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  • Выбор профессии. Элективный курс по английскому языку для учащихся 10-11 классов.

Выбор профессии. Элективный курс по английскому языку для учащихся 10-11 классов.

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предварительный просмотр материала

«О профессиях, которые мы выбираем»

(элективный курс для учащихся 10-11 классов)

Пояснительная записка

В соответствии с основным положением программы модер­низации образования профильное образование учащихся являет­ся одним из приоритетных направлений образовательной поли­тики российской школы.

Реализация идеи профильности ставит учащихся старших классов перед необходимостью совершения ответственного вы­бора - предварительного самоопределения в отношении даль­нейшего образования.

Предлагаемый курс ставит своей практической целью познакомить учащихся с разными областями профессио­нальной деятельности. Курс нацелен на воспитание у учащихся чувства уважения к людям различных профессий и способствует разностороннему развитию личности учащихся.

Основными целями данного курса являются:

-создание возможностей для овладения учащимися знаниями о разнообра­зии

профессионального мира;

-приобретение учащимися на этой основе общеучебных и общепрофессиональных знаний и уме­ний; построение ими личного профессионального плана.

Достижение данных целей предусматривает решение сле­дующих задач:

-познакомить учащихся с разными видами тру­довой профессиональной деятельности;

-дать представление о че­ловеке как личности;

-расширить круг образовательных и учебных ситуаций с ориентацией на будущую профессию;

-помочь решить задачу профессионального самоопределения учащихся.

Курс призван через знакомство с профессиональными специальностями в различных областях способствовать всестороннему целостному развитию личности учащихся, повышению культурного уровня одновременно с со­вершенствованием иноязычных умений и навыков.Основу данного курса составляют упражнения коммуникативного характера,обладающие ситуативной обусловленностью и предусматривающие выражение личного отношения говорящих к получаемой информации.

При работе по каждой теме учащиеся осуществляют сле­дующее: выполняют познавательно-поисковые задания из раз­нообразных источников информации (справочная литература, учебные пособия, Интернет); слушают лекции учителя по тема­тическим подразделам, которые могут представлять особую трудность при их изучении; выполняют групповые и индивиду­альные проекты и выступают с отчетами о результатах работы по ним; оценивают вместе с учителем качество своей работы.

Актуальность содержания мотивирует учащихся к изучению английского языка,способствует развитию учебных, коммуникативных и презентационных умений и навыков.

Изучение курса рассчитано на 17 учебных часа.

Учебно-тематический план

Образование. 2ч.

Медицина. 2ч.

Экономика. 2ч.

Промышленность. 2ч.

Строительство. 2ч.

Транспорт. 2ч.

Сфера услуг. 2ч.

Закон и порядок. 2ч.

Профессия, которую я выбираю. 1ч.

Всего: 17часов

Методические рекомендации по содержанию и проведению занятий.

В процессе работы над курсом применяются методы: экс­периментально-эмпирические (анкетирование, наблюдение); ил­люстративно-объяснительные (мини-лекции, беседы); организа­ционные (групповая, самостоятельная, фронтальная работы).

Формы работы:

-презентация материала;

-чтение текстов и разнообразные виды работы с ними;

-написание письменной творческой работы по заданной тематике, ее презентация и обобщение.

Основные формы контроля над уровнем достижений учащихся:

-предъявление индивидуальной творческой работы;

-оценка творческой работы после обсуждения;

-оценка соучащихся и самооценка;

-ролевые игры;



В конце курса проводится итоговое творческое задание с по­следующей проектной работой.

Планируемые результаты.

К концу курса у ч а щ иес я должны знать:

-профессии и их специфические особенности (престижность, уровень зара­ботной платы, условия труда, творческий характер);

-термины, свойственные различным профессиям; профессиональные об­ласти, связанные с функционированием городской системы.

Учащиеся должны уметь:

-участвовать в коммуника­ции на предложенную ситуацию;

-воспринимать на слух англий­скую речь в естественном темпе в пределах тематики;

-составлять план, тезисы прослушанного или прочитанного текста;

-собирать, обобщать информацию и представлять ее в виде рефератов, кол­лективных проектов, таблиц, схем;

-выполнять индивидуальные и коллективные познавательно-поисковые задания;

-сравнивать, про­водить аналогии, обобщения при сравнении фактов.

