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  • Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодие

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодие

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План урока английского языка в 11 классе

Урок 1

Тема урока: Введение. Встречаем старых друзей.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков диалогической и монологической речи, аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Сборник упражнений Учебник The Cambridge GrammarExercices of the English Language

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's Introduce ourselves.

II. Вводная часть.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

I would like you introduce yourself to me.

III. Основная часть урока. Формирование навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи.

Hello. Glad to meet you all. My name is…. I am your teacher of English.

I would like you to introduce yourself.

One by one tell me your names, surnames, age and location.

Дежурный обмен выражением How do you do? также присутствует при этом знакомстве на английском языке. Ответными словами при знакомстве могут быть выражения, которые переводят как «приятно познакомиться»:

  • I am happy to meet you.

  • Pleased to meet you.

При знакомстве на английском языке вы можете спросить, как поживает человек (How are you (doing)? How are you getting on? How is it going). В ответ вы можете ожидать: I am well (fine), thank you. Marvelous (Спасибо, хорошо. Прекрасно).

Завершая знакомство на английском языке, необходимо вежливо попрощаться и, возможно, пожелать человеку удачи и всего наилучшего. Вам помогут выражения:

  • Good bye - нейтральное

  • See you soon (later) - увидимся

  • Take care of yourself - берегите себя

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 2 p5

Урок 2

Тема урока: «Ученье-свет, неученье - тьма». Новая лексика

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность c использованием новой лексики.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать ассоциативного мышления, воображения.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Сборник упражнений Учебник The Cambridge GrammarExercices of the English Language

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's read the quotations and try to translate into Russian.

II. Вводная часть.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

Do you agree with these quotations?

III. Основная часть урока. Формирование навыков чтения

The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. The total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years. Foreign languages are needed as the main and most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet. Today English is the language of the world. Over 350 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. As a second language it is used in the former British and US colonies. It is the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organization. It is the language of the literature, education, modern music, international tourism.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 2 p7

Урок 3

Тема урока: Работа над стихотворением: «Листья осени».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе чтения стихотворения на английском.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Сборник упражнений Учебник The Cambridge GrammarExercices of the English Language

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's take a poem.

II. Вводная часть.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

I would like you guess the meaning of these words used in the poem.

III. Основная часть урока.

And let's read Ex 1 p.4

Try to translate the poem.

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves are falling down,

Falling down, falling down,

Autumn leaves are falling down,

Yellow,red.orange and brown!

What do the words "autumn" and "autumn leaves" mean?

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 4 p7

Урок 4

Тема урока: Работа над текстом: «Вебсайт лагеря «Сосновый Бор»».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Сборник упражнений Учебник The Cambridge GrammarExercices of the English Language

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's read the text about website.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

Речевая зарядка.

I would like you read about Pineland website.

III. Основная часть урока.

A website, also written as Web site,[1] web site, or simply site,[2] is a set of related web pages containing content (media), including text, video, music, audio, images, etc. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a Uniform Resource Locator. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.

A webpage is a document, typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). A webpage may incorporate elements from other websites with suitable markup anchors.

Webpages are accessed and transported with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which may optionally employ encryption (HTTP Secure, HTTPS) to provide security and privacy for the user of the webpage content. The user's application, often a web browser, renders the page content according to its HTML markup instructions onto a display terminal.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex. 5 p.8

Урок 5

Тема урока: Герундий. Функции герундия в предложении.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся навыки использования герундия.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать умение обобщать и синтезировать знания.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Сборник упражнений Учебник The Cambridge GrammarExercices of the English Language

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's revise the Gerund.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Герундий -это неличная форма глагола, соединяющая в себе свойства существительного и глагола. В этом отношении герундий сходен с инфинитивом, но отличается от него тем, что передает оттенок процесса действия.

В русском языке нет формы глагола, соответствующей английскому герундию.

Герундий обладает следующими свойствами существительного:

  1. Герундий может быть в предложении подлежащим, частью сказуемого, прямым дополнением.

  2. Герундию может предшествовать предлог, и в этом случае герундий может быть в предложении предложным дополнением, определением или обстоятельством.

  3. Герундий может иметь в качестве определения существительное в притяжательном или общем падеже или притяжательное местоимение.

Герундий обладает следующими свойствами глагола:

  1. Герундий выражает залог.

  2. Герундий выражает соотнесенность во времени, т. е. одновременность или предшествование времени действия выраженного глаголом в личной форме.

  3. Герундий может иметь прямое дополнение.

  4. Герундий может определяться обстоятельством, выраженным наречием.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 10 p17

Урок 6

Тема урока: Что такое сертификат об общем среднем образовании? Новая лексика

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в применении новой лексики по теме образование.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Сборник упражнений Учебник The Cambridge GrammarExercices of the English Language

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's get to know about Secondary education abroad.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects by students aged 14-16 in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is equivalent to a Level 2 (A*- C) and Level 1 (D- G) in Key Skills. (In Scotland, the equivalent is the Standard Grade.) Some students may decide to take one or more GCSEs before or afterwards; people may apply for GCSEs at any point either internally through an institution or externally. The education systems of other British territories, such as Gibraltar, and the former British dominion of South Africa, also use the qualifications, as supplied by the same examination boards. The International version of the GCSE is the IGCSE, which can be taken anywhere in the world, and which includes additional options, for example relating to coursework and the language used. When GCSEs are taken by students in secondary education, they can often be combined with other qualifications, such as the Business And Technology Education Council (BTEC), the Diploma in Digital Applications (DiDA), or diplomas.

Education to GCSE level is often required of students who study for the International Baccalaureate or to GCE Advanced Level (A-level). GCSE exams were introduced as the compulsory school-leavers' examinations in the late 1980s (the first exams being taken in the summer of 1988) by the Conservative Party government, replacing the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) and GCE Ordinary Level (O-Level) examinations.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 7 p15

Урок 7

Тема урока: Работа над текстом «Чарли Роуз».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Сборник упражнений Учебник The Cambridge GrammarExercices of the English Language

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's read the text Charlie Rose.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока. Формирование навыков чтения.

I go to school five days a week except Saturday and Sunday when I have deserved rest. Classes in our school start at 8 o'clock in the morning and last till 14.30. Usually we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. We study a lot of different subjects: Russian, Belarusian, English, Russian and Belarusian literatures, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Math, etc. I like History, Belarusian and English most of all. I usually receive good marks in these subjects. My teachers and parents think that I feel an inclination to these subjects.

A school year is divided into four terms. It begins on the 1st of September known as the Day of knowledge and finishes in May. Each term is followed by holidays that last one week in autumn and spring and two weeks in winter.

