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- Урок английского языка по теме Trapped in the snow
Урок английского языка по теме Trapped in the snow
Министерство образования и науки ЛНР
ГБОУ Стахановская специализированная школа I-III ступеней им. А.Стаханова
по теме : " Trapped in The Snow" для 7 класса
Учитель : Самотугина В.В.
Стаханов 2013-2014г
Тема : " Trapped in the snow"
Цель : - подготовить учащихся к написанию сочинения-истории с опорой на прослушанный текст; - активизировать употребление в письменной речи слов и выражений по теме; - систематизировать знания грамматического материала (Past Simple; Past Continuous; Past Perfect ) - развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, письма, память, логическое мышление; - воспитывать аккуратность при письме, стойкий интерес к предмету;
Оборудование : картинки, магнитофон, карточки.
Teacher: What day of the week is it today? What day of the week it was yesterday? What was the weather like? Did you have a nice time on Sunday? Did you stay all day at home? What did you do?
1. Checking homework.
Teacher: What's the name of our unit? (A Brush with Danger) What does it mean? (Sometimes people can be involved in extremely dangerous situations but they can find the way to survive and even be unharmed). What did we do previous lesson? What were the stories we read? (The Giant Squid, A Narrow Escape, Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend, My Feathered Hero). Did they narrate a frightening experience?
1. Presenting the topic
Teacher: Today, we are going to write our own story. Look at the pictures on the board. Guess what our story will be about? (about climbers). What words do you associate with the pictures?
2. Brainstorm
Words: climber - альпинист; mountain - гора; steep - крутой; avalanche - лавина, снежный обвал; cave - пещера; rumbling noise - грохот; be trapped - быть в ловушке; entrance - вход; stove - печь; rescuer - спасатель.
3. Words of wisdom
Teacher: Read the sentences. What do they mean? Use the phrases of expressing opinion: I think..; In my opinion..; It seems to me that…; As for me…; I believe…; etc.
Hasty climbers have sudden falls.
Any port in a storm.
It's easy to be wise after the event.
Student 1: I think the most experienced person may make a mistake and mistakes teach us a lot.
Student 2: in my opinion if you do something carelessly or in a hurry, you may make a mistake which has serious result.
Student 3: I believe when you in a trouble or danger it is very important to get help.
Student 4: It seems to me that after we have seen the result of the event it is easy to see what was wrong.
Student 5: As for me it is much more difficult to know what might happen before the event takes place.
4. Listening
Pre-listening task
Teacher: Read the notes and put them into correct order.
While-listening task
Teacher: Listen to the story and check the order. Key answers: 1.B; 2.C; 3.A; 4.E; 5.D
Post-listening task
Teacher: Answer the questions.
1. Who is the story about? 2. Where did the story take place? 3. Were they experienced climbers? 4. Why did they decide to stop? 5. Where did they stop to rest? 6. What did they get from their packs? 7. What did they hear outside the cave? 8. Did the snow and ice start falling? 9. What had happened moments late? 10. Did they radio for help? 11. Did the rescuers arrive three hours or five hours late? 12. How much time did it take them to dig Ian and Bob out of the cave? 13. How did the story finish?
5. Speaking
Teacher: Retell the story using notes and paying attention to the correct forms of the verbs. Use the words: moments late, after that, lately, after what had happened, finally, within seconds, in the end, etc.
</<span>6. Writing
Teacher: when we write a story narrating a frightening
experience we can divide our composition into five paragraphs. In
the first paragraph, we set the scene. We write about who was
involved in the story, when and where it happened, and what
happened first. We continue in the second, third and fourth
paragraphs, writing the events in the order they happened. In the
last paragraph, we write what happened in the end and how the
people in the story felt. We normally use Past tenses in such piece
of writing. Write a composition entitled "Trapped in the Snow"
(120-150 words) using the notes as well as the plan in the cards to
write the story.
(If the composition was not completed in the class, it could be given students as their homework)