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  • Методическая разработка занятия mass media

Методическая разработка занятия mass media

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предварительный просмотр материала

Департамент образования города Москвы

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение



Методическая разработка занятия mass media





Преподаватель английского языка

Вьюшкова Е.А.


Предмет: иностранный язык (английский)

Преподаватель: Вьюшкова Е.А.

Тема занятия: УСТНАЯ ТЕМА "MASS MEDIA" (цепочка уроков по теме)

Вид занятия: комбинированный

Цель занятия: -- ознакомить студентов с лексическими единицами, относящимися к теме

""MASS MEDIA?"",сформировать навык их распознавания и умение применения их в разговорной практике: рассказывать о новостях, составлять рассказы о новостях, уметь составить рейтинг популярных газет и журналов; уметь получить и выявить детальную или основную информацию;

-- ознакомить студентов с формальными признаками и употреблением Present, Past, Future Perfect.

Задачи урока:

Обучающие: 1.ознакомить студентов с фонетической формой изучаемых лексических единиц, 2. развить у студентов умение выражать свою точку зрения по заданной теме на основе изученного языкового материала.

Развивающие: 1.формировать и развивать у студентов учебных умений - понимать и выделять главное, обобщать и дифференцировать.

2.развивать навык языковой догадки.

Воспитательные: 1.развивать у студентов способность формировать свою точку зрения.

2.расширять кругозор студентов.

3.обучение умению вести диалог, умению работать в команде

Практические цели: формирование потребности практического использования английского


Применяемые технологии:

--развитие познавательных интересов;

--личностно-ориентированное обучение;

--коммуникативно-ориентированное обучение;


Организационный момент:

1.Приветствие. Проверка посещаемости.

2.Сообщение целей и задач урока.

3.Проверка знаний обучающихся по теме " Present, Past, Future Perfect.

4.Контроль усвоения грамматического материала.

5.Актуализация новой темы занятия " MASS MEDIA".

6.Введение новых лексических единиц по теме: " Mass Media"

7.Фронтальный опрос.

8.Закрепление лексических единиц на основе текста.

9. Составление монологического высказывания по теме "What is news?"

10. Чтение текста с общим охватом содержания по теме "Newspapers".

11.Самостоятельная работа студентов.

12.Составление монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме " TV or not TV?"

11.Составление диалогов теме "What sort of viewer are you?" («Какой ты зритель?»)

12.Подведение итогов занятия, достижение целей.

13.Объяснение домашнего задания.


Организационный момент. Приветствие. Сообщение целей и задач урока. Проверка посещаемости.

Проверка знаний обучающихся по теме: употребление Present, Past, Future Perfect.

Повторение: употребление Present, Past, Future Perfect: студенты отвечают на вопросы преподавателя, затем по цепочке каждый придумывает свои предложения и примеры.

Контроль усвоения грамматического материала.

Выполнение серии грамматических упражнений по грамматической теме.

Студенты выполняют упражнения, преподаватель контролирует процесс, подходит к каждому и предоставляет соответствующие объяснения и отвечает на вопросы.

По завершении работы преподаватель выводит на экране правильные ответы на задания, сверяет результаты работы студентов и выставляет соответствующие оценки.

Актуализация новой темы занятия " MASS MEDIA".

Введение новых лексических единиц по теме: " MASS MEDIA".

Фронтальный опрос: Преподаватель производит фронтальный опрос лексических единиц. Он называет студентам русские эквиваленты, а студенты должны дать соответствующие аналоги на английском языку, и наоборот.

Закрепление лексических единиц на основе текста.


There are many different ways to get knowledge about our big world. It is travelling and going sightseeing, meeting interesting people, reading books, etc. But one of the best ways of getting new information is mass media. We live today in what has been characterized as a mass-mediated culture, a culture in which the mass media play a key role in both shaping and creating cultural perceptions. The mass media do not simply mirror society. They help to create the very world they purport to cover.

The mass media have done and continue doing much to excite an interest in every aspect of the country's life. The mass media are the various ways by which information and news is given to large numbers of people , especially television, radio, Internet, newspapers and magazines. The mass media now play an important role in shaping our opinion. As a result of these developments mass media eventually emerged and led to the creation of a mass audience, a large collection of people who receive messages that are directed at them not as individuals but rather as a group.

I think it is impossible to imagine our life without newspapers. Millions of copies of them appear every day. Many people subscribe to two or more newspapers: others buy newspapers at the newsstands.