Our school was built about ten years ago. Our classroom is on the third floor. Its windows face the school-yard. There are two large windows in our classroom; a great amount of flowers grow in pots that stand on the window-sills. It is pupils of our class who are responsible to water the flowers several times a week. And we all do it with great care and pleasure. On the walls of our classroom there are different colour maps and portraits, tables and wall newspapers.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to translate the text into Russian

Урок 8

Тема урока: Лексико-грамматический контроль: Герундий в функции подлежащего, именной части сказуемого.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Контроль знаний по Герундию.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1.Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

1. Sheila is very upset. She isn't used ..... being treated like that.

On to in

2. The child hurt her leg badly and started to complain ..... having severe pains in it.

of about at

3. Anne was able to keep the kids still ..... telling them an interesting story.

by on instead of

4. Ben asked to excuse him ..... not being able to get in touch with me.

on while for

5. Lorna intended to help him ..... lending him some money.

on while through

6. I don't like ..... these shorts; they are too tight.

to wear wearing wear

7. The teacher had to stop several times ..... the rule because she saw that it was difficult for the children to understand it.

explaining to explain explain

8. I don't like ...... to - and that, exactly, is what you are trying to do.

to be lied be lied being lied

9. As an English proverb says "It's no use ..... over spilt milk."

cry to cry crying

10. Helen seemed genuinely pleased ..... seeing me.

with at on

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be grammar revision

Урок 9

Тема урока: Формирование навыков устной речи: «Белла Лоуренс»

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся навыки чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: искать аналоги и другие варианты решения.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Our form is the only one among 10th forms of our school who has a class-master, but not a class-mistress. He is a kind, knowledgeable and very fair teacher who doesn't spare time to take us to different places of interest and exhibitions. He teaches us History of our country and we like and respected him a lot.

Every pupil has a record book where our teachers write down our marks and we write down home tasks. Lessons usually take place in such a way that a teacher asks a question and the pupils who can give an answer raise their hands and the teacher calls out one of them to answer the question. Teachers often call pupils to the blackboard to do different exercises or to write some sentences from dictation. When they make a mistake, other pupil can be called out to correct a mistake or sometimes the teacher corrects it himself. After every lesson teachers give us home tasks both written and oral forms.

I like going to school because here I have many friends and wise teachers who can always give a piece of advice. And I like studying as well, it brings me a lot of pleasure and I like to learn new facts about the world.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to translate the text into Russian

Урок 10

Тема урока: Функции герундия в предложении.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся навыки употребления грамматической категории функции герундия.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

В предложении герундий может быть:


Smoking is not allowed here. Курить (Курение) здесь не разрешается.


There are different ways of obtaining this substance. Существуют различные способы получения этого вещества.

Именной частью сказуемого.

His hobby is driving a car. Его хобби - вождение (водить) машину (ы).

Прямым дополнением.

The car needs repairing. Машина нуждается в ремонте (Машину нужно ремонтировать).

В вышеприведённых функциях герундий переводится существительным или инфинитивом.

Предложным дополнением.

They spoke about their travelling. Они говорили о своём путешествии (том, как они путешествовали).

В данной функции герундий переводится существительным или придаточным предложением.


Learning rules without examples is of little use. Изучение правил (изучать правила) без примеров приносит мало пользы.

I like reading. Я люблю чтение (читать).

Think before answering. Подумай прежде чем ответить.

By doing that you'll save a lot of time. Делая это, ты сэкономишь много времени.

I am tired of waiting. Я устал от ожидания (устал ждать).

The floor of the room needs painting. Пол этой комнаты нуждается в покраске (нужно покрасить).

Everybody laughed on hearing his answer. Все рассмеялись, услышав (когда услышали) его ответ.

Thank you for coming. Спасибо за то, что вы пришли.

He is proud of having won in the tournament. Он гордится тем, что победил в турнире.

She is sorry for being late. Она сожалеет, что опоздала.

He ran without stopping. Он бежал, не останавливаясь.

Before going to bed, she locked the door. Прежде чем лечь спать, она заперла дверь.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex12 p18

Урок 11

Тема урока: Новая лексика на тему: «Служба контроля поступлений в университеты и колледжи».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков употребления новой лексики.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать умение обобщать и синтезировать знания.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is the British admission service for students applying to university and college. UCAS is primarily funded by students who pay a fee when they apply and a capitation fee from universities for each student they accept.

UCAS has a rich resource of data and statistics, ranging from the number of applicants to the most popular courses. A range of data tables can be accessed at the UCAS website. These tables provide data on applications, applicants and accepted applicants over a number of years and is broken down into a number of sub-categories, for example, gender or age group.

UCAS statistics are very well respected within the sector and are regularly quoted by the media. A recent example of the use of the data is the new UCAS publication

As nearly all British higher education institutions are members of UCAS, all those wishing to study for undergraduate degrees in the UK must apply through UCAS. This applies to all categories of applicants - regardless of whether qualifying as a home student (generally British and EU students) or as an overseas student. Applicants submit a single application via UCAS's website with a list of up to five courses for which they are applying. Choices are not listed in preference order. All five choices are confidential during the application process so universities and colleges considering an application cannot see any of the candidate's other choices. Applications must be completed by the middle of the January of the year that the student wishes to start university.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 2 p 21

Урок 12

Тема урока: Аудирование по теме: «Кэмбриджский университет»

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать уважение к культуре других стран.

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.


The city of Cambridge is a university town and the administrative centre of the county of Cambridgeshire, England. It lies in East Anglia about 50 miles (80 km) north of London.

Cambridge is most widely known as the home of the University of Cambridge founded in 1209, which has been consistently ranked one of the top five universities in the world.[2] The university includes the renowned Cavendish Laboratory, King's College Chapel, and the Cambridge University Library. The Cambridge skyline is dominated by the last two buildings, along with the chimney of Addenbrooke's Hospital in the far south of the city and St John's College Chapel tower.

Archaeological finds have dated settlement in the area as far back as the bronze age and following the Roman invasion of Britain it became an important military settlement known as Duroliponte. A decline in size and importance followed the Roman's departure until the arrival of the Vikings saw its rebirth as a regional trading centre.

The city's modern name derives from the name that the Saxons gave the area: Grantabrycge - 'Bridge over Granta'. Over time the name evolved to become Cambridge, while today's river Cam was still known as the Granta. The river's name was subsequently amended to match that of the city.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to learn new words Ex 3 p 25

Урок 13

Тема урока: Герундий в функции предложении косвенного дополнения.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в применении герундия в предложении.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

The Gerund

Recognize a gerund when you see one.

Every gerund, without exception, ends in ing. Gerunds are not, however, all that easy to identify. The problem is that all present participles also end in ing. What is the difference?

Gerunds function as nouns. Thus, gerunds will be subjects, subject complements, direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of prepositions.

Present participles, on the other hand, complete progressive verbs or act as modifiers.

Read these examples of gerunds:

Since Francisco was five years old, swimming has been his passion.

Swimming = subject of the verb has been.

Francisco's first love is swimming.

Swimming = subject complement of the verb is.

Francisco enjoys swimming more than spending time with his girlfriend Diana.

Swimming = direct object of the verb enjoys.

Francisco gives swimming all of his energy and time.

Swimming = indirect object of the verb gives.

When Francisco wore dive fins to class, everyone knew that he was devoted to swimming.

Swimming = object of the preposition to.

These ing words are examples of present participles:

One day last summer, Francisco and his coach were swimming at Daytona Beach.

Swimming = present participle completing the past progressive verb were swimming.

A Great White shark ate Francisco's swimming coach.

Swimming = present participle modifying coach.

Now Francisco practices his sport in safe swimming pools.

Swimming = present participle modifying pools.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 7 p.28

Урок 14

Тема урока: Аудирование по теме: «Как поступить в университет».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1.Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

University Education

There are 44 universities (not counting the Open University) in Britain. Although the Goverment is responsible for providing about 80 per cent of universities income it does not control their work or teaching nor does it have direct dealings with the universities.The grants are distributed by the Secretary of State for Education and Science.

