- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку ' Dream town/ There is/there are'
Открытый урок по английскому языку ' Dream town/ There is/there are'
Урок английского языка
В 5 классе
Тема : « There is/ there are"
Подготовила :
учитель английского языка
Соколова Анна Вячеславовна
Цель: добиться правильного употребления в речи оборота There is/there
are, при описании города, через работу в парах и в группах.
Закрепить имеющиеся знания об употреблении оборота there is/there are в речи, при построении предложений и рассказов.
Развивать устную, разговорную речь учащихся, систематизировать лексический материал
Ожидаемый результат:
Учащиеся будут знать: особенности употребления оборота there is /there are в речи при построении утвердительных , отрицательных и вопросительных предложений.
Учащиеся будут уметь:составлять диалоги и монологи по теме, различать употребление данных оборотов в единственном и множественном числе.
Lesson's plan
Hello my dear students! I'm very glad to see you! I wish you good luck! Sit down please!
Introduction the theme of the lesson:
We begin our lesson! Today we have many guests and we should work hard and well. Look at the pictures. Do you know the names of these buildings??? (Baiterek, Big Ben, Khan Shatyr) let's divide into three groups. Find the names of these buildings and sit at those desks.
Look at the screen.
T: Brick plus brick
There is a wall
Floor plus roof
We love it all.
What is it?
T: Yes, you areright! This is a house.. Today we are going to be builders. And we need build the house for…... I want you guess the next riddle -
Streets are running
Up and down
Where are we?
In the…. (town) And what is it?(....for our town during our lesson).
S-There is a town.
T- Yes, you are right.
About what will we speak today?
S- Today we will speak about the town.
T- We have an excursion around the town. Repeat using of there is/ there are. As you know each town consists of many houses. Сегодня мы должны будем с вами, в течение урока построить один дом и понять можем ли мы сделать это, но для этого нам необходимо выполнить задания, которые помогут нам при строительстве.
During our lesson I'll give you bricks for the right and correct answers, and at the end of the lesson we will count them and will say: Can we be the builders or no? And can we build the house for the town? You should be active and give right and quick answers. Let's go!
Today we are traveling around a town. And we are visiting some interesting places. And we begin our journey from our school.Look at the pictures and name these places. (Students name the places of the townlooking on the pictures)
railway station
bus station
swimming pool
2. What can we see in the town? Some of you have associations and some of you have the words. Read them and find your pair. (Жокей и лошадь)учащиеся ходят по классу ища свою пару.
-sun, river, hot , summer; (beach)
- waiting, many people,buses; (bus station)
- trees, birds, benches, children, to walk, dogs; (park)
- chairs, no light, actors, films, popcorn; (cinema)
- roof, rooms, windows, family; ( house)
- seller, to buy, goods, people; (shop)
Students answer like this: This is a …
What can you tell about your favourite places in the town? (Students should tell about some places in the town. Each groups has one description)
Park- Our favourite place in the town is park. We like to go there with friends, eat an ice cream and walk.
Cinema- Our favourite place in the town is the cinema. We like to watch films very much, eat pop corn and drink the Coca-cola.
Swimming pool- our favourite place in the town is the swimming pool. We like to swim there , to play water games, to meet with our friends.
Riddles to another group.The next task is for groups. You should guess the riddles: (each group has one riddle)
We can buy many things there? What is this?
We can watch interesting films there, eat the pop corn. What is this?
We can walk with dog there. There are many trees, benches, fountains there. What is this?
Ok, students we have built the base of our house. (on the blackboard the base)
Continue our journey . And the next place Is … where people can find and read many interesting books? (It is the library)
And now we are in the library. What people usually do in the library?
Work with the text (In the text there are missing words) Students should fill the gaps with the suitable word.
Dream Town
In Dream Town there is an old ___________and a _______. And thereare a lot of fun things to do.There isn't a _____but there is a big _________with afantastic water slide. And thereare two _______and a big_______. There isn't a bus station but there is a_________. There is a ______and thereare a lot of nice houses. Therearen't any supermarkets but there are a lot of________.
In Dream Town there is an old castle and a river. And there are a lot of fun things to do.There isn't a beach but there is a big swimming pool with a fantastic water slide. And there are two cinemas and a big park. There isn't a bus station but there is a railway station. There is a church and there are a lot of nice houses. There aren't any supermarkets but there are a lot of shops.
Answer the questions :
Is there a supermarket in the Dream Town?
Is there a river in the Dream Town?
Are there any supermarkets in the Dream Town?