-спонтанно высказываться по изученной теме(5-8 фраз), аргументировать свое мнение.

Содержание курса

1. Те м а «Образование» (2 часа).

Тексты «Good morning, Miss Dove» after Frances Gray Patton, «A Teacher». Положительные

и отрицательные стороны данной профессии.

Практика: Мини-лекция с элементами беседы о профессиях в системе образования, ответы на

вопросы по тек­стам, интервью с учителями.

Контроль: умение поискового чтения, умение применять смысловую и языковую догадку,

ролевая игра.

2. Те м а «Медицина» (2 часа).

Анализ текстов «Florence Nightingale» after Charles Еvart Eckersley, «What makes a good doctor?»

after C. R. Lance. Профессиональные характеристики врачей. Специализации в облас­ти

медицины. Лексический материал по теме.

Практика: активное участие в обсуждении данной темы, используя спец.лексику.

Контроль: перевод лексики данной тематики, употребляя ее в собственном высказывании,

письменная работа в форме эссе.

3. Тема «Экономика» (2 часа).

Анализ текстов «A Manager», «An Accountant».Лексический материал по теме. Основные черты

характера человека, решившего стать экономистом.

Практика: . разнообраз­ные виды работы с текстами. Обсуждение

основных черт характера человека.

Контроль: устные ответы по теме . Написание реферата

4. Тема «Промышленность» (2 часа).

Анализ текстов «An Engeneer», «А Worker». Разнообразие специальностей данной

профессии. Лексический материал по теме.

Практика: составление таблицы промышленных профессий, выражение своего отношения к

данной профессии через письмо.

Контроль: умение поискового чтения ,Умение применять спец. лексику в устной и

письменной речи.

5. Те м а «Строительство» (2 часа).

Работа с текстом «An Architect», основные качества архитектора, лексический материал по теме, трудности данной профессии.

Практика: применение новой лексики, поиск рус­ских эквивалентов, поиск дополнительной

информации по теме.

Контроль: умение отстаивать свою точку зрения, письменная работа в виде эссе.

6. Тема «Транспорт» (2 часа).

Текст «A Driver».Лексический материал по теме. Правила вождения. Основные качества водителя.

Практика: мини-лекция с элементами беседы, чтение текста и анализ, активное участие в

обсуждении данной темы.

Контроль: коллективный проект «Транспортная система нашего города», защита проекта.

7. Те м а «Сфера услуг» (2 часа).

Знакомство с различными профессиями сферы услуг. Текст « Glamorous but laborious»

Практика: работа с текстом, выписывание новой лексики, поиск русских эквива­лентов.

Устные высказывания с использованием дополнитель­ной информации.

Презентация профессии стюарта.

Контроль: устные ответы по теме, употребление спец. лексики в устной и письменной


8. Те м а «Закон и порядок» (2 часа).

Тексты «A Lawyer», «A Policeman».Лексический материал по теме. Качества юриста.

Практика: чтение и анализ текстов , проведение интервью.

Контроль: умение читать и понимать тексты без словаря, ролевая игра.

9. Т е м а «Профессия, которую я выбираю» (1 чае).

Итоговое занятие. Защита выбранной профессии. Куда пой­ти учиться. Составление коллажа

по профессиям. Оформление конечного результата.

Практика: употребление лексики курса в устной речи, устные высказывания по теме. Контроль: проектная работа.


Objectivеs: students will develop reading, express their atti­tude to the profession of a teacher, express agreement/disagree­ment.

Equipment: flash cards, texts.

Steps and methods

1. Reading development activities.

Teacher The profession of a teacher is one of the noblest be­cause bringing up good children is a veiy important task. To be a teacher means to love children and to help them to learn what they don't know. They teach children to be kind, brave, disciplined. Merc is a story about a teacher. Read and discuss what kind of a teacher was Miss Dove.

GOOD MORNING, MISS DOVE (After Fraces Gray Patton)

Miss Dove was a strict teacher. If a pupil wanted to leave the classroom to get a drink of water, Miss Dove just looked at him and said nothing, 'fhey were afraid of that look and they called her the terrible miss Dove though she never shouted at them or scolded them.