The English universities are : Aston (Birmingham), Bath, Birmingham, Bradford Bristol, Brunel (London), Cambridge, City (London), Durham, East Anglia ,Essex, Exeter, Hull, Keele, Kent at Centerbury, Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Nottingham, Oxford, Reading, Saford, Sheffield, Southhampton, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick and York. The federated University of Wales includes five university colleges, the Welsh National School of Medicine, and the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology.The Scottish universities are : Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Belfast, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt (Edinburgh), St. Andrews, Stirling, and Strathclyde (Glasgow).In Northen Ireland there is Queen's University, Belfast, and the New University of Ulster in Coleraine.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 2 p 31

Урок 15

Тема урока: Лексико-грамматический контроль: «Герундий в функции предложного косвенного дополнения».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Контроль знаний по теме: «Герундий в функции предложного косвенного дополнения» .

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

1. Don't be afraid ..... into the swimming pool; it's quite deep.

of diving

to dive


2. I would like ..... you and some of my other friends for dinner some time.



to invite

3. Why would you suggest ..... her? She can cope with the task all by herself.



to help

4. She was a motherly soul. She asked me to come in and insisted ..... my taking a cup of tea with the family.




5. His son's car crushed into a wall. The terrible tragedy prevented him ..... doing what was right or reasonable.




IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 5 p.32

Урок 16

Тема урока: Работа над текстом: «Московский государственный университет».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: тренировать память, развивать способности концентрировать внимание и его распределять

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Moscow State University was established in 1755.

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодие

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодиеMore than 40 000 students (graduate and postgraduate) and about 7 000 undergraduates study at the university, and over 5 000 specialists do the refresher course here. More than 6 000 professors and lecturers, and about 5 000 researchers work for the faculties and research institutes.

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодие

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодиеEvery year Moscow University enrolls about 4 000 international students and postgraduates from all over the world.

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодие

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодиеMoscow University campus is an extremely complex system, with its 1 000 000 m2 floor area in 1 000 buildings and structures, with its 8 dormitories housing over 12 000 students and 300 km of utility lines.

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодие

Поурочка 11 кл кауфман 1 полугодиеMSU library system is one of the largest in Russia, with its 9,000,000 books, 2,000,000 of them in foreign languages, and the average number of readers 55,000, using 5,500,000 books a year.

Конец формы

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 6 p.35

Урок 17

Тема урока: Герундий в функции определения.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Ознакомить с функциями герундия.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Like nouns, gerunds can be the subject, object or complement of a sentence:

  • Smoking costs a lot of money.

  • I don't like writing.

  • My favourite occupation is reading.

But, like a verb, a gerund can also have an object itself. In this case, the whole expression [gerund + object] can be the subject, object or complement of the sentence.

  • Smoking cigarettes costs a lot of money.

  • I don't like writing letters.

  • My favourite occupation is reading detective stories.

Like nouns, we can use gerunds with adjectives (including articles and other determiners):

  • pointless questioning

  • a settling of debts

  • the making of Titanic

  • his drinking of alcohol

But when we use a gerund with an article, it does not usually take a direct object:

  • a settling of debts (not a settling debts)

  • Making "Titanic" was expensive.

  • The making of "Titanic" was expensive.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 10 p 37

Урок 18

Тема урока: Употребления герундия после выражений.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать навыки употребления герундия с выражениями.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's Introduce ourselves.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Exercise on Gerund

Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.

She is good at (dance) .

He is crazy about (sing) .

I don't like (play) cards.

They are afraid of (swim) in the sea.

You should give up (smoke) .

Sam dreams of (be) a popstar.

He is interested in (make) friends.

My uncle is afraid of (go) by plane.

We insist on (cook) the dinner ourselves.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex A p 38

Урок 19

Тема урока: Работа над текстом: «Ученые степени в Европе в Средние века и в настоящее время».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1.Фонетическая зарядка.

What a terrible tonguetwister. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

A bachelor's degree is usually an academic degree awarded for an undergraduate course or major that generally lasts for four years, but can range anywhere from three to six years depending on the region of the world. In some exceptional cases, it may also be the name of a postgraduate degree, such as a bachelor of civil law, the bachelor of music, the bachelor of philosophy, or the bachelor of sacred theology degree.

During the Renaissance, those who receive a doctorate, upon passing their final examinations, were decorated with berried branches of bay, an ancient symbol of highest honor. From this ancient custom derives the French word baccalauréat (from the Latin bacca, a berry, and laureus, of the bay laurel), and, by modification, the term "bachelor" in referring to one who holds a university degree

Under the British system, and those influenced by it, such as the Australian, Bangladeshi, Canadian, Hong Kong, Irish, Indian, Jordanian, Malaysian, Maltese, Nigerian, Sri Lankan, and Singaporean systems, undergraduate degrees are differentiated either as pass degrees (also known in some areas as ordinary degrees) or as Honours Degrees, the latter sometimes denoted by the appearance of "(Hons)" after the degree abbreviation. An honours degree generally requires a higher academic standard than a pass degree, and in Maltese, Singaporean, Australian, Pakistani, Philippines, New Zealand, Irish, Scottish, Sri Lankan, Malaysian, South African and some Canadian universities an extra year of study.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 1 p 46

Урок 20

Тема урока: Лексико-грамматический контроль: «Функции герундия в предложении».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Контроль знаний по теме Функции герундия в предложении.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать ассоциативное мышление, воображение.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Gerunds Quiz

1 I dislike to the movies by myself.

2 We started dinner without you.

3 I can't imagine my own house.

4 I used that television show all of the time.

5 I always eat breakfast before to school.

6 When do you practise the piano?

7 My grandmother prefers science fiction books.

8 You need harder this year.

9 I am used to her in a bad mood.

10 Have you talked to the dentist about your teeth?

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to revise grammar rules

Урок 21

Тема урока: Развитие навыков письма Эссе по теме: «Каждый человек сам строит свое счастье».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков письма.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Happiness is something that lives inside each of us, but not all the people are able to feel it. You can neither buy happiness, nor sell it; you can never win it in the lottery; the only way to be happy is to grow your happiness. Have you ever noticed that some people are always grumbling about their endless problems, dissatisfaction in life and even about the dull weather that annoys them? Such people see only dark sides in everything and it prevents them from being happy. But look at other people! At first sight they have nothing in life; they don't have stable jobs or their own apartments, but they are really happy; they meet every day with a smile, they laugh and receive pleasure from life. Isn't that great?

I personally appreciate such people and I believe that happiness is to live your life, to enjoy every day of your life, to be glad to every minute and to receive with thanks everything that life offers you. And even when it gives you hardships and difficulties, it gives you strength to overcome them. Happiness means to live your life in such a way that when retired you have something to remember and to be proud of, some pleasant moments that will always evoke a smile.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 3 p. 47

Урок 22

Тема урока: Письма личного характера.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков письма.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать умение обобщать и синтезировать знания.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's Introduce ourselves.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Personal letters can be divided into two broad categories, based on the intended recipient: person-to-person letters and person-to-business letters.

It is important to note that a lot of confusion exists as to what are true personal letters and what are NOT personal letters. For example, a "cover letter" used to transmit a report is NOT a personal letter - it is a business letter. On the other hand, a "cover letter" for a resume or c.v. IS a personal letter.

