- Учителю
- Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по иностранному языку на тему Welcome on board
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по иностранному языку на тему Welcome on board
Методическая разработка по иностранному языку на тему: «План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку»
Дюкарева Инна Викторовна, преподаватель английского языка
Костина Ирина Ивановна, преподаватель английского языка
Место работы: ФГАОУ ВО Севастопольский государственный университет Морской колледж
Дисциплина: Иностранный язык
Группа: Св-412 и Св-422
Преподаватели: Дюкарева И.В., Костина И.И.
Тема: «Welcome on board»
- повторить пройденный учебный материал в неформальной обстановке при помощи игр и конкурсов;
- закрепить знания специализированной лексики по темам «Ship's Crew», «Principal Particulars of the Ship», «Cargo operations», «Lights and buoys»;
- совершенствовать навыки общения на двух языках (русском, английском), приблизить речевую деятельность учащихся к естественным нормам;
- развитие навыков работы в команде;
-подготовка конкурентоспособного специалиста.
Методическая организация: с элементом соревнования, с перевоплощением действующих лиц.
Форма проведения: викторина.
Оборудование: плакаты, сигнальные карточки для команд, жетоны, компьютер, раздаточный материал.
Ход внеклассного мероприятия
Организационный момент.
Конкурс капитанов «Наше судно».
Знакомство с командами.
Конкурс: «Что везем?»
Конкурс на знание команд.
Вопросы от капитана.
Игра: «Угадай слово по описанию»
Игра: «Где логика?»
Игра: «Паук»
Домашнее задание. Диалог
Подведение итогов.
Награждение команд.
Ход внеклассного мероприятия
Организационный момент
Teacher 1: - Good afternoon dear guests and dear students! Nice to see you! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. We are going to have a quiz. The theme of our quiz is "Welcome onboard". Today we'll revise your professional lexes, make up dialogues, answer the questions and play different amusing games.
Teacher 2: Every well done task and correct answer will bring you one point - a wheel. It looks like this. (Показываем штурвал) (Приложение 0). The crew who gets the largest amount of the wheels will become a winner. We'll try to travel into your future, to be more exact into your future place of work.
- Let's imagine that we are at sea now. There are two ships in the area. We have two ship's crews here. We asked you to name you crew. So, what is the name of your crew?
Crew 1: …
Crew 2: …
Конкурс капитанов «Наше судно» (Приложение 1а, 1б)
T 1: Every crew has a leader. Tell me, please, who is the most important person on board? He is … (the Master).
Who are the Masters of your crews? Come here. What is your name?
C 1: My name is Yaroslav.
C2: My name is Denis.
T 1: Can you introduce your ship, please.
C1: (Describes the ship)
C2: (Describes the ship)
Знакомство с командами
T 2: And now students let's play the game. We know the Masters already, but we are not acquainted with the rest of the crew. Let's do it next way. Come here, please and stand in line. Each of you describes your responsibilities on board a ship and your opponents try to guess your rank. Let's start.
C1: My name is … I am responsible for…
C2: My name is… I am responsible for…
Конкурс: «Что везем?»
T2: Thank you! Well done! And now we have the task for our Chief Officers. At our English Lessons we learnt some information about types of cargo carried on board and about their markings. Your task now is to guess what type of cargo the ship of your opponent is carrying. Each of the Chief Officers prepared the tables with the marking. Let's look at them. You have 1 minute to think over and then tell us the type of cargo. If you fail to guess ask your crew for help. The minute runs.
T2: Your time is up! What is the type of cargo.
Конкурс на знание команд
T1: What do the Officers like doing most of all? How do you think? I guess they like to give the orders! And every well qualified navigator should know the orders to the helmsman, to the engine room, for anchoring and for mooring. Now we have the task for The Third Officers, ABs and OS. Come here please. At our English lessons we learnt different orders. Do you know them well?
C1 and C2: - Yes! Of course!
T1: Listen to the rules of this task. I'll give the order and you are to report the order and then translate it into Russian. We are going to give an example.
T1.: Full ahead!
T2.: Read you, Sir! Full ahead. Полный вперед!
T1.: Follow the tug!
T2.: Read you, Sir! Follow the tug! - Следовать в кильватер за буксиром.
T.: Are you ready?
To the helmsman
1) Port a bit! - Помалу лево!
2) Starboard the helm! - Право руль!
3) All port! - Лево на борт!
4) Port on course 30°! - Лево руль на курс 30!
5) Amidships! - Прямо руль!
6) Meet the helm! - Одерживать!
To the Engine Room
Slow ahead! - Малый вперед!
Slow astern! - Малый назад!
