- Учителю
- Конспект мероприятия Литературный карнавал 'Что такое рождество' 3-4 классы.
Конспект мероприятия Литературный карнавал 'Что такое рождество' 3-4 классы.
Литературный карнавал 3-4 классы.
Что такое Рождество?
Это смех и торжество.
Запах ёлки смоляной,
Яркий шарик голубой.
Колокольчики звенят!
Мы про них сейчас споем
Но домой мы не пойдем
Праздник ведь сейчас у нас
Я про то веду рассказ. (песня Jingle Bells) Приложение 1
Начинаем карнавал
И поедем мы на бал
Угадайте-ка к кому,
Сама я что-то не пойму
Кто на бал пришел сейчас,
Вы скажите мне тотчас. (сказка «Золушка») Приложение 2
Все мы любим эту сказку
Но пора прощаться с ней
Карнавал нас закружил
Дед Мороз наворожил
Мы попали прямо в лес
И в волшебный мир чудес.
Здесь совсем другие сказки,
Мы попали в мир зверей,
Но мораль как у людей.
- Если хочешь ты дружить
Надо дружбой дорожить,
Надо щедрым быть и добрым
И обед, чтоб был съедобным.
Коль позвал друзей ты в гости
Накорми и напои, пирогами угости.
Отогрей своим теплом
И впусти скорее в дом.
Я о ком веду рассказ?
Подскажите мне сейчас! («Лисица и Журавль») Приложение 3
- Надоел мне этот лес,
Хоть и полон он чудес.
Я хочу стихи послушать
И возвысить ими душу.
Как торжественно звучат
Все стихи на карнавале,
Аплодируйте ребятам,
Чтоб они их прочитали. (стихи) Приложение 4
- Что такое? Что за шум?
Дед Мороз прислал письмо
Припозднилося оно
По дороге заблудилось
И в сосульку превратилось.
Как же быть? О чем оно?
Кто расскажет? Кто поможет?
Мы хотим узнать, что в нем.
Как теперь его прочтем?
Кто загадки разгадает,
Тот и что в письме узнает. (загадки) Приложение 5
А письмо то не простое,
А письмо то звуковое (песьня «We wish you Merry Christmas») Приложение 6
Это что за гости к нам?!
Очень рады мы гостям!
Сколько к нам пришло ребят!
Их кажется двенадцать
С этим надо разобраться.
Это все 12 братцев,
К нам пришли на карнавал,
Нарядившись как на бал.
О себе нам все расскажут
Сцену чудную покажут.
Поприветствуем мы их… (стихи) Приложение 7
Да…!? Задумалась я что-то…
Ох, нелегкая работа
Номера все объявлять
И народ-то забавлять.
То ворону утешай,
Сыр ей вкусный возращай.
То ворона зазевалась,
А лисица постаралась,
И была с ним такова.
То-то горе то ума.
Коли сыр попал к тебе
Будь ты бдительным везде. (сценка «Лисица и Ворона») Приложение 8
- Потом мышка заблудилась
То-то кошка удивилась.
Эко сщастье привалило
Кошка мышку зацепила.
Вы послушайте рассказ
Приготовлен он для Вас. (сценка) Приложение 9
- Знаю как решить проблему
Джек наш строит дом сейчас.
Если дом для мышки не найдется,
Пусть к нему переберется!
Места хватит там для всех.
Решено, мы едем к Джеку
И посмотрим, что за дом
Построил он и кто в нем. (сценка) Приложение 10
Скоро будет Новый Год!
Елка в гости к нам придет!
Закружится хоровод
Скоро будет Новый Год!
Мы про елочку споем
И домой сейчас пойдем.
Приложение 1
Jingle bells
Dashing through the snow,
In a one-horse open sleigh,
O'er fields we go, laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtail ring, making spirit bright,
What fun it is to ride and sing
The sleighing song tonight!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh!
Приложение 4
This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forests and park.
This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost brings
The New Year Tree!
New Year.
New things to learn, new friends to meet.
New songs to sing, new books to read.
New things to see, new things to hear.
New things to do in this New Year!
New Year Day
New Year Day, happy day!
We are all glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say:
"Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!"
I'm a little snowman, short and fat.
Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.
When the jolly sunshine comes to stay
Then I slowly melt away!
Приложение 6
We Wish You A Merry Christmas!
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
We want some figgy pudding (3x)
And a cup of good cheer.
We won't go until we get some (3x)
So bring it out here!
We wish you a Merry Christmas (3x)
And a happy New Year.
Приложение 3
Лиса и журавль
The fox and the crane
Подружилась лиса с журавлем. Вот вздумала однажды лиса угостить журавля и пошла звать его к себе в гости.
