- Учителю
- Игра - аукцион по английскому языку Великобритания
Игра - аукцион по английскому языку Великобритания
Цель - обобщение изученного материала по теме «Великобритания», совершенствование навыков устной речи, актуализация страноведческого материала.
Оборудование: игральный кубик, электронная презентация с вопросами по теме, жетоны для болельщиков, призы победителям.
Ход мероприятия
- Hello, my dear boys and girls! We are glad to see you at our auction! All children like to play. That's why we shall play the game "Auction" today. There are two teams in our hall and we have three members of our jury today. They are…. The first team is called… and its captain is…. The 2 team is called? And its captain is…..
Do you know how to play "Auction"? Listen to me, please.
Учитель приветствует детей и объясняет им правила игры.
-The rules of auction. It consists of 4 stages, each of them includes 5 questions. These questions deal with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Правила игры: игра проводится между двумя командами по 10 - 15 человек. Каждая команда выбирает название команды и капитана. Вопросы поделены на тематические группы (по подтемам, которые были изучены). Выбор темы для ответа определяется с помощью кубика, на гранях которого даны названия тем. Команда выбирает вопрос стоимостью в определенное количество баллов. Команда, которая первая подняла руку имеет право выбирать и отвечать на вопрос. На обсуждение вопроса дается 30 секунд. Если ответ неверный, команда - соперник может ответить на вопрос. После 5 вопросов, то есть после каждого тура жюри подводит промежуточные итоги, а после последнего тура объявляется команда - победитель и проводится награждение. Выигрывает команда, набравшая больше очков. Для оценивания ответов целесообразно выбрать жюри. Снимаются баллы за то, если в команде отвечает один и тот же человек. Также оцениваются полные ответы и учитывается правильность построения ответа.
Let's choose the 1st theme. This die will help us do it.
Ведущий бросает кубик и читает тему.
Oh, its….Do you like it? You do! So, who would like to answer to this theme? One, two, three - ok you are the first. Choose the question and answer it. If your answer is wrong, the other team may give its version. Now please, captain, choose the question. So, your question is… and it costs…. points. You have 30 seconds to discuss it.
-What is your answer?.....
-It's right (wrong) .. and you have got …points.
The next question will be about…. Who wants to answer this question?
What,s your score?
После заданных 5 вопросов жюри подводит итоги, подсчитывает количество баллов.
So the final score is… Let's congratulate the winners. Please, come here and get your prize! Thank you for the game. Thanks to our jury for their work.
1.Понравилась ли вам игра?
2. Что познавательного было в игре?
3. Какие вопросы были наиболее легкими (сложными)?
4. Какие чувства вы испытывали в хлде игры?
5. Ваши пожелания.
Main parts of Great Britain
What is the largest part of the UK? (The largest part of The UK is England).
What English cities are famous for their universities? (Oxford and Cambridge are famous for their universities).
What is the capital of Wales? (The capital of Wales is Cardiff)
What is the nationality of people who were born in Northern Ireland (They are Irish)
What parts is Scotland divided into? (Scotland is divided into Highlands and Lowlands)
Geographical outlook
1.What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? (The United Kingdom consists of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales)
2. What is between Great Britain and Ireland? (The Irish Sea is benween Great Britain and Ireland )
3. Where is UK situated? (The UK is situated on the British Isles)
4. What is the UK is washed by in the north? (The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north )
5. The second highest mountain in Britain is situated in Wales. What is its name? (Its name is the Mount Snowdon)
Political outlook
What houses does British Parliament consists of? (It consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons)
Whom does the power in the country belong to? (The power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government)
Who is the head in the House of Lords? (The head of the House of Lords is the Lord Chanceller)
How often do the British people elect the members of the House of Commons? (The British people elect the members of the House of Commons every 5 years)
Who is the head of State in Great Britain? (The head of the State is the Queen)
The British ways of life
What is the favourite topic to discuss in Great Britain? (The favourite topic to discuss is the weather)
What pets are the special animals in Great Britain? (The special animals in Great Britain are cats)
When do people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day? (People celebrate it on the 5th of November)
Where can you see ravens in London? (We can see the ravens in the Tower of London)
What sights are there in London? (the Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, Nelson's Column, Westminster Palace, Big Ben, the National Gallery, the British Museum)
Задание 2
The United Kingdom
The British Isles
British Parliament
the Tower of London
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town, square, museum, stadium, monument, building, palace, tourist
Use the article if necessary
….Buckingham Palace
….Big Ben
….British Parliament
….Trafalgar Square
….St. Paul's Cathedral
…..British Museum