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  • Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме 'The British Writers' (8 класс)

Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме 'The British Writers' (8 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

Тема урока : "The British writers"

Ожидаемые результаты:

После этого урока обучающиеся смогут:

  • делать самостоятельные высказывания по заданной ситуации;

  • познакомиться с биографией и творчеством выдающегося английского писателя Роберта Бернса;

  • развивать зрительную и слуховую память;

  • воспитывать культуру читателя и речи;

  • воспитывать уважение к книгам как продукту творческой деятельности людей;

  • развивать социокультурную и коммуникативную компетенции обучающихся;

  • привлекать к диалогу культур.

Тип урока: урок комплексного усвоения знаний

Оборудование: портреты выдающихся писателей Великобритании, карточки



The teacher: Dear pupils! Look at these pictures.

Whom of these people in the pictures do your know?

  • What unites all of them?

  • What association do you have?

(The teacher shows some portraits of famous English writers. The pupils say their associations: all these people are English writers).

From the answers of pupils:

-William Shakespeare

-Charlotte Bronte


II. Объявление темы урока и ожидаемых результатов.

The theme of our lesson is "The British writers". Today we will focus on life and creative work of a well -known English poet. What English poets do you know? (Children answer).

By the end of this lesson you can:

  • read and listen to some stories about one of the great writers of Great Britain;

  • get acquainted with some of his famous works;

  • exchange information on the basis of a given situation;

  • revise grammar;

  • take part in discussions.

III. Предъявление новой информации

1. The word of a teacher. Pre-reading task.

Dear children! I would like to tell you about one of the famous British poets Robert Burns. Robert Burns is a Scotland's national poet who was born in a very poor family.There were seven children in the family and Robert was the eldest. I think you understand how hard it was for him to get a proper education and become a great poet of his country.

  • Tell me please, have you ever heard about Robert Burns?

  • What his poems do you know?

  1. Reading a text "Robert Burns".Working in groups.

We are going to read with a text from your English book about a brilliant British poet Robert Burns. Dear children, now let us work in groups.

Интерактивное упражнение «Обучая учусь»

Task for the first group.

  1. join into groups

  2. choose a speaker of your group

  3. look through the text

  4. make a plan of the text

  5. entitle each paragraph of the text

  6. presentation of work

Task for second group:

  1. join into groups

  2. choose a speaker of your group

  3. read the text

  4. rewrite the text into a short one

  5. tell the main idea of the text

  6. present your report

Task for third group:

  1. join into groups

  2. choose a speaker of your group

  3. read the text and retell it

  4. make some questions to the text

  5. present your report

Well, let us listen to some presentations of our groups as a result of their work. The first group begins. Then the others continue.

  1. Listening and reading the poem by Robert Burns "My Heart's In the Highlands".

  1. The teacher reads the text. Pupils are listening. After that two pupils read the text aloud.

  1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

  1. Does the poem help you to imagine the author's native land?

  2. What words does he use to describe it?

  3. How does he express his love to his native land?

IV. Закрепление нового материала.

Функционально-системный анализ (ФСА)

(инструментарий ТРИЗ-педагогики)




ОП _____________________



В.Ф. ______________________









Суть FSА заключается в следующем: каждый объект ( предмет или явление) окружающей среды мы можем рассмотреть как систему, которая выполняет определенную функцию (ОФ-основная функция). Она имеет надсистему, в состав которой входят объекты, которые выполняют такую же функцию и состоит из подсистемы- отдельных взаимосвязанных элементов. Система- это совокупность элементов, при объединении которых создаётся новое качество, предусмотренное для выполнения основной функции.


World literature

Artз записей обучающихся:

Influences the reader who knows English

English Literature

Works of Shakespeare, Burns and other British writers



Country's traditions

Everyday life of English people

Culture of the country

Interaction of people

2.Practical work.

Give the Functional System Analysis to a system:

Task for the first group : give the FSA of a definition "English literature".

1) join into groups;

2) choose a speaker;

3) get acquainted with an algorithm of holding the FSA;

4) make a practical task;

5) presentation.

Task for the second group: give the FSA of a definition " British writers".

1) join into groups;

2) choose a speaker;

3) get acquainted with an algorithm of holding the FSA;

4) make a practical task;

5) presentation.

  1. Giving homework.

Write a report about your favourite English writer or poet.

V. Рефлексия.

Интерактивное упражнение «Внутренний диалог».

  • What new information have you known from this lesson?

  • Will this information be useful for you?

The lesson is over.

Донецкая общеобразовательная школа I-III ступеней № 88

Разработка урока

по английскому языку для 8 класса


«Писатели Великобритании»

Разработала: Алексич Татьяна Николаевна

Учитель английского языка

ДОШ I-III ступеней № 88

I квалификационная категория

Донецк 2015


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