- Учителю
- Интенсивный курс изучения английского языка для учащихся средней школы с разноуровневой подготовкой
Интенсивный курс изучения английского языка для учащихся средней школы с разноуровневой подготовкой
Интенсивный курс изучения английского языка для учащихся средней школы с разноуровневой подготовкой.
В последнее время выросла потребность общества в знании английского языка. Английский язык стал языком международного общения. Если в школе есть преподаватель английского языка, то детям повезло, а если нет? Я пришла работать учителем английского языка в 2014 году в среднюю школу, где долгое время не было учителя английского языка, все дети изучали немецкий язык. В сентябре 2014 года в нашу школу приехало много детей с Украины, которые изучали в Украине английский язык. В школе появились классы с английским языком. Многие родители детей, обучавшихся немецкому языку, пожелали, чтобы их дети тоже стали изучать английский язык. По просьбе этих родителей директор школы разрешила отдельным ученикам изучать английский язык, несмотря на то, что они раньше изучали другой язык. Так появились классы, в которых стали заниматься дети с совершенно разным уровнем подготовки. Возникло противоречие между желаниями и возможностями учеников. Согласно современной учебной программе, изучение иностранного языка начинается со второго класса. Уже в 5-м классе учащиеся должны обладать большим багажом знаний и УУД. В школе, где я приступила к работе, такие сложности возникли именно в пятых классах. Некоторым ученикам, решившим учить английский с нуля, необходимо было за короткое время освоить знания, соответствующие уровню знаний пятиклассников. Тогда я для учеников 5 классов, отстающих по программе, и учеников, решивших начать учить английский с нуля, разработала свой курс интенсивного изучения иностранного языка. Курс состоит из 22 уроков и набора упражнений к ним. Тексты уроков снабжены транскрипцией, что облегчает обучение чтению. В конце каждого урока есть словарь с новыми словами. Материал расположен по возрастающей сложности от простого материала к сложному. Весь материал систематизирован и разложен по папкам, получились рукотворные книги, по которым мы и работаем.
1. The ABC
(алфавит английского языка)
A a [eI] N n [en]
B b [bi:] O o [qu]
C c [si:] P p [pi:]
D d [di:] Q q [kju:]
E e [i:] R r [R]
F f [ef] S s [es]
G g [Gi:] T t [ti:]
H h [eIC] U u [ju:]
I I [aI] V v [vi:]
J j [GeI] W w ['dAblju:]
K k [keI] X x [eks]
L l [el] Y y [waI]
M m [em] Z z [zed]
В английском языке не всегда одна буква передаётся одним звуком. Одному звуку не всегда соответствует одна буква. Для озвучивания напечатанных слов используется звуковой алфавит - транскрипция. Транскрипция записывается в квадратных скобках. Ударение обозначается знаком ['] или [,] и ставится перед ударным слогом. Запомнив все 44 транскрипционных знака, вы сможете прочитать любое слово в словаре.
2. Английское произношение
Таблица соответствия английских и русских звуков
[b] соответствует русскому звуку /б/ [t] соответствует русскому звуку /т/
[h] соответствует русскому звуку /х/ [p] соответствует русскому звуку /п/
[d] соответствует русскому звуку /д/ [G] соответствует русскому звуку /дж/
[v] соответствует русскому звуку /в/ [s] соответствует русскому звуку /с/
[f] соответствует русскому звуку /ф/ [z] соответствует русскому звуку /з/
[m] соответствует русскому звуку /м/ [S] соответствует русскому звуку /ш/
[g] соответствует русскому звуку /г/ [Z] соответствует русскому звуку /ж/
[k] соответствует русскому звуку /к/ [n] соответствует русскому звуку /н/
[j] соответствует русскому звуку /й/ [l] соответствует русскому звуку /л/
[C] соответствует русскому звуку /ч/ [r] соответствует русскому звуку /р/
[i:] соответствует русскому звуку /и:/ [I] соответствует русскому звуку /и/
[eq] соответствует русскому звуку /эа/ [uq] соответствует русскому звуку /уэ/
[A] соответствует русскому звуку а [u:] соответствует русскому звуку /у:/
[q] соответствует русскому звуку /э/ [u] соответствует русскому звуку /у/
[aI] соответствует русскому звуку /ай/ [e] соответствует русскому звуку /э/
[au] соответствует русскому звуку /ау/ [x] соответствует русскому звуку /э/
[OI] соответствует русскому звуку /ой/ [O:] соответствует русскому звуку /о:/
[qu] соответствует русскому звуку /оу/ [P] соответствует русскому звуку /о/
[eI] соответствует русскому звуку /эй/ [R] соответствует русскому звуку /а:/
[Iq] соответствует русскому звуку /иэ/
С ними надо подружиться
[T] - / с /, губы в улыбке, язык между зубами, без звука продуть воздух
[D] - / з /, губы в улыбке, язык между зубами, продуть воздух со звуком
[w] - / у /, энергично выдуть воздух через округленные губы, задуть свечку
[N] - / н /, как в словах « гонг », « банк »
[E:] - среднее между / э / и / о /
Урок № 1.
Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple Tense.
Послушай и прочитай:
[x] = э [N] = н [j] = й [C] = ч
[eI] = эй [h] = х [E:] = ё+о [R] = а
[I] = и [g] = г [D] = з [Z] = ж
[aI] = ай [z] = з [T] = с [w] = у
[P] = о [A] = а [O:] = о [OI] = ой
[qu] = оу [S] = ш [G] = дж [ju] = йю
Aa Ii Oo
[x] [eI] [I] [aI] [ P] [qu]
sad lazy big I fox go
[sxd] [leIzI] [bIg] [aI] [fPks] [gqu]
bad brave slim nice strong no
[bxd] [breIv] [slim] [naIs] [strPN] [nqu]
fat name six five long home
[fxt] [neIm] [sIks] [faIv] [lPN] [hqum]
angry snake stick ride frog nose
['xNgrI] [sneIk] [stIk] [raid] [frPg] [nquz]
cat take it nine crocodile close
[kxt] [teIk] [It] [naIn] ['krPkqdaIl] [klquz]
Спряжение глагола to be [tu: bi:] (быть) в Present Simple Tense
(Present Indefinite Tense - простое настоящее время)
В английском языке мы используем глагол - связку to be тогда, когда мы сообщаем: имя, из какой мы страны, города, национальность, где находимся, характеристику, состояние, самочувствие, профессию, род занятий.
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
I am [I qm] - я есть, я нахожусь. I am not - я не есть, я не нахожусь.
He is [hI:iz] - он есть, он находится. He is not - он не есть, он не находится.
She is [Si:Iz] - она есть, она находится. She is not - она не есть, она не находится
It is [It Iz] - оно есть, это находится. It is not - оно не есть, это не находится
We are [wi: R] - мы есть, мы находимся. We are not -мы не есть, мы не находимся
You are [ju: R] - вы есть, вы находитесь. You are not- вы не есть, вы не находитесь
They are [DeI R] - они есть, они находятся. They are not- они не есть, они не находятся
3. Личные местоимения.
Единственное число Множественное число
I [aI] - я we [wi:] - мы
he [hi:] - он you [ju:] - ты, вы
she [Si:] - она they [DeI] - они
It [It] - оно
Эти дети живут в Соединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, в состав которого входят Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия. Как их зовут?
Hi, I am Linda. I am from England. Hi, I'm Wayne. I'm from Wales.
['haI aI qm 'lIndq. aI qm frOm 'INglqnd. haI aIm 'weIn aIm frOm 'weIlz]
Hello, I'm Tom. I'm from Scotland. Hello, I'm Nelly. I'm from Ireland.
[hq'lqu aIm tOm aIm frOm 'skPtlqnd. hq'lqu aIm 'nelI aIm frOm 'aIqlqnd]
Hello, I'm Mary, I am from Russia.
[hq'lqu aIm meqrI aI qm frOm 'rASq]
Linda is not Russian. She is English. Tom isn't English. He is Scottish.
['lIndq Iz nPt 'rASqn SI Iz 'INglIS. tOm Iznt 'INglIS hi: Iz 'skPtIS]
Wayne is not Scottish. He is Welsh. Nelly is not Welsh. She is Irish.
['weIn Iz nOt 'skPtIS. hi: Iz 'welS. 'nelI Iz nPt 'welS. SI Iz 'aIrIS]
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
I [aI] - я we [wi:] - мы
he [hi:] - он you [ju:] - ты, вы
she [Si:] - она they [DeI] - они
It [It] - оно
from [frOm] - из English ['INglIS] - англичанин
England ['INglqnd] - Англия Scottish ['skPtIS] - шотландец
Wales ['weIlz] - Уэльс Welsh ['welS] - уэльсец
Scotland ['skPtlqnd] - Шотландия Irish ['aIrIS] - ирландец
Ireland ['aIqlqnd] - Ирландия Russian ['rASqn] - русский
Урок № 2
Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple Tense.
Послушай и прочитай:
[v] = в [f] = ф [z] = з [C] = ч [r] = р
[A] = а [u:] = у: [OI] = ой [O:] = о: [Iq] = иэ
[au] = ау [x] = э [Z] = ж [P] = о [j] = й
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[ aI] = ай [au ] = ау [A] = а [C] = ч
my [maI] how [hau] up [Ap] chain [CeIn]
shine [SaIn] count [kaunt] cup [kAp] change [CeInG]
side [saId] flower [flauq] much [mAC] chess [Ces]
fly [flaI] cloud [klaud] sun [sAn] choice [COIs]
eye [aI] hour [auq] some [sAm] cheese [Ci:z]
sky [skaI] now [nau] but [bAt] cheap [Ci:p]
Спряжение глагола to be [tu: bi:] (быть) в Present Simple Tense
(Present Indefinite Tense - простое настоящее время)
Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
Am I ? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Is he ? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.[Iznt]
Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it ? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Are we? Yes, we are. No, we aren't. [Q:rent]
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.
Памела и Стюарт приехали в Великобританию. Они знакомятся со своими британскими сверстниками.
Hi! I'm Pam. What is your name?
['haI aIm 'pxm 'wOt Iz 'jO: neIm]
I'm Wayne. I'm from Swansea.
[aIm 'weIn aIm frOm 'swPnzI]
Is Swansea in England?
['Iz 'swPnzI In 'INglqnd]
No, it isn't. Swansea is in Wales.
['nqu It 'Iznt 'swPnzI Iz In 'weIlz]
Hi, I am Linda. How are you?
['haI aI qm 'lIndq hau R ju:]
I'm fine, thank you.
[aIm faIn TxNk ju:]
Are you from America?
['R ju frOm q'merIkq]
Yes, I am. I'm from New York.
['jes aI 'xm aIm frOm 'nju: 'jO:k]
Is it big?
['Iz It bIg]
Yes, it is. It is very big.
['jes It Iz. It Iz 'verI bIg]
Is Tom from Ireland?
['Iz tOm frOm 'aIqlqnd]
No, he isn't. I am from Ireland. And Tom is from Scotland.
['nqu hI Iznt. aI qm frOm 'aIqlqnd. qnd tOm Iz frOm 'skPtlqnd ]
And we are from America.
[qnd 'wi: R frOm q'merIkq ]
Памела и Стюарт рассказывают о себе. В какой стране они живут и где сейчас находятся?
We are from America. Now we are in England. I'm from Albany. Albany
[wI R from q'merIkq. 'nau wI R In 'INglqnd. aIm frOm 'O:lbqnI. 'O:lbqnI]
is big. It is in New York State. I am from New York City. It is big and
[Iz bIg. It Iz In 'nju: 'jO:k 'steIt. 'aI qm frOm 'nju: 'jO:k 'sItI. It Iz bIg qnd]
beautiful. It is in New York State.
['bju:tIfl. It Iz In 'nju: 'jO:k steIt]
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
hi [haI] - привет
what is your name ['wOt Iz 'jO: neIm] - как тебя зовут
from [frOm] - из
in [In] - в
how are you [hau R ju:] - как твои дела
I'm fine [aIm faIn] - хорошо
thank you [TxNk ju:] - спасибо
big [bIg] - большой
now [nau] - сейчас
and [qnd] - и
beautiful ['bju:tIfl] - красивый
state [steIt] - штат
Урок № 3
Послушай и прочитай:
[x] = э [N] = н [w] - / у / [m] = м [S] = ш
[G] = дж [ju] = йю [qu] = оу [P] = о [OI] = ой
[O:] = о: [Z] = ж [D] - / з / [i:] = и: [eq] = эа
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[I], [i:] = и [eI] = эй [ju:] = йю [ou] = оу
meet shade Tuesday cold
[mi:t] [SeId] ['tju:zdI] [kould]
beat way student go
[bi:t] [weI] ['stju:dqnt] [gou]
read tray beauty potato
[ri:d] [treI] ['bju:tI] [pq'teItou]
is Jane tune yellow
[Iz] [GeIn] [tju:n] ['jelou]
ship late cube joke
[SIp] [leIt] [kju:b] [Gouk]
in say due smoke
[In] [seI] [dju:] [smouk]
Родители рассказывают своим друзьям о том, что сообщили им дети в своих письмах. Что именно они рассказывают?
Tom is not in Wick now. He and Sam are in Russia. They are in Moscow now.
['tOm Iz nOt In 'wIk nau. 'hI qnd 'sxm R In 'rASq. DeI R In 'mOskqu nau]
They say Moscow is big and beautiful. Nelly is not in New York now. She and
[DeI seI 'mOskqu Iz bIg qnd 'bju:tqfl. 'nelI Iz nOt In nju: jOk nau. Si: qnd]
Ela are in Albany. Albany is in America. Pam is not in Albany now. She is in
['elq R In 'O:lbqnI. 'O:lbqnI Iz In q'merIkq. pxm Iz nOt In 'O:lbqnI nau. Si: Iz In ]
London. Wayne and Ned are not in Swansea now. They are in Moscow.
['lAndqn. 'weIn qnd ned R nOt In 'swPnzI nau. DeI R In 'mOskqu]
They say Moscow is beautiful. Stuart is not in New York now. Stuart and
[DeI seI 'mOskqu Iz 'bju:tqfl. 'stju:qt Iz nOt In nju: 'jOk nau 'stju:qt qnd]
Phil are in England. They are in London. They say they are fine.
['fIl R In 'INglqnd. DeI R In 'lAndqn. DeI seI DeI R faIn]
Урок № 4
Множественное число существительных
Послушай и прочитай:
[h] = х [E:] = ё+о [qu] = оу [b] = б [t] = т
[p] = п [d] = д [G] = дж [A] = а [u:] = у:
[N] - / н / [T] - / с / [C] = ч [g] = г [k] = к
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни как они читаются без транскрипции.
[R] = а [O] = о [u] = у [E: ]= ё+о [w] = у [T] = с
dark not good her
[dRk] [nOt] [gud] [hE:]
arm what book Thursday
[Rm] [wOt] [buk] ['TE:zdI]
are dog put burn
[R] [dOg] [put] [bE:n]
car clock pull third
[kR] [klOk] [pul] [TE:d]
hard on foot thirteen
[hRd] [On] [fut] [,TE:'ti:n]
past pot wood worth
[pRst] [pOt] [wud] [wE:T]
Bob shows Ann the picture of his family. Ann wants to know what his father and mother are. And what about you! Read the dialogue. (Боб показывает Ане фотографию своей семьи. Аня хочет узнать, кто папа и мама у Боба. А ты хочешь узнать? Прочитай диалог.)
Ann: Who is he? [hu: Iz hi:]
Bob: He is my father. [hi: Iz maI 'fRDq]
Ann: What is his name? [wOt Iz hIz neIm]
Bob: His name is Ted Brown. [hIz neIm Iz ted braun]
Ann: Is he an engineer? [Iz hi: qn ,enGI'nIq]
Bob: No, he isn't. [nqu hi: Iznt]
Ann: Is he a pilot? [Iz hi: q 'paIlqt]
Bob: No, he isn't. [nqu hi: Iznt]
Ann: Then, what is he? [Den wOt Iz hi:]
Bob: He's a teacher. [hIz q 'ti:Cq]
Ann: Is he from America? [Iz hi: frOm q'merIkq ]
Bob: No, he isn't. [nqu hi: Iznt]
Arm: Where is he from? [weqr Iz hi: frOm]
Bob: He is from Great Britain. [hi: Iz frOm greIt brItn]
Ann: And what about your mother? [ qnd wOt q'baut jO: 'mADq]
Bob: She is a housewife. [Si: Iz q'hauswaIf]
Множественное число существительных.
