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- План урока английского языка
План урока английского языка
Topic: "Meals"
Methodical recommendations
Work out the plan of the lesson on a introduced theme according to demands of State Educational Standard of the second generation for schoolchildren of ninth forms with the advanced studying of the English language;
Pay attention to psychophysiological peculiarities of the present age and educational value of the introduced text;
Show the stages of work with the text "British Food" with the purpose to perfect knowledge of country - specific realities;
Draw up the list of the subject words and expressions and define the algorithm of work with the present lexical units in a developed exercises
(3- 4), contributing to forming of lexical skill at a high stage of studying.
Propose strategy of work with the text "British Food" by forming reading skills.
Base the place of present fragments in the structure of a lesson;
Use proposed scheme of summary lesson
Plan: British food
Topic: Meals
Educational aim:
to learn pupils to work in groups\in pairs and to listen to the classmate's answers attentively;
to improve communication skills and good manners of pupils;
to increase vocabulary
Aim/s or Objective/s:
to do warming-up;
to bring new phrases into use and to make pupils practice it;
to get definite country - specific knowledge
Subsidiary aims:
to improve phonetic, reading skills
to make pupils use the phrases used in conversations
Speech patterns, structures, vocabulary, text/s:
British food has a bad reputation in Europe\ For lunch they usually
have soup, cold met and salad\ Dinner is much like lunch\ What do they
have for the supper? They have ….
Aids: table on the blackboard, individual cards, text "British Food"
Ways of Interaction/Organizing the class
Warm up
7 min
T- Cl
T- P
(The aim is to "warm" the students "up" and to get them interested in new topic)
T: Good morning, pupils! Nice to see you. Today we start working on one of the most essential and tasty topic "Meals".
But before we start I'd like you to solve a problem: Imagine, that you are at traditional English family where they eat only traditional English food. Try to guess, what can they eat for breakfast and for lunch?
P1: Their breakfast consists of eggs, toasts, bacon, perhaps toasts
P2: As for lunch they prefer eating salads, soups or fish and meat
P3: I am in two minds. On the one hand they can eat cornflakes with milk for breakfast but on the other hand they can like eating the same thing for lunch
Presenting the text in some sentences
15 min
Good. I understand that there are many points of view at this question. But be patient, we will know everything soon. Let's pass to the next part of our lesson. Try to choose and to fill the proper word to each sentence:
good- cornflakes- usual- snack- light-biscuits-butter-containers- honey-meat
The main course will often be…… or fish with potatoes and other vegetables.
Traditional home-cooked British food is as …….as European cooking
For many people lunch is often no more than a…..
You have everything packed in special………
A good example is the traditional British breakfast consisting of ………with milk, eggs and bacon, toast with……. or marmalade
Tea, coffee and juice are the……. drinks.
Almost every meal is finished with coffee, cheese and …… .
From four to six there is a very ……meal called afternoon tea.
Pupils do this exercise in order to understand the idea of the text
If pupils don't understand the translation of words and phrases, the teacher can help
Now I offer you a sentence making work. Try to use new words and word combinations. Translate from Russian into English. Then we'll check up the translation and after that you should put down some words and expressions to the topic "Meals"
Хорошим примером является традиционный британский завтрак, состоящий из хлопьев с молоком, яиц, бекона, тоста с мёдом или мармеладом
С 4 до 6 имеет место лёгкий приём пищи, именуемый традиционным чаепитием.
Чай, кофе и сок являются обычными напитками
Почти каждый приём пищи заканчивается кофе, сыром и маслом.
Главное блюдо часто будет сочетаться с мясом, рыбой с картошкой и другими овощами
The pupils translate the sentences and after checking the translation they note words and expressions to the topic "Meals"
The teacher can prompt to pupils who don't understand the meaning of words and expressions
Reading the text
12 min