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- Конспект урока 'Винахідники та винаходи'
Конспект урока 'Винахідники та винаходи'
Винахідники та винаходи
Тема: Invantors and their inventions.
Изобретатели и изобретения.
The most important inventions of Mankind.
Важнейшие изобретения человечества.
Цель: Систематизировать лексический материал по теме. Проконтролировать знание учащимся лексики по теме. Практиковать в аудировании и устной речи. Развивать языковую интуицию, познавательные интересы, умение логически мыслить.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, карточки.
Ход урока
Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.
а) сообщение темы и целей урока.
T. Today we continue to talk about the inventors and their inventions Try to sum up the work on the Topic in the form of ______________,What, Where, When and Who.
Сегодня мы продолжим разговор про изобретателей и их изобретения. Подведём итог работы по данной теме в форме игры «Что, где, когда»
б) речевая зарядка:
Но прежде, я хочу спросить вас знаете ли вы такие слова: кардиган, макинтош и реглан. Вы правы, все они относятся к одежде и на самом деле это имена людей, которые их придумали, создали. Я предлагаю следующий тест.
Match the people and the items of clothing.
На доске: 1. Mackintosh a) a sleeve style
2. Cardigan b) a waterproof coat
3. Raglan c) a woolen jacket with buttons
T: New inventions appear every day and make our life easier, longer, warmer and more comfortable. But many of them become the household words named after their creator.
Let's start our game. Let's devide ourselves into 2 teams. Kate will be a presenter. Here we have cards with hidden questions and task.
Сhoose and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1). When I grow up I want to be an ___________ and make a time machine to visit the future.
а) inventive b) inventor c) invention d) invent
2). Christopher Columbus ___________ America by accident.
a) invented b) revealed c) found out d) discovered
3). Which of the following is NOT a measurement of temperature?
a) Watt b) Celsius c) Fahrenheit d) Centigrade
4). What does IT stand for?
a) Information Technology b) Interesting Teacher
c) Informative Tutorial d) Intellectual Technology
5). Marie Curie was a _________ famous for her work with radioactivity.
a) scientist b) scientific c) scientologist d) science
6). He gives all his time to the _________ of the rare genetic disorders.
a) invest b) investigate c) investigation d) investigative
а) Read the text bellow. Match choices А-Н to 1-6. There are two choices you don't need to use.
b) In the text? Find and underline the sentences in the Past Passive.
А) Inventions of Scottish Scientists.
B) Invention Helps the Police
C) Edison's Invention Projects
D) Inventions in Electricity
E) Innovation by Merit Singer
F) Invention of the Telephone
G) The first Television
H) Important Discovery in Medicine
1 ( )
In the 1800s the use of electricity was expanding. Scientist continued to learn about how electricity works. They also learned how to make electricity with an electrical generator. The type of generator that came into widest use was invented by Nikola Tesla, an immigrant from Croatia. In the 1890s his generators began to harness the power of Niagara Falls to create cheap electricity. The inventor who made widest use of electricity was Thomas Edison. In 1876 Edison set up his own barnlike workshop in the
town of Menlo Park, New Jersey. There he thought up hundreds of ways to use electricity.
2 ( )
First a newsboy and then a telegraph operator, Edison wanted to invent practical things. «Anything that won't sell, I don't want to invent», he said. During one five-year period he took out a new patent almost every month.
His greatest invention was the light bulb (1879). By 1882 some New York City buildings were glowing with electric light. Electric lighting replaced gas lights so quickly that in 1899 Edison's factory produced 25 million light bulbs.
Edison helped shape life in the 1990s with his many inventions. He developed the dictating machine, the motion-picture camera, and the phonograph.
3 ( )
Bell showed the new invention in 1876. A New York Tribune reporter said about it: "The telephone is a curious device that might fairly find place in the magic of the Arabian Tales. Of what use is such an invention?"