В английском языке исчисляемые существительные имеют единственное и множественное число.
Существительные во множественном числе имеют окончание - s:
a girl (girl + s) = girls
a dog (dog + s) = dogs
Если существительное в единственном числе оканчивается на - x (fox), - ss (glass), - o (potato), то во множественном числе оно имеет окончание - es:
a fox - foxes
a glass - glasses
a potato - potatoes
Если существительное в единственном числе оканчивается на - f (wolf), то во множественном числе - f меняется на - ve и добавляется окончание - s:
wolf - wolves knife - knives
Если существительное оканчивается на букву - y и перед ней стоит согласная (baby, city) то - y меняется на - i и добавляется - es:
a baby - babies
a city - cities
Если перед - y стоит гласная (boy), то ничего менять не нужно, достаточно поставить окончание - s:
a boy - boys
Некоторые существительные образуют множественное число особо. Эти слова нужно запомнить:
a man - men a goose - geese
a woman - women a mouse - mice
a child - children a sheep - sheep
a tooth - teeth a fish - fish
a foot - feet
Существительные во множественном числе никогда не употребляются с неопределенным артиклем a (an).
Прочитай слова в единственном и во множественном числе.
A cat - cats, a dog - dogs, a car - cars, a chair - chairs, a dress - dresses,
[q kxt - kxts, q dOg - dOgz, q kR - kRz, q Ceq - Ceqz, q dres - 'dresIz]
a box - boxes, a dish - dishes, a watch - watches, a pen - pens,
[q bOks - 'bOksIz, a dIS - 'dISIz, q wOC - 'wOCIz, q pen - penz ]
a class - classes, a story - stories, a road - roads, a day - days,
[q klRs - klRsIz, q 'stO:rI - 'stO:rIz, q roud - roudz, q deI - deIz]
a desk - desks, a table - tables, a plate - plates, a fox - foxes.
[q desk - desks, q teIbl - teIblz, q pleIt - pleIts, q fOks - 'fOksIz]
Поставь следующие существительные во множественное число.
A room, a lady, a bus, a hero, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a country, a lion, a park, a play, a key, a lemon, a peach, a star, a watch, a king, a toy, a tree.
this is - these are that is - those are
there is - there are it is - they are
Поставь следующие предложения во множественное число.
This cup is dirty. This is a star. That cake is tasty. That is a new supermarket. This mouse is white. That is not a bus. Is that a flower? It is a cat. It isn't a tree. This is a boy.
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
who [hu:] - кто match [mxC] - спичка
my [maI] - мой way [weI] - способ
father ['fRDq] - папа house [haus] - дом
his [hIz] - его family ['fxmIlI] - семья
engineer [,enGI'nIq] - инженер flag [flxg] - флаг
pilot ['paIlqt] - пилот town [taun] - город
what is he [wOt Iz hi:] - кто он (профессия) country ['kAntrI] - страна
teacher ['ti:Cq] - учитель lion ['laIqn] - лев
where is he from [weq Iz hi: frOm] - откуда он park [pRk] - парк
and what about [qnd wOt q'baut] - а как насчёт play [pleI] - пьеса
housewife ['hauswaIf] - домохозяйка key [ki:] - ключ
cat [kxt] - кошка peach [pi:C] - персик
dog [dOg] - собака star [stR] - звезда
car [kR] - машина king [kIN] - король
chair [Ceq] - стул toy [tOI] - игрушка
dress [dres] - платье tree [tri:] - дерево
box [bOks] - коробка this is [DIs Iz] - это (ед. ч.)
dish [dIS] - блюдо these are [Di:z R] - это (мн. ч)
watch [wOC] - часы there is [Deq 'rIz] - это есть (ед. ч.)
pen [pen] - авторучка there are [Deq 'rR] - это есть (мн. ч.)
class [klRs] - класс that is [Dxt Iz] - то
story ['stO:rI] - история those are [Douz R] - те
road [roud] - дорога cup [kAp] - чашка
day [deI] - день dirty ['dE:tI] - грязный
desk [desk] - парта cake [keIk] - торт
table [teIbl] - стол tasty ['teIstI] - вкусный
plate [pleIt] - тарелка new [nju:] - новый
fox [fOks] - лиса supermarket [,sju:pq'mRkIt] - супермаркет
room [ru:m] - комната mouse [maus] - мышь
lady ['leIdI] - леди white [waIt] - белый
bus [bAs] - автобус flower ['flauq] - цветок
hero ['hIqrou] - герой boy [bOI] - мальчик
Урок № 5
Послушай и прочитай:
[w] - / у / [eI] = эй [R] = а: [au] = ау [x] = э
[ju:] = йю [ou] = оу [j] = й [l] = л [I] = и [uq] = уэ [I] = и [uq] = уэ [m] = м [S] = ш
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[Iq] = иа [OI] = ой [uq] = уа [S] = ш
near boy sure ship
[nIq] [bOI] [Suq] [SIp]
hear joy poor sharp
[hIq] [GOI] [puq] [SRp]
clear voice pure fish
[klIq] [vOIs] [pjuq] [fIS]
dear boil moor English
[dIq] [bOIl] [muq] ['INglIS]
fear noise tour shilling
[fIq] [nOIz] [tuq] ['SIlIN]
idea enjoy secure short
[aI'dIq] [In'GOI] [sI'kjuq] [SO:t]
Do you want to know what games the children like to play and why? Then read the texts. ( Ты хочешь знать, в какие игры любят играть эти дети и почему? Тогда прочитай тексты. )
I am Molly. I am seven. I am from Great Britain. I like to play, I like to
[aI qm 'mOlI. aI qm 'sevn. aI qm frOm greIt brItn. aI laIk tu: pleI, aI laIk tu:]
be a teacher. I've got many pupils. My dolls and bears are my pupils. I teach
[bi: q 'ti:Cq. aIv gPt 'menI 'pju:plz. maI dOlz qnd beqz R maI 'pju:plz. aI ti:C]
them to read books, to draw and to play games. They like to sing and dance.
[Dem tu: ri:d buks, tu: drO: qnd tu: pleI geImz. DeI laIk tu: sIN qnd dRns]
They work hard. They are nice. It's fun to play with my pupils. I want to
[DeI wE:k hRd. DeI R naIs. Its fAn tu: pleI wID maI 'pju:plz. aI wOnt tu:]
be a teacher.
[bi: q 'ti:Cq]
My name is Henry. I'm six. I'm from America. I like to play with my
[maI neIm Iz 'henrI. aIm sIks. aIm frOm q'merIkq. aI laIk tu: pleI wID maI]
toys. I want to be an engineer. I've got a computer, three robots, five cars
[tOIz. aI wOnt tu: bi: qn ,enGI'nIq. aIv gPt q kqm'pju:tq, Tri: 'rqubPts, faIv kRz]
and six planes. I like to play computer games. It's fun to play with my robots.
[qnd sIks pleInz. aI laIk tu: pleI kqm'pju:tq geImz. Its fAn tu: pleI wID maI 'rqubPts]
I like to ride a bike in the park.
[aI laIk tu: raId q baIk In Dq pRk.]
My name is Phil. I am nine. I am from Great Britain, from Oxford . I want
[maI neIm Iz fIl. aI qm naIn. aI qm frOm greIt brItn, frOm 'Pksfqd. aI wOnt]
to be a pilot. I've got many planes. I like to draw planes, too. I play with
[tu: bi: q 'paIlqt. aIv gPt 'menI pleInz. aI laIk tu: drO: pleInz, tu: aI pleI wID]
them at home and in the park. My father is a pilot. He is my teacher. It
[Dem qt hqum qnd In Dq pRk. maI 'fRDq Iz q 'paIlqt. hI Iz maI 'ti:Cq. It]
is nice to play with planes.
[Iz naIs tu: pleI wID pleInz.]
Перед каждым нарицательным существительным должен стоять артикль.
Если вы не употребляете перед существительным артикль, вы должны уметь объяснить, почему.
Артикль не употребляется, если перед существительным стоит притяжательное или указательное местоимение, другое существительное в притяжательном падеже, количественное числительное или отрицание "no" не " not".
Упоминая предмет впервые, мы употребляем перед ним неопределённый артикль a (an). Упоминая этот же предмет вторично, мы ставим перед ним определённый артикль the.
This is a book. The book is interesting.
Прочитай предложения, переведи и объясни употребление артикля.
1.This is a book. It is my book. 2. Is this your pencil? - No, it isn't
[DIs Iz q buk. It Iz maI buk. Iz DIs jO: 'pensl? nqu, It Iznt ]
my pencil, it is my sister's pencil. 3. I have a sister. My sister is an
[maI 'pensl, It Iz maI 'sIstqz 'pensl. aI hxv q 'sIstq. maI 'sIstq Iz qn ]
engineer. 4. I have no handbag. 5. Is this watch? - No, it isn't a watch,
[,enGI'nIq. aI hxv nqu 'hxndbxg. Iz DIs wOC? nqu, It Iznt q wOC,]
it's a pen. 6. This is a tree. The tree is green. 7. I can see three boys.
[Its q pen. DIs Iz q tri: Dq tri: Iz gri:n. aI kxn si: Tri: bOIz.]
The boys are playing. 8. I have a bicycle. The bicycle is black.
[Dq bOIz R pleIN. aI hxv q 'baIsIkl. Dq 'baIsIkl Iz blxk ]
Вставь артикль, где необходимо.
1.My….. friend has no….bicycle. 2. Our ….room is large. 3. Her… son is …. pupil. 4. My ….brother's….friend has…..no dog. 5. This…. pencil is broken.
6. She has ….ball. ….ball is ….big. 7. My ….friends have got ….cat and….dog.
....dog never bites ….cat.
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Напиши в тетради новые слова по строчке каждое. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
seven ['sevn] - семь plane [pleIn] - самолет
I like [aI laIk] - мне нравится to ride a bike [raId q baIk] - кататься на велосипеде
to play [tu: pleI] - играть in the park [In Dq pRk] - в парке
to be [tu: bi:] - быть pilot ['paIlqt] - пилот
teacher ['ti:Cq] - учитель too [tu:] - тоже
I've got [aIv gPt] - у меня есть… at home [qt hqum] - дома
meny ['menI] - много with them [wID] - с ними
pupil [pju:pl] - ученик it is nice [It Iz naIs] - это хорошо
dol [dOl] - кукла interesting ['IntrqstIN] - интересный
bear [beq] - медведь your [jO:] - твой, ваш
to teach [ti:C] - учить pencil ['pensl] - карандаш
them [Dem] - их sister ['sIstq] - сестра
to read [ri:d] - читать to have [hxv] - иметь
books [buks] - книги handbag ['hxndbxg] - дамская сумочка
to draw [drO:] - рисовать watch [wOC] - часы
game [geIm] - игра tree [tri:] - дерево
to sing [sIN] - петь green [gri:n] - зелёный
dance [dRns] - танцевать can [kxn] - мочь
work hard [wE:k hRd] - упорно работать to see [si:] - видеть
nice [naIs] - хороший bicycle ['baIsIkl] - велосипед
It's fine [Its faIn] - хорошо black [blxk] - чёрный
with [wID] - с our [auq] - наш
to want [wOnt] - хотеть room [ru:m] - комната
I'm six [aIm sIks] - мне 6 лет large [lRG] - широкий
toy [tOI] - игрушка son [sAn] - сын
three [Tri:] - три is broken [Iz 'broukqn] - сломан
five [faIv] - пять ball [bO:l] - мяч
car [kR] - машина never ['nevq] - никогда
six [sIks] - шесть to bite [baIt] - кусать
Урок № 6
Послушай и прочитай:
[v] = в [s] = с [f] = ф [z] = з [T] - / с /
[aI] = ай [e] = э [au] = ау [x] = э [Iq] = иэ
[j] = й [l] = л [p] = п [d] = д [G] = дж
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[eq] = эа [D] = з [e] = э [x] = э
chair than pen carry
[Ceq] [Dxn] [pen] ['kxrI]
careful that get capital
['keqful] [Dxt] [get] ['kxpItl]
where rather bet canvas
[weq] ['rRDq] [bet] ['kxnvqs]
Mary though wet man
['meqrI] [Dou] [wet] [mxn]
air together met black
[eq] [tq'geDq] [met] [blxk]
hair mother lesson glad
[heq] ['mADq] [lesn] [glxd]
Склонение личных местоимений
Именительный падеж
Объектный падеж
I [aI] - я
You [ju:] - ты
He [hI:] - он
She [Si:] - она
It [It] - оно
Me [mi:] - мне
You [ju:] - тебе
Him [hIm] - ему
Her [hE:] - ей
It [It] - ему
We [wi:] - мы
You [ju:] - вы
They [DeI] - они
Us [As] - нам
You [ju:] - вам
Them [Dem] - им
Формы притяжательных местоимений
Основная форма
Абсолютная форма
My [maI] - мой
Your [jO:] - твой
His [hIz] - его
Her [hE:] - её
Its [Its] - его
Mine [maIn] - мой
Yours [jO:z] - твой
His [hIz] - его
Hers [hE:z] - её
Its [Its] - его
Our [auq] - наш
Your [jO:] - ваш
Their [Deq] - их
Ours [auqz] - наш
Yours [jO:z] - ваш
Theirs [Deqz] - их
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление местоимений.
Show me your hands. Nina is my little sister. Her eyes are brown.
[Squ mi: jO: hxndz. nIna Iz maI lItl 'sIstq. hE: aIz R braun.]
Our room is large. Its windows are wide and clean.. My father is an
[auq ru:m Iz lRG. Its 'wIndouz R waId qnd kli:n. maI 'fRDq Iz qn]
engineer. His car is in the street. Where is their photo? Ours is in this
[,enGI'nIq. hIz kR Iz In Dq stri:t. weq Iz Deq 'fqutqu? auqz Iz In DIs ]
envelope. Where is his book? Mine is here. This is my room, and
['envqloup. weqr Iz hIz buk maIn Iz hIq. DIs Iz maI ru:m qnd]
that is yours. It is my pen. It is mine.
[Dxt Iz jO:z. It Iz maI pen. It Iz maIn]
Vova has got a family of 8. Read his letter and get ready to speak about his family. (В Вовиной семье 8 человек.
Прочитай его письмо и будь готов поговорить об этой семье.
Hello, girls and boys!
We are a family of eight. My name is Vova. I am nine. I am a Russian boy.
[wi: R q 'fxmlI Pv eIt. maI neIm Is vova. aI qm naIn. aI qm q 'rASn bOI]
We are from Russia, from Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl is on the Volga. It is nice and
[wi: R frOm 'rASq, frOm jaroslavl. jaroslavl Iz On Dq volga. It Iz naIs qnd
green. It is an old Russian city.
[gri:n. It Iz qn quld 'rASqn 'sItI]
I've got a father and a mother. My father is a businessman. He works in an office.
[aIv gPt q 'fRDq qnd q 'mADq. maI 'fRDq Iz q 'bIznIsmqn. hi: wE:ks In qn 'OfIs.]
My mother is a teacher. She works at school. She is a teacher of English. She likes her
[maI 'mADq Iz q 'ti:Cq. Si: wE:ks qt sku:l. Si: Iz q 'ti:Cq Pv 'INglIS. Si: laIks hE: ]
pupils and the pupils love her very much.
[pju:plz qnd Dq pju:plz lAv hE: 'verI mAC]
My aunt is a doctor. She works in a hospital. My uncle is an engineer. He works
[maI Rnt Iz q 'dOktq. Si: wE:ks In q 'hOspItl. maI 'ANkl Iz qn ,enGI'nIq. hi: wE:ks ]
in a plant. My aunt and my uncle have got a son and a daughter. They go to school.
[In q plRnt. maI Rnt qnd maI 'ANkl hxv gPt q sAn qnd q 'dO:tq. DeI gqu tu: sku:l]
We are friends. We like to play at home and on the playground.
[wi: R frendz. wi: laIk tu: pleI qt hOum qnd On Dq 'pleIgraund]
My sister Lena doesn't go to school. She is a baby. She is only three. She likes
[maI 'sIstq lena dAznt gqu tu: sku:l. Si: Iz q 'beIbI. Si: Iz 'qunlI Tri: Si: laIks]
to play with dolls.
[tu: pleI wID dOlz]
I love my family very much.
