- Учителю
- Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку 8 класс
Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку 8 класс
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 8-м классе с использованием ИКТ.
Тема: «The winter Olympic Games in Sochi. We will keep the city green and clean.»
Внеклассное мероприятие «The winter Olympic Games in Sochi. We will keep the city green and clean.» знакомит учащихся с экологическими проблемами и возможными путями разрешение данных проблем. Содержит инновацию об орнитoлогическом парке, лечении и питании и перерабатывающем комплексе
Актуальность: Эта тема представляет особую ценность для развития здорового образа жизни. Работа над ней показывает важность экологического воспитание школьников. Способствует повышению интереса учеников к изучению иностранного языка и познанию нашей Родины. Способствует развитию разговорных навыков и расширению словарного запаса.
УМК: Афанасьева О. В. 8 класс, тема: «Экология. Здоровый образ жизни»
Познавательные: познакомить учащихся со способами разрешения экологических проблем в г. Сочи.
Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство гордости за нашу Родину-страну Зимних Олимпийских Игр- Сочи 2014.
Учебные: создавать условия для организации диалоги высказываний по заданной тематике.
Развивающие: способствовать развитию иноязычной речи, памяти.
Организовать беседу учащихся в форме диалогов по заданным темам: «Экология», «Здоровый образ жизни» в диалогических и монологических высказываниях.
Организовать беседу учащихся в форме диалогов по заданным темам, направлениям.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, альбом о птицах, зимующих в Сочи, презентация о мусороперерабатывающем заводе в Сочи, видеофильм о предстоящей Олимпиаде.
Ход мероприятия.
Teacher: Good afternoon dear boys and girls! Good afternoon dear guests! We are happy to see you. Today we are going to talk about the Olympic Games in Sochi. But we won't talk about sport and sport games.
Teacher: Look at the screen! What does it mean? (слайд - Volunteer- we need your help!)
Teacher: Who will need your help in Sochi?
Pupil: People from different countries. The need our help.
Teacher: Would you like to be a volunteer? Would you like to help people in Sochi?
Pupil: Yes, I would.
Teacher: Today you'll play. Some of you are volunteers. Some of you are journalists from different countries. The journalists would like to know about recycling, protecting the environment and healthy food. They would also like to know more about the place of the Olympic Games.
Pupil: Hello, friends! We're the volunteers from different cities in Russia. We can help you to understand what's going on.
Pupil: We have a video about the Olympic Games in Sochi. But it is in Russian. Would you watch it and we'll translate it into English.
(фильм про Олимпийские игры)
Pupil: Welcome to Sochi! The Olympic Games will be held from the 7th to the 23rd of February 2014.
Pupil: The Paraolympic Games will be held from the 7th to the 16th of March 2014.
Pupil: For the first time the winter Olympic Games will take place in subtropical climate, where the sea is warm and you can see the mountains covered with snow.
Pupil: In these Olympic Games will take part more than 5500 athlets from 80 countries.
Pupil: In the Paraolympic Games will take part more than 1350 paraathlets from 44 countries.
Pupil: More than 3 billion of views from all over the world can watch these performances.
Journalist: Thank you. But we have a lot of questions. Everybody knows that building is harmful for the environment. And we would like to know if you follow « The Green Standards»? Thank you.
Pupil: Of course we try to protect the environment. There is an «Onithological Park». Now we're enlarging the park to have more species of birds here. (альбом птиц)
Pupil: You can see some new birds here. You couldn't see them before. And we would like to tell you about some of them.
Pupil: (кольчат горлица)
Pupil: (белохвостая пигалица)
Pupil: (черный стриж)
Journalist: We know that Sochi is a resort. Could you tell us about healthy food in your cafes and restaurants?
Pupil: Let's go to the restaurant where you can ask the stuff your questions.
Journalist: Hello! We're your guests. We're interested in healthy food in Sochi. Could you tell us about it?
Pupil: We have a lot of salads. All the vegetables we use are grown here without pesticides. We have a lot of fish and chicken dishes. You can try grilled fish and dishes with boiled fish. The fish is fresh. For the dessert we can offer fresh juices, stewed fruit, a lot of tasty pies with berries, ice-cream with fruit. We also use dairy products from our farmers. We use only natural products. You can try and make sure.
Journalist: It was delicious. Thank you.
Journalist: we have the last question. What about recycling? After the Olympics every country usually has a lot of rubbish, wastes. How are you going to solve the problem?
Pupil: (презентация) The recycling centre was built in 2011. 450 tons of rubbish are sorted daily. Glass, paper, plastic bottles can be recycling.
Teacher: We hope the Olympic Games in Sochi will be useful for our country.
Teacher: We also think other cities of our country will take this experience in keeping our planet green.