On that day forty children were sitting in her class at the geogra­phy lesson. They heard the bell, but they did not move, they did not talk, they all waited in silence and looked at Miss Dove. Only after she had told them to close their books and go, they did leave the classroom quietly without shouting or running. Л boy who had talked during the lesson was left in the room and had to write twenty times «I must not talk during the lesson».

The next lesson began. The pupils came into the classroom and took their places. Miss Dove gave them written work to do, because it was Tuesday, and on Tuesday they always had some written work.

One of the boys pushed the girl who was sitting next to him. Miss Dove looked at him and he stopped moving though she did not told him. Miss Dove looked at the boy but she did not sec him. Tn-stead of him she saw his elder brother, Thomas Baker, who had sat in that place some six or seven years before... The war had brought the children she had taught to different parts of the world. One was in Germany, another in the jungle of New Guinea, a third one some­where in Africa. She did not know where all of them were. Though all of them had finished school many years before, she now saw them as they had been at seven, at ten, at twelve.

The pupil she thought about most often was Thomas Baker. The German planes had bombed his ship, and for many days he had lain on a raft without anything to eat and very little to drink. When they found him, he was almost dying. The newspapers wrote much about him in those days.

Randy Baker put his hand up.

«Yes, Baker?» Miss Dove asked.

«I got a letter from Tom yesterday», the boy explained.

«May I read it to the class?»

«Yes, certainly».

«But it's a long one».

«I am sure it will be useful for everyone to hear the letter of such a brave man», explained the teacher.

Randy looked around and began to read. Tom told his younger brother what he had seen from the plane in which he was brought back to England. Me wrote that the land below looked like the map they had used at the geography lessons at school. Then he wrote how he had suffered on the rait with almost no water to drink. «Do you know who I was thinking about then? It wasn't a boy or a girl», he explained. «I was thinking about Miss Dove, and out there in the open ocean I played a game. No, I am not joking. And it helped me to stay alive. I imagined that I was back again in the geography class; 1 remembered the look Miss Dove gave us when we wanted to leave the classroom for a drink of water. So I imagined that I was at her lesson and kept thinking all the time: «The bell will go in а few minutes. You can wait a little longer. You must wait for the bell». And it made everything easier. It was almost as difficult there in the ocean as it had been at school. Tell that to the boys, will you?»

Randy stopped suddenly.

«Is that all?», Miss Dove asked.

«No», biaid Randy. His face became very red. «It says here: «Please thank Miss Dove and give her a kiss for me».

Miss Dove went up to the boy.

«Well, Randy», she said «I'm waiting».

In the silence that followed little Randy kissed «the terrible Miss Dove». Nobody in the class laughed or even joked about it; every­body was silent exept one girl who suddenly spoke.

«It's like a medal», she said. «It's just like a medal he has given to Miss Dove».

2. Speaking.

With the help of the text discuss the following.

Is a man born brave or must he be taught to be brave?

Is it important to be self-disciplined in order to be brave?

Was Miss Dove cruel and unkind?

Did she think about the future of her pupils?

Was Miss Dove a good teacher?

Do you want to be a teacher? Why (why not)?

What is your idea of a good teacher?

3. Working in groups.

Say which skills and abilities are needed to be successful in this job. Give reasons for your viewpoint.

4. Writing.

What would you like to get from this job?

Write a wish list of your expectations in terms of: satisfaction, salary, workload, leisure time, additional benefits, holiday


Objectives: students will develop reading, express their atti­tude to the profession of a doctor, express agreement/disagreement, practise expressing preferences.

Equipment: Flash cards, texts.

Steps and methods

1. Reading development activities.


My aunt Sandra is a doctor. There are numerous specializations like a surgeon, a pharmacist, a dentist, etc. My aunt is a pediatrician. She works in a local clinic and helps children to overcome different diseases.

My aunt spent six years studying medicine at a medical univer­sity. It was a difficult time, she says. Much information had to be learnt in order to pass numerous examinations. She also was on in­ternship in one of the children's hospitals of the town.

When a child comes to my aunt, the first thing she does is she takes his or her temperature. Then she listens to the chest, looks in the ears and examines the throat. In the end she prescribes medicines and schedules time for the next appointment.

Children like my aunt because she is kind and very experienced. She can cure anybody from anything!