Emergency full ahead! - Самый полный вперед!
Dead slow astern! - Самый малый назад!
Faster! - Больше ход!
Finished with the engines! - Машины больше не нужны!
For Anchoring
Let go the starboard anchor! - Отдать правый якорь!
Get the port anchor ready! - Приготовить левый якорь к отдаче!
Pay away the cable! - Травить якорь-цепь!
Avast heaving in the cable! - Стоп выбирать!
Secure the anchor for sea! - Якорь по-походному!
Heave short the cable! - Подобрать якорь-цепь!
For Mooring
Cast off the head rope! - Отдать носовой!
Heave in the bow spring! - Вира носовой!
Veer out handsomely! - Травить помалу!
Pay away the bow spring! - Потравить носовой шпринг!
Ship the fenders! - Подложить кранцы!
Haul in the slack! - Выбрать слабину!
T1: Good! You are ready for the voyage!
6) Вопросы от капитана (Приложение 2)
T2: Today we have a special guest. He is a Captain and he will ask you some questions. The team which gives the quickest and correct answers will be the winner.
Timur: Hello, My name is Timur. I would like to know whether you are ready for your journey and I will ask each crew the questions and I want you to answer. The team that gives the quickest answer will get one wheel. After the question you are to raise your hand if you want to answer. Let's start!
The oldest method of navigation. (Celestial navigation)
The method of navigation when the navigator directs a vessel by observing landmarks. (Piloting)
Who is the head of the Engine Department? (Chief Engineer)
A device for measuring the speed and direction of wind. (Anemometer)
The method of navigation when the navigator determines the ship's position taking into consideration only her course and speed. (Dead Reckoning)
A document that shows the distribution and disposition of all items of cargo aboard the ship. (Cargo plan).
A cargo-handling operation which involves receiving or delivering cargoes on the ship. (Loading)
The process of lifting the cargo pieces from the holds and lowering them down on the quay. (Unloading)
A material used for protecting cargoes from possible damage. (Dunnage)
The main body of the ship is called … (Hull)
Vertical steel walls going across the ship and along. (Bulkheads)
What is thrown into the water when man overboard? (A life buoy)
A device for measuring pressure. (Barometer)
A metal structure which is used to stop the vessel. (Anchor)
T: Thank you for your work. Now I see that you are ready for the voyage.
Игра: «Угадай слово по описанию» (Приложение 3)
T2: And now we have a special task for 2nd Officers and the Chief Officers. Can you describe different things? Come here, please. I give you the cards with the words. You should describe these words for your crew and you are to guess what word in hidden. You also can use these grammar constructions. They will help you to make a description properly.
This light has…
This buoy is of … colour
This buoy is used for…
With the help of this buoy you can…
The cards:
1. Fixed light Cardinal buoy
2. Alternating light Occulting light
3. Flashing light Lateral Buoy
4. Isophase light Special Buoy
Игра: «Где логика?» (Приложение 4)
T2: Now all the crew will take part in the game which is called "No logic". Each crew will have 4 pictures. Your task is to find out one word, a noun, which unites all these pictures. Here are the pictures for the Crew 1 and here are the pictures for the Crew 2. Look at them very attentively. You have 5 minutes to think over.
T1: Every navigator should be very attentive. It is very important especially if you receive some information on the radio. Do you agree with me? Now we are going to check your ability to catch the information. You will listen to the dialogue now. Then I'll give you the papers and you are to fill in the blanks with the missing information. Are you ready? Let's start. (Приложение 5)
Игра «Паук»
T1: The next task for you is called a "Spider". Both teams will get a table. (Приложение 6) It looks like this. (показать). Fill the blanks with the missing words. The quickest crew is the winner.
Let's check your tables.
Домашнее задание. Диалог
Т2: And now your home task! Act out the dialogue. Are you ready? Thank you very much! (Приложение 7)
Подведение итогов
And now let's count your wheels. How many wheels do you have? The crew "…" is the winner! Our congratulations!
Награждение команд
Приложение 0
Приложение 1(а)
name of our vessel is "Atlantic Star". Call sign H1695A.
She is a hybrid vessel, ConRo vessel carrying containers and Ro-Ro cargo. The vessel has high efficiency rudder and is driven by a slow speed diesel engine. The Engine Room is located aft. All living quarters and navigating bridge are located midships on top of the Ro-Ro area.
The principle particulars are as follows:
The length overall is 296 m.
The breadth is 37.60 m.
The maximum draft is 11.5 m.
The deadweight is 56700 tons.
Top speed is 18 knots.
I am responsible for my vessel and do my best to take care of her!
