- Учителю
- Разработка открытого урока по теме: «I and my future profession»
Разработка открытого урока по теме: «I and my future profession»
Зам.директор по учебной работе ________Л.Дедерер
«_______» ____________2015г.
Методическая разработка открытого урока
Тема: «I and my future profession»
Предмет: Английский язык
Группа: 267 АРХ-1
Специальность: 0416000 Архитектура
Квалификация: 0416033 техник-проектировщик
Преподаватель: Л.Ерденова
Рассмотрено: на заседании ПЦК
языков и литературы
«04» сентября 2015г.
Протокол №2
Председатель ПЦК _________ А. Бактыгереева
г. Костанай
Theme: "I and my future profession"
Тема: « Я и моя будущая профессия»
Цели урока: знакомство с профессией, развитие творческого потенциала у учащихся при выборе профессии;
Формирование представлений о роли профессии в жизни человека;
совершенствование навыков монологической речи по указанной теме;
The educational purpose: to extend and deepen the knowledge about future profession аnd this job;
To general the knowledge of pupils and to form the role of profession in people^s life;
To practice pupils in monological speech;
Развитие у учащихся учебно-познавательной компетенции - умение самостоятельно применять ЗУН и осуществлять их перенос с помощью ИТ в новую ситуацию.
развивать мыслительную деятельность, познавательный интерес и творческие способности учащихся по данной теме. Развить интерес к своей будущей профессии.
The developing aim: to develop way of thinking, memory, to stimulate independence of pupil, to form the interest for English subject and profession.
Воспитательные: ) Воспитание уважительного отношения к людям различных профессий и результатам их труда. Помочь учащимся в формировании и воспитать
чувство к своей профессии.
Up brining aim: to develop the relations and collaboration,
To teach to put the receive knowledge into the practice, to teach to respect people of different professions and the result of their labour.
Вид занятии: Комбинированный с элементами деловой игры. ( беседа, обсуждение, обмен мнениями).
Type of lesson: interactive lesson with the game technology (conversation, dialogues speech, exchange opinions).
Межпредметная связь: английский и русский языки.
Connection with other subject : Russian, English languages.
Учебно-материальное оснащение: Компьютеры; проектор; презентация; интерактивная доска; раздаточный материал;
The eguipment of the lesson: Interective blackboard, computers, presentation,
and visual materials, lists with tasks.
I. Организационный момент.
English teacher: Hello, pupils! Today the theme of our lesson is: ""I and my future profession"
The OBJECTIVES of the lesson are:
· to use professional vocabulary;
· to practice phrasal verbs;
· to develop monological and dialogues speech;
· to introduce you with the profession architecture.
Актуализация знаний, умений, навыков: РЕЧЕВАЯ ЗАРЯДКА .
We begin our lesson with repeating lexical material this theme and phresal verbs: I ask some questions. You must recognize and write down into the crossword.
1. Where do you study? (college)
2. After finishing the college, what would you like to get? (a job).
3. Where would you like to work? (a firm).
4. To be hire on a job, what must you fill in? (a resume).
5. Where must you discuss your resume with more detail? (an interview).
6. What would be your advantage?
7. What language, as language of international communication must you know? (English).
8. Who must you discuss many questions with? (a customer).
9. What question must you discuss? (a delivery).
10 What is your future profession? Қазакша қалай аударасыз бүл сөзді?
Let*s repeat grammar material. What is the Present Simple tense?
Когда употребляется это время?
Как образуется это время?
Now you read the sentences and use the right form of the verb.
См на интеракт. доску. Если книги то стр 42 упр10.
Teacher: We have already learned a lot about profession. At Lesson well try to sum up our knowledge and discuss why do you choice this profession.
Our lesson will pass as a game. Now, we get equinted with our guests: This is Mr. Smith: he is a correspondent of "English newspaper, he comes with the purpose : to know a lot about our students and their studying and their future profession.
«Деловая игра»
Ivan: Hello ! My name is Ivan …..
I am correspondent of English newspaper " …… ". I am interested in life of Kazakhstan student who studies in architecture department.
I want to write an articles about students, and their studying and their future profession, as architectures.
Ученик: Меня зовут , я студент 1го курса : Сегодня я буду исполнять обязанности переводчика для наших приглашенных гостей.
Teacher: So , let's start. Now we must show your knowledge, homework.
You'll answer for some gust ions.
Ученик:: Who know in what day do you celebrate architecture*s day?
Misha: Когда отмечают день архитектора?