Letters that some people loosely define as personal letters which are NOT personal letters at all include: covering letters, employee letters, introduction letters, marketing letters, publicity letters, project letters, customer relation letters, financial and credit letters, order-related letters, sales and marketing letters, follow-up letters, announcements, fundraising letters, among others.

The links below will take you to typical sample letter templates for the two primary categories of personal letters:

Person-to-Person Letters

Person-to-person letters are letters that one individual sends to another individual that deal with personal matters, as opposed to business matters.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 2 p52

Урок 23

Тема урока: Письма официального характера.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков письма.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.


Acceptance Letters

  • Accept a formal invitation to a social event

  • Accept a job offer

  • Accept a request to serve in an honorary position

  • Accept a resignation

  • Accept an honor

  • Accept an informal invitation to a social event

  • Accept an invitation to a business appointment

  • Accept an invitation to an event

  • Accept an invitation to speak or perform

  • Accept and express appreciation for a suggestion

  • Decline to accept a gift

  • Thank someone for accepting your advice or recommendation

Acknowledgment Letters

  • Accept a formal invitation to a social event

  • Accept a request to serve in an honorary position

  • Accept a resignation

  • Accept an informal invitation to a social event

  • Accept an invitation to a business appointment

  • Accept and express appreciation for a suggestion

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 4 p 49

Урок 24

Тема урока: Контроль навыков чтения: «Университеты Оксфорда и Кэмбриджа».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать умение аргументировать и доказывать свое мнение.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

  • They are the two oldest universities in continuous operation in England. Both were founded more than 800 years ago, and continued as England's only universities until the 19th century. Between them they have educated a large number of Britain's most prominent scientists, writers and politicians, as well as noted figures in many other fields.

  • Because of their age, they have established similar institutions and facilities such as printing houses (Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press), botanical gardens (University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Cambridge University Botanic Garden), museums (the Ashmolean and the Fitzwilliam), legal deposit libraries (the Bodleian and the Cambridge University Library), and debating societies (the Oxford Union and the Cambridge Union).

  • Rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge also has a long history, dating back to around 1209 when Cambridge was founded by scholars taking refuge from hostile Oxford townsmen, and celebrated to this day in varsity matches such as the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

  • Each has a similar collegiate structure, whereby the University is a co-operative of its constituent colleges, which are responsible for supervisions/tutorials (the principal undergraduate teaching method) and pastoral care.

  • Both universities comprise many buildings of great beauty and antiquity, sited on level terrain ideal for cycling, near slow-moving rivers suitable for rowing and punting.

  • They are the top-scoring institutions in cross-subject UK university rankings, so they are targeted by ambitious pupils, parents and schools. Undergraduate entrance is very competitive and some schools promote themselves based on their achievement of Oxbridge offers. Combined, the two universities award over one-sixth of all English full-time research doctorates.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 5 p.49

Урок 25

Тема урока: Работа над проектом : «Мир возможностей».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков монологической речи.

2. Развивающий аспект: переносить знания в новые ситуации.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2010,

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

T he news for graduates about their employment prospects may have seemed unremittingly gloomy over the past few months. It is, according to statistics, at its worst level for 17 years. However, hidden in amongst the national statistics, there are some success stories that show all may not be as bad as it seems for everyone who graduated last year. Crucially, it can depend on what subject you studied as to how successful you will be in finding employment after graduation.

One glimmer of light shines in the field of geography: its graduates, it seems, are finding it less difficult to obtain meaningful employment than the rest. The official figures show only 7.4 per cent of them were unemployed six months after graduating - compared with 8.9 per cent of the student body overall. The world may be becoming their oyster as more and more companies see the virtue of having a green eye on board to advise them on environmental hazards.

It was not always thus, of course. In fact, geography had such a low ranking in the eyes of academia that - at my school, a leading independent school, Highgate - you could not even take the subject if you were A-stream material. That was for the more academically challenged, masters would say sniffily, along with woodwork.

It has taken some time to change perceptions. Even two years ago pupils were telling Ofsted, the education standards watchdog, that the subject was "boring and irrelevant". Numbers studying it have risen, though, with 230,000 youngsters opting to take it at GCSE this summer.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to prepare the project

Урок 26

Тема урока: Защита проекта «Мир возможностей».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков монологической речи, аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Unlike Oxford, which is both a university town and an industrial city, Cambridge, as the saying goes, "is" the University. Cambridge without the University is like Hamlet without the hero, or bacon without eggs! Although sometimes Town and Gown have their quarrels, the two are for the most part inseparable. In spite of this, we shall in fact now separate them for a moment, just to see how each of them has grown up.

All right then, first let's look at the town. Cambridge is so-called because most of the town is built on the east side of the River Cam, a tributary of the Ouse. Slight hills rise gently on the south and west. Roman remains suggest the existence of a small town first situated around two hills, Castle Hill and Market Hill. Even today these two hills may be said to dominate the town. This is certainly true for those poor students who have to cycle up the steep slope of Castle Hill on the way to lectures. Or even more true for those who risk cycling down it at top speed when their brakes are not working very well. Many shoes are worn out in this way. Market Hill still retains its importance too. Every day, and especially on Saturdays, its cobbled square is the scene of a busy market, selling all kinds of fruit, vegetables, groceries, trinkets, antiques, etc. Housewives come here to haggle (bargain) for their food, and students come in search of cheap books, which you can still buy for 6 d. or a shilling.

The beauty of the city is enhanced by a large number of commons and other open spaces, including Jesus Green and Midsummer Common, Parker's Piece and the Backs. The Backs are the landscaped lawns and flower-beds, very beautiful especially in spring, through which the Cam winds behind the main line of University colleges, including Queen's, St. Catharine's, King's, Trinity and St. John's. The river also passes under a series of magnificent bridges, of which the Bridge of Sighs (in St. John's College), the old stone bridge of Clare College with thick stone balls on the parapets, and the Mathematical Bridge of Queen's are among the best known.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to make some grammar notes p. 51

Урок 27

Тема урока: Новая лексика по теме: «Большая, дружная, студенческая семья».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: изучение новой лексики.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Living it up as a student is one of the best parts of college. Activities are often held on campus that are geared toward students to help them adapt to college life and meet new people.

There is more to student life than fun and games, however. The tips in this section can help you deal with some of the aspects of student life you might not have considered. From email etiquette to internships to credit cards, you'll find some great tips here that can help you make the most of your time in college.

Tips, Tricks, and Answers

The following articles are available for the 'Student Life' topic. Click the article's title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Common Sense College Safety Ideas

Going to college is an exciting and wonderful time for any young adult. Here are some simple, easy to follow ideas to ensure that your college experience remains one that you will always treasure.

Credit Cards and the College Student

Credit cards can either be a great tool or a horrid curse. Here are some tips for you to keep in mind when considering whether or not to get a credit card.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 1 p.52

Урок 28

Тема урока: Причастие 1настоящего времени.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Изучение грамматической темы Причастие 1настоящего времени.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Причастие настоящего времени (The Present Participle, Participle I)

2. Причастие настоящего времени образуется путем прибавления суффикса -ing к инфинитиву глагола без частицы to:

to play играть - playing

to read читать - reading

Перед суффиксом -ing одна согласная, если она стоит после краткой ударной гласной, удваивается:

to get получать - getting

to run бегать - running

to compel заставлять - compelling

to prefer предпочитать - preferring

В глаголах to die умирать, to lie лежать, to tie связывать буква i перед суффиксом -ing переходит в у:

to die-dying - умирающий, умирая

to lie-lying - лежащий, лежа

to tie-tying - связывающий, связывая

Причастие настоящего времени переводится на русский язык либо действительным причастием настоящего времени, либо деепричастием.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be ex 2 p 53

Урок 29

Тема урока: Аудирование по теме : «IELTS» and «TOEFL».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all. Let's Introduce ourselves.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

IELTS is the International English Language Testing System which tests English proficiency across the globe. IELTS tests are held in over 500 centres with tests up to four times a month. IELTS respects international diversity and is fair to anyone who sits the test, regardless of nationality ...

