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- Конспект урока по английскому языку 11класс. Роль искусства в жизни человека.
Конспект урока по английскому языку 11класс. Роль искусства в жизни человека.
Манухина Г. В. МБОУ СОШ № 4 муниципального образования городской округ Красноперекопск Республики Крым.
11 класс открытый урок
Тема блока «Success», "Ballet"
Тема урока: Роль искусства в жизни человека
Цель урока:
Актуализировать жизненно-музыкальный опыт обучающихся; проявить интерес обучающихся к искусству, как к ценности национальной и мировой культуры.
Задачи урока:
-актуализация жизненно-музыкального опыта обучающихся;
-выражение личностного отношения к музыке, театру, систематизация знаний об искусстве;
-обобщить понятия классика жанра, стиль эпохи, национальный, индивидуальный.
-обогатить мировосприятие, расширить его спектр, художественный вкус обучающихся; музыкальный кругозор и словарный запас;
- умение выражать свои эмоции и чувства соответственно услышанному и увиденному;
- коммуникативные навыки; развитие слушательской культуры;
- уважение к искусству в целом, разных народов и эпох;
- воспитывать умение работать в коллективе;
Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний;
Методы урока: обобщение, словесный, наглядно-слуховой, анализ, стимулирование творческой деятельности через создание проблемно-поисковой ситуации;
Метапредметные связи: литература, история, искусство, музыка и движение;
Формы организации учебной деятельности: групповая, индивидуальная, коллективная;
Дидактический материал: учебник «Spotlight 11», наглядный материал, фото, фрагменты балета, раздаточный материал;
Оборудование: школьная доска, проектор и экран, компьютер;
Мультимедийное сопровождение: презентация по теме урока;
Ход урока
Организационный момент:
Good morning, my dear friends! I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please. Are you ready for the lesson? Today I'll be your English teacher. My name is G.V.
Pay attention on your desks, you've folders and there are some tips for you.
I'd like to tell some words about myself. I'm from Krasnoperekopsk it is in the north of Crimea. It is an industrial region. Our town is rather small but cosy. It is famous for its Soda Plant, beautiful lakes and of course steppe, which is wonderful in spring and covered with poppies, rapes and wild tulips. Water in our lake is unforgettable, terrific colour and you can see clouds of emerald, azure or sky-blue colours. I hope we'll try to become friends and our lesson will be interesting. I'm sure that every person has a dream or a hobby. Let's speak about it for a couple of minutes. Because you know nothing about me and I know nothing about you. For example, I am keen on travelling and I'm rather risky and adventurous. Maybe that's why I'm here. And one more thing, I love theatre, good music and I like dancing .
(регулятивные УУД; волевые качества)
2. Введение в иноязычную среду.
And what about you? What's your hobby? Can you tell me why people dance?
Who can explain us what a dance is? Who can dance? What dancing styles do you know? Maybe some of you go to a dancing Club. For example, my daughter goes to dancing club "Paradox" and her coach is Liliya Polyak. Have you ever watched TV dancing projects such as "Dancing with the stars" or "Everybody dances!" Can you give me the names of some popular dancers?
Styles: contemporary, break dance, jazz funk, dance- hall, hip-hop, pupping. As for the classic dancing, so there's a music theatre in Simferopol. Have you ever gone to its performances? A couple of months ago my pupils and I came here to watch the ballet "Romeo and Juliet". Have you ever seen any ballet? Do you know what is it?
I hope we'll have an interesting discussion.
3. Постановка темы урока.
We're going to speak about…. what? Look at the screen, please! So you can see a lot of portraits of dancers. I hope there are some students in your class who went to music school and the others to a dancing club. Am I right? Raise your hands, please. Oh, I see! And now look at the blackboard and tell me please, do you know these people? Who are they? By the way, some of them are our contemporaries.
Yes, you are absolutely right; this is a world famous ballerina M. Plisetskaya. That's a pity, she has gone recently.
And pay attention to this photo, please. This is not less famous ballet dancer and a choreographer V. Vasiljev and his partner and wife E. Maximova.
As for the man, he is a composer Armenian by nationality - A.Khachaturyan.
So today we're going to speak about …
Pupils: the art, dancing, about ballet.
4. Актуализация знаний. (Целевой блок).
Let's revise some expressions and words. You can use the tips from the folders which you've got on your desks. Find the exclamations, please. Let's revise some of them!
