• Учителю
  • План по английскому языку на тему 'Five apples'.

План по английскому языку на тему 'Five apples'.

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предварительный просмотр материала

Daily lesson's Plan

Date: The 1stof October

Form: 1 "A"

Week: Tuesday

Theme: Lesson 5 Five apples.

Aims of the lesson: 1. To teach pupils to speak about yourselves using the phrases Hello! My

name's … . I'm … .and to introduce with the letter "B b";

2. to develop thinking, memory, reading;

3.To bring up pupils love and interest to the subject.

Type: New theme

Methods: question - answer.

Aids: English textbook, pictures, colour pencils, cards

The Procedure of the lesson

I.Org moment: Greetings with pupils

Making of the absentees.

II Checking hometask: Revision

III. New material: Five apples

Pupils today we introduce with the letter "B" and how we put these questions {What is this?", "Who is this?} to the pictures.

F. eg. - What is this?

- This is a pen.

- Who is this?

- This is Ted.

New words:

Boy -бала

Banana - банан

Bag - сөмке

Baby - нәресте

One - бір

Two - екі

Three - үш

Four - төрт

Five - бес

IV Doing exercises: Ex 1 p 18 listen, point and repeat.

Boy, banana, bag, baby.

Boy, banana, bag, baby.

Baby, bag, boy, banana.

Ex 2 p 18 listen and chant

Letter B,B,B. Listen b,b,b.

Bag, banana, baby, boy.

My name's Bobby.

It's my toy.

Ex 5 p 20 Listen , point, and repeat.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Two, four, three, five, one.

One apple - two apples

VI. Conclusion: Giving marks for the lesson

The lesson is over.

Good - bye pupils.


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