- Учителю
- План конспект урока в 3 классе по английскому языку 'Моя школа'
План конспект урока в 3 классе по английскому языку 'Моя школа'
Филиал АО «НЦПК «Өрлеу» ИПК ПР по СКО»
Разработка урока по английскому языку
по теме «My school»
в 3 классе
Учитель английского языка: Аленова Г.Ж.
Петропавловск 2015
План урока английского языка
Класс: 3 «В»
Тема урока: Моя школа / My school
Цели урока:
- Обеспечить в ходе урока закрепление учащимися лексики.
- Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.
- Развивать навыки говорения и чтения.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, ватманы, картинки, маркеры, клей, CD диск.
Ход урока
Steps of the lesson
Org. moment
Good morning dear students. I'm glad to see you.
Good morning,
Good morning
Good morning to you,
Good morning
We are glad to see you
Happy circle
Let's stand in a circle together. You should say a wish to you classmates.
Students say a wish one by one.
Work in a group
Students sit down please, in your small groups.
Students seats on their places
In your groups one person must be a speaker. You should choose him.
Students choose a speaker.
The theme of the lesson
Now say me what's the name of your groups?
Students start to read the name of the groups
Say me: What's our theme of the lesson today? What about we'll speak today?
Student give some variants themes of the lesson.
Have you got
(a game)
Everybody of you take a flashcard with the picture and say what have you got.
Students say what they have got one by one.
Listen the text on CD about school. Be attentive, please.
Students listen the text.
A physical break
My dear students are you tired?
Let's do some physical exercises together.
Students repeat physical exercises
A project
There are lists of paper, some pictures, and words in each group. Every group must do the project about our school but they have own task. The first group describes our school using nouns, the second group descries it using verbs, the third group using adjectives.
Students are working in groups.
Present your projects at the blackboard, please. After presentation two other groups say own opinion about it.
Students present own projects at the blackboard and prepare to say some words.
The end of the lesson
At the end of the lesson we can listen our speakers of every groups. Speakers should say how is working in a group every student?
Speakers speak.
Today you were very active, polite.
Ex 3 p. 29