- Учителю
- Конспект урока в 8 классе на тему«How to become a successful person»
Конспект урока в 8 классе на тему«How to become a successful person»
Конспект урока в 8 классе на тему«How to become a successful person»
Цель - формировать у учащихся умения представить конечный результат и планировать способы его достижения.
Образовательная - активизация в речи учащихся лексики по теме «Черты характера».
Развивающая - развитие умения организовывать свою деятельность для достижения цели.
Воспитательная - формирование мотивации к успешности в жизни.
Оборудование: УМК «Английский с удовольствием», аудиокассета, магнитофон, проектор, экран, компьютер, интерактивная доска, заготовка для групповой работы, карточки с индивидуальными заданиями, коробка.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
Good morning, students! I'm very glad to see you again. I think we are ready to begin.
Речевая разминка
Now I want to learn something about you. So, will you please answer my questions.
Who is your favourite writer?
What group or singer do you like to listen to?
Who is the most popular person in Kazan?
Can you name some well-known footballer?
Who is your favourite Hollywood actor?
Thank you very much.
Введение темы урока
Look at the board. Do you know these people?
Ученики называют имена людей, изображённых на фотографиях.
OK. Very good. All of them are very famous people.
Игра «Ассоциации»
Let's play the game «Associations». Match the people and their achievements.
Ученики соотносят достижения с именами известных людей на интерактивной доске.
What kind of people are they?
(Famous, well-known, successful)
You are right. All of them are very successful people. But they weren't born successful. Nobody handed them their success on a plate. All of them made it on their own.
Well what do you think is the topic of the lesson today?
Yes, of course. We are going to discuss how to become a successful person.
Активизация лексики в речи.
1.Фонетическая разминка
Each person has certain traits of character. Let's revise them. Repeat after me. Mind the stress.
Adventurous, ambitious, calm, careful, brave, funny, cruel, kind, religious, creative, imaginative, clever, cool, handsome, intelligent, serious, talented, jealous, silly, shy, practical, attentive, emotional, patient, independent, polite, talkative, curious, tolerant.
Ученики повторяют хором за учителем слова.
2. Выполнение упражнения в рабочей тетради.
Now let's do ex. 2 on page 52 from your Workbooks.
Ученики выполняют задание в тетради. Один - на доске.
Take these sheets of paper and write negative traits, that can prevent you from being successful.
Ученики записывают на листочках отрицательные черты характера.
Put these sheets of paper aside. We'll return to them later.
3. Отработка лексики в устных высказываниях
So, what kind of person should you be to become successful?
As for me, I think I should be tolerant and attentive. And what about you?
Ученики по очереди отвечают на вопрос.
4. Обобщение аспекта «Модель»
Let's summarize. Will you describe a successful person? What characteristic traits should he have? What kind of person should one be to become successful?
Один ученик подводит итог.
Very good. Now we have a model of a successful person. Do you know how to attain success, what steps should you do?
Ученики предлагают свои варианты
Предполагаемые варианты:
To develop necessary traits of character
To get good education.
To be healthy
To work hard
Учитель записывает на лестнице варианты учеников.
Обобщение аспекта «Способ»
Обобщение - Физкультминутка.
Stand up, please. Let's repeat the steps ones again and do the steps to success.
Ученики повторяют за учителем и делают шаги.
Thank you, take your places, please.
Вывод: Well, students, if you can imagine the ideal model of some action or event, if you know how, you'll certainly achieve success. Do you agree? I think you do.
Практическая отработка метапредметной темы.
Групповая работа
Now let's divide into two groups - girls and boys. Imagine the situation:
Girls, you are to organize a party. Firstly, imagine and describe what kind of party you want to organize. Then think over your steps.
Boys, you are to make a perfect football team. Firstly, imagine and describe what kind of team you want to organize. Then think over your steps.
But, students, don't forget one more step: try to get rid of your negative traits. Let's begin it just now. Think over what trait you want to get rid of. Complete the sentence I don't want to be… Then tear the sheets of paper to pieces and put them to the box.
Ученики по очереди продолжают фразу I don't want to be… рвут свои листочки и бросают их в коробку.
Оценки с комментариями
You did a very good job today. I give excellent marks to…..
Домашнее задание
Your home task is to organize come event. I prepared different tasks for each of you. You can use the computer to do the task and mail it to me. My e-mail is written on the paper.
I'd be very glad to know your impression about the lesson. Complete the sentences, please.
I know how…
I liked the lesson because…
It was difficult for me to…
Thank you for cooperation. I wish you to become successful. Good luck. Bye.
Приложение 1
Organize a picnic for your friends.
Best wishes.
Organize a birthday party for one of the members of your family.
Good luck!
Organize an excursion for your elder brother's or sister's class.
Good luck!
Organize an excursion to the museum.
Best wishes.
Organize a school holiday "April's Fool".
Good luck!