- Учителю
- КВН ' Книги- наши друзья' (6-7 классы)
КВН ' Книги- наши друзья' (6-7 классы)
КВН « Книги- наши друзья»
Каждый год в нашей школе проходит декада иностранных языков. Все мероприятия
декады направлены на повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению английского
языка. Ребята имеют возможность проявить свои творческие способности, очень активно принимают участие в подготовке к открытым урокам и внеклассным мероприятиям. Одним из интересных и познавательных мероприятий был КВН среди 6-7-х классов "Книги - наши друзья".
Цели мероприятия:
1. Обучающие: обобщить знания материала по теме "Книги", повторить знания биографий
зарубежных писателей, правила бережного отношения к книгам.
2. Развивающие: продолжить развитие навыков говорения учащихся, развивать умение
работать в команде.
3. Воспитательные: воспитывать уважение и интерес к чтению, умение работы в группах,
интерес к изучению английского языка.
Ход мероприятия:
B1: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, teachers and friends!
Today we'll have a great competition between two teams from the 6th forms. Th e topic of
our competition is "Books are our friends".
B2: Most children like to read and think that books are really their friends. I like to read very
much. And what do you think about books, boys and girls?
(Отвечают дети из зала):
P1: Books help us to learn a lot of interesting things about the world around us.
P2: Books teach us to understand the people better.
P3: When we read a book we never feel lonely.
B1: I hope, friends, you really love books and treat them properly.
B2: You know a lot of writers, books, poems, stories and fairy tales, don't you?
B1: So, let's meet our teams.
(Играет музыка, заходят команды, занимают свои места.)
B2: And now let's meet our jury.
(Представление членов жюри - учащихся 7-11-х классов.)
B1: It's high time to begin our competition. During it you will do a number of interesting and
exciting tasks. Th e fi rst one is a presentation.
B2: Let's welcome the fi rst team.
КВН "Books are our friends"
Конкурс 1. Презентация команд
Команда 1: Hello! We want to greet you! And very pleased to meet you! Hello, jury! Hello,
spectators! You'll see that we are fun creators! You have a lucky chance to see and hear us!
Th e name of our team is "Book Lovers". Our motto is "Seven heads are better than one".
Our captain is ________________.
Yes, books are friends, remember this
We love and read them and understand what such love means.
Don't write on pages, don't make drawings
And don't tear the pages, please,
Yes, books are friends,
Remember this!
Помните! Книги - наши друзья,
Их разрывать, рисовать в них нельзя!
Нам помогают они стать умней,
Чище, мудрее и веселей!
We've said already too much. Th ere is nothing left to say to you.
Please, look in our eyes to know that every word is true.
We believe in victory!
Команда 2: We like to read and very fast, so that is why you can see all of us. We represent the
team "Book worms". And our motto is "Live and learn". Th is is our captain ____________.
Certainly we can read fast and we like to do it from morning till night.
Вот и настала признаний пора -
Любим читать мы с утра до утра.
С книгой, ребята, надо дружить,
Так интересней и радостней жить!
We'd like to win and we certainly will!
B1: Oh, so well done! We enjoyed every minute of your presentations!
B2: But we shouldn't waste time. Let's continue the competition.
B1: Of course, you treat books carefully. Am I right? Well, now we'll see who of you knows
more rules how to treat books in a proper way.Команда "Book Lovers"Команда "Book Worm
Конкурс 2. Кто больше знает правил бережного отношения к книгам
(Раздаются конверты, в которых лежат по 3 разрезанные карточки с частями предложе-
ний. Надо из кусочков составить предложения и перевести их - кто быстрее.)
1. Do not write anything on the pages with a pen or a pencil.
2. Don't lose your books or leave them in shops and buses.
3. Return books to the library in time.
4. Wash your hands before you begin to read.
5. Don't eat when you read a book.
6. Be careful if the book is not yours.
B1: Oh, now we know that you are good and true friends of books. But do you know any
English and American writers?
