- Учителю
- Игра -соревнование по английскому языку Америка
Игра -соревнование по английскому языку Америка
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Конкурс знатоков»
Тема « Всё о США»
Задачи: систематизация страноведческих знаний, повышение мотивации изучения английского языка, развитие интеллектуальных способностей, расширение кругозора учащихся.
Подготовительная работа: Учащиеся делятся на две команды. Каждая команда выбирает капитана, придумывает название и рисует эмблему команды.
Warming. Who is the quickest to answer.
What is Washington DC? (the capital)
What is Washington? ( the state)
What is the nickname of Americans? (yankee)
What is the name of American flag? (Stars and Stripes)
What is "The Daily World" (newspaper)
What is "Life"? ( magazine)
What is Michael Jordan? (basketball star)
What is Paul Robson? (singer)
What is Detroit? ( city)
What is Utah? ( state)
1- тур. Вопросы, на которые отвечает по очереди каждый участник без права на подсказку команды.
The colours of the American flag are… ( blue, white ,red, )
The name of the official residence of the president is….( The White House)
The name of the seat of the American Congress is….. ( the Capitol)
The longest river is…. ( the Mississippi )
The largest lake is… ( Lake Superior )
One of the American Holidays is…. ( the Thanksgiving Day)
One of the American Singers
One of the American writers
One of the American film stars
Popular clothes of the American cowboys (jeans )
The number of stars on the Flag (50)
The number of stripes on the Flag (13 )
The discoverer of America (Columbus)
A very popular hero of American cartoons.
The native population of the USA ( Indians )
The smallest coin in the USA ( cent )
The first president of the USA (G. Washington )
The symbol of the country (the Bald-Headed Eagle )
The number of states ( 50 and the District of Columbia)
The unofficial name of Alaska ( the Last Frontier)
2-й тур. Вопросы для всей команды, которые они могут обсудить. (30сек.) Этот тур может сопровождаться показом слайдов.
The literary pseudonym of Samuel Clemens ( Mark Twain)
The literary pseudonym of William Sidney Porter ( O. Henry)
The kind of music that came from America ( jazz)
The country which presented the Statue of Liberty to the USA ( France )
The name of the state where the Gold Rush began in 1848 (California)
Who was the first man to walk on the Moon? (Nail Armstrong)
Name 3 tourists attractions in New York ( the Empire State Building, Times Square, the Metropolitan Museum of Art )
Name 3 tourists attractions in Washington DC ( the Mall, the Capitol, Lincoln Memorial)
What are the two political parties of the USA? ( democratic and republican )
Which of the two main political parties is ruling the country now? ( democratic )
3-й тур. Конкурс капитанов.
In GB it is an underground, in the USA…. ( subway)
In GB it is a cinema, in the USA… (movies)
In GB it is "a form", in the USA…. (grade)
In GB it is " a primary school", in the USA… (Elementary)
In GB it's a lift, in the USA it's …. (an elevator)
In GB it's a flat, in the USA it's….( an apartment)
In GB it's a ground floor, in the USA …. (the first floor)
'To post a letter" - in GB. In the USA….. (to mail a letter)
"To hire a car" - in GB. In the USA……. ( to rent a car)
" Shop" in GB. In the USA….. ( store)
"Luggage" in GB. In the USA….. (baggage)
"AT the weekend" in GB. In the USA…. (ON the weekend)
Подведение итогов
В конце конкурса команды подсчитывают полученные за каждый правильный ответ жетоны (доллары) и обменивают их на призы.
4. Tea- party.