- Учителю
- Факультативное занятие по английскому языку для 4 класса «Семья Маугли»
Факультативное занятие по английскому языку для 4 класса «Семья Маугли»
Тема: Mowgli's family.
Тип урока: комбинированный урок с применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий, с элементами игровых технологий и компьютерной презентацией материала " Mowgli's family ".
Цель: совершенствовать навыки чтения и устной речи по изученной теме, умение подготовить связное высказывание по теме.
Обучающие: совершенствовать навыки изучающего чтения; совершенствовать лингвистическую и речевую компетенцию для выражения собственного мнения путем обобщения единичных знаний по теме в систему; совершенствовать языковую компетенцию учащихся.
Развивающие: создавать условия для развития навыков коммуникативной интуиции и воображения при моделировании ситуаций общения; способствовать развитию внимания, слуховой и зрительной памяти; совершенствовать у учащихся умения и навыки работы в парах.
Воспитывающие: создать условия для привития семейных ценностей; способствовать воспитанию культуры и потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах жизни.
Оборудование и материалы:
1.Английский язык: учеб. Пособие для 3-го класса учреждений, обеспечивающих получение общего среднего образования с русским и белорусским языками обучения с углубленным и повышенным уровнями изучения иностранного языка/Н.М. Седунова (и др.). - Минск: Аверсэв, 2013.
2.Звуковое пособие - audio guide (Magic Box3)
3.интерактивная доска.
4.раздаточный материал.
5. презентация «Mowgli's family».
Ход урока
Организационно-мотивационный момент.
Приветствие. Беседа с дежурными.
-Good afternoon!
-Good afternoon to you, we're glad to see you!
-I'm glad to see you too.
How are you?
What day is it today? Who is absent?
Подводящий к теме диалог. Определение темы урока.
- So guys. You know, yesterday I went to the cinema and watched a very interesting cartoon "Mowgli". But my friend Lena couldn't come with me, so now she's sad, because she missed this cartoon. So Lena needs help, and I suppose you can help her. Have you ever seen this cartoon? Did you like it?
So let's watch, listen and read this cartoon once again together and try to make a summary of the story and tell it to Lena. Are you ready? Will we help my friend?
II. Речевая зарядка.
Работа с видеофрагментом с целью извлечения заданной информациии и контролем понимания посредством интерактивной доски.
Let's start with the main characters of our cartoon. While watching this video fragment you should remember the names of the heroes and write them under the pictures on the board and tell who they are.
(Слайд2, 3)
- Ok, good job!
1. Предтекстовый этап. До прослушивания (Pre-Listening stage). Работа с интерактивной доской по сопоставлению тематической лексики с иллюстрациями.
a. работа с лексическими единицами по теме.
To do the next task we should learn some new words. So look at the board and try to guess their meaning. (Слайд4)
Let's practice our words and fill them in the gaps in our next exercise. (Слайд5)
b. Работа с аудио материалом (While-Listening stage).
Now I'll give you sheets of papers with sentences. You're to listen to this story and tell If these sentences are true or false. (Слайд6)
2. Текстовый этап. После прослушивания (After-Listening stage).
Now let's read our story and check your suggestions. (Слайд6)
Ok, good job!
3. Послетекстовый этап.
Работа с раздаточным материалом
a. Continue our work. To collect the information about this cartoon we should do another exercise. We've got sentences and your task is to choose the right variant. (Слайд7)
Yes! Great job!!! So, guys, I suppose you're tired. Let's have a rest and dance a little! Stand up, please. (Слайд8)
b. The next task is to make sentences about our heroes. Look at the board and match parts together. (Слайд 9) (Приложение1)
c. Работа в парах
Let's recollect a little part of our story - the dialogue between the tiger and the wolves. So, the next task is to put the sentences in the correct order to make this dialogue and act it out. (Слайд 10 ) (Приложение2)
d. Let's have fun. I've got a riddle! Let's read it and guess. (Слайд 11)
Now your turn to make up your riddles (Слайд 12)
V. Говорение.
So, today we've read, listened and watched a famous cartoon "Mowgli". We've learnt the information about the main heroes, their life and emotions. Let's summarize all facts and make a little story about Mowgli's life and tell it to my friend. You may use HELP BOX for this exercise. (Слайд 13)
VI. Подведение итогов урока.
So, our lesson is going to the end. Think over it and answer: Was it difficult for you? Was everything clear? Was it interesting or boring? Are you happy or tired? On the board you can see the field with stars. If you're tired, put the sticker on this star, if you're happy - on this one, if now you know a lot - this star is for you, if the lesson was interesting and fun, put your stickers on this one.
2. Выставлениеотметокучащимся.
-Thank you for your work/being active. The lesson is over. Good bye.
Приложение 1
Make up sentences
Mowgli brave
Mother Wolf is hungry
Father Wolf are strong
The wolf cubs kind
Shere Khan little
Make up sentences
Mowgli brave
Mother Wolf is hungry
Father Wolf are strong
The wolf cubs kind
Shere Khan little
Make up sentences
Mowgli brave
Mother Wolf is hungry
Father Wolf are strong
The wolf cubs kind
Shere Khan little
Make up sentences
Mowgli brave
Mother Wolf is hungry
Father Wolf are strong
The wolf cubs kind
Shere Khan little
Make up sentences
Mowgli brave
Mother Wolf is hungry
Father Wolf are strong
The wolf cubs kind
Shere Khan little
Make up sentences
Mowgli brave
Mother Wolf is hungry
Father Wolf are strong
The wolf cubs kind
Shere Khan little
Приложение 2
Put the sentences in the correct order
__What food?
__He's our child now! Go away!
__I'm hungry. I want my food.
__What's the matter, Shere Khan?
__A man's cub is here. Give it to me!
__The man's cub isn't your food!
Put the sentences in the correct order
__What food?
__He's our child now! Go away!
__I'm hungry. I want my food.
__What's the matter, Shere Khan?
__A man's cub is here. Give it to me!
__The man's cub isn't your food!
Put the sentences in the correct order
__What food?
__He's our child now! Go away!
__I'm hungry. I want my food.
__What's the matter, Shere Khan?
__A man's cub is here. Give it to me!
__The man's cub isn't your food!
Put the sentences in the correct order
__What food?
__He's our child now! Go away!
__I'm hungry. I want my food.
__What's the matter, Shere Khan?
__A man's cub is here. Give it to me!
__The man's cub isn't your food!
Put the sentences in the correct order
__What food?
__He's our child now! Go away!
__I'm hungry. I want my food.
__What's the matter, Shere Khan?
__A man's cub is here. Give it to me!
__The man's cub isn't your food!
Put the sentences in the correct order
__What food?
__He's our child now! Go away!
__I'm hungry. I want my food.
__What's the matter, Shere Khan?
__A man's cub is here. Give it to me!
__The man's cub isn't your food!