- Учителю
- The Rainbow of English idioms (УМК Solutions Intermediate 9-11 классы)
The Rainbow of English idioms (УМК Solutions Intermediate 9-11 классы)
The World of English language varies in idioms. In our school, we've decided to get an open lesson devoted to idioms with colours and do it somehow special. As our gymnasium specialises in profound learning of English language, we've prepared some activities in English. We want to present this event to your attention and hope that teachers can use it in their work.
Topic: The Rainbow of English idioms.
Prepared by teacher of English:
Liliya Zigmundovna Golubovich
Donetsk gymnasium №92
Pupils of 9-A
• getting acquainted with the history and origins of English idioms,their variety,the fuctions
• extending the popularising of English language, enrich pupils' general outlooks, ethical manners of behaviour and communication with each other
• developing the etiquette of communication.
To learn more about English idioms ,their colourful meanings and interpretations ;
To improve and revise students' knowledge about idioms with red, yellow
,blue ,white, black, green
To develop skills using specific grammar and vocabulary being taught , history and literature;
To form team work abilities ;
To encourage the process of self-discovery and self-expression through the creation of conditions for preparing and showing presentations, participating in scenes and dialogues;
To involve all children into the preparation.
Hand-outs for treating guests;
Multi-media demonstrative board;
A photo/video filming
Invitation to the Rainbow of English idioms(pre-test questions)-hand-outs
Presentations about the idioms with Red
Music compositions
10. dancing
Example of "White and Black" presentation is enclosed.
Suggested plan of presentation
interesting facts about the colour
music and literature
Yin and yang
In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang have been opposite despite of the fact that they are actually complementary, interconnected, and free in the natural world.
The white colour symbolizes the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter - Saturn
The black colour - the symbol of the night, death, repentance, sin, silence and emptiness.
White lie - безвредная ложь
To stand in a white sheet - публично каяться
White-collar crime - должностное преступление
White elephant - обременительное или разорительное имущество
To show the white feather - проявить малодушие,
White fury - неистовство
The black sheep - изгой, тот, кого не любят, презирают
To be in the black - быть
финансово независимым, стабильным
Black and blue - в ушибах, синяках
Black pudding - кровяная колбаса
White coffee - кофе с молоком
A black eye - синяк под глазом
White night - ночь без снa
Black look - хмурый, недобрый взгляд
White horses - барашки (на море)
Black art - черная магия
</ White-collar worker - работник офиса
Black spot -опасное место на дороге
By Kononenko Katherine
Motrenko Daria
Syrovatskaya Elizabeth