- Учителю
- Презентация и конспект урока на тему: 'Museums and galleries in London'
Презентация и конспект урока на тему: 'Museums and galleries in London'
The theme: «Museums and galleries in London»
8 класс
Сураева Ирина Петровна
2014 - 2015 учебный год
The theme: «Museums and galleries in London»
The aims: to develop pupils intellect, to practice hearing, speaking, in monological and dialogical speech, to create abilities to analyses the text
Цели урока. 1.Ознакомить учащихся с темой «Музеи и галереи Лондона»,
2. Расширить культурный кругозор учащихся; приобщить их к богатствам мировой культуры: практиковать в аудировании, диалогической и монологической речи, развивать умение работать в группах, воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи, учить анализировать текст, умение выбрать необходимую информацию.
Method: group work
Equipment: Interactive board, presentation.
Эпиграф: «Art is long, life is short»
Чем дальше в будущее входим
Тем больше прошлым дорожим
И в старом красоту находим
Хоть новому принадлежим.
В. Шефнер
1. Организационный момент.
Деление учащихся по группам.(при входе в класс учащимся предлагается взять стикер понравившегося им цвета. Стикеры по количеству учащихся. Цвета по количеству групп.)
Учащиеся рассаживаются по группам.
2.Вступительное слово учителя
«Good morning, children. I'm glad to see you. Today the theme of our lesson is «Museums and galleries in London». The epigraph of our lesson is the old saying «ART IS LONG, LIVE IS SHORT» You'll learn some facts about the museums and galleries in London. Today you'll work at groups. I want you to show your knowledge of English, your skills at understanding, reading, speaking. I wish you good work be attentive, help each other. The classic music will help us too.
Просмотр позитивного видеоролика.
3. The first task is the text for understanding
Listening the text you must fulfill the table finding the answers in the story
What is museum?
What types of museums do you know?
When was founded the National Gallery?
When was founded the Tate Gallery?
When was founded The Victoria and Albert Museum?
What can you see in the museums?
Museums and galleries in London
One of the most famous is the British Museum in London, which was established in 1753. It's a museum of human history and culture. Its collections are amongst the largest in the world and originate from all continents. First of all, it's a huge library with 6 or 7 million books, which is considered to be one of the largest in the world. According to the British law a copy of every book, pamphlet or periodical published in Britain must be kept in this museum. Secondly, the British Museum is a scientific institution, known as Natural History Museum, where internationally important collections are shown. This place inspires people to think about the natural environment differently and to take better care of the planet. Finally, there is a wonderful art gallery in the British Museum housing unique collections of sculpture, ceramics, drawings and paintings. It also has a great collection of Italian drawings.
The Tate Gallery, which was founded in 1897, presents modern masters of England and France. There is a marvelous collection of French impressionists. There are also some examples of modern sculpture in the museum.
The National Gallery in London, which was founded in 1824, possesses a rich collection of over 2 300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900. It is situated in Trafalgar Square. There you can find masterpieces of such painters as Gainsborough, Turner, Constable and also pictures of French, Spanish, Dutch and Flemish masters.
The Victoria and Albert Museum, founded in 1852 and named after Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, is the world's largest museum of decorative arts and design housing a collection of more than 4,5 million objects.
On the whole, there are numerous interesting things one can see in British museums.
4.The talk with pupils about the museums - Беседа с учащимися по прослушанному тексту.
Учащиеся опрашиваются парами, которые в форме диалога рассказывают о музеях или одна группа задает вопрос другая дает ответ.
5.The group work with different texts. Групповая работа над различными текстами. На доске фото музеев и галлерей.
Each group has different texts. You must read the texts, understand them, choose the pictures from the exhibitions about the museum or the painters described in your texts and retell about them.
Our text is called….
It tells about….
This museum is situated in….
It contains the paintings of such artists as ….
The famous masterpieces of this artist are ….
Можно следовать алгоритму, можно самим решить форму представления.
Самостоятельная работа учащихся над текстами.
"The National Portrait Gallery", "The national Gallery", "Guinness World of Records Exhibition".
6.The questioning of the pupils. - Опрос учащихся.
7. Fizminutka. Физминутка.
8.Reflection. For fun and profit.
Подобрать соответствия
One of the most famous is the British Museum in London
Secondly, the British Museum is
There are also some examples of modern sculpture in
The National Gallery is situated in
On the whole, there are numerous interesting things one can see in
9. Assessment. Оценивание. Учащиеся сами себя оценивают.
А. a scientific institution, known as Natural History Museum, where internationally important collections are shown
В. Trafalgar Square
С. British museums.
D. the Tate Gallery
E. which was established in 1753
Заключительный этап - итоги урока.