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  • Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе «National sports»

Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе «National sports»

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Краткое описание: "Разработкаурока английского языка ·ФИО автора работы –Константинова АнастасияВасильевна · ·название работы – “National sports” ·предметная область – урок английского языка ·участники (возраст, класс) – 8 класс ·цели и задачи – ·"Образовательнаяцель: ·- совершенствова
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Разработка урока английского языка

  • ФИО автора работы -Константинова Анастасия Васильевна

  • Должность - учитель английского языка

  • Место работы - МБОУ «Джикимдинская СОШ им. Софр. П. Данилова» Горного района РС(Я)

  • название работы - "National sports"

  • предметная область - урок английского языка

  • участники (возраст, класс) - 8 класс

  • цели и задачи -

  • Образовательная цель:

  • - совершенствовать речевые навыки, способствовать применению знаний по теме;

  • - установить межпредметные связи.

  • Развивающая цель: развитие памяти и кругозора учащихся;

  • Воспитательная цель: воспитывать уважение к традициям своей страны;

Аннотация: Урок закрепление на тему «Спорт». Введен новый раздел «Национальные игры». Закрепление путем игровых технологий.

Формы работы: фронтальная , парная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедиапроектор, экран, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

  1. Good morning! I am glad to see you. So, let's start our lesson.

  1. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

1 слайд.

The theme of our lesson today is National Sports in Yakutia. We continue speaking about sport. But today we'll pay special attention in national kinds of sports. And you will do some exercises. National sports are part of traditional Sakha culture.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

You know that earlier we spoke about Sport in Britain. So now I want you to answer my questions.

  1. What is your favourite kind of sport?

  2. Do you like to take part in sport competitions?

  3. Who is your favourite football player?

  4. What kinds of sports are the most popular in Britain?

  5. What football teams do you know?

  6. What are the rules of cricket?

  7. What is the most famous tennis competition in England?

  1. Введение в новую тему.

There is a well - known saying: "A healthy mind in a healthy body". What do you think, what does this saying mean?

It means that a healthy body is essential for the development of an active intelligence.

Now please look at the smartboard. Let's start speaking about national kinds of sport in Yakutia.

The first is KHAPSAGAI

  • Khapsagai is the Sakha form of wrestling, testing strength, will - power, speed and flexibility. The rules on this type of wrestling are very simple: as soon as any part of a wrestler's body touches the ground or carpet, that is considered a fall.

The second

  • Stick pulling is a national sport that tests strength. The Sakha played it everywhere: indoors, out - of - doors, on the floor, on the grass or in deep snow. Stick pulling is a very popular sport in the republic.

The third

  • Kylyy involves running and jumping on one leg, taking for ten leaps, then on the eleventh leap the jumper has to land on both legs.

The fourth

  • Ystanga involves running and jumping on the right and left legs alternately for ten leaps, then on the eleventh leap the jumper has to land on both feet.

The fifth

  • Kuobakh involves jumping on boyh legs at thr same time, eleven times without stopping.

The sixth

  • Jumping over a sleigh is very popular among the Chukchi, Evens and Evenks and has its roots in the tradition of reindeer herding.

The next are National tanle games.

  • Khabylykh is played with simple wood splinters, like those which were used by families for kindling their fires (kamelyok). In the past the rules became progressively more and more complicated, but now there is an improved variation of the game.

  • Khaamyska (pebbles) is very popular. It was brought to Yakutia by the Russian Cossaks who came to Yakut as part of Russian exploratory expeditions. Nowadays, the pebbles are made of cubes of wood, but the name "pebbles" has stayed.

These games develop flexibility of the body, especially fingers and hands, deftness, coordination and accuracy, as well as mental ability.

  1. Закрепление

Now look at the next slide and do the exercise.

Match the names of sports with their English definitions.