[aI lAv maI 'fxmlI 'verI mAC]
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Напиши в тетради новые слова по строчке каждое. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
to show [Squ] - показывать old [quld] - старый
hand [hxnd] - рука city ['sItI] - город
little [lItl] - маленький to work [wE:k] - работать
sister ['sIstq] - сестра teacher ['ti:Cq] - учитель
eyes [aIz] - глаза at school [qt sku:l] - в школе
brown [braun] - коричневый very much ['verI mAC] - очень
room [ru:m] - комната aunt [Rnt] - тётя
window ['wIndou] - окно doctor ['dOktq] - врач
wide [waId] - широкий hospital ['hOspItl] - больница
clean [kli:n] - чистый uncle ['ANkl] - дядя
in the street [In Dq stri:t] - на улице plant [plRnt] - завод
where [weq] - где daughter ['dO:tq] - дочь
photo ['fqutqu] - фото friend [frend] - друг
envelope ['envqloup] - конверт at home [qt hOum] - дома
here [hIq] - здесь on the playground ['pleIgraund] - на игровой площадке
family of eight ['fxmlI Pv eIt] - семья из 8 чел. doesn't [dAznt] - не
nice [naIs] - хороший only ['qunlI] - только
Урок № 7
Послушай и прочитай:
[q] = э [u] = у [eI] = эй [R] = а: [qu] = оу
[w] - / у / [T] - / с / [N] - / н / [D] - / з / [E:] = ё+о
[g] = г [Z] = ж [A] = а [u:] = у: [Iq] = иэ
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[qu] = оу [au] = ау [E:] = ё+о [j] = й
know town work year
[know] [taun] [wE:k] [jIq]
grow brown word you
[grou] [braun] [wE:d] [ju:]
low crowd worse young
[lou] [kraud] [wE:s] [jAN]
slow house verse yet
[slou] [haus] [vE:s] [jet]
show cloud term yach
[Sou] [klaud] [tE:m] [jOt]
boat mouth bird yellow
[bout] [mauT] [bE:d] ['jelou]
Прочитай и переведи текст.
The Little Red Hen
Part I
This is the little Red Hen. Her name is Jen, or Jen the Hen. Jen
[DIs Iz Dq lItl red hen. hE: neIm Iz Gen O: Gen Dq hen. Gen]
the Hen is very clever.
[Dq hen Iz 'verI 'klevq]
Jen the Hen has got a family. She has got three little children
[Gen Dq hen hxz gPt q 'fxmlI. Si: hxz gPt Tri: lItl 'CIldrqn]
- three little chickens. They live in a brown house in Green Street.
[Tri: lItl 'CIkInz. DeI lIv In q braun haus In gri:n stri:t]
Jen the Hen has got one son and two daughters. They are yellow.
[Gen Dq hen hxz gPt wAn sAn qnd tu: 'dO:tqz. DeI R 'jelou]
They are very, very nice. They like to run and jump. How Jen
[DeI R 'verI 'verI naIs. DeI laIk tu: rAn qnd GAmp. hau Gen]
the Hen loves them all! They are a happy family.
[Dq hen lAvz Dem O:l. DeI R q 'hxpI 'fxmlI]
Jen the Hen has got three friends. They are a cat, a dog, and
[Gen Dq hen hxz gPt Tri: frendz. DeI R q kxt q dOg qnd]
a duck.
[a dAk]
This is the Cat. The Cat's name is Pam, or Pam the Cat. She is
[DIs Iz Dq kxt. Dq kxts neIm Iz pxm, O: pxm Dq kxt. Si: Iz ]
a big grey cat. She lives in Green Street, too.
[q bIg greI kxt. Si: lIvz In gri:n stri:t tu:]
This is the Dog. The Dog's name is Tug, or Tug the Dog. He is black
[DIs Iz Dq dOg. Dq dOgz neIm Iz tAg O: tAg Dq dOg. hi: Iz blxk]
and white. He is very big. He lives in a doghouse.
[qnd waIt. hi: Iz 'verI bIg. hi: lIvz In q 'dOghaus]
This is the Duck. The Duck's name is Chuck, or Chuck the Duck.
[DIs Iz Dq dAk. Dq dAks neIm Iz CAk, O: CAk Dq dAk]
She is brown. She is big, too. She is a good swimmer. She lives
[Si: Iz braun. Si: Iz bIg tu:. Si: Iz q gud 'swImq. Si: lIvz]
near the lake.
[nIq Dq leIk]
Запомните следующие словосочетания,в которых артикль не употребляется:
at school
at home
at work
Если перед существительным употребляется прилагательное, оно стоит между артиклем и существительным.
This is a book. This is a good book.
Часто, даже упоминая предмет впервые, мы тем не менее употребляем перед ним определенный артикль:
а) если упоминаемый предмет является единственным в мире:
The sun is shining brightly.
б) если этот предмет является определенным по ситуации:
Put the book on the table.
Запомните следующие конструкции:
There is a ….
Where is the….?
The book is on the table.
The book is on a little table.
In front of
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей.
We are at home. My brother is not at home, he is at school. My mother is
[wi: R qt houm. maI 'brADq Iz nOt qt houm, hi: Iz qt sku:l. maI 'mADq Iz]
at work. We have a large family. She works at a large hospital. My cousin
[qt wE:k. wi: hxv q lRG 'fxmlI. Si: wE:ks qt q lRG 'hOspItl. maI 'kAzn]
has a big black cat. He is a good pupil. The sun is yellow. The sky is grey
[hxz q bIg blxk kxt. hi: Iz q gud 'pju:pl. Dq sAn Iz 'jelou. Dq skaI Iz greI]
today. The Earth is a planet. The teacher asks me a lot of questions. Take
[tq'deI. Dq q:T Iz q 'plxnIt. Dq 'ti:Cq Rsks mi: q lOt Ov 'kwesCnz. teIk]
the book from the table. There is a big tree in the garden. Where is the bank?
[Dq bu:k frOm Dq teIbl. Deq'rIz q bIg tri: In Dq gRdn. weq'rIz Dq bxnk?]
Where is the vase? The vase is on a little table. There is a computer in
[weq'rIz Dq veIz? Dq veIz Iz On q lItl teIbl. Deq'rIz q kqm'pju:tq In ]
front of the books. There is a little brown coffee table in front of the sofa.
[frAnt Pv Dq bu:ks. Deq'rIz q lItl braun 'kPfI,teIbl In frAnt Pv Dq 'soufq]
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
this is [DIs Iz] - это white [waIt] - белый chicken ['CIkIn] - цыплёнок
little [lItl] - маленький doghouse ['dOghaus] - будка sofa ['soufq] - диван
red [red] - рыжий good [gud] - хороший garden [gRdn] - сад
hen [hen] - курица swimmer ['swImq] - пловец black [blxk] - чёрный
very ['verI] - очень near ['nIq] - рядом from [frOm] - с, из
clever ['klevq] - умный lake [leIk] - озеро tree [tri:] - дерево
children ['CIldrqn] - дети at school [qt sku:l] - в школе
to live [lIv] - жить at home [qt houm] - дома
brown [braun] - коричневый at work [qt wE:k] - на работе
house [haus] - дом sun [sAn] - солнце
green [gri:n] - зелёный to shine [SaIn] - светить
street [stri:t] - улица brightly ['braItlI] - ярко
one [wAn] - один to put [put] - ставить, класть
son [sAn] - сын table [teIbl] - стол
two [tu:] - два there is [DeqrIz] - есть, имеется
daughter ['dO:tq] - дочь where [weq] - где
yellow ['jelou] - жёлтый in front of [In frAnt Pv] - перед
nice [naIs] - хороший hospital ['hOspItl] - больница
to like [laIk] - нравиться pupil ['pju:pl] - ученик
to run [rAn] - бегать sun [sAn] - солнце
to jump [GAmp] - прыгать sky [skaI] - небо
them [Dem] - их grey [greI] - серый
all [O:l] - все today [tq'deI] - сегодня
happy ['hxpI] - счастливый Earth [q:T] - земля
friend [frend] - друг to ask [Rsk] - спрашивать
duck [dAk] - утка question ['kwesCn] - вопрос
take [teIk] - брать coffee table ['kOfI,teIbl] - журнальный столик
too [tu:] - тоже dog's name [dOgz neIm] - имя собаки
Урок № 8
Спряжение глагола to be [tu: bi:] (быть) в Present Simple Tense
(Present Indefinite Tense - простое настоящее время)
Послушай и прочитай:
[x] = э [N] = н [j] = й [C] = ч
[eI] = эй [h] = х [E:] = ё+о [R] = а
[I] = и [g] = г [D] = з [Z] = ж
[aI] = ай [z] = з [T] = с [w] = у
[P] = о [A] = а [O:] = о [OI] = ой
[qu] = оу [S] = ш [G] = дж [ju] = йю
[Z] =ж [R] = а: [t] = т [b] = б [aIld], [aInd]
visual darkness take big mild
['vIZuql] ['dRknIs] [teIk] [bIg] [maIld]
pleasure carpet tie best child
['pleZq] ['kRpIt] [taI] [best] [CaIld]
measure darling tin bag wild
['meZq] ['dRlIN] [tIn] [bxg] [waIld]
treasure bard try ball mind
['treZq] [bRd] [traI] [bO:l] [maInd]
leisure cart tree bring kind
['leZq] [kRt] [tri:] [brIN] [kaInd]
vision hard team badge find
[vIZn] [hRd] [ti:m] [bxG] [faInd]
Спряжение глагола to be [tu: bi:] (быть) в Present Simple Tense
(Present Indefinite Tense - простое настоящее время)
В английском языке мы используем глагол - связку to be тогда, когда мы сообщаем: имя, из какой мы страны, города; какой мы национальности ; где находимся, характеристику, состояние, самочувствие, профессию, род занятий.
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
I am [I qm] - я есть, я нахожусь. I am not - я не есть, я не нахожусь.
He is [hI:iz] - он есть, он находится. He is not - он не есть, он не находится.
She is [Si:Iz] - она есть, она находится. She is not - она не есть, она не находится
It is [It Iz] - оно есть, это находится. It is not - оно не есть, это не находится
We are [wi: R] - мы есть, мы находимся. We are not -мы не есть, мы не находимся
You are [ju: R] - вы есть, вы находитесь. You are not- вы не есть, вы не находитесь
They are [DeI R] - они есть, они находятся. They are not- они не есть, они не находятся
Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
Am I ? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Is he ? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.[Iznt]
Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it ? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Are we? Yes, we are. No, we aren't. [Q:rent]
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.
He is in London. I am at home. She is ten years old. He is a doctor. They are Russian. I am
[hi: iz In lAndqn. aI qm qt hqum. Si: iz ten jIqz quld. hi: Iz q 'dPktq. DeI R 'rASn. aI qm]
Linda. I am from England. I am from New York city. It is big. How are you? I'm fine. My
[lIndq. aI qm frPm 'INglqnd aI qm frPm 'nju: jO:k 'sItI. It Iz bIg. hau Rju: aIm faIn maI]
name is Linda. What is your name? How is Ella? She is fine. Ben is from Ireland.
[neIm iz lIndq. wPt Iz 'jO: neIm? hau iz 'elq? Si: iz faIn. Ben Iz frPm 'aIqlqnd]
Спряжение глагола to be [tu: bi:] (быть) в Past Simple Tense
(Past Indefinite Tense - простое прошедшее время)
I was [wOz]
He was
She was
It was
We were [wq:]
You were
They were
I was not
He was not
She was not
It was not
We were not
You were not
They were not
Was I?
Was he?
Was she?
Was it?
Were we?
Were you?
Were they?
Yes, I was.
Yes, he was.
Yes, she was.
Yes, it was.
Yes, we were.
Yes, you were.
Yes, they were.
No, I wasn't.
No, he wasn't.
No, she wasn't.
No, it wasn't.
No, we weren't
No, you weren't
No, they weren't
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление глагола to be в настоящем и прошедшем времени.
I am in the kitchen. They were at college. He was busy. They are not at the office
[aI qm In Dq 'kICqn. DeI wq: qt 'kOlIG. hi: wOz 'bIzI. DeI R nOt qt Dq 'OfIs]
today. He is at work. My brother is a worker. Is your sister at school? Helen is a
[tq'deI. hi: Iz qt wE:k. maI 'brADq Iz q 'wE:kq. Iz jO: 'sIstq qt sku:l 'helqn Iz q]
painter. The weather was fine. Were they in the garden? He was tired yesterday.
['peItq. Dq 'weDq wOz faIn. wq: DeI In Dq gRdn? hi: wOz taIqd 'jestqdeI]
My mother wasn't at work yesterday. She was at home. We weren't in the south
[maI 'mADq wOznt qt wE:k 'jestqdeI. Si: wOz qt houm. wi: wq:rent In Dq sauT]
last summer. We were in Moscow.
[lRst 'sAmq. wi: wq: In ' mOskqu]
Прочитай и переведи текст.
I have got a friend. He is nine. He is slim but strong. He is not lazy. He can run and
[aI hxv gPt q frend. hi: Iz naIn. hi: Iz slIm bAt strPN. hi: iz nOt leIzI. hi: kxn rAn qnd]
jump. He has got a big red book. He can read well. He can't swim. He lives in the forest.
[GAmp hi: hxz gPt q bIg red buk hi: kxn ri:d wel. hi: kAnt swim. hi: lIvz In Dq 'fPrIst]
We go to school together. He is rabbit Martin.
[wi: gqu tu: sku:l tq'geDq. hi: Iz 'rxbIt mRtIn]
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Напиши в тетради новые слова по строчке каждое. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
in - в can [kxn] - может
at home [qt hqum] - дома run [kAn] - бегать
she is ten years old- ей 10 лет and [qnd] - и
[Si: iz ten jIqz quld]
doctor ['dOktq] - врач jump [GAmp] - прыгать
russian [rASn] - русский red [red] - красный
from [frPm] - из book [buk] - книга
city ['sItI] - город read [ri:d] - читать
big [bIg] - большой well [wel] - хорошо
how are you? [hau R ju:] - как дела? can't [kAnt] - не может
I'm fine [aIm faIn] - хорошо swim [swIm] - плавать
my [maI] - мой lives [lIvz] - живёт
name [neIm] - имя forest ['fPrIst] - лес
have got [hxv gOt] - иметь что-либо go to school [gqu tu: sku:l] - ходить в школу
he is nine [hi: Iz naIn] - ему 9 лет together [tq'geDq] - вместе
slim [slIm] - стройный rabbit ['rxbIt]- кролик
strong [strPN] - сильный not [nOt] - не
lazy ['leIzI] - ленивый painter ['peIntq] - художник
kitchen ['kICIn] - кухня weather ['weDq] - погода
to be busy ['bIzI] - быть занятым fine [faIn] - хорошая
today [tq'deI] - сегодня garden [gRdn] - сад
at work [wE:k] - на работе to be tired [taIqd] - быть усталым
brother ['brADq] - брат at home [houm] - дома
worker ['wE:kq] - рабочий in the south [sauT] - на юге
sister ['sIstq] - сестра last [lRst] - прошлый, последний
at school [sku:l] - в школе summer ['sAmq] - лето
Урок № 9
Конструкция have got [hxv gPt] - иметь что-либо.
1. Послушай, прочитай, запомни наизусть:
[x] = э [N] = н [j] = й [C] = ч
[eI] = эй [h] = х [E:] = ё+о [R] = а
[I] = и [g] = г [D] = з [Z] = ж
[aI] = ай [z] = з [T] = с [w] = у
[P] = о [A] = а [O:] = о [OI] = ой
[qu] = оу [S] = ш [G] = дж [ju] = йю
[A], [m] = а, м [aIt] = айт [tw] = ту [kw] = ку [Ng] = нг
muddy light twin quick longer
['mAdI] [laIt] [twIn] [kwIk] ['lONgq]
much right twist quiz stronger
[mAC] [raIt] [twIst] [kwIz] ['strONgq]
muffin might twenty queen angry
['mAfIn] [maIt] ['twentI] [kwi:n] ['xNgrI]
mumble bright twelve question hungry
[mAmbl] [braIt] [twelv] ['kwesCn] ['hANgrI]
must slight twice quake finger
[mAst] [slaIt] [twaIs] [kweIk] ['fINgq]
muscle fight twilight quality language
[mAsl] [faIt] ['twaIlaIt] ['kwOlItI] ['lxNgwIG]
Конструкция have got [hxv gPt] - иметь что-либо.
