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  • Материал для вне классной работы

Материал для вне классной работы

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предварительный просмотр материала

The kingdom of three languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Teacher: Welcome to our linguistic competition. We are glad to see you. Today the pupils of 7, 8 forms will show you their knowledge.

The aims of this competition are:

to motivate pupils to speak English, to show their knowledge, to enrich their vocabulary and to choose the best English speaking team.
Our jury for today:

Dear juries, for every answer you must show marks for every team.
At now, children, we start our competition with word of Federico Fellini:

"A different language is a different vision of life".
Our president N. A. Nazarbeiev said:
«… Казахстан должен восприниматься во всем мире как высокообразованная страна, население которой пользуется тремя языками».
Language is the main type of means of communication. There are nearly 3000 languages in the world. English and Russian are languages of an international communication, they are the languages of Pushkin, Shakespeare, Lermontov, Byron, Burns, whom we love and respect for their poems, sonnets and novels.
With the help of the knowledge of foreign languages we can communicate with each other through the internet or get necessary information from it. And with the help of Russian and Kazakh we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and to be patriots of our Motherland.

The competition consists of 7 parts:
1. "Baiga"
2. "Polyglot"
3. "Proverbs"
4. "Riddles"
5. Level 5
6. "Quick Test"
7. "Zhorga"

So, let's begin our competition. Good luck to you!
Level 1: "Baiga"
1. How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?
2. What is the national emblem of England?
3. What is the capital of Scotland?
4. What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom?
5. What country is called "Land of Songs"?
6. What is the currency of Great Britain?
7. Who is the head of Great Britain?
8. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
9. How many people live in Kazakhstan?
10. What is the currency of Kazakhstan?
11. What main cities of Kazakhstan do you know?
12. Who is the head of the country?
13. Where is Kazakhstan situated?

Level 2: "Polyglot"
1. Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать …
2. Нет дыма без…
3. Без труда не вынешь и …из пруда.
4. Куй железо, пока…
5. На вкус и…товарищей нет.
6. Лучше поздно, чем …

Level 3: "Proverbs"
1. Ештен кеш жақсы.
2. Денсаулық - зор байлық.
3. Талғамға талас жоқ.
4. Жел болмаса шөптің басы қимылдамайды.
5. Өз үйім - кең сарайым - боз үйім.

  1. Better late than never.
    2. Health is better than wealth.
    3. Tastes differ.
    4. There is no smoke without fire.
    5. East or West, home is best.

  2. Level 4: "Riddles"
    1. In what month do children talk the least?
    2. What can fly but has no wings?
    3. It always beats and hops, it never sleeps or stops; and never we part with our little….
    4. What is it that you have at every meal but never eat.
    5. What is that which a cat has, but no other animal?
    6. It is not a man, it is not a woman but it teaches me?
    7. What has arms and legs, but no head?

  3. 1. Голова большая, шея тоненькая.
    2. Была белая да седая,
    Пришла зелёная, да молодая.
    3. Зелёный - попросишь, а спелый - забросишь.
    4. Дитя с кулачек, а зовет разговаривать с тем кто далёк.
    5. Грудь полна сил, подошвы полны зубов.
    6. Летом гуляет, зимой отдыхает.

  4. Do you know that…
    Самый длинный алфавит в мире - камбоджийский. В нем 74 буквы.
    Одно время амперсэнд (&) был буквой английского алфавита.
    "Е - самая распространенная буква английского алфавита,
    Q - самая редкоиспользующаяся.
    В эскимосском языке более 20 синонимов слова "снег".
    "I am." - это самое короткое законченное предложение в английском языке.
    Раньше в ЮАР было только два официальных языка. Сейчас их двенадцать.
    В подавляющем большинстве языков мира слово "мама" начинается с буквы M.
    Do you know that…
    В китайском языке каждый значимый слог передается отдельным иероглифом. Вот почему в китайской письменности такое большое количество разных иероглифов; в официальном списке только наиболее употребительных иероглифов приблизительно 3500.
    В языке бразильского племени пираха нет придаточных предложений, нет числительных и нет понятия времени.
    В Нигерии насчитывается более 400 разных языков, поэтому большинство нигерийцев - полиглоты.
    Сербские диалекты очень сильно различаются и поэтому за норму принят диалект одного из районов. В сербском языке 4 разных ударения, и когда в язык входит новое слово (скажем, джинсы), лингвисты едут в какое - нибудь село этого района и спрашивают у старожилов, с каким ударением следует произносить данное слово.