Приложение 1(б)
The name of our vessel is "La Marine"
She is a container vessel, carrying containers. The vessel has high efficiency rudder and is driven by a slow speed diesel engine. The Engine Room is located aft. All living quarters and navigating bridge are located midships on top of the Ro-Ro area.
The principle particulars are as follows:
The length overall is 161 m.
The breadth is 25 m.
The maximum draft is 8 m.
The deadweight is 16023 tons.
Top speed is 18 knots.
I am responsible for my vessel and do my best to take care of her!
Приложение 2
The oldest method of navigation. (Celestial navigation)
The method of navigation when the navigator directs a vessel by observing landmarks. (Piloting)
Who is the head of the Engine Department? (Chief Engineer)
A device for measuring the speed and direction of wind. (Anemometer)
The method of navigation when the navigator determines the ship's position taking into consideration only her course and speed. (Dead Reckoning)
A document that shows the distribution and disposition of all items of cargo aboard the ship. (Cargo plan).
A cargo-handling operation which involves receiving or delivering cargoes on the ship. (Loading)
The process of lifting the cargo pieces from the holds and lowering them down on the quay. (Unloading)
A material used for protecting cargoes from possible damage. (Dunnage)
The main body of the ship is called … (Hull)
Vertical steel walls going across the ship and along. (Bulkheads)
What is thrown into the water when man overboard? (A life buoy)
A device for measuring pressure. (Barometer)
A metal structure which is used to stop the vessel. (Anchor)
Приложение 3
1. Fixed light Cardinal buoy
2. Alternating light Occulting light
3. Flashing light Lateral Buoy
4. Isophase light Special Buoy
Приложение 4
Приложение 5
Coastguard: Milamar, Milamar! This is Cape Town Coastguard! How do you read me? Over.
Officer of the watch: Coastguard, Coastguard! This is Milamar. I read you poor 2 with signal strength 2 weak. Advise try channel 24. Over.
Coastguard: Milamar, Milamar. This is Cape Town Coastguard. Change to channel 24. Repeat. Change to channel 24. Over.
Officer of the watch: Coastguard, Coastguard! This is Milamar on channel 24. I am ready to receive your message. Over.
Coastguard: Milamar, Milamar. This is Cape Town Coastguard. There is a severe localized storm with wave height of 40 feet 25 miles southwest of your present position. Expected to close in the next 2 hours. Advise course three two zero. Repeat. Advise course three two zero to avoid high seas. Over.
Officer of the watch: Coastguard, Coastguard! This is Milamar. Say again. Say again! Over.
Coastguard: Milamar…..25…..three two zero….three two…
Officer of the watch: Coastguard, Coastguard! Message received. Thank you! Out.
Coastguard: Milamar, Milamar! This is Cape Town Coastguard! ____________________________? Over.
Officer of the watch: Coastguard, Coastguard! This is Milamar. I read you _________with signal strength ___________. Advise try channel _______. Over.
Coastguard: Milamar, Milamar. This is Cape Town Coastguard. __________ to channel ________. Repeat. ___________ to channel _______. Over.
Officer of the watch: Coastguard, Coastguard! This is Milamar on channel _____. I am ready ________________________________. Over.
Coastguard: Milamar, Milamar. This is Cape Town Coastguard. There is a severe localized storm with wave height of ______ feet ______ miles ____________ of your present position. Expected to close in the next ______ hours. Advise course ____________. Repeat. Advise course ___________________ to avoid high seas. Over.
Officer of the watch: Coastguard, Coastguard! This is Milamar. Say again. Say again! Over.
Coastguard: Milamar…..25…..three two zero….three two…
Officer of the watch: Coastguard, Coastguard!____________________________! Out.
Приложение 6
Приложение 7
Chief Officer: Good Morning, Master!
Master: Good morning, Chief! Have you checked the proper condition of cargo?
Chief Officer: Yes, Sir! Everything is ship-shape, we may start discharging.
Port Officer: Good Morning, gentlemen. I can see from your manifest that you have got some dangerous cargo aboard.
Master: Yes, that's right. But it's transit cargo, we don't have to discharge it in your port.
Port Officer: I know that, but the point is that before you may enter and proceed through the Channel you'll have to fill up a special declaration.
Master: Chief, have we got any blank forms of this declaration?
Chief Officer: No, sir!
Port Officer: I have. Here you are! You may take two copies of the declaration.
Master: Thank you! Let me look through it. Oh! It's seems to be rather complicated. Couldn't you help me in filling it up?
Chief Officer: Don't worry, sir! I have some experience in filling up these declarations.
Master: That great! Thank you!