- Учителю
- Конспект урока английского языка в 3 классе Внешность и одежда
Конспект урока английского языка в 3 классе Внешность и одежда
Учитель: Надышева Э.Б.
Урок английского языка по теме «Внешность и одежда» с учётом новых требований ФГОС1
Вид урока - комбинированный с использованием ИКТ и элементов проектной технологии. Класс - 3-ий. Учебник - Верещагина И. Н., Притыкина Т. А. Учебник английского языка для 3 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий (2-ой год обучения). - М.: Просвещение, 2009.
Цели урока:
-практические - помочь уч-ся в овладении ЛЕ и РО по темам «Внешность и одежда», научить описывать внешность и одежду сказочных и реальных персонажей;
-формирование навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи;
-повторение лексики по теме «Внешность и одежда»;
-предоставление уч-ся возможности использовать язык в игровой ситуации;
-воспитательные - научить уч-ся быть внимательными, формировать нравственные и эстетические представления и систему взглядов на мир.
-расширение кругозора уч-ся,
-развитие языковой догадки,
-социокультурное развитие.
Оснащение урока:
классная доска
учебник Верещагиной И. Н. для 3 класса
интерактивная доска
наглядные пособия ( картинки а изображением одежды)
раздаточные дидактические материалы
Урок может быть использован преподавателями английского языка в начальной школе. Апробация открытого урока прошла в рамках курсов повышения квалификации учителей иностранного языка РИПКРО, г. Элиста, 2015 г.
Ход урока
Начало урока: 5 минут
- организационный момент (Stand up! Good morning! Greet our guests!)
-объяснение учителем целей и задач урока ( today we'll repeat all words to the topic ''Clothes', you'll work on the smart board, talk to each other and meet some friends from other countries).
Are you ready?
-фонетическая зарядка ( Is it cold today? What's the weather like today? What do you wear when it's cold?)-к доске выходит один из уч-ся!
-речевая зарядка- (when it's cold I wear my sweater. My Mother bought me this sweater. Ask me some questions about it.(the phrase is on the blackboard.
Центральная часть урока-35 минут
-I'd like a pair of shoes, please.
-What colour would you like?...
Развитие навыков диалогической речи -5 мин.
What a pity! You have bought a sweater but it's too small for you. How will you change your sweater?
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon, Mrs Smith.
-Could you change this sweater, please?
Физкультминутка- now let's do exercises, our smart board will help us.
The children sing the song
''What season is it now?
Контроль навыка письменной речи-3мин.
Here is a crossword puzzle-try to find as many words as you can.
The children do the crossword puzzle and exchange their works.
Проектная работа-знакомство с одеждой разных стран и народов.
Look at the blackboard-do you like these clothes? What is unusual about these dresses? Of course these clothes are oldfashioned and look strange. But look at this dress-isn't it strange?
I like this dress-it is very expensive.
The children show their national costumes.
Домашнее задание
I am giving you the symbols of the Olympic Games in Sochi- the snow leopard, the hare and the white bear. You must draw some clothes for them, colour them and write a short story in Present Continuous-6 sentences about them.
Give me please the picture of the…
Подведение итогов и выставление оценок
Today we have repeated all words to the topic "Clothing'' and watched the clothes people wear in different countries. What was the most interesting part of the lesson?
The most interesting part of the lesson was when we did exercises.
Тексты для проектов.
Tsipao ( Chipao) is one of the most traditional costumes in China. Rich people (men and women) began to wear tsipaos in the 17 th century. Mens' tsipaos were usually long and mostly blue, grey or black. A black tsipao with a high collar and long sleeves, black trousers, a round black hat and kung fu boots were typical dresses of Chinese men.
Tsipao ( Chipao) was a traditional dress for Chinese women, too. The dress was very long and covered the body. The shipaos for women were made of silk, they had short sleeves and a lot of decorations. Women wore short socks and white shoes. Today a tsipao is a formal dress, a uniform for women. Some airlines have a Tsipao uniform. It is a uniform in some schools, too.