It was exciting!
It was out of the world!
I loved every minute of it!
It was marvelous!
It was terrific!
It was unforgettable!
How do you think what should one do to become famous? (to work hard, to work a lot, to work up a sweat shirt, titanic job).
And now look through the text, please and find out about a famous Russian ballerina Irina Kolesnikova and what is she famous for?
Was her carrier easy? How did she become famous?
What difficulties did she overcome? (A lot of dancer injured their legs knees, their toes are twisted all covered with ecchymosis and bruises. They have problems with spines and the whole backbone). Look at her photos. She is amazing, isn't she?
Some new words:
to catch smb.'s attention;- captivate the audience
to lose smb's belief - lose her faith
to lose the certainty - lose her confidence
to turn down - reject
test - audition
Is everything clear to you? Show me, please signs if you understood all.
And I d like you to share your ideas. Is everything clear to you?
Show me the sings of downloading or reloading, please!
5. Обобщение и систематизация знаний .
Don't forget to follow these tips!
Излагать все:
-Логично и связно;
-Говорить выразительно, в нормальном темпе;
(Процессуальный блок: коммуникативные УУД; выражают с достаточной полнотой и точностью свои мысли)
-Did you overcome some difficulties while studying at such schools?
(познавательные УУД; работа с видеоматериалом)
And now I want you to watch the episode from the ballet "Spartacus". It's my favourite one. Only some words about the performance. As Maya Plisetskaya, says that all the body takes part in dancing: fingers, eyes, feet and legs. Arms can show & express everything, even epoch. Arms are the wings, the image. Legs are an accompaniment, arms are a tune.
Maybe somebody of you can demonstrate it, please.
Can you show us some elements of Russian, Ukrainian, Indian, Egyptian dances, please, only using your arms or maybe legs. Can you show a challenge, a coquetry, and anger?
Thanks a lot. And now look at the screen, please. You'll see the best duet in the world who could express the feeling of love through the dance. Pay attention to the partner in which way he touches her, to his fingers, the expression of his face. He really loved her for all his life. Then you'll share your impressions with us. (коммуникативные УУД; выражение собственных мыслей)
Students' possible answers:
-I was really impressed by Maximova! She was so touching!
- As for me I was impressed by Vasiljev. He was so courageous!
- I'd never seen any ballet before but what I've seen now, I really like!
- To my mind it was an unforgettable performance!
- And I liked this music so much!
- It was terrific! I loved every minute of the dance!
Now I'd like you to take part in the performance. You're going to read the dialogue and act it out. Use the accessories please!
Discussion :
(Mr. Dull, Lady Blue, Mrs. Strict, Miss Chatter, Policeman)
At the theatre:
Mr. Dull: Russian ballet is perfect but it is not the thing I really like!
Miss Chatter: Oh, Mr. Dull! You are absolutely wrong! I can't agree with you! Maximova is unforgettable and so touching!
Lady Blue: You are quite right! But as for Vasiljev, I was so impressed by his Spartacus! He is so expressive, courageous, convincing!!!
Mr. Dull: Oh, here I can agree with you, madam!
Mrs. Strict: Yes, all of you are right, of course! But as for me I'd like to watch this ballet with modern dancers.
All together: No, I can't agree with you! What for! Why? Oh, no, no, no!
Policeman: What's up, ladies and gentleman? How can I help you?
Miss Chatter: Oh, officer, please can you be our arbiter! Do you like Russian ballet? It is a real wonder, to my mind!
Policeman: Sorry, but I have never seen it!
Lady Blue: That's a pity! You should see it by all means! It's great!
Policeman: I'll think of it later.
And now give the marks to the students. Who was the best? Please show likes and dislikes and give the arguments.
Possible answers:
- To my mind _____ was the best. He was so convincing policeman.
- And I liked ____. She was a real Mrs. Strict!
- As for ____. Moustaches suit him so much!
- I liked ____ in such a pretty hat! Real Lady Blue!
- I liked ____! All of them are good!
Аналитический блок:
What can you tell about the role of art in our life?
(Possible answer)
It helps us to enrich our inner world. When you learn a new dance you should overcome some difficulties and it forms your character.
How do think is it worth to listen to music or to go to theatre? Why?
(Possible answer)
Yes, of course. Music develops your imagination and it helps you to relax or to improve the mood. As for going to the theatre, it broadens our mind and brings up our cultural level.