-Приходи куманек! Приходи, дорогой! Уж я как тебя угощу!
Идет журавль на званый пир. А лиса наварила манной каши и размазала ее по тарелке. Подала и потчует.
-Покушай, мой голубчик-куманек! Сама стряпала.
The fox made friends with the crane. The fox once had a notion to treat the crane to dinner and went to invite him to her house.
"Come godfather! Come dear! How I'll entertain you!"
The crain went to the dinner party. The fox had cooked farina cereal and spread it over a plate. She served it and urged.
"Eat, my friend-godfather, I cooked it myself. "
Журавль хлоп-хлоп носом, стучал, стучал, ничего не попадает. А лисица в это время лижет себе да лижет кашу, так всю сама и съела.
Каша съедена; лисица говорит:
-Не обессудь, любезный кум. Больше потчевать нечем.
-Спасибо, кума, и на этом. Приходи ко мне в гости.
На другой день приходит лиса, а журавль приготовил окрошку.
The crane went peck-peck with his bill, knocked and knocked, but got nothing. Meanwhile, the fox licked and licked the cereal until she had eaten it all.
The cereal eaten, the fox said,
"Don't be offended dear godfather. There is nothing more to offer you."
"Thank you, godmother for that. Come to visit me."
The next day the fox went, and
the crane made cold soup.
Налил в кувшин с узким горлышком, поставил на стол и говорит:
-Кушай, кумушка. Право, больше потчевать нечем.
Лиса начала вертеться вокруг кувшина. Так зайдет и этак, и лизнет его, и понюхает, все ничего не достанет. Не лезет голова в кувшин.
А журавль меж тем клюет себе да клюет, пока все не поел.
He poured it into a pitcher with a narrow neck and put it on the table. He said,
"Eat godmother. Truly, there's nothing more offer you."
The fox began to spin around the pitcher. She approached it one way, then another. She licked it and sniffed it, but couldn't get anything. Her head wouldn't fit into the pitcher.
Mean-while the crane sucked and sucked until he had eaten everything up.
-Ну, не обессудь, кума. Больше угощать нечем.
Взяла лису досада, думала, что наестся на целую неделю. Пришла лиса домой несолоно хлебавши.
Как аукнулось, так и откликнулось! С тех пор и дружба у лисы с журавлем врозь.
"Don't be offended godmother. There's nothing more to offer you."
The fox was annoyed, having thought she would eat for the whole week. She went home having gotten nothing.
It was tit for tat! From that moment on, the friendship between fox and crane was over.
Приложение 10
Дом, который построил Джек
Вот дом,
Который построил Джек.
А это пшеница,
Которая в темном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
А это веселая птица-синица,
Которая часто ворует пшеницу,
Которая в темном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
Вот кот,
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая часто ворует пшеницу,
Которая в темном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
Вот пес без хвоста,
Который за шиворот треплет кота,
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая часто ворует пшеницу,
Которая в темном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
А это корова безрогая,
Лягнувшая старого пса без хвоста,
Который за шиворот треплет кота,
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая часто ворует пшеницу,
Которая в темном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
А это старушка, седая и строгая,
Которая доит корову безрогую,
Лягнувшую старого пса без хвоста,
Который за шиворот треплет кота,
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая часто ворует пшеницу,
Которая в темном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
А это ленивый и толстый пастух,
Который бранится с коровницей строгою,
Которая доит корову безрогую,
Лягнувшую старого пса без хвоста,
Который за шиворот треплет кота,
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая часто ворует пшеницу,
Которая в темном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
Вот два петуха,
Которые будят того пастуха,
Который бранится с коровницей строгою,
Которая доит корову безрогую,
Лягнувшую старого пса без хвоста,
Который за шиворот треплет кота,
Который пугает и ловит синицу,
Которая часто ворует пшеницу,
Которая в темном чулане хранится
В доме,
Который построил Джек.
The House That Jack Built
Retold by Judy Hamilton
This is the house that Jack built.
This is the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the rat,
That ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is a cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the maiden all- forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all- forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the priest all shaven and shorn,
That married the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all- forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the cock that crowed in the morn,
That woke the priest all shaven and shorn,
That married the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all- forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the farmer that sowed the corn,
That fed the cock that crowed in the morn,
That woke the priest all shaven and shorn,
That married the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all- forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog,
That worried the cat,
That killed the rat,
That ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.
That was the house that Jack built.
Приложение 2.