Pupil: The 5-th of October
Coresp: Why do you choice such profession?
Misha: Почему вы выбрали такую профессию?
Предложения, обоснование, доказательство.
Teacher: Thin and give your ideas.
Corresp: Why do you think that this profession "architecture is very vital and famous?
Уч-ся : …….
Misha : Как вы думаете профессия архитектора важная и известная?
Coresp: If you want a good architect in what you must success?
Misha: Чтобы стать хорошим строителем чего нужно добиться в жизни:
To built the house
To study
To do a project
To know about buildings
To buy clothes
To destroy house
To know computer
Choice the right form
Coresp: I'm wondering what qualities you must have to become a good builder?
Misha: Какими способностями и качествами надо обладать, чтобы стать архитектором?
Ученик:• originality, resource;
• observation (ability to notice even insignificant trifles);
• responsibility;
• realness;
• feeling of harmony and taste……..
Coresp: But what was the impetus for selecting this profession?
Misha: Что явилось толчком выбора вашей профессии?
Coresp: Where does builders work?
Misha : Где работают строители?
Coresp: The social importance of a trade in a society?
Misha : Социальная значимость профессии в обществе?
Ученик: ........
Coresp: What do you say about Mass character and uniqueness of a trade:
Misha :Массовость и уникальность профессии:
Ученик: ………
Coresp: Risks of a trade?
Misha: Риски профессии:
Ученик: ……….
Coresp: What is the specification of works ? What are pluses and mineses?
Misha: Cпецифика работы?
Misha : Плюсы профессии:
Coresp: Trade minuses:
Coresp: Where do you get a profession?
Misha: Где вы можете получить образование по этой специальности?
Уч-ся: ……
Teacher: Thank you for this game.It was very interesting and useful. And What is your opinion for that?
Coresp: I am very glad that I discuss with you. I know many information. I think I write the article very easy.
Misha: Спасибо за информацию, которую вы мне предоставили. Мне беседа с вами понравилась, и я узнал много интересного . И я думаю , что наши учащиеся осведомлены во всем, а самое главное знают, что ожидает их в будущем и какую профессию они выбрали.
Teacher: You know that profession "architecture" is very vital and important. Because thank for architects appear beautiful cities, palaces, buildings, and monuments for example the Russian poet says:
Без архитектора земля была б пустыней
Без храмов, небоскребов, пирамид
Сколько вы всего на ней построили
А сколько вам построить предстоит!
Start to read the text and retell.
Many thousands of years ago there were no houses such as people live in today.
In hot countries people sometimes made their homes in trees and used leaves to protect themselves from rain or sun.
To protect - защищать
Later people found out that bricks made of mud and dried in the hot sunshine. Some of their buildings are still standing after several thousand of years.
Brick- кирпич
Mud- глина
To dry- сушить
The ancient Egyptians discovered how to cut stone for building purposes. They erected temples, palaces, and huge tombs. The greatest tomb is the stone pyramid of Khuful, king of Egypt.
To cut - резать
To discover- сделать открытие
Temple- храм
Palaces- дворец
Tomb- гробница
The ancient Greeks also understand the art of building with the cut stone. And their buildings were beautiful as well as useful.
To understand- понимать
Art- исскуство
During the last hundred years many new methods of building have been discovered.
If you understand the text you can answer the questions:
Where people live many thousands years ago?
Did ancient people use wood or bricks to build the houses?
What kind of buildings did the ancient Egyptians erect?
Teacher: And now our students prepare information about architectural building in nowadays.
Our pupils prepaid the presentation about Great Britain .Astana, Kostanay.
Teacher: And let me tell you a little about Astana will show slides and some beautiful buildings were built in just a few years. Very well, Do you tell us about our capital?
Показ слайдов учениками, которые готовили презентацию заранее.
Teacher: what do you know about your town?
Teacher: What do you know about the English architectural constructions?
Teacher: We know many information about architectural building in the world, and now we
And now task for you. You have a great imagination. You image that you are in such architectural place. Such as near Big Ben, near Baiterek, near Statue of Liberty and compose the dialogue.
Учитель: Our lesson is over that is why we do conclusion of the lesson. You see the cluster .
How do you associate this expression:
My future profession is the architect.
Учитель: Homework. Домашняя работа
-You must write composition (Essey)about the future job.
Teacher: Вы должны написать эссе «Выбор профессии»
Итог урока.
- The lesson is over. What did you like to do at the lesson? Thank you for your work.
Mark for the lesson: 5----,4----, 3----.