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  • Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 11 М классе по теме: “A High – Tech Life. What are Pros & Cons?”

Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 11 М классе по теме: “A High – Tech Life. What are Pros & Cons?”

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План - конспект открытого урока английского языка в 11 М классе

по теме:

"A High - Tech Life. What are Pros & Cons?"

Дата проведения 1.02.2012 года

Тип урока - комбинированный, урок - практикум (в компьютерном классе)

Цели урока:

  • Обучающая - совершенствовать формирование видов речевой деятельности: говорение, чтение, письмо, аудирование.

  • Развивающая - познакомить учащихся с возможностями использования компьютера при изучении новой лексики.

  • Воспитывающая - подвести учащихся к пониманию того, что компьютеры не могут всецело заменить человека, а лишь помогают ему, в то время как главное - человеческие отношения.

Речевой материал:

Лексический: to account, to forecast the weather, to surf (Internet), a flame, a bug, a geek, to boot, a website.

Грамматический: модальный глагол can, be able to.

Оборудование: компьютер; плакат, висящий на доске; раздаточный материал (ксерокопии).


  1. Организационный момент.

T: Hello, pupils! Today our topic is A High- Tech Life. What are Pros and Cons?

Answer the following questions:

  1. Will technology save the world?

  2. Can technology ruin the society?

  3. Which inventions are invaluable for you?

  4. What piece of technology couldn't people live without?

5. Could you live without a computer at home?

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

A typewriter

To go on the Internet

To design a Website

To get loads of information

To account

To forecast the weather

Communication, counting

Opinion, operate

Machine, monitor, mental, memory

Perfect, possibilities

Useless, useful, user

Technology, typewriter

Express, e-mail, even,

Reduce, ruin, rely on

III. Проверка домашнего задания.

Учитель предлагает учащимся ответить на вопрос домашнего задания:

What are the pros and cons of computers?

P1: You see we live in the age of information. And computers are the most rapidly changing sphere of modern technology. So, I am sure computers will always play the most important part in people's life.

T: I see, there are two boys who are going to speak about computers. They are good at computers and can talk about them for hours. Am I right?

P2: Certainly you are. And I am happy to express our agreeing. As for me I want to become a computer programmer. Computers will play the most important part in people's life and everybody must learn how to operate them.

T: Aren't computers difficult to operate?

P3: Everything is easy to operate if you work hard to learn how to do it.

T: There are people however who say that life is boring with the computer if you sit in front of it all day long. What's your opinion?

P4: To my mind the computer is becoming a necessity. I can't do without it. And I want to add that it's really exciting to write programmes or even to play computer games when you have free time.

P5: Computers can do a lot for us. They help us at school. It's a brilliant source of information. Besides, they can even teach us English as well as other subjects. Computers enrich our knowledge, broaden our outlook by Internet abilities.

P6: On the other hand, they have some cons. Viruses are a headache for many users. You shouldn't spend too much time at your PC. It's bad for your eyesight, for instance. Chatting with your friend in the Internet is not the same as a face- to- face talk.

P7: I believe the computer is the most useful invention of the 20th century. It seems to me life is dull without computers. These are clever machines which offer people a lot of possibilities to develop their imagination, memory, and many other mental abilities.

IV. Объяснение нового материала. Практическая часть.

What can computers do?

- Can computers count? - учащиеся включают компьютеры - программа «Калькулятор» и выполняют решение примера: 5876+987

- What's the answer, please? - Computers can count.

- Can computers translate? -учащиеся переводят словосочетание «пробка на дорогах» (traffic jam) на английский язык с помощью компьютерной программы и получилось car-flavored marmalade («мармелад, приправленный запахом автомобиля»). Компьютерный перевод несовершенен. - Computers can translate. But some translations look really funny.

- Can computers speak English? -Yes, computers can speak English, but limited.

- Can computers play chess? - Yes, computers can play chess.

- Can computers see? - No, they can't see. It's impossible.

- Can computers print? - Yes, computers can print some documents.

Учитель просит учащихся набрать на компьютере несколько предложений о том, что они умеют делать с помощью компьютера.

Teacher: Will you, please, write a few sentences about what you can do with the help of your personal computer.

Sample answer: I have a computer at home. I can use and operate it quite well. I play games, I write letters to my e- mail friends and I can make some programs in Visual Basic. I can go on the Internet and discover everything I want. I hope I will be able to do some other things in the future.

Sample answer: I can make presentations in Power Point preparing my home tasks. Besides, I can communicate with my friends by Skype for example.

Teacher: Will you, please, check spellings now? - Учитель просит учащихся проверить орфографию написания текста. После этого предлагается распечатать на принтере набранный текст. (Учащиеся выполняют эту работу)

- Can computers forecast the weather? - Yes.

- Can computers make music? - Yes. (But not like Mozart!)

- Can computers write books? - No, they can't write books. But the man can write books with their help.

- Can computers think? - No, they can't think.

- Can computers paint? - Yes, they can paint. (But not like Levitan)

- Can computers eat? Drink? Fall in love?

- Can computers replace people?

Sample answer: As we see, computers can do a lot of things, but not all of them, that's why they can't replace people. People are better in many ways. But we all use PCs to make our life easier.

IV. Словарная работа с терминами, употребляемыми в компьютерах.

Учитель предлагает выполнить следующее упражнение: на карточках (Приложение) даны слова с дефинициями. Учащиеся должны выбрать тот вариант, который относится к области компьютеров.

Teacher: In the world of computers we use some special words and expressions. They all have two meanings:

- from the general English and

- from the sphere of computers.

So, let's do this exercise.


A mouse -

1) мышь;

2) мышка (компьютерная)

To surf -

1) заниматься серфингом;

2) бродить по Интернету

A flame -

1) пламя;

2) неприветливое (грубое) письмо по электронной почте

To boot -

1) ударить ногой;

2) стартовать компьютер

A bug -

1) жук

2) ошибка в компьютерной программе

A virus -

1) простейший организм

2) программа, которая разрушает созданную в компьютере информацию

Задание учащимся.

Составить несколько предложений, используя новые слова из данного упражнения и набрать их в текстовом редакторе.

Make up some sentences, using special words.

Sample answers:

- Yesterday my brother got a flame when he was surfing the Internet.

- We are going to buy a new mouse for our PC. This one doesn't work.

- I can't boot my computer, there's something wrong.

V. Заключительный этап урока.

Teacher: Now, let's list some things computers can do for us.

VI. Домашнее задание.

You'll write some sentences about the Internet.

I hope you liked working with your computers for a change. Your marks: Our lesson is over.

Good - bye!


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