2. Vocabulary work.

Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who wants to be a doctor:

-Sense of compassion: all people that come to the doctor are ci­ ther sick or injured or other. To help all of them the sense of compassion is needed.
-Knowledge of human anatomy: it helps to see what organ is injured. If a doctor is a surgeon, this knowledge is essential] for con­ ducting successful operations.

-Knowledge of human psychology: some diseases arc caused not by outer factors like viruses or microorganisms, but by inner fac­tors, for example psychological trauma. The doctor should see be­
tors, for example psychological trauma. The doctor should see be hind the lines.

- Patience: every treatment takes certain time. Patience is needed to overcome difficulties and help the patient to recover from a disease.

- Ability to learn until you are a hundred: every year new ver­sions of medical equipment are produced by scientists and inventors. A doctor should know how to operate modern equipment.

What characteristics would you add to the list above?

3. Learn new words.

Doctor врач, доктор.

Surgeon - хирург.

Pharmacist - фармацевт.

Dentist - зубной врач.

Disease - болезнь.

Chest - грудная клетка.

Throat горло.

Schedule - каталог, перечень, расписание.

Prescribe - прописывать.

Take temperature - измерять температуру.

Classify the items in the list of the job requirements according to the categories: a sharp mind, ambition, creativity, dedication, ad­ministrative skills, individuality, initiative, physical strength, team­work skills, leadership, ability to work under pressure, flexibility.




4. Speaking.

In groups exchange your ideas about the job. Ask for your class­mates advice about your choices. Decide whether your ambitions arе realistic.

Language support. Expressing preferences and giving reasons. I'm rather... I'd prefer... In my case... The reason why... Because of that…


Objectives: students will develop reading, express their atti­tude to the profession of an accountant, practise discussion, inlarge vocabulary.

Steps and methods

1. Read the Text.


My mother mother is an accountant in a pharmaceutical com­pany. She likes her work. She has been an accountant for over twenty years. And at this particular company she has already been working for ten years. She is a professional accountant with broad work ex­perience.

My mother says she has always loved to calculate and to divide, to subtract and to multiply. It took her live years to get higher educa­tion at the state university. But mother says that a professional ac­countant should always get additional education. So my mother is often present at different seminars, workshops, conferences and what not. There she learns about new laws and rules in the field. She lis­tens to reports and discusses the way of applying fresh knowledge in practice.

She often gathers financial reports of the company and watches that everything is in proper order. That is very important. If an in­spector comes, he will check everything.

2. Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who wants to become an accountant:

Ability to work on one problem: in order to complete the work, an accountant should concentrate on it and not be distracted by anything.

Good memory: he/she should memorize laws and orders of the Ministry of Finance, and Taxation Service, and other governmental establishments.

Persistence: an accountant should go to the end and solve every problem set in front of him/her.

3. Learn new words.

Accountant бухгалтер.

Aeeounting - бухгал терское дело.

Book-keeping бухгалтерия.

Calculat считать, вычислять.

Multiply умножать.

Subtract вычитать.

Divide делить.

Financial reports финансовые отчеты.

Proper order соответствующий (правильный) порядок.

Taxation налогообложение.

Taxman налоговый инспектор.

Inspector инспектор, ревизор.


Objectives: students will develop reading, express their atti­tude to the profession of the worker, express agreement/disagree­ment, practise discussion, inlarge vocabulary.

Steps and methods

1. Read the text.


Nick always said that he wanted to work at a plant, just like his father, because he was interested in mechanics. It seemed strange to him that not all of us had the same interests as he had. The plant where Nick's father worked was very large. It produced various kinds of machines. «Everyone can find work after his own heart at the plant», Nick always said.

At last we got interested and decided to visit the plant and sec things with our own eyes. When we arrived at the plant, we were met by a young man, who told us in a few words the history of the plant. He also said that we would be able to sec the whole process of how a piece of iron is returned into a part of a machine, and how from these parts a machine is assembled.

First, we were taken to the casting shop, or as it is usually called - the foundry, where there were great furnaces with red-hot metal in them. These were Martin furnaces in which iron is turned into steel.

The foundry-men told us that their work was difficult but in­teresting, because you had to know the metal, to feel it, if you wanted the steel to be of a really fine quality. To them metal was like a living being that needed special care and attention.