  5. Level 5:
    Сено овод
    Банк рот
    Стол ежи
    Зал глас
    Яр ода
    Воз вал
    Газ очки
    Гриб марка
    Хор он
    Бор яр
    Level 6: "Quick Test"
    1. Big Ben is …
    a) a clock;
    b) a horse;
    c) a famous poet.
    2. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is…
    a) the Tower of London;
    b) the Buckingham palace;
    c) the White House.
    3. What can you see in Trafalgar square?
    a) the Queen statue;
    b) Nelson statue;
    c) Princess Diana memorial.
    Nelson statue
    4. The British Parliament is in …
    a) the House of Parliament;
    b) Hyde Park;
    c) the Buckingham palace
    5. Princess Diana was the wife of…
    a) Prince Harry;
    b) Prince Robert;
    c) Prince Charles.
    6. What is Piccadilly Circus?
    a) a square;
    b) a circus;
    c) a famous house.

  6. Level 7: "Zhorga"
    1. Сколько букв в казахском, русском и английском алфавитах?
    2. Американский Дед Мороз.
    3. Где жил Д'Артаньян?
    4. Торжественная песня.
    5. Какие местоимения самые чистые?
    6. Человек, совершающий поездку на любом виде транспорта.

  7. Teacher: Good children. I'm pleased with your answer. Now it is time to say results our competition; while our juries count your scores you may say you poems. (the members of jury make a conclusion. Rewarding the best team).
    Dedication to English

O, English! You are a joy, delight,
That makes us busy, friendly, and bright.
You are a chance to see the world,
That is so beautiful and old.
You are a chance to realize
If man can try to be so wise,
To understand unknown speech,
And then exclaim: "It is so rich!"
It's so nice to grasp creation
And master thoughts and inspiration.
It's so great to keep in touch,
With all the world and speak so much.
I know that people mustn't fight
And English helps them all to unite.
O, English! You've become my friend
Whom I should better understand. Посвящение Английскому

О, Английский! Ты отрада
И большим трудам награда.
И возможность для открытий
Дивных мест, красот, событий.
Ты тот шанс, что даст понять,
Что возможно мудрым стать
Так, чтоб столь чужой язык
Полюбил я и постиг,
Мастеров узнал творенья,
Мысли, чувства, вдохновенье,
С миром здорово общаться
И в толпе не потеряться.
И к чему народам войны
При общении достойном?
Английский другом смог мне стать,
А друга нужно понимать…

Ана тілім
Ана тілім - ақ қанатты тұлпарым,
Биіктерге самғап ұшар сұнқарым.
Ана тілім - ақ сүт берген анамсың,
Ана тілім - махаббатым құштарым.
Ана тілім - әнге қосар ардағым,
Тек өзіңмен қанаттанар арманым.
Туған тілім, бабам тілі, төл тілім,
Қазақ үшін баға жетпес бар мәнің,
Тілім менің - қасиетті бесігім,
Шаңырағым, ақ босаға есігім.
Ана тілім - ар - ұятым, ожданым.
Жоқ қой оны білмегенге кешірім.

Thanks for our juries. Thanks for all. Our competition lesson is over. Good bye.
Көніл бөлгендеріңізге рахмет. Осымен сабағымыз аяқталды.
The lesson is over. Good luck in your activities.
Спасибо за внимание. На этом наш урок закончен.

С.Торайғыров атындағы № 22 гимназия мектебі

«The Kingdom of three languages»

Linguistic competition

For 7-8 forms

Мұғалім: Дюсюпова Г.Н.


Do you know English (сабақтан тыс шара)

«Do you know English well?»
Түрі: КТК (Көңілділер тапқырлар клубы)
Тақырыбы: «Do you know English well?»
Мақсаты: шет ел тіліне қызығушылықтарын арттыру.
1)тілдік танымын белсендендіру;
2) шет тіліндегі материалды қабылдауға жағдай жасау;
3) лексико - грамматикалық еп - дағдыларын пайдаланып сөйлеуді дамыту
Көрнекіліктер: ағылшын әріптерінен карточкалар, қағаздар, екі түсті жетондар, тақта, бор.
Өткізу барысы:
1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.
Good afternoon, dear Friends! Today we have a special lesson, in a form of a competition between two teams of your English group. It will be an interesting lesson. Your answers must be right, loud, expressive and artistic. Are you ready? Let's begin our first competition. Divide into two teams, please.
2. Негізгі бөлім.
1) «Your name» байқауы
You must complete the names of your teams from this letters (imagination, composition).
Do it, please.
Now both teams will introduce themselves. Who will be first?
Thank you!
2) «Warming - up» байқауы
Now, I will give you some tongue - twisters. You must read and translate them. Listen to my reading and repeat after me, please.
Let's begin!
1 команда.
• I'll have a proper cup of coffee in a proper coffee cup.
• Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.
2 команда.
• Grey gees graze in the green grass.
• Ten trains travel together to Toyland.
3) «Underground» байқауы
underground сөзінен бірнеше сөздер құрастыру
Thank you very much. And the next competition will be "Forming idioms of comparison"
4) «Forming idioms of comparison» байқауы
Complete each of them with a suitable word or words.
As like as…
As black as…
As light as…
As blind as…
As silent as…
As different as…
As happy as…
As busy as…
As poor as…
As silly as…
As good as…
Дұрыс жауап
Two peas
A feather
A bat
The grave
Chalk from cheese
A kind
A bee
A church mouse
A goose
5) «Captains' Contest»байқауы
We are coming to the fifth competition. It's the competition of the captains.
1 топ
You meet a friend of yours who has just come out of hospital. What do you say?
2 топ
The telephone rings and someone asks to speak to Diana. You've never heard of her. What do you say?
Thank you, Captains. It was a pleasure to hear you. And now find the name of the leading person. Choose from the words on the right the name of the person.
Жұмыс орны
A TV programme
A shop
A school
A college
The governing party
An orchestra
A republic
A hospital
A football
A monastery
Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Thank you! Well done, Captains!
6) «Sentence» байқауы
And now let's begin the final competition. You must write the sentence.
Әрбір топ мүшесі берілген қағазға бір сөзден жазады, ақыр аяғында мағыналы сөйлем құрастырылғанша топ мүшелері сөздер жаза береді.
3. Қорытынды бөлім. Thank you very much! Very good! It was very interesting to listen to you. Now I'm happy to announce the results of the competition.

