закріпити лексико-граматичний
матеріал за темою; удосконалити усно-мовленнєві вміння учнів;
освітня - розширити кругозір учнів у межах теми;
розвиваюча - розвивати вміння учнів здійснювати мовленнєву діяльність, розвивати наполегливість у праці.
виховна - виховувати допитливість, спостережливість, увагу; заохочувати до пошуку нових знань, виховувати вміння працювати в колективі.
Тип уроку: комбінований урок
Методично-дидактичне забезпечення уроку: Science PACEs, "Dijest", Vasilyeva M. A. "Phonetics","Английские пословицы". Основні терміни: wild ancestors, a pack, coyotes, jackals, vertebrates, warm-blooded, herbivores, carnivores, mammals.
Обладнання - роздатковий матеріал, малюнки тварин.
The first task will be the following. We shall characterize consonants first.
What consonants do we have in English? (Occlusive, plosive, sonant, affricate, fricative, constrictive consonants.) Well, and now let's guess some words. You should listen to the definitions of the sounds and guess them, and then compose a word.
1) Start
[s] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, constrictive, voiceless, fricative,
[t] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, occlusive, plosive, voiceless,
2) Flatter
[f ]- labial, labio-dental, constrictive, fricative, voiceless
[1] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, constrictive, sonant.
[t] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, occlusive, plosive, voiceless,
3) Sun
[s] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, constrictive, voiceless, fricative
[n] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, constrictive, sonant
And now let's guess a proverb.
I'll characterize sounds & you should figure out them. If we have the same sound, I'll open them too.
A little bird whispered to me.
[m] - labial, bilabial, occlusive, sonant.
[w] - labial, bilabial, constructive, sonant.
[d] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, occlusive, plosive, voiced.
[t] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, occlusive, plosive, voiceless
[1] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, constrictive, sonant.
[p] - labial, bilabial, occlusive, plosive, voiceless.
[b] - labial, bilabial, occlusive, plosive, voiced
[s] - lingual, forelingual, alveolar, constrictive, fricative.
Well, you did the task perfectly well. So, and now try to explain it. How do you understand the proverb?
(Children explain their understandings)
II. The next task will be the following.
I'll give you a piece of paper for each of you.
You should look through the text. Then we shall read it tor our guests to enjoy it, it's very funny. And then you will find all phonetic phenomena in it. Be very attentive. There are a lot of them there. But first of all let's pay attention to unknown words in the text.
to bandage - перевязывать, бинтовать
a drainpipe - дренажная труба
III. Today we shall speak about our animals, about our pets.
Do you have pets at home?
What pets do you have?
What habits does your pet have?
Do you allow your pet to do everything?
Is it naughty or well-bred?
What makes it to be naughty/well-bred?
Who teaches your pet?
Can a dog or a cat be well-bred without teaching?
Can your pet do some usual things without being taught?
How do animals understand us?
Does your pet have feelings? Can a dog feel something?
How does it show them?
We can study the dogs' behavior looking at these pictures. We can guess what our dog wants to tell us if it has an ability to speak as 'people do.
Have you ever thought about the connection between our pets & those wild dogs which lived many years ago? Do they have something in common? Yes, they do.
In many ways, dogs act like their wild ancestors. They sniff around because their ancestors used their senses of smell to find prey. They chase and retrieve because this is how wild dogs learned hunting skills. And they show affection to their pack - the human family. When you come from school, does your dog ran to greet you? When your family goes out, does your dog howl? These actions can be traced to the lives led by its wild ancestors -and the lives led today by its close relatives (wild dogs, wolves, coyotes & jackals).
In the wild, wolves often work as a team and hunt in packs. When a dog lives with a human family, the family takes the place of the pack. Your dogs run for you when you come home because it's greeting you as a pack member. The dog worries when it if left along, and it howls in the hope that its "pack" will hear and answer - just as wolves do when they are separated. So, even the traits that make dogs so friendly and affectionate are related to natural instincts.
IV. You know besides our domestic animals we also have different kinds of wild animals. They live in forests, rivers, steps, seas, oceans.
What kind of animals do you know?
You may look at the blackboard. Probably the schedule will help you.