Когда мы говорим о том, что у нас есть, мы используем глагол have got.
Утвердительная форма.
I have got a dog. У меня есть собака.
He has got a dog. У него есть собака.
She has got a dog. У неё есть собака.
We have got a dog. У нас есть собака.
You have got a dog. У вас есть собака.
They have got a dog. У них есть собака.
Отрицательная форма.
I have not got a cat. У меня нет кошки.
He has not got a cat. У него нет кошки.
She has not got a cat. У неё нет кошки.
We have not got a cat. У нас нет кошки.
You have not got a cat. У вас нет кошки.
They have not got a cat. У них нет кошки.
Вопросительная форма. Краткие ответы.
Have I got a cat? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. [hxvnt]
Has he got a cat? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. [hxznt]
Has she got a cat? Yes, she has. No, she hasn't.
Have we got a cat? Yes, we have. No, we haven't.
Have you got a cat? Yes, you have. No you haven't.
Have they got a cat? Yes, they have. No, they haven't.
Счёт до десяти.
One [wAn] - 1, two [tu:] - 2, three [Tri:] - 3, four [fO:] - 4, five [faIv] -5, six [sIks] - 6, seven ['sevn] -7, eight [eIt] - 8, nine [naIn] - 9, ten [ten] - 10.
"Mr Smith, the Keeper" «Мистер Смит - владелец зоопарка»
Mr Smith, the Keeper, has got ten squirrels in his Zoo, and he has to feed them every
['mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz 'gPt 'ten 'skwIrqlz In hIz 'zu: qnd hI hqz tu: fi:d Dqm evrI]
day. Mr Smith, the Keeper, has got nine dogs in his Zoo. Mr Smith, the Keeper, has got
[deI 'mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz gPt naIn dPgz In hIz zu: 'mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz'gPt]
eight parrots in his Zoo. Mr Smith, the Keeper, has got seven owls in his Zoo. Mr Smith,
[eIt 'pxrqts In hIz zu: 'mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz 'gPt sevn aulz In hIz zu: mIstq smIT]
the Keeper, has got six ducks in his Zoo. Mr Smith, the Keeper, has got five turtles in his
[Dq ki:pq hqz gPt sIks dAks In hIz zu: 'mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz gPt faIv tE:tlz In hIz]
Zoo. Mr Smith, the Keeper, has got four ostriches in his Zoo. Mr Smith, the Keeper, has
[zu: mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz gPt fL 'PstrICIz In hIz zu: 'mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz]
got three turkeys in his Zoo. Mr Smith, the Keeper, has got two ravens in his Zoo. Mr
[gPt Tri: tE:kIz In hIz zu: 'mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz 'gPt tu: reIvnz In hIz zu:]
Smith, the Keeper, has got one crocodile in his Zoo.
['mIstq 'smIT Dq 'ki:pq hqz 'gPt wAn 'krPkqdaIl In hIz zu:]
Множественное число существительных.
Когда мы говорим не об одном, а о нескольких людях, животных или предметах, мы используем имя существительное во множественном числе. Для образования множественного числа к имени существительному в единственном числе нужно прибавить окончание -s или -es, например:
a squirrel - squirrels ['skIirqlz] a cat - cats [kxts]
a chicken - chickens ['CIkInz] a duck - ducks [dAks]
a bird - birds [bE:dz] an ostrich - ostriches ['PstrICIz]
a cow - cows [kauz]
Исключение: a mouse - mice [maIs], a man- men, a woman ['wumqn]- women ['wImIn], a child [CaIld]- children['CIldrqn], goose [gu:s] - geese [gi:s].
Правила чтения окончаний -s и -es
-s [z] после гласных и звонких согласных -s [s] после глухих согласных
-es [iz] после шипящих и свистящих
Составьте предложения с глаголом have got в трёх формах, используя слова:
Monkey ['mANkI], chicken ['CIkIn], rabbit ['rxbIt], fox [fPks], duck [dAk], hippo ['hIpqV] cow [kaV], lion [laIqn], camel ['kxmql], bear [beq], bat [bxt], frog [frPg], hen [hen], kangaroo [,kxNgq'ru:], squirrel ['skwIrql], tiger ['taIgq], cat [kxt], parrot ['pxrqt], hedgehog ['heGhPg], pig [pIg], horse [hLs], giraffe [GI'rRf].
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Напиши в тетради новые слова по строчке каждое. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
goose [gu:s] - гусь camel ['kxmql] - верблюд
ostrich ['PstrIC] - страус bear [beq] - медведь
owl [aul] - сова bat [bxt] - летучая мышь
turtle [tE:tl] - черепаха frog [frPg] - лягушка
turkey ['tE:kI] - индюк hen [hen] - курица
raven [reIvn] - ворона kangaroo [,kxNgq'ru:] - кенгуру
crocodile ['krPkqdaIl] - крокодил squirrel ['skwIrql] - белка
monkey ['mANkI] - обезьяна tiger ['taIgq] - тигр
chicken ['CIkIn] - цыпленок cat [kxt] - кошка
rabbit ['rxbIt] - кролик parrot ['pxrqt] - попугай
fox [fPks] - лиса hedgehog ['heGhPg] - ёж
duck [dAk] - утка pig [pIg] - свинья
hippo ['hIpqV] - гиппопотам horse [hLs] - лошадь
cow [kaV] - корова giraffe [GI'rRf] - жираф
lion [laIqn] - лев
Урок № 10
Притяжательные местоимения
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[aIq] = айа [h] = х Silent "h" [O:] = о wr - [r] = р
dialogue hockey hour forecast write
['daIqlOg] ['hOkI] ['auq] ['fO:kRst] [raIt]
diary hedgehog honest foresight wrest
['daIqrI] ['heGhOg] ['OnIst] ['fO:saIt] [rest]
desire healthy honour explore wrong
[dI'zaIq] ['helTI] ['Onq] [Ik'splO:] [rON]
conspire history heir drawing wrap
[kqn'spaIq] ['hIstqrI] [eq] ['drO:IN] [rxp]
client highlight rhythm corner wrote
['klaIqnt] ['haIlaIt] ['rIDqm] ['kO:nq] [rout]
buyer himself honesty boring wrist
['baIq] [hIm'self] ['OnIstI] ['bO:rIN] [rIst]
Притяжательные местоимения
Если вы хотите уточнить, чей предмет, чью вещь или чьих питомцев вы имеете в виду, используйте притяжательные местоимения:
его питомец - his [hIz] pet его имя - his name
ее питомец - her [hE:] pet её имя - her name
их питомец - their [Deq] pet их имя - their name
мой питомец - my [maI] pet моё имя - my name
твой питомец - your [jO:] pet твоё имя - your name
наш питомец - our [auq] pet наше имя - our name
ваш питомец - your pet ваше имя - your name
Прочитай текст по транскрипции. Закрой транскрипцию и прочитай текст без неё.
This is a turkey. His name is Turkey-Lurkey. This is a hen. Her name is Hen-Pen.
['DIs Iz q tE:kI. hIz neIm Iz tE:kI 'lE:kI. DIs Iz q hen. hE: neIm Iz hen pen.]
This is a cock. His name is Cock-Lock. This is a chicken. His name is Chick-Pick.
[DIs Iz q kOk. hIz neIm Iz kOk lOk. DIs Iz q 'CIkIn. hIz neIm Iz CIk pIk ]
This is a duck. Her name is Duck-Luck. This is a goose. Her name is Goosey-Loosey.
[DIs Iz q dAk. hE: heIm Iz dAk lAk. DIs Iz q gu:s hE: neIm Iz 'gu:sI 'lu:sI]
These are two mice. Their names are Blaze and Gaston.
[DIs R tu: maIs. Deq neImz R bleIz qnd 'gxstqn]
Прочитай текст по транскрипции. Закрой транскрипцию и прочитай текст без неё. Переведи на русский.
Meet the Town Mouse. The Town Mouse lives in a town. She lives in a big house.
[mi:t Dq taun maus. Dq taun maus lIvz In q taun. Si: lIvz In q bIg haus.]
She is white and merry. She has got a funny face. She likes to play computer games.
[Si: Iz waIt qnd 'merI. Si: hqz gPt q 'fAnI feIs. Si: laIks tu pleI kqm'pju:tq geImz ]
In the morning she listens to music. She can dance well.
[In Dq 'mO:nIN Si: lIsnz tu 'mju:zIk Si: kxn dRns wel]
On Sundays the Country Mouse comes to visit her. The Country Mouse is her
[On 'sAndeIz Dq 'kAntrI maus kAmz tu 'vIzIt hE: Dq 'kAntrI maus Iz hE: ]
friend. The Country Mouse is grey and smart. She has got black eyes, small ears and
[frend. Dq 'kAntrI maus Iz greI qnd smRt. Si: hqz gPt blxk aIz, smO:l Iqz qnd]
a long tail. She likes to read and draw pictures. She can write poems.
[q lON teIl. Si: laIks tu ri:d qnd drO: 'pIkCqz. Si: kxn raIt pquImz]
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
meet [mI:t]- встречать game [geIm]-игра his [hIz]-его
town [taun]- город in the morning ['mO:nIN]-утром her [hE:]-её
mouse [maus]-мышь she [Si:]-она their [Deq]-их
live [lIv]-жить listen to ['lIsn]-слушать my [maI]-мой
in [In] - в can [kxn]-мочь your [jO:]-твой, ваш
big [bIg]-большой dance [dRns]-танцевать our [auq]-наш
house [haus]-дом on Sundays [On 'sAndeIz]-по воскресеньям
white [waIt]-белый country ['kAntrI]-деревня
merry ['merI]-веселый come [kAm]-приходить
funny ['fAnI]-забавный visit ['vIzIt]-посещать
face [feIs]-лицо friend [frend]-друг
like [laIk]-нравиться grey [greI]-серый
play [pleI]-играть smart [smRt]-умный
black [blxk]-черный ears [Iqz]- уши
eyes [aIz]-глаза long [lPN]-длинный
small [smO:l]-маленький tail [teIl]-хвост
read [ri:d]-читать draw [drO:]-рисовать
picture ['pIkCq]-картина write [raIt]-писать
poem ['pquIm]-стих this is [DIs Iz]-это
Урок № 11
Модальный глагол can
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[x] = э kn - [n] = н [Iq] = иа [Cq] = ча [au] = ау
dandelion knit appear picture boundary
['dxndIlaIqn] [nIt] [q'pIq] ['pIkCq] ['baundqrI]
damage knife behavior culture cloudy
['dxmIG] [naIf] [bI'heIvIq] ['kAlCq] ['klaudI]
manage knight career nature doubtful
['mxnIG] [naIt] [kq'rIq] ['neICq] ['dautfl]
establish knot curious structure found
[Is'txblIS] [nOt] ['kjuqrIqs] ['strAkCq] [faund]
fragile know engineer sculpture fountain
['frxGaIl] [nou] [,enGI'nIq] ['skAlpCq] ['fauntIn]
imaginary knee familiar lecture mountain
[I'mxGInqrI] [ni:] [fq'mIlIq] ['lekCq] ['mauntIn]
Модальный глагол can
Когда мы говорим о том, что мы имеем или не имеем возможности что-либо делать, или о том, что мы умеем или не умеем что-либо делать, мы используем модальный глагол can в утвердительной или в отрицательной форме.
I can play football Я умею играть в футбол и
and I can play it now. могу поиграть сейчас.
We cannot go to У нас нет возможности поехать
England on holidays. в Англию на каникулах.
I cannot play basketball. Я не умею играть в баскетбол.
В вопросительных предложениях мы ставим модальный глагол can на первое место или после вопросительного слова.
Can children play at school? Дети могут играть в школе?
Yes, they can. No, they can't.
Can you play the violin? Ты умеешь играть на скрипке?
Yes, I can. No, I can't.
What can you do Что ты можешь делать в свободное время?
in your spare time?
What games can you play? В какие игры ты умеешь играть?
Прочитай предложения и сделай перевод.
I can play the guitar and I can play the drums. What instruments can you play? I like
[aI kxn pleI Dq gI'tR qnd aI kxn pleI Dq drAmz. wOt 'Instrumqnts kxn ju: pleI aI laIk]
popular and classical music but I can't play musical instruments. What games can ['pPpjulq qnd klxsIkl mju:zIk bAt aI kAnt pleI 'mju:zIkl 'Instrumqnts. wOt geImz kxn]
you play at home? Can you play any games? What games can you play at school?
[ju: pleI qt hqum? kxn ju: pleI 'qnI geImz? wOt geImz kxn ju: pleI qt sku:l?]
Can you play various games in your spare time? They can play football and
[kxn ju: pleI 'veqrIqs geImz In jO: speq taIm? DeI kxn pleI 'futbO:l qnd]
basketball. Can you prepare tasty dishes? I can dance and sing songs. He can repair
['bRskItbO:l. kxn ju: prI'peq 'teIstI 'dISIz? aI kxn dRns qnd sIN sONz. hi: kxn rI'peq]
cars. She can walk a pet. Can you help your friend? Can you speak English?
[kRz. Si: kxn wO:k q pet. kxn ju: help jO: frend? kxn ju: spi:k 'INglIS?]
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
can [kxn]- мочь drums [drAmz]- барабаны
play [pleI]- играть like [laIk]- нравиться
now [nau]- сейчас classical ['klxsIkl]- классическая
England ['INglqnd]- Англия music ['mju:zIk]- музыка
on holidays [On 'hOlIdeIz]- на каникулах at home [qt hqum]- дома
children ['CIldrqn]- дети various ['veqrIqs]- различный
at school [qt sku:l]- в школе prepare [prI'peq] - готовить
violin [,vaIq'lIn]- скрипка tasty ['teIstI]- вкусные
do [du:]- делать dishes ['dISIz]- блюда
your [jO:]- твой, ваш dance [dRns]- танцевать
spare time [speq taIm]- свободное время sing [sIN]- петь
what [wOt]- какой song [sONz]- песни
game [geIm]- игра repair [rI'peq]- ремонтировать
guitar [gI'tR]- гитара car [kR]- машина
instruments ['Instrumqnts]- инструменты help [help]- помогать
popular ['pPpjulq]- популярный speak [spi:k]- говорить
walk a pet [wO:k q pet]- гулять с питомцем any ['qnI]- какие-нибудь
Урок № 12
Притяжательный падеж.
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[R] = а [O] = о [u] = у [E: ]= ё+о [w] = у [T] = с
dark not good her
[dRk] [nOt] [gud] [hE:]
arm what book Thursday
[Rm] [wOt] [buk] ['TE:zdI]
are dog put burn
[R] [dOg] [put] [bE:n]
car clock pull third
[kR] [klOk] [pul] [TE:d]
hard on foot thirteen
[hRd] [On] [fut] [,TE:'ti:n]
past pot wood worth
[pRst] [pOt] [wud] [wE:T]
«Семейный альбом». Прочитай текст по транскрипции. Закрой транскрипцию и прочитай текст без неё. How many members are there in Linda's family? Who are they? Сколько человек в семье Линды? Кто они?
Meet my parents. My parents' names are Henry and Nancy. My father is 43.
[mi:t maI 'peqrqnts. maI 'peqrqnts neImz R 'henrI qnd 'nxnsI. maI 'fRDq Iz 43 ]
My mother is 39. Look, it is my mother's garden. And it is my father's new car.
[maI 'mADq Iz 39 luk It Iz maI mADqz 'gRdn qnd It Iz maI 'fRDqz nju: kR ]
This is my sister. My s ister's name is Megan. She is 15. Her hobby is dancing.
[DIs Iz maI sIstq maI 'sIstqz neIm Iz 'megqn Si: Iz 15 hE: 'hPbI Iz 'dRnsIN]
This is my brother. His name is Peter. He is 5. This is my brother's favourite game.
[DIs Iz maI 'brADq. hIz neIm Iz 'pi:tq. hi: Iz 5. DIs Iz maI' brADqz 'feIvrqt geIm]
This is our dog. The dog's name is Basket. This is its favourite meat pie.
[DIs Iz 'auq dOg. Dq dOgz neIm Iz baskIt. DIs Iz Its 'feIvrqt mi:t paI]
This is my photo. I'm 12. I like playing sport. These are my grandparents.
[DIs Iz maI 'fqutqu. aIm 12. aI laIk pleIN spO:t. Di:z R maI 'grxndpeqrqnts.]
My grandparents' names are Alan and Alma. They are my mother's parents.
