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  • План-конспект урока 'Поиск работы. Собеседование. Составление резюме. '

План-конспект урока 'Поиск работы. Собеседование. Составление резюме. '

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План-конспект урока

по aнглийскoму языку

Тема урока: «Поиск работы. Собеседование. Составление резюме»

Результаты: - предметные :

1. Развивать у учащихся умение общаться на английском языке.

2. Продолжить знакомство с деловым английским - научить составлять резюме

3.Продолжить формирование базы для развития устной и письменной речи.

- метапредметные:

1.Развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления.

2.Содействовать правильному выбору рода занятий после школы.

3.Развивать этические нормы поведения на деловой встрече

4.Развивать эстетически-правильный подход к выбору деловой одежды.

План урока

1. Орг. Момент. Введение в тему урока - 5 мин

2. Введение новых слов - 10 мин

3. Отработка новых слов в упражнениях - 10 мин

4. Ролевая игра 1) «Поиск работы, составление резюме» - 15 мин

5. Ролевая игра 2) «Как вести себя на интервью, стиль одежды» - 20 мин

6. Ролевая игра 3) «Перечень доступных вакансий для выпускников школы» и

«Где учиться послешколы?» - 15 мин

7. Объяснение дифференцированного домашнего задания - 2 мин

8. Подведение итогов урока - 3 мин

Дидактический материал:

  1. Материалы для ролевой игры «Applying for a job» в учебнике «Английский для инженеров» Т.Ю. Полякова, Е.В. Синявская.

  2. Раздаточный материал - карточки с заданиями.

  3. Интерактивные задания и аудиоматериал на доске «SMART Board».

4. Учебник «Спотлайт. Английский в фокусе». О.Афанасьва, Д.Дули, Б.Оби, В.Эванс


1. Introduction page.

T: Hello everybody! The topic of our today's discussion is " Applying for a Job. Some Tips for Job interview. Writing a CV" You can see it on the board (Слайд1)

Time flies. Very soon you will pass your exams in the college and plan your future life. Some of you will go on studying in the Institutes. The others will try to find a job. So, today we are having a lesson devoted to choosing a work. We are going to learn how to write a curriculum vitae, besides, you will be given some advice how to behave during an interview. I think our lesson can be named a role-play, as some of you will take the roles of applicants for the vacancies, the others will play the roles of the employees in the Human Resource Department. You will be given some additional papers to fill in during the lesson and hand them to me for checking up at the end of the lesson.

So, let's start

2. Introduction of the new words. Listening

T: To begin with look at the board. You see here the new vocabulary that we must remember. Please, repeat them after me word by word and read the explanations after each word given in English.

3. Working on the new vocabulary

T: Next slide gives you the possibility to do the checking-up of your understanding of the new words in the interactive way. Please, who will come up over here and do it? But everybody can help from the place.

4. Role-play "Applying for a Job. Writing a CV"

T: Please, open your books, page 334. You can see here the CV sample written by Bob Edward Bate man. You can have a look and use this whenever you write your own CV. On the board you can see the CV of another person, your classmate. I invite the HR manager of our agency to explain how to write a CV to you.

S1: Now you can write your own CV. I am going to give the forms. If you have questions, please, ask me.

Учитель выдает раздаточный материал (Приложение 2) - бланки CV для заполнения на английском языке. Обучающиеся пишут самостоятельно, учитель ведет мониторинг данного вида деятельности.

T: There are some common mistakes (if there are any). Have a look at the blackboard (analysis of the mistakes).

Учитель производит анализ общих ошибок (если они имеются)

S1: Now your CVs are ready. Remember that you should write a good CV first and only then you will get an interview (in case your employer likes your CV). Now I invite our psychologist who will give you some tips how to behave during an interview and how to get dressed. You are welcome.

5. Role-play " Applying for a Job. Some Tips for Job interview"

T: Look at the board. Here you can see a girl who is going to be interviewed. Please, any of you can come up over here and help him with the suitable clothes. What clothes is better for the interview? Be attentive, listen to the guy, he will tell you what to do.

S2: For getting some other tips for the job interview you can use

T: I shall give you these papers for training the dialogue during the job interview. Have a look at the exercises: you have to complete the dialogue. After that you will do some exercises on the board and then we shall speak them out.

6. A list of vacancies and places for studying available for the graduates of the college.

S1: We have here the representative of the company who can offer some technical vacancies to you. Please, you are welcome.

«Менеджер по персоналу» представляет представителя фирмы, которая предлагает вакансии технических специалистов (Презентация слайдов в Microsoft Power Point)

T: We also have invited the representative of the local Department of education. Please, take the floor.

7. Summary of the lesson.

T: Thank you everybody! Our lesson has come to an end. Let's sum up the results of the lesson. Now you know how to write a CV, how to behave during the interview and what clothes to choose.

8. Brief reference ahead to the next lesson. Homework.

Next time we are going to learn how to write an American version of CV - a resume. It's bigger and more complicated.

Homework: Write the resume of your own.


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