The pretty girls and clever guys атты сыныптан тыс шара
The form: between 7th forms
The type: competition
The theme: The pretty girls and clever guys
Visual aids: slides, an interative board, pictures
Connection of the subjects: English - Russian - Kazakh
The aims:
1. Оқушылардың қазақ тілі, орыс тілі, ағылшын тілі пәндерінен алған білімдерін жалпылай шолу жасау, қайталау жұмыстарын жүргізу.
2. Оқушылардың танымдық қабілеттерін, ой - өрісін дамыту, дүниетанымдарын кеңейту, сөздік қорларын молайту.
3. Оқушылардың ағылшын тілі пәніне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру, белсенді қатынасуларын
The host: Good morning dear pupils, teachers and guests! Welcome to our intellectual show. We are glad to see you and we hope that you'll enjoy today's game.
Our language is connected with our thought and sense. It appeared in antiquity. It's close to the society's life. All languages developed under influence of economic, political and geographical conditions.
Dear guests, teachers and pupils! Welcome to our competition "The pretty girls and clever guys"! The pupils of 8th forms take part in this game.
Well, we begin our game and let's meet our participants.
Let me introduce you with our players. The first team is called "The light star". The second team is called is "The golden moon".

Our 1st level "Presentation of the teams"
Participants tell some words about themselves, about hobbies,
favourite subjects, motto. The captain of each teams come here, take out cards. There are numbers 1 and 2, who take number 1, that start our competition.
A man who knows many languages has no barriers and difficulties,
especially in the 2nd level "Think and find"

I give you letter and each other answer the question begining at that
Letter: A, B, S, C, W, M, D, T.
Now we begin our 2nd level "Baiga"
- Are you ready?

1st team
1. Name the national flower emblem of England?
2. How many parts are there in Great Britain? What are they?
3. Who is the head of Great Britain?
4. In what country was the Statue of Liberty made?
5. What is the oldest university of Great Britain?
6. How many letters are there in English alphabet?
7. Who is the first women Prime Minister in Britain?
8. "іздеу" сөзінің ағылшынша аудармасы?
9. "clean" сөзінің антонимі?
10. What is the capital of Wales?
2nd team
1. Who was the first American President?
2. Which is the most popular British sport?
3. Who was the first man on the moon?
4. What is the capital of Great Britain?
5. "қарау" сөзінің ағылшынша аудармасы?
6. "good" сөзінің антонимі?
7. How many letters are there in Russian alphabet?
8. What is the official language of the USA?
9. In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
10. Who played the part of Rambo?

1st team
1. A place where things are made, often by machines.
2. A machine like an electric cupboard that you keep in your kitchen
and use for keeping food cool and fresh.
3. The room in a house or restaurant where food is prepared to eat.
4. A drawing of an area which shows cities, rivers, roads etc.
5. A set of sheets of paper containing new and advertisements, which is sold every day or week.
6. A very large animal that looks like a very large fish and lives in the sea.
7. A place with grass and flowers.
8. A wild animal that looks like a large dog.
9. Very cold rain which is soft and white.
10. A building where doctors and nurses care for people who are ill.

2nd team
1. A person, often a woman, who is trained to help doctors and look after people when they are sick or old.
2. A building where you can go and see important things connected with science, history etc.
3. Someone who lives near you.
4. A building or room in a building where you can buy things.
5. A small point of light that can be seen in the sky at night.
6. Someone whose job is to teach.
7. A large wild cat with yellow and black lines on its fur.
8. A place where are you pay to watch a film.
9. A book that tells you what words mean and how to spell them.
10. A plant such as a carrot, cabbage or a potato which is grown to be eaten.

С.Торайғыров атындағы № 22 гимназия-мектебі

«The pretty girls and clever guys»

Мұғалім:Дюсюпова Г.Н

2014-2015 о.ж.


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