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  • План -конспект занятия по теме: ' Выдающиеся выпускники Омского Кадетского Военного Корпуса'

План -конспект занятия по теме: ' Выдающиеся выпускники Омского Кадетского Военного Корпуса'

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Приложение к занятию 40.


Outstanding graduates of Omsk Cadet Military Corps

1 An arrangement step

-a report

- a proverb: «Better die standing than live kneeling»- лучшеумеретьстоя, чемжитькланяясь. ( GeneralKarbyshev).

-aplan : - To test reading the text«General Karbyshev».

2 Reading

GeneralKarbyshev an outstanding military specialist, was born in Omsk in 1880 in the family of a military man. He studied at the Cadet Corps and Military Engineering Academy. He began to serve on the Chinese borders. During the Russian-JapaneseWar he took part in the defense of Port Arthur and was rewarded five orders.

After the Revolution Karbyshev joined the Red Army. The scientific work of Karbyshev in military engineering was very significant(важный). He was a professor of military sciences.

When the Great Patriotic War beganKarbyshev was in the army .In one of the battles he was badly wounded and captured. He spent three years in the fascist camps, but even there he didn`t stop to fight against the fascist. General Karbyshevwas known as a talented military specialist. That is why Hitler`s purpose was to make him serve the fascists, but Karbyshev refused saying(говоря): « Better die standing than live kneeling».

On February 17th ,1945 he was executed by fascists . He was poured with the cold water and turned into the block of ice.

General Karbyshev is an example of strong will(воля) and courage!


1 Read the text and find out (определите) whether the sentences are True(верные) or False( неверные).

1General Karbyshev was born in 1980.

2 He began to serve on the Japanese borders.

3 He was rewarded four orders.

4Karbyshev was a professor of engineering sciences.

5Karbyshev was captured during the Great Patriotic War.

6 He spent three years in the fascists camps.

7Karbyshev refused to serve Hitler

8 Karbyshev was executed on March 17th1945 .keys: 1F 2F 3F 4F 5T6 T 7 T 8F

2 Find the english translation of the following sentences and write them.

1 Генерал Карбышев был известен как талантливый военный специалист.

2 Он был профессором военных наук.

3 Он принял участие в защите Порта Атрура и был награждён пятью орденами.

4 В одном из сражений он был сильно ранен и взят в плен.

5 Он был облит холодной водой и превратился в глыбу льда.

6 Генерал Карбышев- пример сильной воли и смелости.

3 Final Step-self-preparation: to repeat grammar material, words


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