Why choose IELTS?

IELTS tests all four language skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking. The Speaking test is a face-to-face interview with a certified Examiner. It is interactive and as close to a real-life situation as a test can get ...

Test format

IELTS is available in two test formats:

Academic or General Training. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking modules but different Reading and Writing modules ...

Academic or General Training

The Academic format is for those who want to study or train in an English-speaking university or Institutions of Higher and Further Education. Admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses is based on the results of the Academic test ...

A reliable, secure test

The IELTS nine (9) band score system grades scores consistently. It is secure, benchmarked and understood worldwide. Test materials are designed carefully so that every version of the test is of a comparable level of difficulty ...

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex В p58

Урок 30

Тема урока: Работа над текстом: «Форум Сосновый Бор»

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: искать аналоги и другие варианты решения.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Almost all the teenagers look forward to having summer holidays from school, which provide them the much-anticipated respite from attending regular classes. However, in most of the cases, the excitement and fun last for a few days only. After that, they start getting bored and often resort to TV. At such a time, it is the responsibility of parents to find fun summer activities for their teenagers, which help them, get away from the blues of boredom. In case you are a parent looking for some summer holiday activities for his/her teenage child, just read on further and find many options.

Summer camps make excellent option for your teens to spend their holidays. While the local camps keep your teen occupied during the day, there are summer camps that take them out of the city also. In the latter case, the camps are mainly adventure-centric, trekking camps, mountaineering camps, and the like. Apart from keeping your teenager busy, these camps also help him/her interact with other kids and develop social skills.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 1 p 57

Урок 31

Тема урока: Лексико-грамматический контроль: Причастие 1.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Контроль знаний по теме Причастие 1.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

That night, ______ up to his room he thought of his unpleasant duty.



having go

She smiled ______ the joke.


to remember


______ so little in the country, I am afraid I cannot answer all your questions.


Having seen

To see

A new road ______ the plant with the railway station will soon be built.


having connected


______ two days before the conference he had a lot of time to see Edinburgh.

To arrive


Having arrived

I felt very tired ______ the whole day in the sun.

being worked

having worked


IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex D p 59

Урок 32

Тема урока: Работа над текстом: «Что означают аббревиатуры: FAQs, IMHO, FYI?».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

What do the abbreviations mean?




a/c account AGM annual general meeting a.m. ante meridiem (before noon) a/o account of (on behalf of) AOB any other business ASAP as soon as possible ATM automated teller machine (cash dispenser) attn for the attention of approx. approximately cc copy to CEO chief executive officer c/o care of (on letters : at the address of) Co company cm centimetre COD cash on delivery dept department e.g. exempli gratia (for example) EGM extraordinary general meeting ETA estimated time of arrival etc et caetera (and so on) GDP gross domestic product GNP gross national product GMT Greenwich mean time (time in London) i.e. id est (meaning : 'that is') Inc incorporated IOU I owe you IPO initial public offer

PA personal assistant p.a. per annum (per year) Plc public limited company pls please p.m. post meridiem (after noon) p.p. per pro (used before signing in a person's absence) PR public relations p.s. post scriptum pto please turn over p.w. per week qty quantity R & D research and development re with reference to ROI return on investment RSVP repondez s'il vous plait (please reply) s.a.e. stamped addressed envelope VAT value added tax VIP very important person

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 9 p64

Урок 33

Тема урока: Причастие прошедшего времени.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: изучение новых знаний по теме Participle 2.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Причастие II

Причастие II (Participle II) - неличная форма глагола (III основная форма глагола), имеет одну неизменяемую форму со страдательным значением и обозначает действие, которое испытывает на себе лицо или предмет. Оно соответствует в русском языке причастию страдательного залога.

Причастие II правильных глаголов имеет ту же форму, что и Past Indefinite, и образуется при помощи прибавления суффикса -ed к основе глагола to ask - asked, to help - helped.

Подобно причастию I, причастие II обладает свойствами глагола, прилагательного и наречия. Как и глагол, оно обозначает действие. Время действия, обозначаемое причастием II, определяется временем действия глагола-сказуемого или контекстом.

The book discussed yesterday was interesting. Книга, обсуждавшаяся вчера, была интересной.

The books discussed at the lessons are always interesting. Книги, обсуждаемые на уроках, всегда интересны.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 2 p61

Урок 34

Тема урока: Работа над текстом: «Что такое Блог? Кто такие блоггеры?».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

A blog (a portmanteau of the term web log)[1] is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often are themed on a single subject. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users. (Previously a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and FTP had been required to publish content on the Web.)

Although not a must, most good quality blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via GUI widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.[2] In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking. Indeed, bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs but also build social relations with their readers and other bloggers.[3]

Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries; yet still others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blog), photographs (photoblog), videos (video blogging or vlogging), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 4 p62

Урок 35

Тема урока: Аудирование по теме: «В блоге Ангуса».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Before blogging became popular, digital communities took many forms, including Usenet, commercial online services such as GEnie, BiX and the early CompuServe, e-mail lists[10] and Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). In the 1990s, Internet forum software, created running conversations with "threads." Threads are topical connections between messages on a virtual "corkboard."

The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. Most such writers called themselves diarists, journalists, or journalers. Justin Hall, who began personal blogging in 1994 while a student at Swarthmore College, is generally recognized as one of the earlier bloggers,[11] as is Jerry Pournelle.[12] Dave Winer's Scripting News is also credited with being one of the older and longer running weblogs.[13][14] Another early blog was Wearable Wireless Webcam, an online shared diary of a person's personal life combining text, video, and pictures transmitted live from a wearable computer and EyeTap device to a web site in 1994. This practice of semi-automated blogging with live video together with text was referred to as sousveillance, and such journals were also used as evidence in legal matters.

Early blogs were simply manually updated components of common Web sites. However, the evolution of tools to facilitate the production and maintenance of Web articles posted in reverse chronological order made the publishing process feasible to a much larger, less technical, population. Ultimately, this resulted in the distinct class of online publishing that produces blogs we recognize today. For instance, the use of some sort of browser-based software is now a typical aspect of "blogging". Blogs can be hosted by dedicated blog hosting services, or they can be run using blog software, or on regular web hosting services.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to translate the blog into Russian

Урок 36

Тема урока: Формы причастия.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков употребления форм причастий.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать ассоциативного мышления, воображения.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.


1) определение: изменяемый, измененный

2) обстоятельство: когда (его) изменили, так как (его) изменили

3) сказуемое изменяется, изменено


having changed

обстоятельство: изменив(-шись)

having been changed

обстоятельство: когда (его) изменили, после того как (его) изменили

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 1 p67

Урок 37

Тема урока: Работа над текстом: «Блог Наташи».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Main articles: History of blogging and online diary

The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997. The short form, "blog," was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog Peterme.com in April or May 1999. Shortly thereafter, Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog," meaning "to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog") and devised the term "blogger" in connection with Pyra Labs' Blogger product, leading to the popularization of the terms.