Grimms Fairy Tales
Сказки братьев Гримм
Once upon a time…: there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. And not just the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, shoes, shawls, delicious food, comfy beds, as well as every home comfort. All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters' hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No nice rests and comfort. For she had to work hard all day, and only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That is how she got her nickname, for everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat said, "Miaow", which really meant, "Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters have and that is beauty."
It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in rags with a dusty gray face from the cinders, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be.
One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at Court and the stepsisters were getting ready to go to it. Cinderella, didn't even dare ask, "What about me?" for she knew very well what the answer to that would be:
"You? My dear girl, you're staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the floors and turn down the beds for your stepsisters. They will come home tired and very sleepy." Cinderella sighed at the cat.
"Oh dear, I'm so unhappy!" and the cat murmured "Miaow".
Suddenly something amazing happened. In the kitchen, where Cinderella was sitting all by herself, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared.
"Don't be alarmed, Cinderella," said the fairy. "The wind blew me your sighs. I know you would love to go to the ball. And so you shall!"
"How can I, dressed in rags?" Cinderella replied. "The servants will turn me away!" The fairy smiled. With a flick of her magic wand... Cinderella found herself wearing the most beautiful dress, the loveliest ever seen in the realm.
"Now that we have settled the matter of the dress," said the fairy, "we'll need to get you a coach. A real lady would never go to a ball on foot!"
"Quick! Get me a pumpkin!" she ordered.
"Oh of course," said Cinderella, rushing away. Then the fairy turned to the cat.
"You, bring me seven mice!"
"Seven mice!" said the cat. "I didn't know fairies ate mice too!"
"They're not for eating, silly! Do as you are told!... and, remember they must be alive!"
Cinderella soon returned with a fine pumpkin and the cat with seven mice he had caught in the cellar.
"Good!" exclaimed the fairy. With a flick of her magic wand... wonder of wonders! The pumpkin turned into a sparkling coach and the mice became six white horses, while the seventh mouse turned into a coachman, in a smart uniform and carrying a whip. Cinderella could hardly believe her eyes.
"I shall present you at Court. You will soon see that the Prince, in whose honor the ball is being held, will be enchanted by your loveliness. But remember! You must leave the ball at midnight and come home. For that is when the spell ends. Your coach will turn back into a pumpkin, the horses will become mice again and the coachman will turn back into a mouse... and you will be dressed again in rags and wearing clogs instead of these dainty little slippers! Do you understand?" Cinderella smiled and said, "Yes, I understand!"
When Cinderella entered the ballroom at the palace, a hush fell. Everyone stopped in mid-sentence to admire her elegance, her beauty and grace.
"Who can that be?" people asked each other. The two stepsisters also wondered who the newcomer was, for never in a month of Sundays, would they ever have guessed that the beautiful girl was really poor Cinderella who talked to the cat!
When the prince set eyes on Cinderella, he was struck by her beauty. Walking over to her, he bowed deeply and asked her to dance. And to the great disappointment of all the young ladies, he danced with Cinderella all evening.
"Who are you, fair maiden?" the Prince kept asking her. But Cinderella only replied:
"What does it matter who I am! You will never see me again anyway."
"Oh, but I shall, I'm quite certain!" he replied.
Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball... But, all of a sudden, she heard the sound of a clock: the first stroke of midnight! She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word of goodbye she slipped from the Prince's arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one of her slippers, but not for a moment did she dream of stopping to pick it up! If the last stroke of midnight were to sound... oh... what a disaster that would be! Out she fled and vanished into the night.
The Prince, who was now madly in love with her, picked up her slipper and said to his ministers, "Go and search everywhere for the girl whose foot this slipper fits. I will never be content until I find her!" So the ministers tried the slipper on the foot of all the girls... and on Cinderella's foot as well... Surprise! The slipper fitted perfectly.
"That awful untidy girl simply cannot have been at the ball," snapped the stepmother. "Tell the Prince he ought to marry one of my two daughters! Can't you see how ugly Cinderella is! Can't you see?"
Suddenly she broke off, for the fairy had appeared.
"That's enough!" she exclaimed, raising her magic wand. In a flash, Cinderella appeared in a splendid dress, shining with youth and beauty. Her stepmother and stepsisters gaped at her in amazement, and the ministers said,"Come with us, fair maiden! The Prince awaits to present you with his engagement ring!" So Cinderella joyfully went with them, and lived happily ever after with her Prince. And as for the cat, he just said "Miaow"!
Приложение 5.
What clothes does a house wear?
Why do birds fly south in winter?
It's too far to walk
What is a bird after it is 5 yeas old?
Six years old.
What has lots of eyes but never sees?
A potato.
What is always in bed but never sleeps?
A river.
What kind of apple isn't an apple?
A pineapple.
Where were lemons first found?
In a tree.