Look at this man. Why is he wearing a skirt? It is a kilt-a part of the traditional Scottish clothes. The history of the kilt is very interesting. People invented this fabric 500 years ago. First a kilt was a uniform for Scottish soldiers.All Scottish soldiers put the fabric on the body and some fabric- on the shoulders. In 1720 Thomas Roulinson opened the first plant to make kilts. Now you can see kilts only in Scotland. People put them on on holidays. Prince Charles, the Queen Elizabeth's son, likes to wear a kilt.
The Kimono is the traditional costume of Japan. The word "kimono" means-"a thing to wear ("ki" means-"wearing" and "mono"-means "a thing"). Kimonos are T-shaped like a T-shirt. The collars are very wide, the sleeves are very long. Kimonos are wrapped around the body. Japanese women also put on a wide belt. The name of this belt is "Obi". The women tie the belt at the back. They put on special shoes-"Zori" or "Geta" and special socks "Tabi". The socks are split-toed.
In Russia in the 19 th century the most popular clothes were shirts. All men and women wore shirts on working days and on holidays. The shirts were made of flax. Men wore shirts of two kinds-" Kosovorotka" and "Golosheya". A "Kosovorotka" had a cut on the left and a "Golosheya" had the cut in the middle. Men sometimes wore belts. The name of mens' trousers was very funny- "Porty" Rich men wore high boots and overcoats. The name of these overcoats was " Kaftans". All these clothes were very comfortable. All Russians wear shirts nowadays, too, but they look different.
Russian women wore very beautiful clothes, too. They decorated their heads with "Kokoshniks". They didn't put on normal shoes- all women wore "Laptis".
The main part of the womens' clothes was a shirt, a sundress-a "Sarafan", an apron and a thing put on on the head-" a Ponyova". All women had lovely decorations on the necks. They made these decorations themselves.
Many people who live in the east put on their heads "Turbans" A turban is a simple piece of tissue. It is 1 metre long. The turban is wrapped on the head in different ways. There are about one thousand ways of tying the turban! In the past you could always know everything about the person looking at his turban. You could understand where this man is from, what he is, is he rich or poor. When a boy put on a turban for the first time in his life, it was a great event in his life. Nowadays many men in India wear turbans.
The national dresses of Lithuania are usually made of flax or wool. The main colours are red, green, orange, blue and white. Women wore white blouses with long sleeves, long wide skirts and bright aprons. Girls decorated their heads with crowns and ribbons. All women in Lithuania liked to wear decorations made of amber. Men wore grey coats, light flax shirts and trousers with stripes. They had bright ribbons as belts. People made their shoes themselves.
In the 15 th century dresses were very long. Women had beautiful decorations on the sleeves. They often had a bag and a small knife. Children didn't wear T-shirts or shorts. The children's clothes were like their mothers' or fathers' clothes. All women had very tall hats. They didn't watch TV, but liked to watch tournaments.
The knights wore a lot of clothes to protect them. First they put on clothes made of wool. Then they put on armour made of heavy metal. Imagine you are a knight. Can you run? Can you ride a horse? Life in the past was not easy.
The traditional Turkish clothes.
Every country has got its traditions. Some of them are very old. Last summer I was in Turkey. I saw a lot of traditional Turkish clothes. The women's clothes are: a shawl on the head and a long dress. Men wear wide trousers, a jacket without sleeves, a long belt and a special shawl on the head. Their trousers are usually white. But nowadays Turkish people wear these clothes mostly in the country or on holidays. I have seen such a holiday. But in the city people wear modern clothes.
The clothes of people on Cyprus.
I would like to tell you about the clothes of the people who live on Cyprus. Cyprus is a beautiful island. Men wear trousers-they are called "vrake". Men usually put on black trousers and boys put on blue or white trousers. Men put on cotton or silk shirts, too. Over the shirts men wear jacrets of different colours. The men's caps look like a turban. Women put on long dresses of different colours, too. On their head they have got scarves. On holidays women put on "Sarcas". A sarca is along jacket with wide sleeves.
The song about the seasons.
What season is it?
It is summer.
In summer we wear blouses, sandals and shorts and T-shirts.
In winter we wear warm trousers, boots and sweaters and fur-coats.
We put on gloves or mittens
On our hands
We put on hats
on our heads.
1 ФГОС начального общего образования [Электронный ресурс] -standart.edu.ru/catalog.aspx?CatalogId=959</</font>