Does the art help people to become more educated? What's your opinion?
(Possible answer)
Sure it does. You get known a lot of interesting things; you begin to understand the language of art. And it's important for those who wanted to be an educated person.
Домашнее задание:
Choose the task:
To watch this episode performed by modern dancers and share your impressions.
To find information about A. Khachaturyan.
To listen to adagio and to draw a picture.
Let's make the conclusion of our lesson.
What is the main idea of it? Can you sum it up?
What quotation will you choose?
"Where words fail, music speaks"- H. C.Andersen
"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe" - Lao Tzu
"Live your truth.
Express your love.
Share your enthusiasm.
Take action towards your dream.
Walk your talk.
Dance and sing to your music.
Embrace your blessing.
Make today worth remembering!" - Dr. Steve Maraboli
Students' answers.
Рефлексия: (контрольно-оценочный этап).
Dear friends, it`s time to finish our lesson. I hope you've enjoyed it! Could you express your opinion, please? What did you like most of all? What was useful for you? Or what was difficult or boring during the lesson?
Today I learned ….
It was (not) difficult……
I could….
I was surprised….
I'd like to…
Now if you liked the lesson and take the knowledge with you, mark the suitcase, please.
If you need to pulverize everything, mark the meat-chopper, please.
If you got nothing, mark the bin, please.
I`m sure all of you deserve excellent marks today. Thank you for your work. Have a nice day!
Marina's words.
My dear teacher, I would like to say
That I'm really grateful every day,
For all the things and rules you ever taught,
For every phrase of you and every thought.
I wish you happiness throughout your life,
And always win in every single strife,
Your lessons were the best I ever had,
So thanks for putting knowledge in my head!
Thank you for the lesson, my dear students!
Who was the best?
Possible answers:
- To my mind _____ was the best. He was so convincing policeman.
- And I liked ____. She was a real Mrs. Strict!
- As for ____. Moustaches suit him so much!
- I liked ____ in such a pretty hat! Real Lady Blue!
- I liked ____! All of them are good!
Информационные ресурсы.
УМК О.Афанасьева, В. Эванс и др. «Английский в Фокусе 11класс» издательство «Просвещение» 2014 г
А.В. Миронов «Как построить урок в соответствии с ФГОС» Волгоград издательство «Учитель» 2012 г
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v Майя Плисецкая «Умирающий лебедь»
https://www.youtube.com/watch?vЕкатеринаМаксимова адажио «Спартак»
В.П. Кузовлев и др. Достижение образовательных результатов нового ФГОС (материалы вебинара)
-I was really impressed by Maximova! She was so touching!
- As for me I was impressed by Vasiljev. He was so courageous!
- I've never seen any ballet before but what I've seen now I really liked!
- To my mind it was unforgettable performance!
- And I liked music so much!
- It was terrific! I loved every minute of the dance!
Possible answers:
- To my mind Oleg was the best. He was so convincing policeman.
- And I liked Ira. She was a real Mrs. Strict!
- As for Vlad. Moustaches suit him so much!
- I liked Marina in such a pretty hat! Real Lady Blue! - I liked Julia! All of them are good!
What can you tell about the role of art in our life?-It helps us to enrich our inner world. When you learn a new dance you overcome some difficulties and it forms your character.
How do think is it worth to listen to music or to go to theatre? Why? - Yes, of course. Music develops your imagination and it helps you to relax or vice-a- versa to improve the mood. As for going to the theatre, it broadens your mind and brings up your cultural level.
Does the art help people to become more educated? What's your opinion? - Sure it does. You get known a lot of interesting things; you begin to understand the language of art. And it's important for those who wanted to be an educated person.
"Where words fail, music speaks"- H. C.Andersen
"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe" - Lao Tzu
"Live your truth.
Express your love.
Share your enthusiasm.
Take action towards your dream.
Walk your talk.
Dance and sing to your music.
Embrace your blessing.
Make today worth remembering!" - Dr. Steve Maraboli
"Where words fail, music speaks"- H. C.Andersen
"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe" - Lao Tzu
"Live your truth.
Express your love.
Share your enthusiasm.
Take action towards your dream.
Walk your talk.
Dance and sing to your music.
Embrace your blessing.
Make today worth remembering!" - Dr. Steve Maraboli