Our guide explained to us that casting was not always the best way of producing parts of machines. It was often better to forge smaller parts. So next he took us to the forge. It was a large shop with several furnaces burning, in which pieces of iron were heated until they be­came white-hot. Then they were hammered into the necessary shape by large mechanical hammers situated not far from the furnace. The men who operated the hammers seemed to be real magicians.

Next we were taken to the mechanical shop, often called the workshop at English iron and steel works. There we watched men operating various machines. The machine with the help of which rounded surfaces are made is called a lathe. The man who works it is called a turner, because he turnes the part he is making round while the cutter of the lathe cuts it to the necessaiy size and form.

Then we went on through the workshop. Our guide explained to us that straight smooth surfaces, or as they are usually called in Eng­lish plane surfaces, are made with the help of a planing-machine and the man who operates it is called a planer. Round openings arc bored on a boring machine and the operator of a boring machine is called a borer. The more complicated figure shapes are made with the help of a milling machine. The cutters of a milling machine, or milling cutters can be of various sizes and configurations. This makes it possible to make various figure cuttings, complicated open­ings. Automation has found its place in the mechanical treatment of metals. Various programmed devices not only make the work easier but help to do it with greater precision.

When we were leaving the workshop, we all agreed that me­chanical treatment of metals with the help of lathes, and planing, bor­ing. Milling and other machines was a good trade for a man. Espe­cially if you were interested in mechanics.

2. Answer the questions.

-Can anyone become a good worker at a plant? What qualities must he have?

-Where is it more difficult to work: at a foundry, at a forge, or in a workshop?

-Have you relatives or friends working at a plant?

-If you go to work at a plant, what trade will you choose?

-Must a person consult a doctor before choosing a trade or profession?

-What can you say about your eyesight? About you hearing?

-What school subjects must you know well in order to become a good worker?

-Have you ever visited a plant? What kind of a plant? When was it? Was it interesting? Was it useful?

3. Vocabulary work. Do you know?

What are the names of:

a) trades or professions;

b)shops at a big plant;

c)machines mentioned in the text?

Name in Russian the tools: pincers, drill, hammer, screw-driver, saw, file, nail, plane, pliers, nut.


Objectives: students will develop reading, express their atti­tude to the profession of an architect, express agreement/disagree­ment, practise expressing preferences, practise writing.

Equipment: texts, pictures of homes.

Steps and methods

1. Reading development activities.


My uncle is an architect. In fact, he is the head architect of the town. Several decades ago architects worked with a pair of com­passes and a ruler. In each specialized bureau there was a drawing board where sketches were prepared. Nowadays they work with computer programs, which allow them to create images in three-dimensional way.

My uncle is good at designing both the interiors and exteriors. He studied the art of drawing at college and then additionally got education at the school of modeling and design. However it is possible to start the education in this sphere at a professional school as well.

My uncle knows a great number of architectural styles in which most of the buildings of ancient Greece were built.

Due to my uncle's knowledge and creativity new blocks of our town can boast unusual architecture, unique in interior and exterior


2. Vocabulary work.

1. Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who wants to become an architect:

a) A good eye and a steady hand: these characteristics are impor­ tant to implement safe and nice projects.

b)Patience and attentiveness: it is necessary to be patient and at­ tentive while drawing plans of a building.

c)Good math skills: although nowadays most of the programs are computer-based, still it is necessary to check formulae and calcu­lations

d)Knowledge of building materials: there are probably over a hundred materials, which are used in construction. All the materials should be used properly, taking into account weather conditions,
number of stories and what not.

3. Learn new words.
Architect - архитектор.

A pair of compasses - циркуль.

A ruler - линейка.

Specialized - специальный.

Thrce-demcnsional- трехмерный.

Sphere - сфера, map.

Professional - профессионал, профессиональный.

Architectural style -архитектурный стиль.

Modern - современный.

Old-fashioned - старомодный.

High-rise - высотный (многоэтажный) дом.

Terraced - с террасой.

Detached - беспристрастный, равнодушный.

4. Speaking.

Discuss these questions:

Where would you prefer to live? Why?

Which is more important, the inside of a house or the outside?

Which is the difference between a house and a home?

Ask and answer:

Why do people move house? - How long have they built house?

5. Writing.

Write a short description of a house that you know.


Objectives: students will develop reading, express their atti­tude to the profession of a driver, practise discussion, inlargе vocabu­lary.

