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Сценарий спектакля Magic journey to the Past

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School Theatre

"Magic Journey to the Past"





Queen Catherine II





Scene 1

Аня и Петя идут из школы домой.

</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Peter: We are lucky today. There isn't much homework to do. Maybe, I'll play football.

Ann: It would have been all right if it were not for the quiz at tomorrow's History lesson.

Peter: Oh! Famous Russian people of the past!!! I wish there were a wizard like Hottabich from the book of Russian writer Lagin and…

Hottabich: …and here I am. I am Hottabich!

Аня и Петя в испуге отскакивают в сторону.

Hottabich: Do you want to find yourself in old Russia? No problem.

Аня и Петя переглядываются, пожимают плечами, не верят тому, что видят.

Peter: Ha! Ha! What do you need?

Аня подходит к Хоттабычу, рассматривает его.

Ann: (Пете) Peter? He is a real Hottabich! A magician!

Peter: Rubbish! You are a magician! Ha, ha, ha!

Hottabich: Bet I am. I can take you back to Old Russia…

Peter: (с иронией)…and we can meet famous Russian people… I agree.

Ann: Let's go!

Hottabich: Let's go! Forward to the past!

Scene 2

Hottabich: Her Majesty, Queen Catherine the Second. The period of her reigning in Russian history is called "Golden Age". She had a keen intuition for talented people and good ideas.

Queen: Yes, I formed basic directions of the development of the country: the education of the nation, obeying the law, the establishment of the police and military power. These reforms covered practically all spheres of life. After the Russian-Turkish War Novorossia, Kuban' and Crimea joined to the territory of Russia, Georgia took Russian citizenship. Poland returned Russian former territories. Also, I introduced the educational reform. But the most important thing that I did for our country was that I made Russia a lot more stronger and powerful state.

Queen: Who are you? What do you do in my palace?

Ann & Peter: Your Majesty, Queen Catherine the Second, we are from the Future. We want to know about famous Russian people.

Queen: Russia is the largest country in the world. And it is famous not only for its vast areas but also for its people - brave, glorious and strong in spirit.

Ann & Peter: How can we meet them?

Queen: Oh, it's very easy. Come with me. Meet one of my most honorable men.

Bering: Your Majesty! (кланяется) What strange children you are! I sailed all over the world and never saw such children. Where are you from?

Ann: We are from the Future.

Peter: And who are you?

Bering: All Russians know me. I am the captain-commander of the fleet of the Russian Empire. I headed two expeditions to Kamchatka, discovered a lot of geographical objects, discovered and passed the Strait between Chukotka and the Alaskan coast. Also, I made a significant contribution to the development of Siberia and discovering there large iron ore loads. This led to the emergence of enormous metallurgical branch, that had a direct impact on the economic and defense abilities.

Ann & Peter: Thank you captain-commander!

Bering: And now meet my friend the first Russian natural scientist of world importance, encyclopedist, chemist and physicist.

Ann: Wow! Hello! Who are you?

Peter: What did you do for Russia?

Lomonosov: I am Mikhailo Lomonosov. I am the first scientist, who gave a definition of physical chemistry. I am the founder of the molecular-kinetic theory of heat and laid the foundations of the science of glass. Another my discovery is the existence of the atmosphere on Venus. I translated many scientific terms into Russian and thus laid the foundations of Russian scientific language. Also, I made the project of the Moscow State University…

Ann: Yeah, I know. It is one of the leading Universities in Russia nowadays and it was named after you.

Заходит Кулибин с чертежами.

Lomonosov: Ah, Petr Ivanovich! Come and meet our guests from the Future!

Kulibin: From the Future?!! Curious, very curious… Hello, children! I am Petr Ivanovich Kulibin, famous Russian mechanic-inventor.

Ann & Peter: Hi! Nice to meet you! What are you famous for?

Kulibin: Oh, I made several projects of the arch bridge across the Neva river, constructed elevator for Her Majesty Catherine the Second, I pleased Duke Potemkin with the wonders of pyrotechnics. I invented and tested a lot of things during my life. For example, boats with water engines, able to move against the flow, spotlights with mirror reflectors, mechanical carriages with foot-pedals, optical telegraph, and even a prosthetic leg…

Ann & Peter: Unbelievable! That's why your name became a common noun in our country! Now we understand.

Звучит военный марш, заходит Суворов.

Suvorov: Hello, my friends! Greetings to you, guests from the Future.

Ann & Peter: Hello! And who are you?

Suvorov: I am the great Russian commander, military theorist, and national hero of Russia.

Generalissimo of Russian land and naval forces Aleksandr Vasilievich Suvorov.

Ann & Peter: Tell us, please, what are you famous for?

Suvorov: I created an individual program for training soldiers, developed new maneuvers and movements that helped the Russian army to defeat the enemy in a short time with minimal losses, improved defense in Kuban, Crimea, Odessa and Kherson, won more than 60 battles and was awarded with all Russian orders of my time and many foreign orders. People say, I am an unsurpassed tactician and strategist and my campaign across the Alps entered the world military history.

Ann: Thank you Generalissimo Suvorov! It was an incredible experience!

Peter: There are so many intelligent and prominent people in Russia!

Hottabich: Well, it's time to come back. You should learn a lot more things about your country and be proud of its great history and famous outstanding people. Let's go now…

Ann & Peter: Thank you very much!



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