- Учителю
- Планирование, Технология коммуникативного обучения
Планирование, Технология коммуникативного обучения
Фамилия Имя Отчество учителя: Чирикашвили Николай Зурабович
Класс: 11
Предмет: Английский язык
Урок с применением технологии коммуникативного обучения.
Тема урока: «Экзамен в фокусе»
Цели урока: 1. Научить использовать язык как инструмент межкультурного общения.
2. Сформировать навыки спонтанной речи.
3. Обучить иноязычному общению с помощью общения.
4.Способствовать развитию коммуникативных навыков.
Дидактическая цель урока: обучение функциональному языку - запрос мнения, выражение мнения, выражение согласия/несогласия
Задачи урока:
• обучающие (ориентированные на достижение предметных результатов обучения):
освоить функциональный язык;
научиться применять его в конкретной жизненной ситуации;
научиться ведению ситуативных диалогов, решению проблем через выбор убедительной аргументации, уточняющей и углубляющей собственную позицию;
развивать умения, составляющие лингвистическую компетенцию: сопоставление языковых явлений в изучаемом и родном языках;
развивать информационную и социокультурную компетенции;
• развивающие (ориентрированные на достижение метапредметных результатов обучения):
развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности и умения планировать речевое и неречевое поведение;
развивать умения самонаблюдения, самоконтроля и самооценки;
развитие навыков межкультурного общения;
развитие умения работы в парах;
развитие умения принятия решения.
• воспитательные (ориентированные на достижение личностных результатов обучения):
- способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка;
- формировать общекультурную и этническую идентичность;
Ход урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учеников
Организационный этап
Знакомит с целью урока
Speaking lesson, keep practicing making decisions (previous speaking lesson decide what course to take), systematize and make more exact some fuctional language and make more accurate some grammar.
Мотивация к деятельности
Задает вопросы:
- Do you like celebrating your birthday?
- Do you celebrate your birthday annually or just on special dates?
- Where do you usually celebrate your birthday?
- Who do you usually celebrate your birthday with?
Отвечают на поставленные вопросы
- yes/no
- annually/just on special dates
- at home/at a restaurant/in the countryside
- my family/ my friends/family and friends
Постановка цели
Обозначает проблему
Difficult to choose a place to celebrate a birthday "The best place for a birthday party"
Актуализация знаний
Advantages and disadvantages
Предлагает выполнить следующее задание:
Look at the table, think about advantages and disadvantages of different places, fill in the table
(pair work - each pair discusses, shares their ideas - all students fill in the table, add their ideas if they want)Restaurant
We don't need to worry about cooking.
There are a lot of restaurants, so it'll be easy to choose the one that is a good combination of nice atmosphere, delicious meals and reasonable prices.
There can be a special person who conducts parties, so we don't have to worry about entertaining the guests.
We don't need to waste our own time and energy organizing the party itself.
It might be expensive to take a lot of guests there.
We can't be sure that we'll get a good service and good food and it may spoil the occasion.
We have to book tables.
It is difficult to socialize with others when you sit at different tables.
It won't cost too much money.
We can cook what people really like.
The atmosphere of a party will be less official.
We can invite there as many people as we want.
Are we sure that we are good at cooking?
We'll have to worry about cooking, washing up, decorating.
It might not feel very special.
It'll be boring. Nothing new.
Bowling centre
It's a lot of fun.
A lot of people enjoy bowling.
We can take there as many friends as we like.
It is not very expensive.
Some bowling centres offer different programmes to organize a birthday party.
Some people are not very strong players, so they may not really enjoy it.
It can be a bit tiring, cause the centre can be overcrowded.
We need to book the alleys.
The food they serve is plain.
Very unusual place.
There is usually a café or a restaurant and a dance hall or a room for dancing, so we can solve two problems: food and entertainment.
They usually have special people who can conduct parties.
We can spend time either on the deck of the boat (if the weather is good) or inside the boat (if the weather is bad).
It is very expensive.
Some guests may get seasick.
Some guests may fall off the boat.
Table #1
Актуализация знаний
Functional language
Предлагает выполнить следующее задание и спрашивает, чем поможет данное задание в дальнейшей работе:
(для экономии времени вместо написания фраз полностью можно вписать их номера)
put the expressions into the right column according to their function
(systematize and make more exact some fuctional language) -
Высказывают свои предположения:
(To be understood correctly need to use the proper language)
Выполняют задание в парах.What do you think of…?
What do you think about it?
How do you feel about it?
How about…?
Why don't we…?
Perhaps/Maybe we could…?
I think we should…
We ought to…
Do you feel like…
What about…
Yes, I agree because…
That sounds like a good idea…
That's not a bad suggestion
I like this too because…
That would be fine/great…
That's a good point.
Yes, we could, I suppose.
Yes, let's do that.
That sounds perfect.
That's not a bad idea.
I like the idea of …
I'm not sure I agree with that because…
I don't think that would be a good idea because…
I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you there because…
I don't think so. How about … instead?
There won't be time for…
I think (a bag) would be a bad choice because…
I'm not so sure (because)…
I'm afraid I don't agree because…
It's a nice choice, but…
It's a nice idea, but…
I agree up to a point, but …
Well, I agree to a certain extent, but…
That's not a bad suggestion, but wouldn't …. be better?
Table #2
Актуализация знаний
Grammar problems students face
Предлагает учащимся выполнить следующее задание и спрашивает, чем полезно данное упражнение
Complete these questions in as many ways as you can. Use phrases from table #2
Отвечают на вопрос: use grammar structures correctly.
Выполняют задание.
_________________eat sushi and play bowling?
____________________ eating sushi and playing bowling?
Why don't we…?
Perhaps/Maybe we could…?
I think we should…
We ought to…
What do you think of…?
How about…?
Do you feel like…
What about…
Table #3
Основной этап, этап применения знаний
Let's listen to a model decision making dialogue to see how the phrases work and how to organize the dialogue. Listen to the dialogue:
Answer the following questions (while listening):
What do they decide on?
Which two items do they choose? (underline)
</ Listen and tick the phrases in your table that people use to make a decision.
Слушают, отвечают на вопросы, выполняют задание.
Choosing a present to a man who's retiring.
set of books, pocket watch, a painting, pot plants, set of cutlery, set of luggage
2. Говорение
Знакомит с заданием. Контролирует парную работу.
Speaking (pairwork).
Look at the dialogue plans, make up your own dialogue using one of the plans; use ideas to support you suggestions from the table #1; for making suggestions use the phrases from the table #3; presentation of the dialogues.
Разыгрывают диалоги в парах. Представляют классу.
Plan #1
Make a suggestion, give a reason(s).
Say that you disagree, give a reason(s), come up with another suggestion,
give a reason(s).
Say that you agree. Give a reason(s).
Say: "O.K., then we choose a … to celebrate a birthday"
Plan #2
Make a suggestion, give a reason(s).
Say that you partly agree, partly disagree, give a reason(s), come up with another suggestion, give a reason(s).
Say that you disagree. Give a reason(s). Come up with another suggestion, give a reason(s).
Say that you partly agree, partly disagree, give a reason(s). Come up with another suggestion, give a reason(s).
Say that you agree. Give a reason(s).
Say: "O.K., then we choose a … to celebrate a birthday".
Подведение итогов.
Задает вопросы:
Did you succeed in roleplaying the dialogue?
What was the most difficult for you?
What mark would you give yourself and why?
Отвечают на вопросы.
Постановка домашнего задания
Задает домашнее задание.
Make a list of presents, write ad-s and disad-s of each option, make a plan of a dialogue, make up a dialogue (write it down)