[maI 'grxndpeqrqnts neImz R 'xlqn qnd 'xlmq. DeI R maI 'mADqz 'peqrqnts]
My grandfather is 70. My grandmother is 64. I like my granny's cakes.
[maI 'grxndfRDq Iz 70. maI 'grxndmADq Iz 64. aI laIk maI 'grxnIz keIks. ]
They are lovely.
[DeI R 'lAvlI.]
Притяжательный падеж. Possessive Case.
Для того чтобы сказать, чьё это имя, кому принадлежит какая-либо вещь и т.д., к существительному или имени собственному добавляется 's.
My mother's name is Nancy. Имя моей мамы - Нэнси.
Чтобы сказать о том, чьи это имена, предметы, к существительному во множественном числе добавляется ' (апостроф).
My parents' names Имена моих родителей - Генри
are Henry and Nancy. и Нэнси.
Прочитай и переведи предложения на русский язык
Nancy is Linda's mother's name. Henry is Linda's father's name. Alan and Alma
['nxnsI Iz 'lIndqz mADqz neIm. 'henrI Iz lIndqz 'fRDqz neIm. xlqn qnd 'xlmq]
are Linda's grandparents' names. Peter is Linda's brother's name. Megan is Linda's
[R 'lIndqz 'grxndpeqrqnts neImz 'pi:tq Iz lIndqz brADqz neIm megqn Iz lIndqz]
sister's name. Basket is Linda's pet's name. Peter's hobby is playing games. Alma's
['sIstqz neIm. baskIt Iz 'lIndqz pets neIm. pi:tqz 'hPbI Iz pleIN geImz. xlmqz]
hobby is gardening. Linda's hobby is playing sport. Basket's hobby is eating.
['hPbI Iz 'gRdnIN. 'lIndqz 'hPbI Iz pleIN spO:t. baskIt 'hobI Iz i:tIN.]
Megan's hobby is dancing. Henry's hobby is driving.
['megqnz 'hPbI Iz 'dRnsIN. 'henrIz 'hPbI Iz 'draIvIN. ]
Количественные числительные.
11 - eleven [I'levn] 30 - thirty ['TE:tI]
12 - twelve [twelv] 40 - forty ['fO:tI]
13 - thirteen [,TE:'ti:n] 50 - fifty ['fIftI]
14 - fourteen [,fO:'ti:n] 60 - sixty ['sIkstI]
15 - fifteen [,fIf'ti:n] 70 - seventy ['sevntI]
16 - sixteen [,sIks'ti:n] 80 - eighty ['eItI]
17 - seventeen [,sevn'ti:n] 90 - ninety ['naIntI]
18 - eighteen [,eI'ti:n] 100 - a hundred [q 'hAndrqd]
19 - nineteen [,naIn'ti:n] 1000 - one thousand [,wAn 'Tauzqnd]
20 - twenty ['twentI]
21 - twenty-one [,twentI'wAn]
22 - twenty-two [,twentI'tu:]
23 - twenty-three [,twentI'Tri:]
Прочитай и переведи диалог.
- Have you got a father?
- Yes, I have.
-What is his name?
- My father's name is David.
- How old is he?
- He is 36.
- Have you got a mother?
- Yes, I have. Her name is Mary.
- How old is she?
- She is 32.
- Have you got a brother?
- No, I haven't. I've got a sister. And have you got a sister?
- Yes, her name is Megan.
- How old is she?
- She is 15.
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту.
Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
parents ['peqrqnts] - родители like [laIk] - нравится
meet [mi:t] - знакомиться these are [Di:z R] - это (мн.ч.)
father ['fRDq] - отец granny ['grxnI] - бабушка
mother ['mADq] - мать cakes [keIks] - торты
look [luk] - смотреть lovely ['lAvlI] - замечательный
garden ['gRdn] - сад pet [pet] - питомец
new [nju:] - новый eating [i:tIN] - еда
this is [DIs Iz] - это driving ['draIvIN] - вождение
sister ['sIstq] - сестра gardening ['gRdnIN] - садоводство
hobby ['hPbI] - хобби game [geIm] - игра
dancing ['dRnsIN] - танцы dog [dOg] - собака
brother ['brADq] - брат meat pie [mi:t paI] - мясной пирог
favourite ['feIvrqt] - любимый
grandparents ['grxndpeqrqnts] - бабушка и дедушка
grandfather ['grxndfRDq] - дедушка
grandmother ['grxndmADq] - бабушка
Урок № 13
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[Iq] = иа [OI] = ой [uq] = уа [S] = ш
near boy sure ship
[nIq] [bOI] [Suq] [SIp]
hear joy poor sharp
[hIq] [GOI] [puq] [SRp]
clear voice pure fish
[klIq] [vOIs] [pjuq] [fIS]
dear boil moor English
[dIq] [bOIl] [muq] ['INglIS]
fear noise tour shilling
[fIq] [nOIz] [tuq] ['SIlIN]
idea enjoy secure short
[aI'dIq] [In'GOI] [sI'kjuq] [SO:t]
Прочитай текст по транскрипции. Закрой транскрипцию и прочитай текст без неё. Переведи текст на русский язык. What animals can visitors see in London Zoo? Каких животных посетители могут увидеть в лондонском зоопарке?
In the Zoo you can see a giraffe and an elephant . The giraffe is tall and
[In Dq zu: ju: kxn si: q Gq'rRf qnd xn 'elIfqnt. Dq Gq'rRf Iz tO:l qnd ]
the elephant is tall. But the giraffe is taller than the elephant. The giraffe
[Dq 'elIfqnt Iz tO:l. bAt Dq Gq'rRf Iz tO:lq Dxn Dq 'elIfqnt. Dq Gq'rRf]
is the tallest animal in the world .You can see a tiger and a crocodile.
[Iz Dq tO:lIst 'xnIml In Dq wE:ld. ju: kxn si: q 'taIgq qnd q 'krPkqdaIl]
They are dangerous. The tiger is more dangerous than the crocodile.
[ DeI R 'deInGqrqs. Dq 'taIgq Iz mO: 'deInGqrqs Dxn Dq 'krPkqdaIl]
The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo. Crocodiles are long
[Dq 'taIgq Iz Dq mqust 'deInGqrqs 'xnIml In Dq zu:. 'krPkqdaIlz R lON]
and pythons are long. But pythons are longer than crocodiles. The python is the longest
[qnd 'paITnz R lON. bAt 'paITnz R lONgq Dxn 'krPkqdaIlz. Dq' paITn Iz Dq 'lONgIst]
animal in the zoo. You can see many beautiful birds in the zoo. You can
['xnIml In Dq zu: ju: kxn si: 'menI 'bju:tIfl bE:dz In Dq zu:. ju: kxn]
see an ostrich and a peacock. The peacock is more beautiful than the ostrich
[si: xn 'PstrIC qnd q 'pi:kPk. Dq 'pi:kPk Iz mO: 'bju:tIfl Dxn Dq 'PstrIC ]
The peacock is the most beautiful bird in the zoo.
[Dq 'pi:kPk Iz Dq mqust 'bju:tIfl bE:d In Dq zu:]
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Когда вы сравниваете двух или несколько животных, людей или несколько предметов, то к односложным и двусложным прилагательным, оканчивающимся на -у или -ег, добавляется суффикс -ег:
big - bigger (больше) lazy - lazier (ленивее)
tall - taller (выше) clever - cleverer (умнее)
К многосложным прилагательным добавляется more (более):
dangerous - more dangerous (более опасный/опаснее)
beautiful - more beautiful (более красивый/красивее)
Чтобы сказать о том, что какой-то предмет, животное или человек обладают исключительными качествами, отличающими его от других подобных предметов, животных, людей, к односложным и двусложным прилагательным, оканчивающимся на -у или -ег, добавляется суффикс -est:
tall - the tallest (самый высокий)
lazy - the laziest (самый ленивый)
clever - the cleverest (самый умный)
big - the biggest (самый большой)
К многосложным прилагательным добавляется most:
dangerous - the most dangerous (самый опасный)
beautiful - the most beautiful (самый красивый)
Превосходная степень прилагательных всегда употребляется с артиклем the.
Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения не по правилам, их надо запомнить:
good - better - the best
bad - worse - the worst
many / much - more - the most
little - less - the least
О каких животных говорится?
The whale is the biggest animal in the world.
[Dq weIl Iz Dq 'bIgIst 'xnIml In Dq wE:ld]
The elephant is the biggest animal on the land.
[Dq 'elIfqnt Iz Dq 'bIgIst 'xnIml On Dq lxnd ]
The mosquito is the most dangerous animal.
[Dq mq'ski:tqu Iz Dq mqust 'deInGqrqs 'xnIml ]
The zebra is faster than the giraffe.
[Dq 'zebrq Iz 'fRstq Dxn Dq Gq'rRf]
The Goliath frog is bigger than the squirrel.
[Dq gq'laIqT frog Iz 'bIgq Dxn Dq 'skwIrql]
The leopard is smaller than the chimpanzee.
[Dq 'lepqd Iz 'smO:lq Dxn Dq ,CImpxn'zi:]
Дети в классе Уэйна часто хвастаются различными вещами. Чем они хвастаются? What do they boast about?
My bike is faster than Kit's bike. My dog is bigger than Peter's dog. My kite is better than Sally's kite. My pet is more exotic than Nicky's pet. My brother is cleverer than Ben's brother. My sister is the most beautiful. My pet is the most exotic [Ig'zPtIk]. My skates are the best. My dog is the biggest.
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
zoo [zu:] - зоопарк good [gud] - хороший
see [si:] - видеть better ['betq] - лучше
giraffe [Gq'rRf] - жираф the best [Dq best] - лучший
elephant ['elIfqnt] - слон many ['menI] - много
tall [tO:l] - высокий much [mAC] - много
animal ['xnIml] - животное more [mO:] - больше
in the world [In Dq wE:ld] - в мире the most [Dq mqust] - самый большой
tiger ['taIgq] - тигр little ['lItl] - маленький
crocodile ['krPkqdaIl] - крокодил less [les] - меньше
dangerous ['deInGqrqs] - опасный the least [Dq li:st] - самый маленький
long [lON] - длинный whale [weIl] - кит
python ['paITn] - питон on the land [On Dq lxnd] - на земле
beautiful ['bju:tIfl] - красивый mosquito [mq'ski:tqu] - комар
bird [bE:d] - птица zebra ['zebrq] - зебра
ostrich ['PstrIC] - страус frog [fPg] - лягушка
peacock ['pi:kPk] - павлин squirrel ['skwIrql] - белка
lazy ['leIzI] - ленивый leopard ['lepqd] - леопард
clever ['klevq] - умный chimpanzee [,CImpxn'zi:] - шимпанзе
big [bIg] - большой
Урок № 14
Оборот there is / there are
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[eq] = эа [D] = з [e] = э [x] = э
chair than pen carry
[Ceq] [Dxn] [pen] ['kxrI]
careful that get capital
['keqful] [Dxt] [get] ['kxpItl]
where rather bet canvas
[weq] ['rRDq] [bet] ['kxnvqs]
Mary though wet man
['meqrI] [Dou] [wet] [mxn]
air together met black
[eq] [tq'geDq] [met] [blxk]
hair mother lesson glad
[heq] ['mADq] [lesn] [glxd]
Прочитай правило и сделай вывод о том, как надо говорить о наличии или отсутствии чего-либо.
Оборот there is / there are
Когда мы говорим о наличии или отсутствии предмета в определенном месте, мы используем оборот there is / are.
There is Buckingham Palace in London.
В Лондоне есть Букингемский дворец.
There are a lot of parks in London.
В Лондоне много парков.
There are not any palaces in my city.
В моем городе нет дворцов.
Когда мы спрашиваем о наличии или отсутствии предмета, мы ставим глагол to be на первое место в предложении.
Is there a castle in your city?
В твоем городе есть замок?
Yes, there is. No, there isn't.
Да, есть. Нет.
There is an ancient castle in my city. There is no castle in my city.
В моем городе есть старый замок. В моем городе нет замка.
Are there any cafes there?
Там есть какие-нибудь кафе?
Yes, there are. No, there aren't
There are some cafes there. There aren't any cafes there.
Там есть несколько кафе. Там нет никаких кафе.
Обратите внимание на то, что в утвердительных предложениях употребляется some, а в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях - any.
Прочитай текст о достопримечательностях города, в котором живёт Ричард.
Buckingham Palace? There is Buckingham Palace in my city. Buckingham
['bAkINqm 'pxlIs? Deq'rIz 'bAkINqm 'pxlIs In maI 'sItI. 'bAkINqm ]
Palace is a royal palace. It's the Queen's home.
['pxlIs Iz q 'rOIql 'pxlIs. Its Dq kwi:nz hqum.]
Theatres? There are some theatres in my city. There are more than 100
['TIqtqz? Deq'rR sAm 'TIqtqz In maI 'sItI. Deq'rR mO: Dxn 100 ]
theatres here. They are very popular.
['TIqtqz hIq. DeI R 'verI 'pPpjulq.]
Castles? Are there any castles here? There are no castles here in my city,
['kRslz? R Deq 'enI 'kRslz 'hIq? Deq'rR nqu 'kRslz 'hIq In maI 'sItI ]
but there are a lot of castles in Britain. They are great.
[bAt Deq'rR q lOt Pv 'kRslz In 'brItn. DeI R greIt]
A gallery? Is there a gallery here? Yes, there are a lot of galleries
[q 'gxlqrI? Iz Deq q 'gxlqrI 'hIq? jes Deq'rR q lOt Pv 'gxlqrIz]
in London. They are amazing.
[In 'lAndqn. DeI R q'meIzIN.]
Read the text about fairy kingdom. Прочитай текст о волшебном королевстве.
This is the key to the kingdom.
In that kingdom there is a town.
In that town there is a street.
In that street there is a house.
In that house there is a room.
In that room there is a bed.
On that bed there is a basket.
In that basket there are some flowers.
Do you want to know some places in London to visit? Then read the text. Прочитай текст о Лондоне и сделай перевод.
The places to visit.
London is the capital of England. It is its political and business centre. The heart of
['lAndn Iz Dq 'kxpItl Pv 'INglqnd. It Iz Its pq'lItIkl qnd 'bIznIs 'sentq. Dq hRt Pv ]
London is the City. It is the oldest part of London. Many people work in the
['lAndqn Iz Dq 'sItI. It Iz Dq 'quldIst pRt Pv 'lAndqn. 'menI 'pi:pl wE:k In Dq ]
City but very few live there. There are a lot of banks and other offices
['sItI bAt 'verI fju: lIv Deq. Deq'rR q lOt Ov bxNks qnd 'ADq 'PfIsIz]
there too. You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it. One
[Deq tu: ju: kxn 'vIzIt sAm 'IntrIstIN 'pleIsIz In Dq 'sItI O: nIq It. wAn]
of them is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress,
[Ov Dem Iz Dq 'tauq Ov 'lAndn. Dq 'tauq Pv lAndn wOz q 'fO:trIs]
a palace, a prison and the King's Zoo.
[q 'pxlIs q 'prIzn qnd Dq kINz zu:]
Now it is a museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the
[nau It Iz q mju:'zi:qm. ju: kxn si: q lOt Pv 'IntrIstIN TINz In Dq ]
rooms of the White Tower. Its square walls are white and very tall.
