- Учителю
- Открытый урок по теме «Спорт» в 5 классе
Открытый урок по теме «Спорт» в 5 классе
МОУ СОШ с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
с. Большой Кукмор Кукморского муниципального района РТ
About Sports
(открытый урок в 5 классе в рамках
районного семинара директоров школ,
проведенного на базе МОУ СОШ с. Большой Кукмор
16 апреля 2010 года)
Хабибрахманова Л.Д. - учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории
План открытого урока в 5 классе МОУ-СОШ села Большой Кукмор
по теме «About Sport»
Дата проведения: 16 апреля 2010 года
1. Совершенствовать умения и навыки устной речи
2. Расширение кругозора учащихся через лингвострановедческую информацию.
3. Поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка
Тип урока: комбинированный
Основные задачи:
- практика речевой деятельности (монологической и диалогической);
- активизация лексики по теме;
- формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений;
- расширение словарного запаса.
- развитие мышления, умения дать оценку, высказать своё мнение на английском языке;
- интеллектуальное развитие;
- развитие фантазии, воображения;
- развивать умения и навыки чтения про себя с полным пониманием прочитанного.
- развитие образного мышления;
- расширение кругозора.
- формирование уважения и интереса к изучению английского языка;
- воспитание культуры общения;
- формирование умения работать в парах, помогать друг другу.
Оборудование урока:
- карточки с заданиями, учебники, мультимедийный проектор, презентация, выражения согласия/несогласия
Ход урока
1. Орг. момент.
Good morning. I am glad to see you.
P.: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning
I am glad to see you.
T.: Sit down, please. Let's begin our lesson. What date is it today?
Р.: It is the 16 th of April.
T.: What day of the week is it today?
Р.: It is Friday.
T.: OK. Now let's sing a song "If It Snows"
This song is connected with sport. Today we will speak about different kinds of sport. (слайд 1) But before we do that, let's make some exercises.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
T.: At first, we must repeat some sounds to speak about kinds of sport.
[t] team, sport, tennis, table tennis, trouble
[r] cricket, run, ground, rugby, train, training
[w] wood, white, swimming, weight, weightlifting
[d] deep, end, speed, develop
I think … In my opinion … To my mind … As for me …
You are right. You are mistaken. You are not right.
3. Речевая зарядка.
a) What sport do you prefer?
What activities don't you like?
What summer sports do you know?
What winter sports do you know?
What sport is played all year round?
b) Now, please, agree or disagree with my statements.
Sport builds character.
Sport makes you strong.
Sport takes a lot of time.
Sport is boring.
There are winter and summer Olympic Games.
4. Активизация лексики
а) Will you look at the blackboard, please? You'll have to put the letters in the words on the topic "Sport" in a logical order.
bongxi, ticomtipeon, setnin, ticrcke, rtarnie, ckyeho, rdwa, chaco, cera
b) Do you know these kinds of sport? (слайды 2-9)
(windsurfing, yacting, bowling, karate, athletics, aerobics, wrestling, basketball)
5. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Basketball is a popular game. Do you agree?
What sports are popular in Britain?
(высказывания учащихся)
Can you explain why the British are less interested in skiing and skating?
What sports are popular in Russia?
(высказывания учащихся)
6. Физ.пауза
7. Развитие языковой догадки. Аудирование.
I want you to listen to my stories. I will describe different sports games. You to guess what sport it is.
1. It is a game of two players. Each of them starts with sixteen different playing pieces to move on a board. The aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent's king will be taken (Chess.)
2. This game is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are five players in each team. Two teams try to score goals by throwing a ball through a net fixed to a metal ring at each end of court. The players bounce the ball while running, and pass it to each other. The team with the most points wins. (Basketball.)
3. It is a game played between two teams of eleven players. Players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. The team with the most points wins. This game is very popular in our country and all over the world. (Football.)
4. It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played it in England as early as 1550. It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days. This game is not played only by men. Girls and women play this game too. (Cricket.)
8. Развитие навыков диалогической речи
а) Which sport - outdoor sports
ball games
team sports
sports done to music
other sports (слайд 10)
b) So/ Neither (слайд 11)
Read the dialogue.
Stephen: I like running.
Pete: So do I.
Stephen: I don't like playing badminton.
Pete: Neither do I.
Do the boys like doing the same sport?
Do the boys not like doing the same sport?
c) Say about the activities you like/don't like doing. (слайд 12)
- I love …
- I always do/ play/ go …
- I don't really like …
- I never do/ play/ go …
d) Make a dialogue. (слайд 13)
9. Развитие речевых умений. Аудирование, чтение.
a) Do we have a sport centre/club in Kukmor? (слайд 14)
What sports can we do there?
Sochi 2014 (слайд 15)
Put the phrases into the correct columns. (см. Welcome to Tatarstan)
Olympic Games in Sochi, 2014.
Universiade in Kazan, 2013
Listen and fill in the words.
Read the text.
What can you tell us about sports in Tatarstan?
(высказывания учащихся)
10* Работа по учебнику: упр.16 с.249, упр.15 с.248
11. Домашнее задание: упр. 17 с. 249 письменно, учить слова к диктанту
с. 246-248 (слайд 16)
12. Итоги (слайд 17). Выставление отметок.