And now let's repeat the rule about THERE IS /THERE ARE
Повторение грамматической конструкции Thereis/thereare.
Учитель: А теперь давайте вспомним, как называются наши «змейки»
(На доске картинки «змеек», у детей на парте такие же образцы)
P1: Thereis - конструкция для .
Thereare - конструкция для .
(змейки с конструкциями there is/ there are для утвердительных предложений)
(змейки с конструкциями Are there/ Is there для вопросительных предложений)
Учитель просит учащихся составить предложения, используя данные конструкции.
There is a cinema in my town.
There are two supermarkets in my town.
Учитель показывает другую пару «змеек» и задает вопросы классу
T: Is there a park in your town? Are there shops in your town?
I have 3 boxes. Choose one of them. (в конверте набор слов и указатель на вид предложения)
+ is in school there a town the in.
in river there isn't a the in town.
? any are in the houses town there?
And now open your copy books. Write today's date and write these sentences. Each group write their own sentence.
The next place is … where we can buy something ? What is it? (The shop)
And now we are in the shop. What do we buy here? (Picture with map of the town)
Students: We buy a map.
Now let's play the game. Look at this map during 1-2 minutes.
The Game "Auction" . Игра Аукцион.
Students discuss in groups and say as many sentences about their town as they can using there is .../ there are... .The group who says the last sentences wins the game.
Relaxation. (on the beach) music
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Let's pretend its summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing. (Pause)
Your troubles float away.
You love your relatives, your school, and your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing. The Earth is full of wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy. You are in good spirits.
Open your eyes. How do you feel?
And now look at the other map.
У каждой группы по два диалога, учащиеся одной группы выбирают себе группу и разыгрывают для них диалоги, выбранная группа должна отметить на карте те места, о которых говорится в диалоге. Группа, представляющая диалог проверяет правильность выполнения задания.
1. - Excuse me, where can we find a bank?
- There's a big one in Silver Street on the right of the supermarket.
2. - Excuse me, do you know where we can park our car?
- Go to Silver Street. There is a car park on the corner.
3. - Excuse me; we're looking for a railway station?
- Oh, yes. There's one in Apple Street next to the museum.
4. - Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here?
- Of course, there's one next to the shops in Apple Street.
5. - Excuse me can you tell me where the post office is?
- Over there in Broad Street, opposite the swimming pool.
6. - Excuse me, where the library is?
- On the left! It's between the cinema and the school.
Look at the street map and read the dialogues. Mark the objects on the map.
Compare your answers in pairs and practice your reading.
Thank you! Now we can go
Read and fill in. Work in groups.
Each group prepare 3 questions by the map to another group.(To ask about places, to practice: Is there…? - Yes, there is.\ No, there isn't)
The next station of our journey is swimming pool and we are at sport competition. Who will be the first?
(each group has their own task)
"The third is odd" (work in groups) this group does this task
Swimming pool
Traffic lights
Work in group. Dear students, I give you cards with the row of words. You should underlined those words that connected to the word "Town"
House, beach, wolf, chair, park, car, mirror, school, cinema, people, church.
(Та группа, которая выполняет задания «Третий лишний» озвучивает и объясняет свой выбор, а те, кто выполняют «Ряд слов» обмениваются и выполняют взаимопроверку)
"Catch a mistake" This group should find the mistakes.
Look students, we have walls of our house; it means that we have done all tasks very well. (on the blackboard the walls)
Each of you has a semantic map/ you should complete it.
Let's check the correctness. Right answers on the blackboard and students should tick the correct answers.
Let's count our bricks. (students count the bricks)
I want to ask you. Can you build the house? (Yes, I can. I have many bricks. No. I can't. I haven't many bricks because I don't work actively at the lesson. Marks of the lesson.Cards.)
Чтобы построить дом нужно усердно трудиться и некоторые теперь будут это делать.
Look students, what this?(It is a roof). We have built the house. Very good job!
What have we learnt today?
About what did we speak?
What words do you know about the town?
What can we do?
But in our house we have windows. Each of you has a flower and a cactus. If you like the lesson, you will take the flower on the window. If you don't like the lesson you will the cactus on window.(reflexion)
Now look at these marks. Today all of you work very hard and well. Выберите ту оценку, которую вы, по вашему мнению, заслужили, подпишите и приклейте на лист на доске.
H/T to write sentences in your copy books.
Dear students, thanks for the lesson! You've been very active today.
Please stand up!
Rise your head
Jump up high
Wave your hand
And say Good-Bye.