[ru:mz Pv Dq waIt tauq. Its skweq wO:lz R waIt qnd 'verI tO:l]
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
Buckingham ['bAkINqm] - Букенгемский Palace ['pxlIs] - дворец England ['INglqnd] - Англия
a lot of [q lOt Pv] - много political [pq'lItIkl] - политический
park [pRk] - парк business ['bIznIs] - бизнес
any ['enI] - любой centre ['sentq] - центр
my [maI] - мой heart [hRt] - сердце
city ['sItI] - город the oldest ['quldIst] - самый старый
castle ['kRsl] - замок part [pRt] - часть
ancient ['eInSqnt] - древний many ['menI] - много
cafe ['kxfeI] - кафе people ['pi:pl] - люди
some [sAm] - несколько work [wE:k] - работать
there [Deq] - там very few ['verI fju:] - очень мало
royal ['rOIql] - королевский bank [bxNk] - банк
queen [kwi:n] - королева other ['ADq] - другой
home [hqum] - дом too [tu:] - тоже
here [hIq] - здесь visit ['vIzIt] - посещать
but [bAt] - но interesting ['IntrIstIN] - интересный
great [greIt] - великий place [pleIs] - место
gallery ['gxlqrI] - галерея near ['nIq] - рядом
amazing [q'meIzIN] - изумительный capital ['kxpItl] - столица
one of them [wAn Pv Dem] - один из них
this is [DIs Iz] - это tower [tauq] - башня
in that [In Dxt] - в этом was [wOz] - была
key [ki:] - ключ fortress ['fO:trIs] - крепость
kingdom ['kINdqm] - королевство prison ['prIzn] - тюрьма
town [taun] - город
king's zoo [kINz zu:] - королевский зоопарк
street [stri:t] - улица museum [mju:'zi:qm] - музей
house [haus] - дом thing [TIN] - вещь
room [ru:m] - комната white [wait] - белый
bed [bed] - кровать its [Its] - его
basket ['bRskIt] - корзина square [skweq] - площадь
flower [flauq] - цветок walls [wO:lz] - стены
Урок № 15
Предложные фразы
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[qu] = оу [au] = ау [E:] = ё+о [j] = й
know town work year
[know] [taun] [wE:k] [jIq]
grow brown word you
[grou] [braun] [wE:d] [ju:]
low crowd worse young
[lou] [kraud] [wE:s] [jAN]
slow house verse yet
[slou] [haus] [vE:s] [jet]
show cloud term yach
[Sou] [klaud] [tE:m] [jOt]
boat mouth bird yellow
[bout] [mauT] [bE:d] ['jelou]
Прочитай продолжение текста о Лондоне и сделай перевод.
The places to visit.
William the Conqueror built it in the eleventh century. There are always black
['wIljqm Dq 'kPNkqrq bIlt It In Dq I'levnT 'senCqrI. Deq'rR 'O:lwqz blxk]
ravens in the Tower of London. People keep them in the Tower of London
['reIvnz In Dq tauq Pv lAndn. pI:pl ki:p Dem In Dq tauq Pv lAndn]
and look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while
[qnd luk 'Rftq Dem 'verI wel xz DeI bI'li:v Dxt lAndn wIl bi: rIC waIl]
ravens live there.
['reIvnz lIv Deq]
One of the greatest English churches, St Paul's Cathedral, is not far from
[wAn Ov Dq 'greItIst 'INglIS 'Cq:CIz seInt pO:lz kq'Ti:drql Iz nOt fR frOm ]
the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built
[Dq tauq Pv lAndn Dq 'feImqs 'INglIS 'RkItekt 'sE: 'krIstqfq 'ren bIlt ]
it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It took Sir Christopher Wren
[It In Dq ,sevn'ti:nT 'senCqrI 'Rftq Dq greIt faIq It tuk 'sE: 'krIstqfq 'ren ]
35 years. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one
[35 jIqz. It Iz q 'bju:tqful 'bIldIN wID 'menI 'kPlqmz qnd tauqz In wAn]
of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world.
[Pv Its tauqz Deq'rIz wAn Ov Dq 'lRGIst belz In Dq wE:ld]
Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London. Some people say it is the most
[trq'fxlgq 'skweq Iz In Dq 'sentq Pv lAndn sAm pi:pl seI It Iz Dq mqust]
beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It
['bju:tqful pleIs In lAndn In Dq mIdl Pv Dq 'skweq stxndz q tO:l 'kPlqm. It ]
is a monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from
[Iz q 'mOnjumqnt tu: 'xdmqrql 'nelsqn. fO: brPnz 'laIqnz luk qt Dq 'skweq frOm]
the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the square. They are in
[Dq 'mOnjumqnt. Deq 'rR tu: 'bju:tqful 'fauntInz In Dq 'skweq. DeI R In ]
front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries in the
[frAnt Pv Dq 'nxSnql 'gxlqrI wIC Iz wAn Pv Dq best 'pIkCq 'gxlqrIz In Dq ]
world. Every day a lot of tourists visit this fine building with its tall columns.
[wE:ld. 'evrI deI q lOt Pv 'tuqrIsts 'vIzIt DIs faIn 'bIldIN wID Its tO:l 'kPlqmz]
Предложные фразы
in the middle of - в центре чего-либо
on the corner of the street - на углу улицы
on the left - слева
on the right - справа
in front of - впереди/перед
next to - рядом
opposite - напротив (через улицу)
behind - позади
</ in the street - на улице
From my window I can see a street. There is a cafe on the corner of the street. The cafe is beautiful. We buy cakes there. There is a pet shop here. The pet shop is next to the cafe. The pet shop is an amazing place. You can see a lot of animals there. Behind the pet shop there is my friend's house. On the right there is a big park. The park is very beautiful. In the middle of the park there is a school. In front of the school there is a church. The church is very old. The church is opposite the cafe.
Когда мы говорим о наличии предмета в каком-либо месте, мы употребляем неопределенный артикль а/аn, а когда нам необходимо уточнить местонахождение предмета или добавить какую-либо информацию о нем, мы употребляем определенный артикль the.
On the right there is a church.
The church is opposite the cafe, (уточнение местоположения) The church is very old. (дополнительная информация)
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
conqueror ['kPNkqrq] - завоеватель
Trafalgar Square [trq'fxlgq 'skweq] - трафальгарская площадь
built [bilt] - построил in the centre [In Dq 'sentq] - в центре
eleventh [I'levnT] - одиннадцатый some people [sAm pi:pl] - некоторые люди
century ['senCqrI] - век in the middle of [In Dq mIdl Pv] - в середине
always ['O:lwqz] - всегда stand [stxnd] - стоять
black [blxk] - чёрный tall [tO:l] - высокий
ravens ['reIvnz] - вороны monument ['mOnjumqnt] - памятник
tower [tauq] - башня four [fO:] - четыре
people [pi:pl] - люди bronze [brPnz] - бронзовый
to keep [ki:p] - хранить lion ['laIqn] - лев
them [Dem] - их to look at [luk qt] - смотреть на
famous ['feImqs] - известный fountain ['fauntIn] - фонтан
architect ['RkItekt] - архитектор in front of [In frAnt Pv] - перед
to look after [luk 'Rftq] - заботиться
National Gallery ['nxSnql 'gxlqrI] - национальная галерея
as [xz] - так как which [wIC] - который
believe [bI'li:v] - верить best [best] - лучший
will be [wIl bi:] - будет picture ['pIkCq] - картина
rich [rIC] - богатый every day ['evrI deI] - каждый день
while [waIl] - пока a lot of [q lOt Pv] - много
one of [wAn Pv] - один из to visit ['vIzIt] - посещать
church ['Cq:C] - церковь fine [faIn] - изящный
cathedral [kq'Ti:drql] - собор building ['bIldIN] - здание
not far from [nOt fR frOm] - не далеко от to see [sI:] - видеть
after ['Rftq] - после from my window [from maI 'wIndou] - из моего окна
Great Fire [greIt faIq] - великий пожар street [stri:t] - улица
it took [It tuk] - это заняло cake [keIk] - торт
beautiful ['bju:tqful] - красивый there [Deq] - там
building ['bIldIN ] - здание pet shop [pet SOp] - зоо магазин
with [wID] - с here [hIq] - здесь
many ['menI] - много amazing [q'meIzIN] - изумительный
column ['kPlqm] - колонна school [sku:l] - школа
largest ['lRGIst] - самый большой old [quld] - старый
bell [bel] - колокол in the world [In Dq wE:ld] - в мире
Урок № 16
Present Simple Tense Настоящее простое время
1.Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[x] [eI] [I] [aI] [P] [qu]
sad brave big mice fox go
[sxd] [breIv] [bIg] [maIs] [fPks] [qu]
bad name slim five strong no
[bxd] [neIm] [slIm] [faIv] [strPN] [nqu]
fat snake six ride long home
[fxt] [sneIk] [sIks] [raId] [lPN] [hqum]
cat take stick nine frog nose
[kxt] [teIk] [stIk] [naIn] [frPg] [nquz]
2. Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can.
[eI] name, take, take it; please, take the ball; table, a table - tables, a brown table. My toys are on the table. Take them from the table.
[A] but, duck, under, under the table. The cat is not on the table, it is under the table. - Where is the ball? - It is under the table.
[eq] bear, chair, a chair - chairs, on the chair, under the chair. Where is the cat? Suddenly he sees the cat under the chair. What is on the chair? Look! It is a monkey.
[u] put. Put it on the table, please. Take the doll and put it on the chair. Don't put your bear under the chair.
[O] box, a box - boxes, in the box, out of the box. - Where is the box? - The box is under the chair.
[x] bag, a bag - bags, in the bag, out of the bag. Put your toys into the bag.
Present Simple Tense Настоящее простое время
Simple present употребляется для выражения действия, которое происходит всегда, постоянно, обычно; часто со словами usually, always, often, seldom, every day (week, month, year, Sunday ...) и другими, которые всегда стоят перед смысловым глаголом или в конце предложения, но после глагола to be:
We always go to the country in summer.
The pupils speak English every day.
He is often late.
В 3-м лице единственного числа к глаголу прибавляется окончание -s или -es, которое читается как [s], [z], [Iz]:[s]
после глухих согласных
после звонких согласных и гласных
после шипящих и свистящих
dresses watches
Не watches TV every evening.
She usually helps her granny about the house.
Особенности правописания глаголов в 3-м лице единственного числа:
в глаголах, оканчивающихся на "у" с предшествующей согласной, "у" меняется на "i" и добавляется окончание -es:
to try - he (she, it) tries
Ho: to play - he (she, it) plays
в глаголах, оканчивающихся на "о", прибавляется -es:
to go - he (she, it) goes
to do - he (she, it) does
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do (does).
Спряжение глагола to work в Present Simple Tense. Утвердительная форма.
I work - я работаю We work - мы работаем
He works - он работает You work - ты, вы работаете
She works - она работает They work - они работают
It works - это работает
Linda's family is a typical British family. Where do they usually spend their days?
Our days start early. In the morning I go to school. After school I sometimes play tennis. I like it. My sister Megan also goes to school. And after school Megan often dances in the club. She is a good dancer. My father works at hospital. He goes there on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. He never goes there on Sunday. My mother and brother always stay at home. Peter and Basket usually play in the garden.
Read this text, translate it and find the verbs in Present Simple Tense.
A kitten Mini.
Mini is a kitten, a grey kitten with big green eyes. She hasn't got a father, a mother, a sister or a brother. Mini hasn't got any friends. She is an outdoor kitten. Poor Mini! She is nobody's kitten.
She goes from house to house to look for a friend. On and on she goes and goes, and goes. Mini stops at an office. She wants to look for a friend. But she sees a big brown dog in the office. So Mini doesn't want to stay there.
She goes to a hospital then. But the doctor has got Pussycat with seven black and white kittens. So Mini doesn't want to stay in hospital.
On and on she goes. Then she sees a park. Children like to run, jump and skip in the park. They like to play hide-and-seek and leapfrog there. Suddenly she sees a merry-go-round. She sees a man. His name is Charlie.
He loves Mini and sets her on a horse. It's fun to ride on the merry-go-round. And she stays with Charlie. Now Charlie and Mini are friends. And Mini, nobody's kitten, is now Mini, the merry-go-round Cat.
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Learn by heart the new words of the lesson and prepare to the word dictation. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
brown [braun] - коричневый never ['nevq] - никогда
toy [tOI] - игрушка Sunday ['sAndI] - воскресенье
on [On] - на always ['O:lwqz] - всегда
take [teIk] - брать stay [steI] - оставаться
from [frOm] - из, от at home [qt houm] - дома
under ['Andq] - под usually ['ju:ZuqlI] - обычно
where [weq] - где garden [gRdn] - сад
bear [beq] - медведь kitten [kItn] - котёнок
chair [Ceq] - стул grey [greI] - серый
suddenly ['sAdnlI] - внезапно green [gri:n] - зелёный
see [si:] - видеть eyes [aIz] - глаза
what [wOt] - что friend [frend] - друг
look [luk] - смотреть outdoor [,aut'dO:] - бездомный
put [put] - класть poor [puq] - бедный
doll [dOl] - кукла nobody's ['noubqdIz] - ничейный
box [bOks] - коробка go [gqu] - ходить
out of [aut Pv] - из to look for [luk fO:] - искать
into ['intu] - в on and on [On qnd On] - не останавливаясь
start [stRt] - начинать want [wOnt] - хотеть
early ['E:lI] - рано doesn't [dAznt] - не
in the morning ['mOnIN] - утром then [Den] - тогда
after ['aftq] - после pussycat [,pusI'kxt] - кошка
sometimes ['sAmtaImz] - иногда seven [sevn] - семь
often [Ofn] - часто black [blxk] - чёрный
dance [dRns] - танцевать white [waIt] - белый
at hospital ['hOspItl] - в больнице children ['CIldren] - дети
work [wE:k] - работать run [rAn] - бегать
there [Deq] - там jump [GAmp] - прыгать
on Monday ['mAndI] - в понедельник skip [skIp] - прыгать
Tuesday ['tju:zdI] - во вторник hide-and-seek [haId qnd si:k] - прятки
Wednesday ['wenzdeI] - среда leapfrog ['li:pfrOg] - чехарда
Thursday ['Tq:zdI] - четверг merry-go-round ['merIgqu,raund] - карусели
Friday ['fraIdI] - пятница his [hIz] - его her [hE:] - её
horse [hO:s] - лошадь from house to house [frOm haus tu: haus] - от дома к дому
it's fun [fAn] - это весело ride [raId] - кататься
Урок № 17
Present Simple Tense Настоящее простое время
1.Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[e] [i:] [ju:] [u:] [A]
pen green you blue mum
[pen] [gri:n] [ju:] [blu:] [mAm]
ten see student rule run
[ten] [si:] ['stju:dqnt] [ru:l] [rAn]
pencil tree music who but
['pensl] [tri:] ['mju:zIk] [hu:] [bAt]
red three computer juice funny
[red] [Tri:] [kqm'pju:tq] [Gu:s] ['fAnI]
welcome meet stupid jewel jump
['welkqm] [mi:t] ['stju:pId] ['Gu:ql] [GAmp]
2. Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can.
[g] get, get up. I get up at seven o'clock. My mother gets up at six o'clock- When does your father get up? - He gets up at six o'clock, too.
[ju:], [Z] usually. I usually get up at seven o'clock. My mother usually gets up at six o'clock. - Does your father usually get up at six o'clock, too? - Yes, he does. They usually go to the swimming pool at four o'clock. We usually go to the stadium at six o'clock.
[ks] exercise, an exercise - exercises, do exercises. - When do you do exercises? - I do exercises at seven o'clock.
[au] shower, a shower, take a shower, then I take a shower, then she takes a shower. My brother does exercises and then he takes a shower. Do you take a shower after exercises?
Спряжение глагола to work в Present Simple Tense.
Отрицательная форма
I do not work We do not work
He does not work You do not work
She does not work They do not work
It does not work
Вопросительная форма
Do I work? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Does he work? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she work? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Does it work? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
Do we work? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Do you work? Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Do they work? Yes, they do. No, they don't.
Linda's days at school are always busy and interesting. What do Linda and her friends do at school?
We play a lot of games at school. But we don't play computer games. We do a lot of experiments at the lessons. I don't do experiments alone. I do experiments with my friend.The teacher always speaks French at the lessons. She doesn't speak English at all. We always speak French at school.We have got parrots and hamsters at school. I usually feed the hamsters. I don't feed the parrots. My friend feeds them. She doesn't like hamsters. She teaches the parrots to talk. Parrots usually talk. But our parrots don't talk at all.
Children do a lot of different things at school. What do they say about what they do at the lessons?
I can read French books. But I don't often read French books. And I often read French books. Jenny can spell words well. She always spells all English words, But she doesn't spell all English words well. I don't like tests. But I usually do tests well. I don't do tests at school. We meet interesting people at school. We talk about interesting things. But we don't talk with them at all. We don't play computer games at the lessons. But I sometimes play computer games at home. I don't play computer games at home. Jenny doesn't like doing homework. But she always does her homework, She doesn't usually do her homework.
Mark is from Linda's class. Children ask him a lot of questions. What are the questions?
Do you go on picnics on Sundays? Does your mother prepare tasty dishes every day? Do you like reading books in the evening? Do you often play basketball? Does your sister always spell well? Do your friends like watching TV?
Read and translate some interrogative and negative sentences into Russian.
