- Учителю
- Проект урока на английском языке
Проект урока на английском языке
Pfeyfer Lyubov Nikolaevna
An English teacher
Lesson type: a lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge
Topic: "The present perfect tense"
Lesson purposes:
- Formation of ability of pupils to a new way of action
- Expansion of conceptual base due to inclusion in it of new elements from the Present Perfect tense.
- To teach to ask independently questions in the Present Perfect.
- To develop at pupils communicative skills in all aspects of speech activity: reading, speaking, audition, letter.
- To develop the psychological functions connected with speech activity (memory, ability logically to think, ability to analyze).
- To continue development of search, creative abilities.
- To develop independence of thinking at pupils.
- To form social competence which is shown in desire and ability to come into communicative contact with other people.
- To form the positive relation to the country of the learned language.
The subject - consciously to learn to use Present Perfect for creation of offers in English in oral and written forms;
The informative - to get new knowledge: to take information from the text;
The regulatory - together with the teacher to find and formulate an educational problem;
The communicative - to read dialogue with full understanding, to write out verbs in Present Perfect, writing down their translation.
- To improve skills of speech activity of pupils.
- To intensify the use of earlier studied lexicon in the speech of pupils.
- To include Present Perfect which are trained in educational activities for studying of time at personally significant level.
- To bring trained to understanding of need of studying of the grammatical Present Perfect form.
- To reveal inability trained to ask questions in Present Perfect.
- To bring trained to a formulation of the new rule of formation of an interrogative design in Present Perfect.
- To organize independent work trained on check of ability to ask questions in Present Perfect.
- To organize a reflection of educational activity at a lesson.
- To develop skills of phonetic hearing.
- To develop spelling skills.
- To develop ability of pupils to carry out dialogical statements.
- To develop skills of viewing reading; to develop skills of self-examination.
- To cultivate interest in learning of foreign language at pupils.
- To broaden horizons of pupils; to cultivate feeling of a collectivism and a sense of responsibility.
multimedia projector, visual aids.
Didactic material: Student's book "Enjoy English" 5-6 M. Bibaletov's class
FLOW CHART OF A LESSONOrganizational</<font face="Times New Roman, serif"> (a spirit on a lesson, motivation to new knowledge)
Phonetic warm-up
The purpose - to adjust on communication in English.
I welcome pupils. "Hello my dear friends! I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please!
Let's greet our guests.
Are you ready to start our lesson? Let's do it!"
The purpose - to develop skills of a pronunciation, to configure an articulation of pupils to the English speech.
So, pupils, we will begin our lesson with phonetic warm-up. Look, please, at a board and call sounds: [t], [d], [id]
Now, repeat after me:
Wanted, helped, skated, skied, watched, looked, lived, walked, smiled, laid, and collected.
The purpose - to join in foreign-language communication, having reacted to the teacher's remark according to a communicative task.
Answer remarks: "Hello, dear teacher! Glad to see you too."
The purpose - to repeat phonetic correctly English sounds and words after the teacher.
Repeat sounds and words, trying to copy the teacher's articulation
Сommunicative: to listen, answer and react to a remark of adequately speech situation.
Regulatory: to use the speech for regulation of the action,
to carry out self-checking of correctness of a pronunciation.
Personal: to form ethical feelings - goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness.
To take necessary information from the listened.
Statement of the purposes and tasks. Motivation (self-determination) to correctional activity
The purpose - to set the informative task.
Reception "brainstorming" Using questions, I bring pupils to the lesson purpose.
"What did you teach yourself at a lesson?"
"How do you think, what will we do today?" "What do you teach yourself today?"
"Look at a slide No. 1" (Present Perfect tense)
The purpose - to formulate a problem of a lesson.
Answering my questions, draw conclusions about the lesson purpose
To take part in conversation, to formulate and set informative tasks.
To be able to plan the activity according to a purpose.
Motivation of educational activity (social, educational informative)
Сommunicative: Interact with the teacher during frontal conversation.
Primary assimilation of new knowledge.
Material explanation
The purpose - to include pupils in digestion of new material with check of digestion of earlier studied material.