After a slow start, blogging rapidly gained in popularity. Blog usage spread during 1999 and the years following, being further popularized by the near-simultaneous arrival of the first hosted blog tools:

  • Bruce Ableson launched Open Diary in October 1998, which soon grew to thousands of online diaries. Open Diary innovated the reader comment, becoming the first blog community where readers could add comments to other writers' blog entries.

  • Brad Fitzpatrick started LiveJournal in March 1999.

  • Andrew Smales created Pitas.com in July 1999 as an easier alternative to maintaining a "news page" on a Web site, followed by Diaryland in September 1999, focusing more on a personal diary community.[15]

  • Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan (Pyra Labs) launched blogger.com in August 1999 (purchased by Google in February 2003)

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 3 p68

Урок 38

Тема урока: Лексико-грамматический контроль: Формы причастия.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Контроль знаний по теме формы причастия.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Form of Past Participle

Fill in the Past Participle.

  1. the (lose) son

  2. an (interest) audience

  3. a (break) leg

  4. an (empty) bottle

  5. a (close) door

  6. a (decorate) room

  7. two (pack) bags

  8. the (write) letters

  9. the (sell) car

  10. the (buy) apples

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to revise grammar rules

Урок 39

Тема урока: Аудирование по теме: «Университет».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: планировать свою деятельность.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование:Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.Repeat after me.

2. Речевая зарядка.

I would like you introduce yourself to me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Topic 'Moscow state university'

Moscow State University is the largest university of Russia. When it was founded in 1755 it was the University of Moscow with three faculties. Today it ranks among the top universities of the world.

The foundation of Moscow University was inspired by the radical philosophical and political views of Michael State (1711-65). The University was established by the order of Elisabeth, the Russian Empress. In the late 18-th century Moscow University became the centre of advanced Russian science and social thought.

Moscow State University is known world-wide for its academic excellence. Moscow State University, the largest educational institution in Russia teaches almost in all subject areas: Arts, Sciences, Law, Engineering, etc. The staff are knowledgeable in their subjects. The top research institutions of Moscow State University enable to keep research and teaching up to date. Here students can learn skills which fit them for a better career. Moscow State University reputation stays with its graduates - and their achievements in turn add to that reputation.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex4 p69

Урок 40

Тема урока: Контроль навыков чтения: «Университет Эссекса».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать уважение к культуре Англии

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

The University of Essex is a British campus university whose original and largest campus is near the town of Colchester, England. It was established in 1963 and received its Royal Charter in 1965. It has 18 main teaching departments and 36 centres and institutes in subjects including biological sciences, computer science, acting, economics, business, health/human sciences, history, language and linguistics, mathematical sciences, human rights, law, literature, film studies, theatre studies, philosophy, art history, psychology, psychoanalytic studies, sociology and government.

The university's main campus is located within Wivenhoe Park in the English county of Essex, less than a mile (1.6 km) from the town of Wivenhoe & 2 miles (3.2 km) from the town of Colchester. Apart from the Wivenhoe Park campus, there are campuses in Southend, and Loughton (home of the East 15 Acting School) The University's motto, Thought the harder, heart the keener, is adapted from the Anglo-Saxon poem The Battle of Maldon.

The university enjoys collaborative partnerships with a number of institutions across the eastern region. These are University Campus Suffolk, Colchester Institute, Kaplan Open Learning (KOL), South Essex College and Writtle College.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to translate the text into Russian

Урок 41

Тема урока: Чтения текста: «Университетский городок».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

A campus university is a British term for a university situated on one site, with student accommodation, teaching and research facilities, and leisure activities all together. It is derived from the Latin term campus, meaning "a flat expanse of land, plain, field".[1]

The founding of these new institutions initiated a wave of far reaching expansion in higher education within the UK and helped open access to Higher Education to students who found access to the more traditional universities difficult or closed. The traditional universities tended to attract students from the exclusive private education sector in the UK and from privileged backgrounds whereas Campus Universities attracted students from all classes, backgrounds and schools (especially the state funded Grammar and then later Comprehensive schools).

These institutions also promoted "new" courses of study and so helped initiate not just a great expansion in numbers of students but in the range of subjects studied.

Therefore many students in the Campus Universities, particularly in the post war period 1950 to 1970 were the first member of their family ever to go to University and studying new and "exciting" topics, which lent a radical edge to the experience of Higher Education.

Campus universities are contrasted to collegiate universities, based on a number of colleges (such as Oxford, Durham, London or Cambridge Universities) or a university consisting of a number of sites, or even individual buildings, spread throughout a town (such as Edinburgh University). Confusingly, multi-site universities often call each separate site "a campus" and many original campus universities now have expanded to more than one site (or campus), for example the University of Nottingham and the University of Birmingham.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex B p 74

Урок 42

Тема урока: Прилагательные оканчивающиеся на -ing.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Изучение темы Прилагательные оканчивающиеся на -ing.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Ниже перечислены пары наиболее употребляемых прилагательных из этой темы:

  1. Surprising (удивительный, неожиданный) - surprised (изумленный, пораженный)

  2. Disappointing (вызывающий разочарование) - disappointed (разочарованный, расстроенный)

  3. Tiring (утомительный, изнурительный) - tired (утомленный, уставший)

  4. Fascinating (очаровательный, обворожительный) - fascinated (неравнодушный, очарованный)

  5. Amusing (забавный, смешной) - аmused (изумленный, веселый)

  6. Astonishing (удивительный, поразительный) - astonished (удивленный, пораженный)

  7. Shocking (ужасный, шокирующий) - shocked (потрясенный, шокированный)

  8. Disgusting (отвратительный, безобразный) - disgusted (чувствующий отвращение)

  9. Embarrassing (неловкий, стеснительный) - embarrassed ( в смущении, в замешательстве)

  10. Confusing (сбивчивый, неясный) - confused (смущенный, растерянный)

  11. Terrifying (пугающий, ужасающий) - terrified (оторопелый, в ужасе)

  12. Frightening (пугающий, ужасный) - frightened (испуганный, оторопелый)

  13. Depressing (гнетущий, унылый) - depressed (подавленный, угнетенный)

  14. Worrying (тревожный, волнующий) - worried (встревоженный, обеспокоенный)

  15. Annoying (назойливый, раздражающий) - аnnoyed (недовольный, раздосадованный)

  16. Satisfying (доставляющий удовольствие) - satisfied (довольный, удовлетворенный)

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 1 p75

Урок 43

Тема урока: Чтение текста: «Где лучше: в студенческом городке или на съемной квартире».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

These institutions also promoted "new" courses of study and so helped initiate not just a great expansion in numbers of students but in the range of subjects studied.

Therefore many students in the Campus Universities, particularly in the post war period 1950 to 1970 were the first member of their family ever to go to University and studying new and "exciting" topics, which lent a radical edge to the experience of Higher Education.

Campus universities are contrasted to collegiate universities, based on a number of colleges (such as Oxford, Durham, London or Cambridge Universities) or a university consisting of a number of sites, or even individual buildings, spread throughout a town (such as Edinburgh University). Confusingly, multi-site universities often call each separate site "a campus" and many original campus universities now have expanded to more than one site (or campus), for example the University of Nottingham and the University of Birmingham.

