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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку в 5-м классе по теме Школа

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 5-м классе по теме Школа

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предварительный просмотр материала

Открытый урок по английскому языку

по теме «School», 5 класс.

Учитель Тараторкина Ю.А.

Цель: применить полученные знания и умения на практике с последующим

выходом на монологическое высказывание по теме.

Образовательные задачи:

- учить учащихся пользоваться изученным лексическим и грамматическим


- обсуждать проблемы по теме в диалогической и монологической речи

Воспитательные задачи:

- прививать чувство любви к своей школе

- воспитывать коммуникативную иноязычную культуру

Развивающие задачи:

- развивать навыки аудирования, письма, чтения и говорения

- учить самостоятельно решать проблемы на основе изученного материала


- коллективная

- групповая

- парная


- эвристический

- частично-поисковый

Оснащение: доска, игрушка, следы.

Ход урока.

1). Организационный момент

T - Good morning, my dear friends! I am glad to see you. Take your seats and let`s begin our lesson.

- How are you today?

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- Is it Wednesday or Friday?

- What season is it now?

- It is autumn, isn`t it?

- What is the weather today?

- Do you like autumn? Why?

- Who is absent?

Okay, well done. Good for you.

2). Сообщение плана

T - So today we`ll continue our work on the topic. We`ll train the words, recite some poems, read, write, make up dialogues and work in groups.

3). Фонетическая зарядка

T - Let`s repeat some sounds, first of all:

[o], [w], [f], [s], [z], [ou], [au], [o:]

T - Do you remember our poems?

P1 - One, two, three, four P2 - One, two, three, four, five

Mary at the cottage door, I caught a fish alive.

Five, six, seven, eight Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Eating cherries from the plate. I let it go again.

P3 - Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear P4 - Mr. Brown, Mr. Brown

Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Are you going down town?

Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn`t fussy, Could you stop and take me down?

Was he? Thank you, kindly Mr. Brown.

P5 - I have a mother, I have a father,

I have a sister and a brother.

Father, mother, sister, brother,

Hand in hand with one another.

T - Before speaking about all these things, let`s remember the words we need.

Say after me, please.

  • school * classroom

  • teacher * blackboard

  • timetable * paints

  • uniform * mark

  • subject * break

  • miss * do experiments

  • Literature * get smarter

  • Physical Education * discuss problems

  • Information Technology * count, read, write

T - Good for you.

T - So today you are teachers.

1. проверка лексики

* на уровне слова

P1 - takes a soft toy and throws it to his classmates naming the word and asking to translate it from English into Russian;

P1 - break P7 - перемена

* на уровне словосочетания

P2 - the same task but asks to translate the words from Russian into English;

P2 - кабинет P8 - classroom

* на уровне предложения

T - на полу раскладываются следы, учащиеся переводя предложения с английского на русский и наоборот, шагают по следам;

T - My school is very big and beautiful.

P9 - Моя школа большая и красивая и т.д.

2. T - Try to guess or give synonyms playing a game "duel"

* a subject where you run, jump, play games (PE)

* begin (start)

* a clever student (bright)

* visit different countries (travel)

* the second name (nickname)

* class (form)

* go to school to … (study)

* a subject where you count, do sums (Maths)

* a plan of subjects (timetable)

* a subject where you learn how to use a computer (IT)

* a subject where you translate, listen to a cassette recorder, recite poems (English)

6). Another association is connected with teacher and pupils. Let`s work in groups. One group is a group of teachers, another is a group of pupils. Tell us what teachers and pupils must or mustn`t do. ( на доске подстановочная таблица)

pupils must

As we are we …………. за основу берётся упражнения

teachers mustn`t из учебника.

T - So you are quite right.

7). Монологическое высказывание.

T - We know it for sure that schools in Russia are different from schools in Great Britain. Open your books at p.7 ex. 4 and tell us a few words about schools in Russia. Don`t forget that all of you should speak. (учащиеся оформляют мини монологическое высказывание по цепочке).

P 1 - I would like to tell you some words about school in Russia.

P2 - In Russia people begin to go to a secondary school at 10/11.

P3 - A school year starts in September.

P4 - It finishes in May.

P5 - Russian students have many subjects such as ……. .

P6 - They do not wear a school uniform.

P7 - A lesson lasts 45 minutes.

P8 - Students have many holidays: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

P9 - Russian students go to school because they learn new things, get smarter, get good marks.

P10 - We like our school.

T - Very well, thank you.

8). Домашнее задание

T - So your homework is to speak about your school.

9). Рефлексия

T - Do you like our lesson? What did you like most of all? Why?

What marks do you deserve? Why?

P1 ……, P2 ……, P3 ……, P4 ……

T - I am satisfied with your work. You really did your best today. Well done.

I`ll give you …….

The lesson is over, you may be free.


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