Steps and methods

1. Read the text.


My father is a driver. He works on a bus route 96 which connects the centre of the city with suburbs. My father is a professional driver. When he finished high school, he attended special driving coures in a state assisted organization. Now he works there.

Passengers know my father of professionalism. He guarantees his passengers speed and safety on the road. While driving my father an­nounces all stops and reminds passengers not to leave anything behind. He also encourages them to give scats to elderly passengers and pas­sengers with the children. In case if there is an emergency like ilat tyre or anything minor, my father can fix it, as he knows not only driving rules, but also parts of the bus: engine, a steering-wheel, tyres, etc.

There is one disadvantage in this kind of work: necessity to sit all the time. Soon there will be an ache in the backbone. Also my father works day and night shifts. I see him very rarely. That is too bad, be­cause 1 would like to spend more time with my father.

2. Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who wants to become a driver.

-Good eyesight: eyes are very vulnerable because they are tensed while a driver is at work. Л driver should see what is in front of the bus and what is in far away distance.

-Good physical reaction: as there are many drivers who don't know the road rules well or drink while driving, it is necessary to avoid extreme situations on the road.

-Good memory: a driver should remember the meaning of all road signs, as they are on the road to help the driver find the right way or make the trip more comfortable and safe to passengers.

3. Learn new words.

Driver водитель.

Suburbs пригород.

Route - путь, маршрут.

State-assisted- имеющий поддержку со стороны государства.

Guarantee - гарантировать.

Speed - скорость.

Safety - безопасность.

Engine - двигатель, мотор.

Steering-wheel - руль.

Tyre - шина.

Shift - смена.

4. Discussion.

-Is the work of a driver one of the most common occupation?

-Do you think that girls should become drivers?

-Is the work of a driver dangerous? Prove it.

-Can any person be a driver? Should every man and woman know how to drive a car?

-Should eveiy boy and girl be tauglit driving at school? What for?

-Would you like to become a driver? Is there anyone in your class who wants to become a driver?

-Can all cars and lorries be changed into electro-cars and elec­tro-lorries?

-Must women be allowed to do the same work as men? Why do you think so?

-Must women receive the same pay as men for doing the same work?

Do you know what is the Russian for the following English words:
accelerator pedal, brake pedal, clutch pedal, ignition, horn,
head-lights, speedometer, heater, steering-wheel, gear level, hand­

Т e м а 7. СФЕРА УСЛУГ

Objectives: students will develop reading, express their atti­tude to the profession of the stewardess, express agreement/disagree­ment, practise writing and speaking.

Steps and methods

1. Reading development activities.


Terry Morisson has been an airline stewardess for 6 years. She is 26, recently married. Read her story and say if you like this profession or not.

The majority of the stewardesses are from small towns. It's sup­posed to be one of the nicest professions for a woman if she can't be a model or in the movies. ЛИ the great benefits; flying around the world and meeting all those people. When people ask you what you're doing and you say «stewardess», you are really proud, you think it's great. It's like a stepping stone. The first two months I started flying I had already been to London, Paris and Rome. But after you started working, it's not as glamorous as you thought it was going to be.

We had to go to stew school for five weeks. We'd go through a whole week of make-up and poise. I didn't like this. They make you feel like you've never been out to public. At one time they wouldn't let us wear false eyelashes and false fingernails. Now it's required that you wear false eyelashes, and if you do not have the right length nails, you wear false nails, everything is supposed to be becoming to the passen­gers. You do meet a lot of movie stars and a lot of political people.

Stewardesses are impressed only by people's name. But a normal millionaire that you don't know doesn't make an impression on you. The only thing that really thrills a stewardess are passengers like Kennedy or movie stars or some political celebrities.

I think our average age is 26. But our supervisors tell us what kind of make-up to wear, what kind of lipstick to wear, if our hair is not the right style for us, if we were not smiling enough. They even tell us how to act when you're on a pass. You're not supposed to walk off with a passenger, hand in hand.

They say you can spot a stewardess by the way she wears her make-up. At one time all had short hair and everybody had it cut in stew school exactly alike. At one time they told us we couldn't wear anything one inch above the knees. Wigs used to be forbidden. Now it's the style. Now it's permissible for nice women to wear wigs, eye­lashes and false fingernails.