Does Peter go to the party? Do we meet our friends? Do you like apples? Does winter begin in December? Does your mother speak Spanish? Does he go to school? Does she want an ice cream? Do they listen to the teacher? Do you like good books? Do we live in a big city? Does he go to school by bus? I don't wash the car. I don't get up early. They don't walk to school. Jim doesn't eat an orange. Ann doesn't clean her shoes. Henry doesn't climb the tree. My parents don't go to the party. She doesn't sing her favourite song. Bill doesn't read a book.
Выучи наизусть новые слова урока и подготовься к словарному диктанту. Learn by heart the new words of the lesson and prepare to the word dictation. Перепиши слова в свой словарик.
to get up [get Ap] - вставать homework [hqum'wE:k] - домашняя работа
usually ['ju:ZuqlI] - обычно to ask [ask] - спрашивать
swimming pool ['swImIN pu:l] - бассейн question ['kwesCn] - вопрос
at four o'clock [qt fO: q'klOk] - в 4 часа on Sundays [On 'sAndI] - по воскресеньям
stadium ['steIdIqm] - стадион to prepare [prI'peq] - готовить
exercise ['eksqsaIz] - упражнение tasty ['teIstI] - вкусный
to take a shower [teIk q 'Sauq] - принимать душ dishes ['dISIz] - блюда
at the lesson [qt Dq 'lesn] - на уроке every day ['evrI deI] - каждый день
alone [q'loun] - одинокий in the evening [In Dq 'i:vnIN] - вечером
always ['O:lwqz] - всегда to watch [wOC] - смотреть
to speak [spi:k] - говорить party ['pRtI] - вечеринка
parrot ['pxrqt] - попугай apple ['xpl] - яблоко
hamster ['hxmstq] - хомяк winter ['wIntq] - зима
to begin [bI'gIn] - начинать to feed [fi:d] - кормить
to talk [tO:k] - говорить in December [dI'sembq] - в декабре
at all [qt O:l] - совсем ice cream [aIs 'kri:m] - мороженое
often [Ofn] - часто meat [mi:t] - мясо
to spell [spel] - писать to listen to [lIsn tu:] - слушать
word [wq:d] - слово to wash [wOS] - мыть
to meet [mi:t] - встречать early ['E:lI] - рано
interesting ['IntrqstIN] - интересный shoes [Su:z] - туфли
people [pi:pl] - люди to clean [kli:n] - чистить
thing [TIN] - вещь to climb [klaIm] - лазить
sometimes ['sAmtaImz] - иногда favourite ['feIvqrIt] - любимый
Урок № 18
Present Simple Tense. Special Questions.
Специальные вопросы в простом настоящем времени.
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[u] [u:] [ju:] [C] [G]
full flu tune chin joke
[ful] [flu:] [tju:n] [CIn] [Gouk]
look boot cube cheap jar
[luk] [bu:t] [kju:b] [Ci:p] [GR]
cook moon due choice jam
[kuk] [mu:n] [dju:] [COIs] [Gxm]
good food new child age
[gud] [fu:d] [nju:] [CaIld] [eIG]
book fruit stew watch just
[buk] [fru:t] [stju:] [wOC] [GAst]
Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can.
[O] [e] red, ten, Henry, America, friend, my friend; I've got a friend. His name is Henry. Henry is not from Great Britain. He is from America.
[O:] all, ball, board, board game, draw, four, horse. Henry has got four horses. Let's draw a horse.
[A] love, son, mother, brother, funny, monkey, does, a funny monkey. I love my mother and brother. My brother loves little funny monkeys. - Does he like to draw monkeys? - Oh, yes.
[w] what, why, when, white, where, a white cat, white horses. - Is his kitten white? - No, it's not white. - Where is the boy? - He is at home.
[au] how, cow, a cow - cows, now, a mouse, a house - houses. - How is his father? - He is fine, thanks. My brother likes to draw houses.
[f] dolphin, phone, telephone, telephone number. - What is his telephone number? - His telephone number is 238- 4225.
Present Simple Tense. Special Questions.
Специальные вопросы в простом настоящем времени.
Когда вы хотите задать вопросы о том, что, где, когда происходит в настоящем, нужно использовать special questions.
What …..? - Что? Какой?
Who …..? - Кто?
Whom …..? - Кого? Кому?
Where …..? - Где? Куда?
Why ……? - Зачем? Почему?
Which …..? - Какой из? Который?
When ……? - Когда?
How ……? - Как?
How long….? - Как долго?
How much….? - Сколько?
How many….? - Сколько?
What time….? - Который час?
At what time….? - В какое время?
Whose ….? - Чей?
What do you collect?
Who reads books?
Whom do they meet at school?
Where does Nick live?
Why do you decide to go to the theatre?
Which pen do you take?
When does he have breakfast?
How do you prepare tasty dishes?
How long does the lesson last?
How much water do you drink?
How many apples do you eat?
At what time do you usually come home after your lesson?
What time is it now?
Whose book do they read?
Haley Osment is one of the most successful actors in the USA. Read his interview.
Reporter Haley, you are one of the youngest actors in the USA,
Where do you live?
Haley I live in California.
Reporter Where does your mother work?
Haley She is a teacher. She works at school.
Reporter And what does your father do?
Haley Не is an actor.
Reporter Have you got any pets?
Haley Yes, I have. I have a dog, pet lizards (ящерицы) and frogs,
Reporter When do you usually make films?
Haley I try to do it during (в течение) school holidays.
Reporter What do you like doing when you have spare time?
Haley I like reading. I also like playing basketball and golf.
Reporter How old are you?
Haley I'm thirteen.
What questions would you like to ask your friend?
What do you like reading?
What sports does your father like playing?
What languages does your sister speak?
Where do you live?
How do you spend spare time?
When do you meet with friends?
What food does your brother like?
How often do you play tennis?
Специальные вопросы к подлежащему.
He eats bread. Who eats bread? I jump high. Who jumps high? We like apples. Who likes apples? She likes oranges. Who likes oranges? He is hungry. Who is hungry?
Специальные вопросы к сказуемому.
They read English books. What do they do? He reads Russian books. What does he do? I speak English. What do I do? You swim in the river. What do you do?
Специальные вопросы к дополнению.
Jake takes his car from the garage. What does Jakes take from the garage? We pay duty. What do we pay? They visit him in the hospital. Whom do they visit in the hospital? Julia reads English books. What does Julia read? He gives me his pen. Whom does he give his pen? What does he give me?
Специальные вопросы к обстоятельству.
He swims in the sea. Where does he swim? They work at the factory. Where do they work? She works in the office. Where does she work? They change cash at the exchange office. Where do they change cash?
Урок № 19
Past Simple Tense.
1. Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[v] = в [w] = у [h] = х [uq] = уа [juq] = йюа
vest well hat poor cure
[vest] [wel] [hxt] [puq] ['kjuq]
very west habit moor pure
['verI] [west] ['hxbIt] [muq] ['pjuq]
voice wave heat spoor fure
[vOIs] [weIv] [hi:t] [spuq] ['fjuq]
vast why how tour secure
[vRst] [waI] [hau] [tuq] [sI'kjuq]
vote went him sure Europe
[vout] [went] [hIm] [Suq] ['juqrqp]
vent while head our endure
[vent] [waIl] [hed] [auq] [In'djuq]
2. Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can.
[R] father, can't, basketball, to play basketball, can play basketball. - Can your friend play basketball? - Yes, he can. He likes to play basketball.
[e] ten, seven, tennis, to play tennis, can play tennis. - Does your father like to play tennis? - Yes, he does. I want to play tennis with my father. We can play tennis well.
[eI] game, say, name, table, table tennis, play table tennis. My mother likes to play table tennis. - Can you play table tennis? - No, I can't. I can play tennis.
[x] family, Africa, can, badminton, to play badminton, can play badminton. I like to play badminton with my father.
[I] big, sister, with, swim, to swim. I like to swim. - Can Bob swim very well? - Yes, he can. He is a good swimmer. - Can frogs swim? - Yes, they can. Dolphins and penguins can swim very well.
Past Simple Tense.
Simple past употребляется для выражения действия или состояния, имевшего место в прошлом и не связанного с настоящим моментом, часто со словами yesterday, ago, last week (month, year, summer, Sunday ...) и с указанием дат: in 1941, in 1990 и т.д.:
Yesterday my father and I went to the swimming pool.
The boys played hockey last Sunday.
In 1997 our family lived in Kiev.
Last week we saw an interesting play at the Children's Theatre.
В английском языке различают правильные и неправильные глаголы. Правильные глаголы образуют прошедшее время путем добавления окончания -ed или -d, которое читается как [t], [d], [id]:[t]
после глухих согласных
после звонких согласных и гласных
после букв t, d
Особенности правописания правильных глаголов:
конечная согласная удваивается в односложных и двусложных глаголах с краткой гласной:
skip - skipped stop - stopped
hop - hopped
в глаголах, оканчивающихся на "у" с предшествующей гласной, "у" меняется на "i" и добавляется окончание -ed
try - tried cry -cried Ho: play - played
Формы simple past неправильных глаголов следует запомнить:
become - became
get - got
know - knew
eat - ate
give - gave
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются с по мощью вспомогательного глагола did.
Спряжение глагола to decide (решать) в Past Simple Tense (Past
Indefinite Tense)
Правильные глаголы (действие совершалось в прошлом)
I decided
He decided
She decided
It decided
We decided
You decided
They decided
I did not decide
He did not decide
She did not decide
It did not decide
We did not decide
You did not decide
They did not decide
Спряжение глагола to write (писать) в Past Simple Tense (Past
Indefinite Tense)
Неправильные глаголы (действие совершалось в прошлом)
I wrote
He wrote
She wrote
It wrote
We wrote
You wrote
They wrote
I did not write
He did not write
She did not write
It did not write
We did not write
You did not write
They did not write
Did I write?
Did he write?
Did she write?
Did It write?
Did we write?
Did you write?
Did they write?
Yes, I did.
Yes, he did.
Yes, she did.
Yes, It did.
Yes, we did.
Yes, you did.
Yes, they did.
No, I didn't.
No, he didn't.
No, she didn't.
No, It didn't.
No, we didn't.
No, you didn't.
No, they didn't.
Sam went to the stadium with his friends yesterday.
Did Sam go to the stadium with his friends yesterday?
Yes, he did.
No, he didn't (did not).
No, he didn't go to the stadium with his friends yesterday.
Who went to the stadium with his friends yesterday?
Sam did.
Did Sam go to the stadium yesterday with his friends or with his parents?
He went to the stadium with his friends.
Where did Sam go with his friends yesterday?
With whom did Sam go to the stadium yesterday?
When did Sam go to the stadium with his friends?
Why did Sam go to the stadium with his friends yesterday?
What did Sam do yesterday?
Read and compare.
every day, usually
My father usually gets up at seven o'clock. He takes a shower every day. He usually has breakfast at eight o'clock. I usually have breakfast at eight o'clock, too. Mother gives us milk for breakfast every day. I go to the swimming pool every day. I usually see my friend there.
Bob usually says "Hi", when he sees me.
Yesterday he got up at six o'clock. Yesterday he took a shower, too. Yesterday he had breakfast at seven o'clock. Yesterday I had breakfast at seven o'clock. Yesterday Mother gave us milk for breakfast too. Yesterday I went to the swimming pool too. Yesterday I saw Bob there. Yesterday when he saw me he said "Hi". '
Read and compare Present Simple and Past Simple.
1. His sister studies English every day. 2. She studied English two hours ago. 3. Did you come home at six o'clock yesterday? - No, I didn't. Yesterday I came home from school at half past eight. I was very tired. I had dinner with my family. After dinner I was very thirsty. I drank two cups of tea. Then I rested. 4. I go to bed at ten o'clock every day. 5. I went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 6. My brother washes his face every morning. 7. Last night he washed his face with soap and water. 8. I don't have history lessons every day. 9. We didn't rest yesterday. 10. My brother didn't drink coffee yesterday.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.
1.My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 2. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? - Yes, I ... . But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 3. Your sister (to go) to school every day? - Yes, she .... 4. Mary (to like) writing stories. 5. Last week she (to write) a funny story about her pet. 6. You (to tell) your mother the truth about the money? 7. You (to wear) your polka-dot dress to work? - Yes, I ... . I (to wear) it yesterday. 8. We (to like) to go to the beach. We (to enjoy) swimming in the ocean last weekend. 9. Tom always (to eat) breakfast. 10. Yesterday he (not to eat) breakfast because he (to get) up late. 11. We (to like) to cook but we (not to like) to wash the dishes. 12. He never (to shout) at his students. 13. He (to be) a wonderful teacher, I remember. 14.. My friend (to know) Spanish very well. 15. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago? 16. He (to live) on the third floor.
Урок № 20
Future Simple Tense.
1.Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[g] = г [N] = н [T] = с [D] = з [r] = р
gaze trunk earth further red
[geIz] [trANk] [WT] ['fWDq] [red]
geese donkey birthday leather read
[gi:s] ['dONkI] ['bWTdeI] ['leDq] [ri:d]
game jungle bathroom together risk
[geIm] [GANgl] ['bRTrum] [tq'geDq] [rIsk]
garden link myth weather room
['gRdn] [lINk] [mIT] ['weDq] [ru:m]
gate driving method brother range
[geIt] ['draIvIN] ['meTqd] ['brADq] [reInG]
gallery charming theatre mother bread
['gxlqrI] ['CRmIN] ['TIqtq] ['mADq] [bred]
Future употребляется для выражения действия или со стояния в будущем; часто со словами tomorrow, next week (Sunday month, year ...), Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall для 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа и will во всех остальных случаях:
We shall go to the sea next month. My friend will visit his granny tomorrow.
Спряжение глагола to play (играть) в Future Simple Tense (
Future Indefinite Tense) (действие будет совершаться в будущем)
I shall play
He will play
She will play
It will play
We shall play
You will play
They will play
I shall not play
He will not play
She will not play
It will not play
We shall not play
You will not play
They will not play
Shall I play?
Will he play?
Will she play?
Will it play?
Shall we play?
Will you play?
Will they play?
Yes, I shall.
Yes, he will.
Yes, she will.
Yes, it will.
Yes, we shall.
Yes, you will.
Yes, they will.
No, I shan't.
No, he won't.
No, she won't.
No, it won't.
No, we shan't.
No, you won't.
No, they won't.
Переведите предложения на русский язык, объясняя употребление глаголов в Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple
I go to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I shall go to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I don't go to the cinema every day. 5. I didn't go to the cinema yesterday. 6. I won't go to the cinema tomorrow. 7. Do you watch TV every day? 8. Did you watch TV yesterday? 9. Will you watch TV tomorrow? 10.When do you leave home for school every day? 11.When did you leave home for school yesterday? 12.When will you leave home for school tomorrow? 13.My brother goes to work every day. 14.He left home at a quarter past eight. 15.He doesn't take a bus. 16.Yesterday he didn't go to work. 17.Yesterday he didn't get up at nine o'clock. 18 Did you have a PT lesson yesterday? - No, I didn't. 19. What did you buy at the shop yesterday? - I bought a book. 20. Yesterday my father didn't read newspapers because he was very busy. He will read newspapers tomorrow.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1.He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning. 2. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons yesterday morning. 3. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons tomorrow morning. 4.1 always (to go) to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there. 5. I (to be) very busy last summer and I (not to go) there. 6. I (not to go) there next year because it (to cost) a lot of money and I can't afford it. 7. They (to enjoy) themselves at the symphony yesterday evening? 8. Who (to take) care of the child in the future? 9. How often you (to go) to the dentist's? 10. We (not to have) very good weather, but we still (to have) a good time during our short stay in London. 11. She (to do) all the washing in their house. 12. He even (not to know) how to use the washing machine. 13. Two years ago they (to be) rich and money (to be) never a problem. 14. You (to think) you (to be) happy in your new neighbourhood? 15. When the cabbage soup (to be) ready? 16. The customs officers at JFK airport in New York (to arrest) that young man when he (to arrive). 17. I (to like) to get on with my friends, so I often (to do) what they (to want). 18. When (to be) your birthday? 19. When you (to get) your watch? 20. Who (to create) Mickey Mouse?
Урок № 21
Present Continuous Tense.
1. Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[aIq] = айа [Sn] = шн [qs] = ас [bl] = бл Silent "l"
admire ocean furious fashionable calf
[qd'maIq] ['ouSn] ['fjuqrIqs] ['fxSInqbl] [kRf]
conspire vacation famous suitable calm
[kqn'spaIq] [vq'keISn] ['feImqs] ['sju:tqbl] [kRm]
diamond action nervous possible chalk
['daIqmqnd] ['xkSn] ['nq:vqs] ['pOsqbl] [CO:k]
fireplace reception humorous visible could
['faIqpleIs] [rI'sepSn] ['hju:mqrqs] ['vIzqbl] [kud]
expire attraction tremendous portable folk
[Ik'spaIq] [q'trxkSn] [trq'mendqs] ['pO:tqbl] [fouk]
environment production courageous probable half
[In'vaIqrqnmqnt] [prq'dAkSn] [kq'reIGqs] ['prObqbl] [hRf]
Спряжение глагола to work (работать)
в Present Continuous Tense (Present Progressive Tense)
(действие в процессе, совершается в тот момент, когда о нём говорят)
I am working.
He is working.
She is working.
It is working.
We are working.
You are working.
They are working.
I am not working.
He is not working.
She is not working.
It is not working.
We are not working.
You are not working.
They are not working.
Am I working?
Is he working?
Is she working?
Is it working?
Are we working?
Are you working?
Are they working?
Yes, I am.
Yes, he is.
Yes, she is.
Yes, it is.
Yes, we are.
Yes, you are.
Yes, they are.
No, I am not.
No, he isn't.
No, she isn't.
No, it isn't.
No, we aren't.
No, you aren't.
No, they aren't.
Present continuous употребляется для выражения действия, которое происходит в настоящее время, в момент речи. Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в формах настоящего времени (am, is, are) и добавления -ing к смысловому глаголу:
I am reading an interesting book now. He is writing a letter to his friend. They are playing hockey.
Особенности правописания:
конечная согласная удваивается в односложных и двусложных глаголах с предшествующей краткой гласной:
sit - sitting
swim - swimming begin - beginning
немое "e" не пишется перед -ing:
write - writing
make - making
take - taking
Упражнение 1
Переведите предложения на русский язык, объясняя употребление глаголов в Present Continuous и в Present Simple.
1.Не works in the centre of Chicago. 2. Does he work in the centre of Chicago? 3. He doesn't work in the centre of Chicago. 4. They read many books. 5. Do they read many books? 6. They don't read many books. 7. The children are eating soup now. 8. Are the children eating soup now? 9. The children aren't eating soup now. 10. Do you play volleyball well? 11. When do you play volleyball? 12. What does Nick do in the evening? 13. Does he go to the cinema in the evening? 14. We don't dance every day. 15. Look! Kate is dancing. 16. Does Kate sing well? 17. Where does he go in the morning? 18. He doesn't sleep after dinner. 19. My granny sleeps after dinner. 20. When do you sleep? 21. Nina isn't sleeping now. 22. Where does John live? - He lives in England.
Упражнение 2
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. Tom (to play) football on Saturday. 2. He (not to play) football every day. 3. I (to wear) a suit now. 4. I (not to wear) jeans now. 5. My friend (not to like) to play football. 6. I (not to read) now. 7. He (to sleep) now? 8. We (not to go) to the country in winter. 9. My sister (to eat) sweets every day. 10. She (not to eat) sweets now. 11. They (to do) their homework in the afternoon. 12. They (not to go) for a walk in the evening. 13. My father (not to work) on Sunday. 14. He (to work) every day. 15. I (to read) books in the evening. 16. I (not to read) books in the morning. 17. I (to write) an exercise now. 18. I (not to write) a letter now. 19. They (to play) in the yard now. 20. They (not to play) in the street now. 21. They (to play) in the room now? 22. He (to help) his mother every day. 23. He (to help) his mother every day? 24. He (not to help) his mother every day. 25. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 26. She (to work) in a shop now? 27. He (to deliver) letters now? 28. You (to go) to the opera with your friends? 29. His father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired. 30. Pat (not to cook) dinner at the moment. She (to talk) on the phone. She (to cook) dinner every Monday. 31. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 32. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 33. Look! The baby (to sleep). 34. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 35. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 36. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden.
Упражнение 3
Переведите предложения на русский язык, объясняя употребление глаголов в Present Continuous, Present Simple и в Future Simple.
1. Will you come to my place next Sunday? 2. Will you read this book next week? 3. Do you read books every day? 4. Are you reading a book now? 5. I shall not see him tomorrow. 6. What will you do tomorrow? 7. What will your friend do tomorrow? 8. Where will you go next summer? 9. Where do you go every morning? 10. Where are you going now? 11. Look! Mary is dancing. 12. She dances every day. 13. Will she dance tomorrow? 14. He will go to the theatre tomorrow. 15. We go to school in the morning. 16. Look! Kate is going to school. 17. Will you help your mother tomorrow? 18. I am not playing the guitar now. 19. My brother plays the guitar every evening. 20. They won't take care of the garden next summer. 21. Do you like apples? 22. Will you eat apples tomorrow? 23. Nick reads many books. 24. Mother works every day. 25. He isn't sleeping now. 26. Will your brother go to the exhibition next Sunday? 27. We shan't go to the zoo tomorrow. 28. I am not learning the poem now. 29. She lives in San Francisco. 30. My father shoots very well. 31. He is very strong. Look! He is carrying a very heavy box.
Упражнение 4
Переведите предложения на русский язык, объясняя употребление глаголов в Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple и в Future Simple.
1. Kate cooks dinner every day. 2. Kate will cook dinner tomorrow. 3. Kate is cooking dinner now. 4. Kate cooked dinner yesterday. 5. I don't eat ice cream every day. 6. I am not eating ice cream now. 7. I shall not eat ice cream tomorrow. 8. I didn't eat ice cream yesterday. 9. He spent last summer in the country. 10. He didn't spend last summer in the country. 11. Did he spend last summer in the country? 12. Where did he spend last summer? 13. She helped mother yesterday. 14. She didn't help mother yesterday. 15. Did she help mother yesterday? 16. How did she help mother yesterday? 17. Do you go to school every day? 18. Are you going to school now? 19. Will you go to the south next summer? 20. Did you go abroad last summer? 21. What does your brother do every day? 22. What is your brother doing now? 23. What will your brother do tomorrow? 24. What did your brother do yesterday?
Упражнение 5
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1.I (to think) Nellie (to leave) for Moscow tomorrow. 2. I (to be) in a hurry. My friends (to wait) for me. 3. You (to be) at the theatre yesterday. You (to like) the opera? - Oh yes, I (to enjoy) it greatly. 4. We (to expect) you (to go) to London next summer. 5. Her English (not to be) excellent, but she (to work) at it. 6. A week ago they (not to know) what to think. 7. She (to worry) a lot at the moment, but the problems (not to be) very great. 8. Last Tuesday he (to be) upset and (to have) no idea where to go. 9. Could you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square? I (to go) the right way? 10. Various kinds of sports (to be) popular in Russia. 11. Both children and grown-ups (to be) fond of sports. 12. What (to be) the matter with her? She (to be) so excited. - I (not to know). 13. Where you (to go)? - I (to go) to the stadium to see the match which (to take) place there today. 14. You (to know) that a very interesting match (to take) place last Sunday? 15. He (to go) to the south a week ago. 16. When I (to be) about fifteen years old, I (to enjoy) playing football. 17. Our football team (to win) many games last year. 18. Where (to be) Boris? - He (to play) chess with his friend. 19.I (to be) sorry I (to miss) the match yesterday. But I (to know) the score. It (to be) 4 to 2 in favour of the Russian team.
Урок № 22
Present Perfect Tense.
Прочитай слова по транскрипции и запомни, как они читаются без транскрипции.
[Iq] = иа [C] = ч [auq] = ауа [Zn] = жн [eq] = эа
exterior champion our vision fairly
[Ik'stIqrIq] ['CxmpIqn] [auq] [vIZn] ['feqlI]
experience departure flour division everywhere
[Ik'spIqrIqns] [dI'pRCq] ['flauq] [dI'vIZn] ['evrIweq]
convenient creature sour revision despair
[kqn'vi:nIqnt] ['kri:Cq] ['sauq] [rI'vIZn] [dI'speq]
clearance brooch flower television compare
['klIqrqns] [brouC] ['flauq] ['telIvIzn] [kqm'peq]
brilliant charge tower decision barely
['brIlIqnt] [CRG] ['tauq] [dI'sIZn] ['beqlI]
barrier chamber coward occasion careful
['bxrIq] ['CeImbq] ['kauqd] [q'keIZn] ['keqful]
Спряжение глагола to write (писать) в Present Perfect Tense
(действие, совершившееся в прошлом, связано с настоящим)
I have written
He has written
She has written
It has written
We have written
You have written
They have written
I have not written
He has not written
She has not written
It has not written
We have not written
You have not written
They have not written
Have I written?
Has he written?
Has she written?
Has It written?
Have we written?
Have you written?
Have they written?
Yes, I have.
Yes, he has.
Yes, she has.
Yes, It has.
Yes, we have.
Yes, you have.
Yes, they have.
No, I haven't.
No, he hasn't.
No, she hasn't.
No, It hasn't.
No, we haven't.
No, you haven't.
No, they haven't.
Запомните типичные для Present Perfect обстоятельства:
already, not yet, just, ever, never.
Сравните также:
I have bought a book today (this week, this month).
неистекший отрезок времени - Present Perfect
I bought a book yesterday (last week, last month).
истекший отрезок времени - Past Simple
Запомните также следующие предложения:
I have never been to France.
Have you ever been to London?
I haven't seen you for ages.
I haven't met him for a long time.
I haven't been to Moscow since last year.
Упражнение 1
В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The pupils are writing a dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem. 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10. You are putting the dishes on the table. 11. They are having tea. 12. She is taking the dirty plates from the table. 13. The children are putting on their coats. 14. Susan is making a new dress for her birthday party. 15. She is opening a box of chocolates. 16. I am buying milk for milk shakes. 17. James is ordering a bottle of apple juice. 18. We are looking for more CDs with good music. 19. Are you recording your favourite film on his video recorder? 20. I am translating a difficult article from German into Russian.
Упражнение 2
Переведите предложения на русский язык, объясняя употребление глаголов в Present Continuous и Present Perfect.
1. What are you doing here? - I am writing a letter to my friends. 2. Who has written this article? 3. What language are you studying? 4. We have already learnt a lot of English words. 5. What is she teaching them? 6. Who has taught you to do it? 7. He has just done something for us. 8. Have you found the book? 9. What are you looking for? 10. What are you talking about? 11. We have just talked about it. 12. He has just said something about it. 13. She is telling them some interesting story. 14. He has told us nothing about it. 15. She has told them some stories about dogs. 16. We have had two lessons today. 17. They are having a meeting. 18. She has not spoken yet. 19. They have asked me several questions. 20. He has already learnt the rule. 21. I am writing an exercise. 22. What is he doing? - He is reading a newspaper. 23. Have you read any stories by Jack London? 24. I am answering the telephone right now. 25. He has fixed his car and now he isn't having any trouble with the brakes anymore. 26. You have just heard tomorrow's weather forecast.
Упражнение 3
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Continuous или Present Perfect.
1. What's the matter? Why he (to stop)? 2. My cousin (to look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet. 3. It (to be) impossible for her to feel at home here. 4. What you (to study) now? 5. They just (to give) you a pay rise. 6. Sophie is busy. She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson. 7. You only (to have) a piece of cake? You (not to eat) much. 8. People (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now. 9. You (to go) to plant tomatoes this year? 10. Johnny, who finally (to find) a new job, (to give) a big party. 11. How long you (to be) sick? 12. You (to see) any good movies recently? 13. What you (to look) forward to? 14. Nancy (to look) forward to this weekend.
Упражнение 4
Переведите предложения на русский язык, объясняя употребление глаголов в Present Perfect и Past Simple.
1. Helen speaks French so well because she has lived in France. 2. She lived there last year. 3. The rain has stopped and the sun is shining in the sky again. 4. The rain stopped half an hour ago. 5. Mary has bought a new hat. 6. I bought a pair of gloves yesterday. 7. The wind has blown off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it. 8. The weather has changed, and we can go for a walk. 9. The wind changed in the morning. 10. We travelled around Europe last year. 11. My father knows so much because he has travelled a lot. 12. I have seen Pete today. 13. She saw this film last Sunday. 14. Alex met his friend two hours ago. 15. I have just met our teacher. 16. The children have already decided what to do with the books. 17. Yesterday they decided to help their grandmother. 18. I haven't seen you for a long time. I saw you in town two or three days ago, but you didn't see me. I was on a bus.
Упражнение 5
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1. Last night I (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed very early. 2. Where you (to spend) your holidays? 3. You ever (to spend) your holidays in the Crimea? 4 .While travelling in the Crimea I (to meet) your friend. 5. I never (to visit) that place. 6. He (to visit) that place last year. 7. I just (to get) a letter from Tom. 8. You (to take) any photographs while travelling in the south? 9. He (to be) abroad five years ago. 10. You (to be) in the Caucasus last year? 11. They (to leave) England when he (to be) still a child. 12. He (not yet to come) back. 13. He (to go) already? 14. When you (to see) him last? 15. I (not to see) him for ages. 16. His health (to improve) greatly since I (to see) him last. 17. You (to pass) your driving test yet? - Yes, I (to pass) it in May, but I (not to buy) a car yet. 18. He already (to move). He (to find) a nice flat before Christmas and he (to be) there two years.
Упражнение 6
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1.I (not yet to eat) today. 2. He (not to eat) yesterday. 3. You (to play) the piano yesterday? 4. You (to play) the piano today? 5. What you (to prepare) for today? 6. Look at this birdhouse. Mike (to make) it himself. He (to make) it last Sunday. 7. Where you (to put) my pen? I cannot find it. 8. You (to see) Mary today? 9. When you (to see) Мary? - I (to see) her last week. 10. Your mother (to promise) to take you to the theatre? 11. Look at my new dress! I (to make) it myself. 12. He is not at school today, he (to fall) ill. - When he (to fall) ill? - He (to fall) ill yesterday. 13. I already (to do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk. 14. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 15. He just (to come) home. 16. He (to come) nome a minute ago. 17. Nick (to play) football yesterday. 18. She already (to come) from school. Now she is doing her homework. 19. I (to read) this book last year. 20. I (to read) this book this year. 21. I never (to be) to Washington. 22. You ever (to be) to New York? 23. You ever (to see) the eruption of a volcano?
1..The ABC (алфавит английского языка) - стр. 1
2. Английское произношение - стр. 3.
3. Урок № 1. Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple Tense. - стр. 3.
4. Урок № 2. Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple Tense. стр. 5.
5. Урок № 3. Чтение - стр. 7.
6. Урок № 4. Множественное число существительных - стр. 8.
7. Урок № 5. Артикль - стр. 12.
8. Урок № 6. Местоимения - стр. 15.
9. Урок № 7. Артикль стр. 18.
10. Урок № 8. Спряжение глагола to be [tu: bi:] (быть)
в Present Simple Tens
(Present Indefinite Tense - простое настоящее время) стр. 21.
11.Урок № 9 Конструкция have got [hxv gPt] - иметь что-либо стр 24. 12. Урок № 10. Притяжательные местоимения стр. 27.
13. Урок № 11. Модальный глагол can стр. 29.
14. Урок № 12. Притяжательный падеж. стр. 31.
15. Урок № 13. Степени сравнения прилагательных. стр. 34. 16. Урок № 14 Оборот there is / there are стр. 37.
17. Урок № 15 Предложные фразы. стр. 40.
18. Урок № 16 Present Simple Tense Настоящее простое время стр. 43.
19. Урок № 17 Present Simple Tense. Special Questions.
Специальные вопросы в простом настоящем времени. стр. 46.
20. Урок № 18 Present Simple Tense. Special Questions.
Специальные вопросы в простом настоящем времени. стр. 49.
21. Урок № 19 Past Simple Tense. стр. 51.
22. Урок № 20 Future Simple Tense. стр. 55
23. Урок № 21 Present Continuous Tense. стр. 57.
24. Урок №22 Present Perfect Tense. стр. 60.
25. Литература. стр. 64.
1.Учебник английского языка для 3 класса. Биболетова М.З. Денисенко О.А. Трубанева Н.Н. Издание: Обнинск: Титул, 2008.
2. Английский язык. 2,3,4 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. В 2 частях / И.Н. Верещагина, Т.А. Притыкина.
3. Английский язык, 5 класс, Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш., 2010
4. Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений, Голицынский Ю.Б., 2011