  1. khapsagai

  2. khabylykh

  3. khaamyska

  4. kylyy

  5. ystanga

  6. kuobakh

  1. running and jumping on one leg for ten leaps then landing on both legs

  2. throwing up wood splinters

  3. running and jumping on the right and left legs alternately for ten leaps then landing on both feet

  4. a form of wrestling

  5. jumping on both legs eleven times without stopping

  6. throwing pebbles

  1. Проверка выполнения.

  2. Чтение текста. Работа в группах.

Now divide into 2 groups. Each group will get the text. These texts are about national table games. The first is about the rules of "Khabylyk" game, the second is about the rules of "Khaamyska". Your task is to read and try to understand. (Приложение 1, Приложение 2)

IX. Игра в настольные игры «Хаамыска» и «Хабылык» по командам.

So children, now we are going to play. Stay in your groups. You have learned a lot of information about National Sports in our Republic. I think now you know all the rules. We are going to play such national table games as "Khaamyska" and "Khabylyk" now.

The first group, take your seat around this table. And the second group sit around that table.

Our first game is "Khaamyska". I give you the Pebbles. Then we'll play another game "Khabylyk".

Х. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

Think how you've played today and give yourselves scores.

Take sheets of papers and complete the table as usual. There are three coloumns: in the first coloumn you should write "What you know", in the second "What you want to know" and in the third - "What you learnt" after this lesson. (Приложение 3.)

XI. Домашнее задание.

Your homework is to prepare stories or make presentations about Yakut National games. Thank you for your attention and work.

Приложение 1.

Khaamyska (pebbles)

Several people can play this game.

The leader takes chips and throws them up as high as he can (the game is played inside the house).

The players should catch the chips, the one who caught a chip with a mark on it is to begin the game.

In the fourth time after throwing one chip the player should put the rest of the chips on the table one by one. Then the chips that are on the table should be taken in hand. In the sixth time while one chip is in the air the player should take the chip indicated without touching the rest of the chips. In the seventh time the player strews 4 chips on the table, the fifth one is thrown up in the air and strongly strikes his hand on the table. Then he collects the chips and catches the fifth one. In the eighth time the winner is the one who does it all in one pass. If the player makes a mistake, the next player starts playing. The player starts from the place where the previous player stopped. In the end the one who wins more times becomes "the master" and puts the loser under the table. The loser is to do anything the master tells him: to sing, read lyrics, speak tongue twisters.


Khabylyk consists of 5 main figures: a raven, a horse, a deer, a mare, a foal. There are also 55 cows (simple sticks). The raven has a star on its head, the deer has a hole on the belly and 7 antlers on its head, the horse has 5 horns on its head, the mare has a big belly (looks like udder) and 3 horns, the foal looks like the horse but it has 2 horns.

One main figure can replace several cows or is considered to be their master. The raven can own 10 cows, the horse - 5 cows, the deer - 7 cows, the mare - 3 cows and the foal - 2 cows. There has to be 60 sticks 20-23 cm long, 0.5 cm stick, the main figures should be 2 cm wide and the cows should be 1 cm wide. The players start with the one who sits on the right hand (making a circle) counterclockwise). Everyone should throw the stick up in the air and the players should catch them. The one who caught the main figure starts the game. He would throw sticks 10-20 cm and he has to catch them with the back of the hand. Then he throws the sticks that he caught again and has to catch them. The caught sticks - cows - are divided in two parts. If at the end there is one cow, the player takes it to himsekf and continues the game. The player should try to catch the main figures one by one. If he catches the main figure, then, depending on how many cows it can replace, he takes as many cows. If the player catches a certain amount of sticks and it's an even number, the next player starts playing. Thus, having caught all the cows the plauers begin to catch the main figures. The player puts 5 sticks in his right palm, throws them up and catches them with the back of the hand, throws them again and catches 1 stick with his long and ring fingers. At the end of the game the players should count the amount of cows.

The one who gets more cows becomes the winner - the "master". The one who loses should sit under the table until "the master" knocks the table 3 times. If for some reason "the master" does not knock the table during the next game the loser is to stay under the table all the time.


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