Problem and dialogical training:
Statement (the dialogue bringing to a subject)
"Students, please, look at the board. Read the sentences and translate them from English into Russian:
Yesterday, I did my homework. Past Simple
I have left my textbook at home."
Present Perfect
"Could you perform a task? Why it is impossible? Why it isn't similar to the previous?
What question arises?
How do you think, what is the Tense? What is a verb? What its look: infinitive or any form? Whether action came to the end?"
As a result, this design is called the Present Simple. Therefore, so what today subject?
What purpose?
1.Material explanation
(slide 2,3)
2. Motivation
The most active children receive counters (at the end of a lesson of a counter are counted, the best pupil of a lesson gets out)
The purpose - to acquire new material
Pupils with ease will translate the first sentence, but with the second they will have difficulties as they aren't familiar with Present Perfect. Pupils face a problem of the translation of the second offer.
(Answers of pupils)
How it is correct to translate? Value of some words isn't clear! We don't know, what time is used!
(Answers of pupils)
Real / Correct or
wrong verb / III form irregular verb or a suffix - ed.
Action came to the end.
Repeat the rule on slides 2,3.
Children define a subject:
Present Perfect tense.
Children set tasks: consciously to learn to use the Present Perfect for creation of offers in English
To carry out updating of the gained knowledge Сommunicative: Plan educational cooperation with the teacher and schoolmates.
Regulatory: to choose actions according to an objective, to use the speech for regulation of the action.
To form a self-assessment on the basis of success of educational activity, motivation of educational cognitive activity.
Generalization, fixing and systematization of knowledge
The purpose - to create skills of speaking and audition
I offer, on a slide 3, independently in notebooks to draw the scheme - "engine", then the person interested at a board draws it with explanations.
We fix material (on a slide 4) I suggest to make offers.
"Pupils, look at the screen. Let's do this task. Complete the sentences with HAVE or HAS"
The purpose - to gain speech skills of the use of LU, assimilation of a new grammatical material is Repeated aloud with a visual support and without. Fulfill skills of speaking
On a slide 3 draw the scheme - "engine" in notebooks and at a board.
Teachers in the frontal mode perform a task (with a support on slayd 4 and the scheme on a board). The most active receive counters
To carry out updating of the studied LU, based on an educational situation and personal experience. Regulatory:
To accept and keep the educational purpose and tasks.
Сommunicative: To listen to the teacher and each other for reproduction and perception of necessary data and maintenance of educational and business conversation. Personal:
To form skills of cooperation in different situations
Dynamic pause
The purpose - change of educational activity at a lesson
Musical prompt Clap, clap, clap your hands.
The purpose - to make a dynamic break and to repeat the movements studied at the previous lessons.
Repetition of the verbs of motion studied earlier
Сommunicative: To understand aurally an audio recording and to reproduce actions, the movements.
To carry out educational actions in the materialized form
Application of knowledge in a new situation
The purpose - to create skills of the letter, speaking and reading
We fill "crossword puzzle"
- to consolidate knowledge of the studied material
I divide children into two teams and I suggest to play "crossword puzzle"
"Look at the blackboard. Here you can see a crossword. Let's remember some verbs. You must translate these verbs into English and write down them."
"Ок. Your work is great. Now let's remember about some special words? which we can use in Present Perfect tense. What are these words?" (slide 6)
"Now, pupils, let's make up your own short dialogues. Use just, already, yet, ever, never.
Disscuss what you or another member of your family have (haven't) done." (slide 7)
The purpose - to gain speech and written skills of the use of LU
Reception (brainstorming).
Pupils solve a crossword puzzle.
Each group has a felt-tip pen. At the first - blue color, at the second group - black and at the third - red. Whose color will be in a crossword puzzle more, that team won
Children form among themselves groups - couples, changing among themselves (as children of 5 people).
To carry out updating of the studied LU, based on an educational situation and personal experience.
Regulatory: To accept and keep the educational purpose and tasks.