Most newspapers contain news, detailed articles on home and international affairs, reviews of books, art and TV shows. Many of them also cover sports events, give personal advertisements and pieces of advice, and publish horoscopes, weather forecasts, jokes, anecdotes and crossword puzzles.

Most national newspapers express a political opinion, and people choose them according to their political beliefs.

Составление монологического высказывания по теме "What is news?"


What is news? The kind of event that becomes news depends on several factors. When did it happen? To be news it must be immediate and current. What happened? Was the event important? If so, it's news. How and where did it happen? Who did it happen to, and what may happen as a result? The answers to all these questions make up what we call news.

What kind if stories make news? Accidents, murders, awful fires - do only sad events make news? It depends on what is happening on a particular day. At first glance

it may seem that newspapers print more "bad" news than "good" news. On certain bad days that may be true, but

if you look through a typical newspaper, you may be surprised at the amount of good news on its pages.

Events make news because they are out of the ordinary. To most people, a story that describes an unusual happening is far more interesting than one about what's happening and if an important event happens, it's news, good or bad.
















Чтение текста с общим охватом содержания по теме "Newspapers".

Контроль понимания текста при помощи "after questions"



News-stand -- газетный киоск

To entertain -- развлекать

To express -- выражать

To suit -- подходить

Broadsheets -- газета на развернутом листе

Tabloids - малоформатная газета, «бульварное издание»

Local newspapers -- местная газета

Post-box -- почтовый ящик

Advertisement -- реклама

To subscribe -- подписываться

Weekly -- еженедельник, еженедельный

Issue -- выпуск, вопрос

Social issues -- общественные проблемы

Trend -- тенденция

Comment -- комментарий

Daily -- ежедневный

Аdvantage -- преимущество

Substitute -- заменять

Supplement -- приложение


In the past people learnt about news from newspapers. Nowadays people usually learn what is happening in the country and in the world from TV or radio news programmes or from the Internet.

We cannot imagine our life without newspapers. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men, for women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening and for those who keep pets.

Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests.

There are two main types of newspaper: "broadsheets" and "tabloids". Broadsheets are often larger than tabloids, and are "serious" newspapers. They present the news

in detail, and do not have many stories about the private lives of famous people. Tabloids, on the other hand, are much more interested in news and scandals involving stars than they are in serious news. They often have very big headlines, particularly on the front page, and have lots more photographs.

Besides, there are many free local newspapers which are put into your postbox whether you ask for it or not. Probably they are not interesting, because they consist mainly of advertisements, but you can find a lot of useful telephone numbers and addresses there.

TV, radio and the Internet have their advantages but nothing can substitute newspapers.


1. Do you read newspapers regularly?

2. What kind of newspapers do you prefer?

3. Does your family subscribe to any newspaper?

4. What are two main types of newspapers?

5. Do you prefer to read broadsheets or tabloids?

6. What "quality", "broadsheet" newspapers do you


7. What does a "tabloid" mean?

8. Is tabloid press much more popular than the quality


9. Do you follow sports news in newspapers?

10. Do you read reviews of new films and books?

11. Do you like to read articles on politics and finance?

12. Do you read any newspaper in English?

13. Do you look through your local newspaper?

14. Do some newspapers include "colour supplements"?

Самостоятельная работа студентов:




to subscribe












13. viewers



16. entertainment

17. entertaining

18. commercial

1.документальный фильм

2.подписываться( на газеты и т.д.)


3.бульварная газета


5.книга в бумажной обложке

6.колонка (в газете)

7. канал (на TV)


9.текущие события

10.программа (передач)





15. еженедельник

16. развлечение



Choose the right word (1)Choose the right word (2) The _____ said that there had been an earthquake in Chile.

According to the TV ____ there's a thrilling film on Channel five at ten o'clock.

Have you seen the new ____ for soap with that funny dog?

Some people pay for ____ TV and they have a kind of dish on their roof to receive the signal from space.

You can receive hundreds of TV _____ if you have a _____ dish.

Journalists can make mistakes, so don't believe everything you read in the ____ .

TV companies _____ their programmes across the country or even across the world.

Books printed with soft covers are called _______ .

I'm quite interested in _____ affairs and watch the news every day.

Could you pass me the ______ so I can see what time the film starts?

Choose the right word (3)My grandmother always gets all the news over the ____ .