People quickly realized the answer to that question. In 1877 telephone lines connected Boston and Salem in Massachusetts. By the 1890s many other American cities were connected by long-distance telephone lines.
4 ( )
Inventors before him had created sewing machines, but Singer invented one that was easy to use. Before that clothing store were common, Singer's sewing machine saved hours of labour for tailors and for those who made clothes at home. Singer soon had a thriving sewing machine company in New York City. At $110, however, Singer's machine was too expensive for the average American. Many families only made $500 a year. The company set up ways for people to buy the machine by paying small amounts over a period of time - an idea that other companies quickly copied.
5 ( )
The telegram was invented in 1844, but for years, no one thought the invention had any future. Then in 1853, two criminals, Oliver Martin and Fiddler Dick, tried to escape by jumping on the London - Slough train. The London police cabled their colleagues in Slough, that resulted in a prompt arrest and triumphant headlines ensuring the success of the new technology. The British police used it so often they got their own special telegram address: Handcuffs, London.
6 ( )
Originally noticed by a French medical student, Ernest Duchesne, in 1896, penicillin was rediscovered by the bacteriologist Alexander Fleming working at St Mary's Hospital in London in 1928. He found that it killed bacteria. Doctors used if to fight many diseases such as diphtheria, meningitis and pneumonia.
Naming the substance penicillin, Dr. Fleming in 1929 published the results of his investigations, noting that his discovery might have therapeutic value if it could be produced in quantity.
Начнём игру. Разделимся на две команды. Катя будет ведущей. Здесь вы видите карточки с вопросами
A presenter: 2 pupils from each team come up and move the top, read the question and give as much information as you can. The members of the team can help and add something to the answer.
Ведущая: по два ученика из каждой команды выходит к доске берут выпавший ему номер вопроса подходят к портрету изобретателя и отвечают на вопрос, сообщая как можно больше информации по данному изобретению.
Члены команд могут дополнять их ответы. На табло будут выставлены баллы за ответ по двенадцати бальной шкале.
What kind of invention was the symbol of man's respectability (Bowler).
Какое изобретение является символом мужской респектабельности. (шляпа «болеро»)
2.Who was the inventor of the instrument for writing in bad weather outside? (L. Biro)
Кто был изобретателем инструмента для письма на улице в плохую погоду (шариковая ручка «биро»)
What can you say about the inventor in the picture? (S. Colt)
Расскажите об этом изобретателе и его изобретении на картине. (револьвер «кольт»)
What did the man played the cello invent? (L. Braille)
Что изобрёл человек, который играл-на виолончели? (азбука «браль»)
What do you know about the English word «bell» With what intentional is it connected? (Y. Bell).
Что вы знаете про англ. Слово «bell»(звонок) с каким изобретением оно связано? (телефон Белла)
What did L. Pasteur invented? Что изобрёл Луи Пастер?
What is the most successful musical instrument by Adolf Sax? Какой самый успешный музыкальный-инструмент Адольфа Сакса?
Who made the revolution in transport? Tell about the invention of cars? Кто совершил революцию автомобилей и транспорта, расскажите об изобретении автомобиля.
«Black Box»-«Чёрный ящик? Внутри его моб. телефон The latest invention of 70-th - 80-th years. Изобретение 80-х годов. Американского инженера Мартина Купера в компании Моторола»
Do you know abriviation SOS? Who invented the code of dot-dash alphabet? Кто изобрёл алфавит точек - тире? (Самуел Морзе)
Who is Roentgen and what is his invention? Кто такой Вильгельм Рентген и какое его изобретение?
What was invented will the help of a torch, a knitting needle, some radio parts a big wooden box and some cardboard? (Television by L Baird)?
Что было изобретено с помощью вязальной спицы, фонаря, радио запчастей, деревянного ящика и картона?
Заключительная часть урока:
1. Итоги, оценивание.
Дом. задание: написать сочинение «Изобретения в нашей повседневной жизни.