Сommunicative: To listen to each other for reproduction and perception of necessary data and maintenance of educational and business conversation.
to form skills of cooperation in different situations
The purpose - development of skills of the letter during performance of written homework. To explain that they have to make in the course of homework (p.114 ex.33)
The purpose - to comprehend and write down homework. Write down homework, ask questions if don't understand something.
To carry out the analysis of information.
Сommunicative: To raise questions, to ask for the help, to formulate the difficulties.
Regulatory: To use the speech for regulation of the action.
The purpose - leading of the studied lesson material to establish compliance of the received result of a goal.
Thank you for your work!
Let's remember together what was the lesson purpose today?
How we achieved these objectives? What knowledge which you acquired today will be useful to us?
I sum up the result of competition in quantity of counters.
Let's count your chips. Who is the best pupil today? Let's clap!
Show me Like if the lesson was pleasant and dislike? If the lesson was unpleasant.
The lesson is over. Goodbye!
The purpose - to exercise the stating and predicting control by result and a way of action.
Answer questions of the teacher. Draw conclusions. Children count counters, applaud the winner
Children I show "like" they liked a lesson or not.
Children say goodbye in English
To estimate process and result of activity.
Сommunicative: To formulate own opinion and a position.
Regulatory: To allocate and formulate that, to exercise step-by-step control by result.
To form adequate motivation of educational activity, to understand value of knowledge for the person
To do exercises on the instructions of the textbook (the textbook, page 114, ex. 33).
Subject: English
Type of a lesson and its structure: Lesson "opening" of new knowledge
Subject: The present perfect tense
Number of pupils in a form: 5
Were present: 5
This lesson of English is planned on calendar thematic planning in the 6th form for 2015-2016 academic year in MSEI Sarybalyksky HES of the Zdvinsky area.
For carrying out this lesson I set the following objects:
1. Assimilation of new knowledge of the subject "Present Perfect Tense" and its fixing;
2. Updating of a formula (Have/has + V3); words - markers (JUST, ALREADY, YET, EVER, NEVER;
3. To form skills: critical thinking, brainstorming, dialogical speech.
I set and executed the following tasks of a lesson:
- To improve skills of speech activity of pupils.
- To intensify the use of earlier studied lexicon in the speech of pupils.
- To include Present Perfect which are trained in educational activities for studying of time at personally significant level.
- To bring trained to understanding of need of studying of the grammatical Present Perfect form.
- To reveal inability trained to ask questions in Present Perfect.
- To bring trained to a formulation of the new rule of formation of an interrogative design in Present Perfect.
- To organize independent work trained on check of ability to ask questions in Present Perfect.
- To organize a reflection of educational activity at a lesson.
- To develop skills of phonetic hearing.
- To develop spelling skills.
- To develop ability of pupils to carry out dialogical statements.
- To develop skills of viewing reading; to develop skills of self-examination.
- To cultivate interest in learning of foreign language at pupils.
- To broaden horizons of pupils; to cultivate feeling of a collectivism and a sense of responsibility.
During a lesson I applied the following technologies:
The communicative focused training
Developments of cognitive interests
The personal focused training
Game training
Health saving training
For carrying out a lesson I used the following equipment: multimedia projector, visual aids.
The lesson was conducted in English with explanations in Russian. Tasks were picked up according to age features of children. The lesson was equipped with evident materials. During a lesson I used methods of game training therefore children actively joined in educational process. The special attention was paid to understanding of new material and its assimilation. At a lesson I used a conversation form - free communication with pupils in English. The language barrier was absent. Therefore pupils weren't afraid to make a mistake, and were open to communication, to dialogue.
I used the differentiated approach, individual work; forms of works varied. Health saving technologies were used. All tasks planned by me and the purposes are executed. During a lesson all children were involved in an active stage of training. Lexical and grammatical material was worked and fixed. Communicative tasks are carried out.
Conclusions: a variety of forms of lessons is necessary for maintenance of interest in learning of foreign language, a variety of evident and distributing material is necessary.
Verbal evident with information and computer technologies
Statement of an educational problem
The problem search
Working off of abilities and reflection
The problem search
Creative fixing of knowledge
Frontal, group
explanatory - illustrative
Independent work
Personal Communicative
Activity reflection
Personal Communicative