B2: Next task will help get the answer to this question.
Конкурс 3. Кто есть кто?
Выходят _________________учащиеся с портретами писателей. (Агата Кристи, Даниель Дефо, Чарльз Диккенс, Марк Твен). На листе бумаге напечатаны имена писателей, названия наиболее известных книг, имена героев книг, каркас ответа. Кто первый составит правильный ответ.
the pages with a pen or a pencil
1. Do not write anything on
Каркас ответа:
1. Th e name of the writer is…
2. His / Her most famous books are…
3. Most popular characters of his / her books are…
B1: Having heard your answers we have come to the conclusion that either you have big
libraries at home or you are regular readers of our school library.
B2: We hope you can guess the character while listening to the description of it. So the next
task is to listen to some short stories and guess what character it is about. The card will help
you to prove that you are right.
Конкурс 4. Узнай героя по описанию
Каждая команда прослушивает текст и определяет, какой герой из предложенных (на кар-
точке) подходит под описание.
(Тексты могут читаться учителем или быть записаны на аудионосители заранее.)
1. He is tall and handsome. He is brave and clever. He has an important mission. He is an
agent. (Ответ: Агент Кьют, герой учебника "Happy English.ru", авторы К. И. Кауфман,
М. Ю. Кауфман)
2. He is fat and funny. He is a good-looking man. He lives on the roof. (Ответ: Карлсон)
3. Th is boy is made from wood. His friends are toys from the theatre. He doesn't like to go to
school, but he is very kind. He has a long nose. (Ответ: Буратино)
4. Th is is a girl who met a wolf in the forest. She visited her granny. She had a red cap. (Ответ:
Красная Шапочка)
B1: Great! Really great! Never heard or seen anything more wonderful!
B2: I'm sure you love poems and deep in our souls we are all poets. Let's do another task -
a contest of young poets.
Конкурс 5. Конкурс юных поэтов (Домашнее задание)
Учащиеся читают стихи. Вот некоторые из них: A Summer Day
(by B. R. Hudelson)
A summer day
Has rain or sun,
But either way
I fi nd it fun.
To stand in rain
Th at's pouring down
Or lie in sun
Th at paints me brown.
Some fun
(by E. Segal)
I look into the mirror
And whom do I see?
Somebody that looks
Just - like me.
When I smile
Th at somebody smiles too,
He seems to follow
Everything I do.
I jump and he jumps,
I clap and he claps,
I run and he runs,
I stand and he stands.
And if I run away,
Away will run he.
And do you know why?
Because he's really me.
Th e Birthday Child
(by R. Fyleman)
Everything has been different
All day long,
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me.
Everyone has smiled.
Isn't it wonderful
To be a birthday child?
B1: Th ank you. It was very good. Our last task is the contest of captains.
Конкурс 6. Конкурс капитанов
B1: Captains, come and stand here. We'll see how you like our school English books.
B2: We are going to ask you some questions and you'll say "Yes" or "No". If you are right you'll
make a step. The first captain near the jury's table is the winner.
Глагол to be - это глагол-связка в простых английских предложениях. (да)
Время Future Simple выражает будущее действие. (да)
С именами существительными во множественном числе используется
неопределенный артикль. (нет)
Предлог near переводится на русский язык "между". (нет)
В английском алфавите шесть гласных букв. (да)
B1: The captains are clever, aren't they?
B2: Yes, they are. But which team has won? It's difficult to decide.
B1: Sure. But it's not our job only our respected jury can decide it. Will you tell us the results,
Члены жюри долго советовались, подводили итоги и пришли к выводу, что обе команды
замечательно справились со всеми конкурсами. Все ребята показали знания грамматики
английского языка, знание сказок, стихов на английском языке, умение составлять пред-
ложения. Ребята знакомы с творчеством известных английских писателей, знают правила
бережного отношения к книгам.
Учителя заранее приготовили торт и пригласили обе команды на праздничное чаепитие.
Также на праздник были приглашены ведущие КВН