- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку в 7 классе Давайте поговорим о школах
Разработка урока по английскому языку в 7 классе Давайте поговорим о школах
Урок в 7 классе
Тема урока: Let us speak about schools!
1.Организационный момент
Учитель проверяет готовность учащихся к уроку. Вводит в языковую среду.
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
Sit down1 I'm glad to see you. How are you today?
I'm fine/good/OK…..Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent today? What is the weather like today? Well I see that all of you are in good mood.
</ Be active and try to do your best today!
2. Речевая зарядка
Let us read and translate the statesmant
The more we learn-the more we know
The more we know-the more we forget
The more we forget-the less we know
So why study? слайд
Why do you study?
Why do you go to school? Презентация 855 слад 2
1.What is your favourite subject?
2. What subjects are difficult for you to study?
3. How many lessons do you have every day?
4. Do you try to do your best every day?
5. Do you like reading books?
6. Do you like our school uniform?
7. Do you take part in school performances competitions?
8. What do you do during the breaks?
3.Целеполагание и мотивация
-Can you tell me what the topic of today's lesson is?
Называют тему Let us speak about schools!
Right you are. We are going to talk about school and its role in our life. We'll have different tasks, speak about school life in Russia and English-speaking countries and at the end of the lesson you'll tell us about your ideal school.
4. Словарная работа
Children, Do you like school? Now we'll express our feelings about school Find positive adjectives and write them down on your sheets of paper.
Каждый ученик получает лист бумаги А4, на котором написано слово school по вертикали. Учащиеся подбирают прилагательные, которые начинаются с этих же букв. Учитель на доске пишет свой вариант прилагательных так, чтобы учащиеся пока не видели. После того как каждый учащийся отчитается, показывает слова.
Возможные варианты:
Lovely слайд
OK. Well done! I see that you are really optimistic and ready to study well
5.Let us train your pronunciation. Please, read the words.
1.Mathematics, blouse, Literature, text -book , secondary , History, tie, Music, pencil, Art, ruler, Physical Education, private, pen, Information Technology, Geography, Biology, Design and Technology, Religious Education, public, skirt , workbook, rubber, state, badge. Сделать слайд
2.Look at these words once more. You should classify the words into 4 columns: school subjects, types of schools and uniform.
The 1st table: school subjects
The 2nd table: types of schools
The 3d table: school uniform.
The 4th table things you need at school слайд
Write down one by one
Are you ready? Let's check.
- Let's summarize all the information we know about Russian schools. And make a "cluster" on your sheets of paper.
What do you know?
Ученики заполняют кластер №1 «Школа»
( разделы: предметы, возраст, типы, школьная форма)
Приложение 1. Кластер №1
- I see you know everything about Russian schools. It's not a surprise - you study at a Russian school.
What do you know about school life in English-speaking countries? Could you make a "cluster" about schools in Britain and in the USA?
Ученики пытаются заполнить схему, но осознают недостаток информации
Is it difficult to make the cluster? Do not worry. Now …………tell us about schools in Britain and in the USA
5.Монологические высказывания учащихся о школах Великобритании и США. Подготовить заранее. Слайд картинки
6. Answer the questions
What subjects do they study in Britain and the USA ?
What do they do on their lessons?
What types of schools are there in Britain and the USA?
Do British and American pupils wear school uniform?
At what age do British and American children start studying?
What kind of education is in Great Britain and the USA?
I think that now you know everything you need about schools in Britain and in the USA
And at home you can make the cluster without mistakes.
7. Физкультминутка
Let's have a rest and do some exercises. Will you stand up, please? Слайд проводит ученик.
8. школьная форма слайд 4 58516
Презентация о школьной форме ученик
9. How do you imagine an ideal school? What is an ideal school for you? It was your home work. Пр.58516 слайд 1 и 7
10. Рассказ о нашей школе. Слайд фото школы. Пр 855 слайд3.
11.Домашнее задание.
Write your opinion: Advantages and disadvantages of British and American schools.
Thank you for your work. I am sure that our work was interesting and useful for you.
12.Подведение итогов
We have found out that school plays a very important role in the life of pupils, teachers and parents.
What new information have you learnt today?
What new facts were interesting for you?
Did you like the exercises we have done?
Do you like the lesson?
Our lesson is over. You've work hard today and were very active.? You studied well today, well done. So, school is cool, isn't it? As Henry Ford said: Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. Remember about it. слайд
Кластер № 2