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  • Урок по английскому языку на тему: Самый знаменитый замок с привидениями в Великобритании

Урок по английскому языку на тему: Самый знаменитый замок с привидениями в Великобритании

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План открытого урока английского языка в 9 классе.

Учитель: Асанова Л.М.

Тема: Haunted castles of Britain. Самый знаменитый замок с привидениями в Великобритании

Тип урока: обобщения и систематизации знаний

Цель: Открытые неизвестной и мистической Великобритании с развитием монологической речи



1. Закреплять пройденный лексический материал

2. Изучить многообразие замков Британии

3.Выделить замки « с привидениями», дать краткую характеристику


Формировать умение анализировать полученную информацию и высказаться по теме


Воспитать уважительное отношение к культуре других стран

Оснащение урока:

  1. Классная доска

  2. Ноутбук для показа картинок и фотографий

  3. Учебник Spotlight 9 (авторы: Ю.Е.Ваулина, В.Эванс, Дж.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко)

Конспект урока1. Warming up. Приветствие, лексическая работа, беседа по теме.

II. Follow up. Обсуждение характеристик замков, просмотр фильма с извлечением необходимой информации, выявление проблем, анализ/оценка информации

III. Rounding off.

Выставление отметок, домашнее задание.




Ход урока

1. Warming up.

Teacher ( T): Hello! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. The aim of our lesson is talking about Haunted castles of Britain, their history and interesting facts. We have studied about British castles, and have got some information. But I want to concentrate your attention only on hunted one. At first I want you to show some pictures. ( Ученики смотрят слайд-шоу о замках с привидениями Британии)

Do you know them?

Children: (СH): (предполагаемый ответ) Yes. We have read about some of them, e.g. the Chillingham Castle in Northumberland, England.

T: Well done. Now, look at the board and try to describe it with these words: lurk, haunted, bump, corridors, rustling, mysterious, appear, dungeon, torture.

II. Follow up.

Pupil 1. I think, its very interesting to visit a place where ghosts lurk round every

corner and strange noises go bump in the night….

T: Good. The idea of real haunted castles is familiar to us through film and literature. But it is not only in fiction that castles have ghosts, like the Chillingham. It is not really surprising that this should be so considering the bloody history of many of them. Lets speak about some of them.

Amberley Castle, Near Arundel, West Sussex

Although it is called a castle and looks like one, Amberley Castle is actually a medieval fortified manor house. It has been host to Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II and Charles II.

This haunted castles ghost is 'Emily', a tragic servant girl who is sensed rather than seen around the room. She was seduced by a Bishop who resided in the house. She became pregnant and was then rejected by her lover. This was too much for her and she climbed to the top of the battlements from where she leapt to her death.

Lancaster Castle, Lancashire

There have been reports of a child being seen and heard running around parts of the castle. Visitors to Lancaster Castle often tell staff that they have felt that they have been pushed by some invisible entity. So hold on tight to the hand rail!

</ Rochester Castle, Kent

Rochester Castle is haunted by Lady Blanche de Warren who has been observed walking the battlements. Protruding from her chest can still be seen the arrow with which she was accidentally killed by her betrothed at Easter in 1264. The arrow was fired by him in an attempt to protect her from the unwanted attentions of a man. Tragically, the arrow bounced off the armour of its intended target and went straight through her heart, killing her instantly.

Castle of Mey (Barrogill Castle), Scotland

Haunted castles don't come much more modern than this. The Castle of Mey or, as it was originally known, Barrogill Castle is not a medieval fortification but was built in the 16th century by George Sinclair, the 4th Earl of Caithness. It is the daughter of his son, the 5th Earl, who haunts the castle.

The story goes that Elizabeth Sinclair fell in love with a ploughman who worked on a local farm. Her father was horrified that she should consort with a 'commoner'. So he imprisoned her in a room at the top of the castle's tower to prevent her from seeing him……

T: We can continue and continue, indeed there are about 230 castles of Britain are haunted. Now let's do a little test. If you were attentively, you will give only the right answers.

1.Who are these people and how are they related to the castles.

Emily Castle of Mey

Lady Blanch Amberley castle

Elizabeth Sinclair Rochester castle

Предполагаемый ответ P1:1-2, P2 2-3, P3:3-1 (Ученики находят правильные ответы.)

2. Choose the ghosts of Chillingham Castle.

1.Lady Mary Berkeley, 2.Lord Grey of Chilingham, 3.the White,

4.Edward 1, 5.The Blue Boy ( Предполагаемый ответ P4: 1,P5: 2,P6: 4,P7: 5)


T: In groups, collect information about a famous castle or house in your country and present it to the class. Write its name, where it is, what is it famous for, who lives there, what one can see there.

Учащихся работают в группах.

III. Rounding off.

(T): A good work is done! Thanks for the work. The lesson is over, good bye

Рефлексия. Что понравилось, что не понравилось, что хочу узнать

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