My favourite radio _____ plays non-stop dance music.

3.Where a sport match has spectators, and radio has listeners, television has _____.

4.I don't agree on having _____ films on in the early evening.

5.The _____ sent his two best reporters out to get the story.

6.You have to have a good voice and look serious to be a ____. Most of them are also trained journalists.

7.Wasn't that actress in a ______ for a bank a year ago?

8.We' are thinking of getting _____ TV to receive more programmes.

9.He has made his own _____ for people interested in collecting stamps.

10.There are many free local ______ which are put into

your post-box whether you ask for it or not.

Choose the right word (4)News is _____ at regular intervals and there is discussion of _____ both national and international.

The channels of British television keep people informed about current events, the latest achievements in science and culture and offer some programmes which are both informative and ______.

Our family ______ to some newspapers and the "Book review" magazine.

There is also serious concern about the negative effects of some TV shows in which scenes of ________ are presented.

In London people have a choice between a few TV ______: BBC1 , BBC2 and some commercial _______.

There is a principal difference between the living theatre and the mass ______ of films, radio and TV.

In future there will be some new kinds of _______ much more interesting than TV, radio and newspapers.

The companies just "buy time" to advertise their products and the ____ have to watch advertisements for soap, washing machines, petrol and many other items during the programmes.

He doesn't like ____ newspapers because they're full of gossip and scandal. He prefers more serious papers.

10.Books printed with soft covers are called _______ .

Составление монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме

" TV or not TV?"



Entertainment -- развлечение

Opportunity -- возможность

To educate -- обучать, развивать

Broaden one's mind -- расширять кругозор

Hard day's work -- тяжелый трудовой день

To escape from reality -- уходить от реальности

Documentary --документальный фильм

Feature film -- художественный фильм

Professional skill -- профессиональное мастерство

Waste of time -- бесполезная трата времени

Whatever's on -- чтобы не показывали (по телевизору)

Second-rate -- посредственный, низкосортный

Commercial -- телереклама

Violence -- насилие

To rob -- грабить

To shoot -- стрелять

To poison - отравить, отравлять

Intelligently -- с умом


Whether we realize it or not, TV plays a very important part in our lives.

It's the main source of information and a cheap form of entertainment for millions of people.

It's the window on the world which gives us an opportunity to "travel" all over the world, to "meet" different people and learn about their customs and traditions.

It has the power to educate and broaden our minds.

It helps us to relax after a hard day's work and escape from reality.

There's always a great variety of programmes on TV: news and sports programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances…

Of course, not all programmes are good. But many are made in good taste and with great professional skill.

Some people argue that television is a terrible waste of time. It makes us lazier. We stay at home instead of going out. We read less. We think less. We even talk less.

It's true that some TV addicts spend hours watching whatever's on - from second-rate soap operas to silly commercials.

Violence on TV is another problem that worries people, as TV teaches us "how to kill, to rob, to shoot and to poison".

The same can be said about computer games and many films and books.

And if you don't like a certain programmme, why watch it?

Составление монологического высказывания по теме «TV OR NOT TV

(опора: вопросы к теме)


1. How often do you watch TV?

2. What are your favourite programmes?

3. What is your favouite channel?

4. Why is TV often called "the window on the world"?

5. Do you agree that television has the power to educate?

6. What do you think of commercials? Do they annoy you?

7 . Do you think that there's too much violence on TV?

8. Do you believe that violence on TV may turn people into criminals?

9. Do you use TV intelligently?

Составление диалогов теме "What sort of viewer are you?" («Какой ты зритель?»)


Everyone has a different way of using television. Here are some types of television viewers.

The absent-minded

This type of viewer leaves the TV on all day. In the meantime, he eats, phones, reads or does his homework. For him television is really just background noise for his day.

The addict

He won't give up TV for anything in the world. He watches the programmes in silence, with great concentration. Even during commercials, he won't leave the screen for fear of losing a second of the programme. He usually chooses the programmes he wants to watch very carefully.

The bored

He puts the TV on when he's got nothing better to do.

For him TV is the last resort. He only watches it when it's raining or when he's ill.

Поскольку данный материал охватывает цепочку уроков, то домашнее задание

варьируется от прохождения материала на определенном уроке.


Чтобы скачать данный файл, порекомендуйте его своим друзьям в любой соц. сети.

После этого кнопка ЗАГРУЗКИ станет активной!

Кнопки рекомендации:

загрузить материал