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- Сценарий сказки Приключения Пиноккиона празднике Букваря в 1-б классе
Сценарий сказки Приключения Пиноккиона празднике Букваря в 1-б классе
Alisa and Bazilio
Good Fairy (Flora)
Scene I
(Звучит мелодия Санта Лючия .Карло в своей мастерской с инструментами в руках рассказывает…)
Carlo: My name is Carlo. I have no children. I 'm a carpenter. I make toys and dolls. This is my new doll. He is a small boy. His name is Pinocchio. He has a round face, small, eyes, a big mouth, two ears and a long nose. But he is a doll: he cannot walk, he cannot talk, he cannot see, he cannot hear, he cannot jump, he cannot run! Oh, I'm tired. It's time to go to bed. Good night, Pinocchio.
Good Fairy: Good Evening! I am a Good Fairy! My name is Flora.
Now you are a boy.
You can talk, you can walk,
You can run, you can jump,
You can see, you can hear!
Happy Birthday!..Good bye , Pinocchio!
Scene II
Pinocchio: Good morning!
Carlo: Good morning!
Pinocchio: Look! I can walk, I can talk, can see, I can hear, I can jump, I can run! I can do a lot of fun!
Carlo: Oh, I have a son. Hello, Pinocchio! I'm your Father.
Pinocchio: I am a little boy, My name 's Pinocchio!
I am a little boy, My name 's Pinocchio!
I am a little boy, My name 's Pinocchio!
A little boy!
Carlo: My dear son! It's time to go to school! Take your book and two golden coins! Good bye and be careful, Pinocchio!
Scene III
Alisa and Bazilio: Look! He has gold!...(They come to Pinocchio.)Hello! What's your name?
Pinocchio: Hello! I am Pinocchio! And who are you?
Alisa and Bazilio: We'll better sing for you!
What an amazing day today!
Yes, we are very wise and brave!
We are not foolish, we are gay,
And everything will be OK!
Pinocchio! Be our friend!
Pinocchio: All right!
Alisa and Bazilio: Let's go!(They take Pinocchio to the field.) This is a Magic Field!
Do you have golden coins?
Pinocchio: Yes, I do!
Alisa and Bazilio: Dig it and tomorrow you will have a golden tree!
Pinocchio: Fantastic!!! ( He digs his money.)
Alisa and Bazilio: All right! You are tired! Sleep Pinocchio!(They take money and run away.) Quick! Run!
Pinocchio:(Pinocchio wakes up.) Oh, no! They stole my money! Anyway, I should go to school. Scene IV
Malvina: (Pinocchio meets Malvina at school.) Hello, I'm Malvina! I have a letter for you!
Pinocchio: But I can't read.
Malvina: (I'll read for you. She reads to herself.)
Oh, Pinocchio, your father is in trouble! He is inside the whale. You must help him! Run, Pinocchio.
. Scene V
Pinocchio:(He runs, dives into the ocean and a whale gulps him down.Звучит музыка:шторм моря, плеск волн и крик чаек ) Father, Father, where are you?
Carlo: I'm here, my son! We are in trap! Help me!
Pinocchio: Be quiet, Father! I'll help you!(He lights a fire and the whale spits out Pinocchio and Carlo.)
Carlo: You've saved me! Thank you my dear son! I'm so happy!
Good Fairy: You are a hero, Pinocchio! Now you have real eyes, a real nose, a real mouth, real ears, real arms and legs! Now you are a real boy!
Pinocchio: Hurray!(Все участники выходят на сцену и исполняют песню на немецком языке Mary_Roos-Pinocchio_German_Intro(supamusic.net)
Kleines Puppchen, freches Bubchen,
Wo hat man dich zuletzt geseh'n.
Du wolltest doch zur Schule geh'n,
Was ist geschehen?
Kleines Puppchen, freches Bubchen,
Die Welt ist gross und du bist klein.
Du kannst noch nicht alleine sein,
Sieh das doch ein.