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  • Проверочная работа по вариантам Профессии

Проверочная работа по вариантам Профессии

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Version 1

Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Write the name of profession with article.

  1. He works on the factory. He is _______________________

  2. He delivers newspapers and magazines to people's houses. He is _______________________

  3. Her work is very hard. She has to clean the house, wash dishes, cook, etc. She is ________________________

  4. Her work is not easy. She has to type documents, answer different callings and so on. She is ____________________________

  5. He has to repair cars, bikes, motorbikes. He is ___________________

  6. She gives books to children and adults. She is _____________________

  7. He must help ill animals, treat them. He is ______________________

  8. He knows all laws and help people if they need. He is _____________

  9. He can compose music or just play it. He is _____________________

  10. She works with children at school and explains them how to write, read and count. She is _______________________

Version 2

Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Write the name of profession with article.

  1. She works with babies or children and she can teach them to read, write and count. She is _______________________

  2. He knows a lot of computers and computer programmes. He is _________________________

  3. He can prepare many different dishes from meat, fish, pasta, etc. He is __________

  4. He knows a lot of cars and can drive them very well. He must drive people. He is _____________

  5. She counts money in the office and makes reports about it. She is ______________

  6. She makes new models and styles of clothing. She is _________________

  7. He makes a lot of projects of bridges, buildings, etc. He is ____________________

  8. He sells different foods to children and adults. He is _______________________

  9. He has it own business. He is _________________________

  10. She plays different roles in plays or performances. She is ________________


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