The other day I had 55 minutes to serve 101 couch passengers, cocktail aind full-meal service. You do it fast and terrible. You're very rude. You don't mean to be rude you just don't have time to answer the questions. You smile and you just ignore them. You get three drink orders in a hurry. There's been many times when yoy miss the glass pouring, and you pour it in the man's lap. You just don't say keep going. That's the bad part of the job. Doctors tell stewardesses they're gonna get wrinklcss over their faces because they smile with their mouths and their eyes.

2. Discussion.

With the help of the text discuss the following read and find in the text sentences that express glorious and laborious moments of the profession

A stewardess must do a lot of things. What is your version of a real stewardess?

What do doctors say about stewardess's profession?

You are a stewardess. Tell the interviewer why you have cho sen this profession ­

Last time you (lew there were so many celebrities on board of the plane: movie stars, great businessmen, theatre and pop-music stars, fell your friend about them.

The flight that has firmly remained in your memory is when you had fifty-five minutes to serve 101 passengers. Tell us how it happened.

3. True or false.

Are these sentences true or false.

1.I have to wear a uniform every day.

2.There aren't many women in my job, I work with men.

3.I don't have to wear a uniform but I have to wear smart clothes.

4.I like my job because I like meeting people from different

5.I can choose my working hours because this is my own business.

6.I had to study three different languages: Spanish, Greek, French.

7.I like my job because it's exciting-and sometimes it's dangerous.

8. I can't take time off in the summer because I'm too busy.

9.I have to work shifts, including night shifts. 10. I had to study first aid and medicine.

11. I never drive at weekends. I spend too much time in my car during the week.

12.I often feel tired because sometimes I have to stand up all day.

13.I like teaching.

14. I have to walk a lot while I'm working. -

15.I work for an international company


Objectives: students will develop reading, express their atti­tude to the profession of a lawyer, practise discussion, inlarge vo­cabulary.

Steps and methods

1. Read the text.


My sister Laura is a lawyer. She gets a lot of money for her job, and I think that Laura's job brings her satisfaction.

While in school, Laura enjoyed history. She showed great in­terest in foreign language as well. We all thought she would become a politician or a sociologist, but she chose law.

Now she works in a juridical consultation. From time to time she works in court. In this case she defends a person who is being prose­cuted.

Sometimes the work she does is tiring, as most of her workday she spends in corridors of different establishments. There she sits in line alone or with her client and waits for her turn to come. But some of the disadvantages don't frighten Laura. In fact, she becomes more persistent and experienced. Laura says it is the right of each citizen of our country to know his or her rights and see them.

2. Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who wants to become a lawyer.

a) Good memory: it is necessary to remember a lot of informa­tion: laws, cases, etc.

b)Eloquence: this is necessary to persuade Opponents in court.

c)bility to give speeches in public: not everybody can do that.
For a lawyer as he constantly works with people this quality is neces­

What characteristics would you add to the list above?

3. Learn new words.

Lawyer- юрист, адвокат.

Bring satisfaction - доставлять удовольствие.

Juridical consultation - юридическая консультаыия.

Court - суд.

Prosecute - обвинять, возбуждать дело.

Rights - nрава.

Persistent - упорный, постоянный.

Experienced - опытный.

Eloquenced - красноречивый.


1. Шах-Назарова В.С., Журавченко К.В. Английский для Вас, Москва,2002.

2. Богатский И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка.-Киев, «Логос», 1997.

3. New Streetwise Intermediate Students book. Rob Nolasco,2001.

4. Петроченко Л.А., Лукъяненок П.И. Английский язык.Пособие по переводу медицинских текстов.- Томск,1999.

5. Тылкина С.А. Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ.-М.,1999.

6. Занина Е.Л. 95 устных тем по английскому языку.- Айрис-Пресс, Москва.-1998.

7. Игнатова Т.Н. Английский для общения, «РТ-Пресс», «Высшая школа» ,М.,-1996.

8.Седельников Ж.Ф. Соловей С.С. Хрестоматиядля чтения по английскому языку.-Омск,1992.

9.Ханникова Л.Н. Интенсивный курс английской разговорной речи.-М., 1991.

10. Сушкевич А.С. Маглыш М.А. Английский язык .Разговорные темы-Минск ,1999.


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