The classic campus university is often found on the edge of cities, such as the University of Bath which is just outside the city of Bath, the University of Sussex which is a few miles from the city of Brighton, the University of East Anglia which is just on the edge of the city of Norwich, the University of Kent which is just on the edge of the city of Canterbury, the University of Essex near Colchester, the University of Warwick near Coventry, Lancaster University near the city of Lancaster, Keele University near Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire or Stirling University on the outskirts of Stirling and the University of York on the outskirts of York. Aston University in Birmingham is a classic campus university, but located in the centre of the city.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 9 p85

Урок 44

Тема урока: Контроль навыков письма: «Брайн или Диана-кто прав?»

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков диалогической и монологической речи, аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

I graduate high school in a few months and I'll start college this fall.

The school I want to go to is about 20 minutes away, so I could easily still stay at home with my parents. But I really want to be involved in campus life and everything. It's only 2,000 for 1 semester for a dorm, which I can easily pay. And I get my meals free because I made good grades in high school. Plus, I would be right there close to school and my job, so I wouldn't have to drive to work, school, and back home everyday. I'd be close to the libraries, computer labs, etc.

But, I would get free rent if I stayed with my parents and more privacy.

Should I stay at home or on campus?Dorm life is college life. Go for it. My daughter lived on campus as an undergraduate but opted to live with her dad and stepmother during grad school for economical reasons. Her brother remarked that she was lucky to get free room and board and she answered "It's costing me more than you'll ever know." Because she was getting a free ride, her dad and stepmom felt that they should have more influence over her than she liked, and since she needed their support, she had to keep giving in to them on many levels. College is where you grow up, and that's often difficult if your living conditions are in the place where you have always been a child

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 7 p84

Урок 45

Тема урока: Формирование навыков чтения: «Блог Брайна и Дианы».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

I'm in the same situation as you except at this point i pretty much am going to be living on campus.. okay scratch that i WILL be living on campus. My commute to college would be 2 hours verses yours which is only 20 minutes away.. however even if the college i wanted to go to is close i most likely would still pick living on campus because think of all the events and social life you will be missing out on.. i guess when it comes down to it its really up to you and if you think you would gain anything out of it. For me personally i feel like the experience just in itself is enough to make me want to live on campus.. you can always decide to not live on campus next year if you don't like it but it seems like the whole "college experience" from what everyone is telling me is part of campus living so its advised that you at least try it "once".. so that's what I'm going to do. Dorm living for me is about 5, 000 double that by another year (my course is 2 years) and its a total of 10, 000 2 years.. I'm going to be getting a job real soon and start working full time (I just have one high school credit i need which i am taking next semester which is like in a week from now, its only on Tuesdays) so with me working full time i hopefully will have at least 10 grand saved and i will continue to work while im there as well to pay for the next year dorm living expenses.. hopefully by then i would have met ppl who i would like to rent a house with.. i really am not to crazy about dorm living sophomore year i dunno i think its a freshman thing.. so after I'm done being a freshman hopefully i will have my own place sophomore year of college.

but enough of my rant lol just want to let u know your not the only one with mixed feelings.. or wasn't the only one lol. Hopefully i helped you some?? but like i said when it all comes down to it, decision is yours and you will have to pick which one makes sense to you.. if everything is payed for like you said then you should be good to go.. and 2, 000 for 1 semester is pretty cheap however most likely you will be there for a full year so double that and make it 4, 000.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex C p.79

Урок 46

Тема урока: Лексико-грамматический контроль: Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ing

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Контроль знаний по теме Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ing.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

1. Those are probably the ___________ curtains in the store.



most fanciest

2. Uncle Carl is really ______________________ man.

an old sweet

a sweet, old

a sweet old

3. The Karmen-Ghia used to be _________________ sportscar.

a fine German

a German, fine

a fine, German

4. Everyone was home for the holidays. What could make for ___________ Christmas than that?

a merryer

the merriest

a merrier

5. They grew up in ___________________ house in Mexico City.

a comfortable, little

a little, comfortable

a comfortable little

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to revise grammar rules

Урок 47

Тема урока: Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием прошедшего времени.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Ознакомление с новой грамматической темой Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием прошедшего времени.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать ассоциативного мышления, воображения

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Complex Object

Cложное дополнение - конструкция, равнозначная придаточному предложению, состоящая из:

- имени существительного или местоимения в косвенном падеже,

- инфинитива глагола.

На русский язык Complex Object переводится придаточным предложением с союзами что, как, чтобы.

При этом существительное или местоимение в косвенном падеже становится подлежащим, а инфинитив - сказуемым.

I want you to come at 5. - Я хочу, чтобы вы пришли в 5.

Сложное дополнение употребляется после глаголов:

а. желания: to want, to wish, to desire, would like;

б. предположения: to expect, to believe, to think, to suppose, to consider, to find;

в. приказания, просьбы: to command, to order, to ask, to allow;

г. чувственного восприятия: to see, to hear, to notice, to feel, to watch, to observe;

д. побуждения: to make, to force, to have, to let;

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 1 p80

Урок 48

Тема урока: Аудирование по теме: «Съем квартиры».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Roger: Hello.

Ann: Hello Roger? This is Ann.

Roger: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's your new apartment working out?

Ann: Well, that's what I'm calling about. You see, I've decided to look for a new place.

Roger: Oh, what's the problem with your place now? I thought you liked the apartment.

Ann: Oh, I do, but it's a little far from campus, and the commute is just killing me. Do you think you could help? I thought you might know more about the housing situation near the school.

Roger: Okay, what's your budget like? I mean how much do you want to spend on rent?

Ann:Uh, somewhere under $200 a month, including utilities, if I could. Oh, and I'd prefer to rent a furnished apartment.

Roger: Hmm. And anything else?

Ann:Yeah, I need a parking space.

Roger: Well, I know there's an apartment complex around the corner that seems to have a few vacancies. I'll drop by there on my way to class today.

Ann: Hey, thanks a lot.

Roger: No problem.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 5,6 p.83

Урок 49

Тема урока: Контроль навыков чтения: «Блог Солнечной Дженни» .

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

I live in a 5-storied block of flats in Yushno-Sakhalinsk. It's not a very picturesque place but we have a yard and a Kodak Express studio under the window.

My flat is on the third floor. It's very comfortable and well planned. I have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony in it. The largest room in my flat is the living room. My family uses it as a sitting room. There is a sofa, two armchairs, a coffee table, a TV set and a VCR (video) in it.

We have two small rooms in our flat and one of them is mine. It is not big but very cosy. There is a wardrobe near the wall and a desk near the window. My bed is at the left corner. I like my room very much because it is my room.

Our kitchen is not very large but it is light. It's very well equipped. We have got a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a coffee maker and a toaster. In evenings we like to have tea and have rest in it.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 9 p85


Тема урока: Аудирование по теме: «Наташа ищет квартиру»

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков аудирования.

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать умение обобщать и синтезировать знания.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

World Wide Web. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the fifth floor of a nine-storied building. It has all modem conveniences: central heating, running hot and cold water, electricity, gas, a lift and a chute to carry rubbish down.

We have a three-room flat which consists of a living-room, a bedroom, a study (which is also my room), a kitchen, a bath-room and a toilet. There are also two closets in our flat. Our flat has two balconies.

