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  • Устные темы к экзамену к учебнику Биболетова М. З. 'Enjoy English'

Устные темы к экзамену к учебнику Биболетова М. З. 'Enjoy English'

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About myself

My name is Dasha.

I'm 14. I'm a student. I'm Russian. I live in Shakhty town, Rostov Region. But my native town is Kamishin not far Volgograd. I like my home town and I miss it. I have a mother, 2 grannies & an aunt with an uncle. My parents are divorced. As for my mum she's a clever, kind, active & honest woman. My mum is a doctor. We like to spend time together going shopping, watching films or just chatting.

I like painting and I can paint animals, houses and people. I enjoy nature too and I like watching beautiful landscapes and then I try to paint them.

I go in for sport and it helps me to keep fit and to be slim. I go to the swimming-pool once a week. My favourite subject is Biology and I'm going to be a general practitioner (a doctor as my mum).

I think that I'm reliable, open and hard-working and I hope to become a good doctor.


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