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- Олимпиада по английскому языку (5 класс)
Олимпиада по английскому языку (5 класс)
Районная олимпиада по английскому языку
5 класс
(1 балл за каждое предложение: всего 5 баллов)
1. Listen to the text twice.
2. Choose which sentences are true or false. (+)The sentences
1. Tony went for a picnic with his friends.
2. Tony`s father has bought a new CD player.
3. His sister made a sand castle.
4. Tony went for a walk.
5. They went back home at six o`clock.
(1 балл за каждое предложение: всего 5 баллов)
Read the text.
Visiting theatre in London 400 years ago was very different from visiting a modern theatre.
The building was round, there was no roof, and people got cold and wet as the weather was bad. The queen loved going to the Globe Theatre, by the River Thames, to see the plays of William Shakespeare. All the actors at that time were men. The visitors ate, talked to their friends, walked about during the show, and some people even threw things at the actors!
Today, it is still possible to visit the Globe Theatre. A new theatre stands in the same place near the river. You can enjoy a Shakespeare play there or just learn about life in the seventeenth century.
Choose which sentences are true or false. (+)
1. Modern theatres don`t differ from old theatres.
2. All the actors in old theatres were women.
3. The queen watched Shakespeare`s plays in the Globe Theatre.
4. A new Shakespeare`s theatre stands in another place.
5. You cannot visit the Globe Theatre today.
(1 балл за каждое правильное слово: всего 5 баллов)
Choose the right word.
1. History is my favourite ________ .
a) lesson
b) subject
c) class
d) book
2. He is ______ his homework.
a) writing
b) doing
c) do
d) learn
3. I don`t have _____ time.
a) big
b) many
c) small
d) much
4. _______ any DVDs? Yes, he has.
a) have he got
b) has she got
c) did he have
d) has he got
5. ______ were you last Saturday?
a) Why
b) When
c) Where
d) How many
(1 балл за каждое предложение: всего 5 баллов)
Make up the sentences.
1) the, How, are, bananas, much?
2) I, see, can, near, a farm, the forest.
3) is, hot, It, today, sunny, and.
4) packed, I, my, rucksack.
5) your, When, is, birthday?
(1 балл за каждый ответ: всего 5 баллов)
Match the words and the pictures.
a) Big Ben
b) The Queen of the UK
c) Stonehenge
d) Tower Bridge
e) The flag of the UK
1. 2.
(всего 5 баллов)
Твой друг не знает, как провести каникулы. Напиши ему открытку. Расскажи о своих планах (что ты собираешься делать), о том, что тебе нравится делать в каникулы. Посоветуй другу, как он может провести время интересно и с пользой: куда сходить (съездить), что посмотреть, почитать, кого навестить и т. д.
Составь не менее 5-ти предложений.