The living-room is the largest and most comfortable one in the flat. In the middle of the room we have a square dinner-table with six chairs round it. To the left of the dinner-table there is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves. At the opposite wall there is a piano and a piano stool before it. To the right there is a little table with colour TV set on it. Opposite the TV set there are two cozy armchairs. A divan-bed and a standard lamp are in the left-hand corner. In front of the armchairs there is a small round table for newspapers and magazines. There is a thick carpet on the floor. Two water-colours hung on the wall above the divan-bed. In the evening we usually draw the curtains across the windows, and a red lampshade gives a warm colour to the room.

The bedroom is smaller than the living-room and not so light as there is only one window in it. In this room there are two beds, two dressing-tables and a wardrobe. In the corner of the bedroom there is a small colors TV set. On the dressing table there is an alarm-clock and small lamp with green lamp-shade.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex С p91

Урок 51

Тема урока: Лексико-грамматический контроль. Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием прошедшего времени.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Контроль знаний по теме Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием прошедшего времени .

2. Развивающий аспект: развивать умение сравнивать и находить различий и сходства у изучаемых объектов.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

World Wide Web. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

1. They advised me _ this book.

to read


2. Would you like him _ us?

to join


3. Did the doctor let him _ out?



4. Suddenly I felt somebody _ me by the hand.

to take


5. What makes you _ so?


to think

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to revise grammar rules

Урок 52

Тема урока: Чтение текста: «Поиск жилья по объявлению».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

World Wide Web. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Like most families of a large city my family lives in a block of flats. It is a 9-storey building, situated rather far from the center of the city. There is no undergroundstation near by, but it's not a problem to get to downtown by bus or by tram.

We live in a rather quiet district. Nevertheless there is a number of shops, a hairdresser's, a chemist's and a cafe near my house.

My flat is situated on the 5th floor. There is an elevator in every porch, so we don't have to walk up.

We have three rooms: a large living-room, my parents' bedroom and my room. Certainly, there is a kitchen, a bathroom and a lavatory in our flat.

The flooring is parquet in the rooms and entrance hall, in the bathroom and lavatory it's tiled. All the rooms are papered, with wallpaper of a different pattern and colour.

A feature of life in a modern flat today is a number of electrical appliances, that make our life easier and save our time. Our family has a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, a toaster, a chip pan and squeezer. My mother's dream is a dish-washer, but it is too expensive for the family budget.

My room is not the largest in the flat, but I really like it very much as I've furnished it by myself. I've got everything necessary here: a writing table to work at, a sofa to sleep on, a wardrobe for clothes, a wall unit with books and magazines I need, and a number of pictures and posters on the walls. I have not got a TV-set in my room, but I can watch it in the living-room. The thing I really lack is a personal computer. If I had a PC, I would be able to use it for doing my school projects and reports, listening to CDs and playing computer games.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to make up your own sentences

Урок 53

Тема урока: Формирование навыков устной речи: «Блог Сабрины».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков чтения.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

World Wide Web. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

I have a good flat in a new block of flats. My flat is on the fifth floor. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot running water and a lift.

There are three rooms in our flat. Besides, we have a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall.

The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the room we have a table with 4 chairs round it. There is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves. Between the two large windows there is a coffee table. Near the TV set there are two cosy armchairs. We like to have a rest here.

The bedroom is smaller than the living-room. In this room there are two beds with a bedside-table between them. An alarm-clock and a small lamp are on the table. There is a thick carpet on the floor.

The third room is my study. It is not large but very cosy. There isn't much furniture in it. It has a writing-table and a chair before it. In the right-hand corner there is a bookcase full of books, magazines and newspapers. Near it there is a sofa with some cushions. In my opinion, the study is the best room in our flat.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex D p 91

Урок 54

Тема урока: Написание эссе с элементами рассуждения.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков письменной речи.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Parrot Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

Learning how to write an essay can be a maddening, exasperating process, but it doesn't have to be. If you know the steps and understand what to do, writing can be easy and even fun.

This site, "How To Write an Essay: 10 Easy Steps," offers a ten-step process that teaches students how to write an essay. Links to the writing steps are found on the left, and additional writing resources are located across the top.

Learning how to write an essay doesn't have to involve so much trial and error.

Below are brief summaries of each of the ten steps to writing an essay. Select the links for more info on any particular step, or use the blue navigation bar on the left to proceed through the writing steps. How To Write an Essay can be viewed sequentially, as if going through ten sequential steps in an essay writing process, or can be explored by individual topic.

Begin the essay writing process by researching your topic, making yourself an expert. Utilize the internet, the academic databases, and the library. Take notes and immerse yourself in the words of great thinkers.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to write Essay

Урок 55

Тема урока: Формирование навыков письма: «Друг познается в беде».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков письменной речи.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

World Wide Web. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

The proverb 'A friend in need is a friend indeed' is one of the most known proverbs, and it teaches you that a real friend is a person who is there for you when you need him, it helps you when you have a problem, it keeps your secrets, shares things with you, bares you with all your qualities and defects. Of course, you have to treat all your friends the way you want to be treated and you always have to tell your friend the true, this is the only way to keep a real friend.

A person must look at himself inside and outside as like a mirror, not in one deceptive way, you have to reflect your personality without misrepresenting it. The friendship is based on confidence and spirit of sacrifice.

I think nobody could live without friends, no matter how rich or how intelligent you are.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex 2 p 98

Урок 56

Тема урока: Формирование навыков письменной речи: «Велосипед-самое лучшее транспортное средство в городе».

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков письма.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

World Wide Web. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

A bicycle, also known as a bike, pushbike, pedal bike, pedal cycle, or cycle, is a human-powered, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist, or bicyclist.

Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and now number about one billion worldwide, twice as many as automobiles. They are the principal means of transportation in many regions. They also provide a popular form of recreation, and have been adapted for such uses as children's toys, adult fitness, military and police applications, courier services and bicycle racing.

The basic shape and configuration of a typical upright bicycle has changed little since the first chain-driven model was developed around 1885. However, many details have been improved, especially since the advent of modern materials and computer-aided design. These have allowed for a proliferation of specialized designs for particular types of cycling.

The invention of the bicycle has had an enormous impact on society, both in terms of culture and of advancing modern industrial methods. Several components that eventually played a key role in the development of the automobile were originally invented for the bicycle, including ball bearings, pneumatic tires, chain-driven sprockets, and spoke</<span>-tensioned wheels.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be Ex A p 99

Урок 57

Тема урока: Лексико-грамматический контроль: Формы причастия. Причастие 1 и 2.

Цель урока: 1. Познавательный аспект: Контроль знаний по теме Формы причастия. Причастие 1 и 2.

2. Развивающий аспект: Развивать память и мышление.

3. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни

Оборудование: Учебник HappyEnglish.ru K.Kaufman, M.Kaufman, Obninsk, Titul 2011.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока. Приветствие и объявление темы.

Hello, dear children. Glad to meet you all.

II. Вводная часть.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

World Wide Web. Repeat after me.

III. Основная часть урока.

1. ..... as a taxi-driver before, Leo knew every corner of the town.

having worked



2. She bent down and looked at the tiny kitten ..... under the table.


having sat

having been sat

3. ..... to see as much as possible of the town, we hired a car.

Having wished



4. Anna's spirit though ..... was not broken.



being crushed

5. I am ..... . Let's do something. How about going to a movie?



being bored

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Your homework will be to revise grammar rules


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