- Учителю
- Инсценировка сказки Теремок на современный лад.
Инсценировка сказки Теремок на современный лад.
Инсценировка сказки «Теремок» на современный лад, посвященная юбилею добровольного вхождения Башкирии к России.
"Bashkortostan and Russia together for many years"
"Рәсәй менән Башкортостан бергә."
1-й ведущий Good afternoon, dear guests! This year we are celebrating a remarkable event. In 1557 Bashkiria joined Russia voluntarily. You are welcome to our party!
2-й ведущий Һаумыһығыз, хөрмәтле укытыусылар, укыусылар! Башкортостандың үз Ирке менән Рус дәүләтенә кушылыуына арналған кисәбезгә рәхим итегез!
(Звучит государственный гимн Республики Башкортостан.)
1-й ведущий
Look at the globe:
Here it is? The Earth.
And on it, Bashkiria
No bigger than a leaf.
Just one small birch leaf,
One leaf on a tree.
And the birch? The great Russia,
Stands so green and tall.
2-й ведущий
Ер шарының картаһына
Караһаң якшы ғына, -
Башкортостан шул картала
Бер япрак саклы ғына.
Эйе, япрак, ак кайындың
Бер япрағы ни бары,
Ә кайыны - бөйөк Рәсәй,
Шундый йәшел, юғары.
1-й ведущий
The first mention of the words "Bashkiria" and «Bashkirs» dates back to written documents of the 10-th century.
2- ведущий
«Башкортостан» һәм «башкорт» һүззәре язмала тәү башлап 10 быуатта иςкә алына.
Входят гости
Ведущие: Who are you? Where are you from?
Гости: We are Russian girls. We are from village Batyrovo.
We have got a present for you.
(Исполняется русский танец).
Ведущие: Let's live together!
Входят следующие гости
Ведущие : Who are you? Where are you from?
Гости : We are Russian girls. We are from village Batyrovo.
We have got a present for you.
(исполняют песню на английском языке).
Do you live in village? Do you like it here?
Do you eat fish and chips? Do you watch TV?
Do you ride a bicycle? Do you have a car?
Do you go to school? Is it far?
Do you learn computers? Do you dance and sing?
Do you know President? Do you know the teacher?
Do you like the Beatles? Do you play handball?
Please, tell us, tell us, and tell us all?
Ведущие: Let's live together!
Входит гость
Ведущие: Who are you? Where are you from?
Гости: I am from village Batyrovo.
I have got a present for you.
(A sonnet to a friend)
With friend you have a lot of fun.
A friend will never let you down.
You'll tell your secrets to your…,
And he will always understand.
A friend is always there for you,
And you can talk your problems through.
And now the most important thing,
He'll be with you through thick and thin.
But if your friend just wants some fun
And when you need him -lets you down.
And doesn't give a helping hand,
That is a fair-weather friend.
He'll stand by you to the end-
And then you call that one your friend.
Ведущие: Let's live together!
Входят девочки и мальчики
Ведущие: Who are you? Where are you from?
Гости:. We are from village Batyrovo.
We have got a present for you.
(исполняется башкирский танец)
The city of Ufa located at the confluence of the Ufa, the Aghided and the Dyoma rivers is the capital of sovereign Bashkortostan,a large industrial and cultural centre.Ufa was founded in 1574.
Өфө калаһы Ағизел, Каризел һәм Дим йылғалары кушылған ерзә урынлашкан. Ул - суверенлы Башкортостандың баш калаһы. Уға 1574 йылда нигез һалынған.
Kurai is the name of plant which became part of the official symbols of Bashkortostan.
Ә курай - милләтебеззең боронғо музыка кораллы. Халкыбыз кайғыһын да, шатлығын да курай моңона һалған, Гербтағы курай сәскәһе - дуςлык символы, сәскәнең ете тажы ете башкорт ырыуын символлаштыра.
Ведущие: Let's live together!
Входит следующий гость
Ведущие: Who are you? Where are you from?
Гости: I am from village Batyrovo.
I have got a present for you.
Стихотворение о России
Oh, Russia, I am in love with you!
Remember, Russia, you are great
Not in the field of battles past
But in the green fields full of wheat
And forests, gardens, free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand on strand
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas
Your beasts and fish, birds in trees.
Your sunrise in a splendid sight
Whiсh gives me always such delight!
L. Khusainova.
Ведущие: Let's live together!
Let our republic be always in blossom. Bashkortostan and Russia will be together for ever!
Мәңге йәшә, дуςлык иле Башкортостан! Рәсәй менән бәйләнгән икән, киләсәккә барыр юлдарығыз за киң, данлы булһын. Якты нурзарзан һалынған дуςлык күпере балкып торһон.
Все вместе исполняют песню:
The More We Are Together.
The more we are together,
Together, together
The more we are together,
The happier we are.
For my friend is your friend
And your friend is my friend.
The more we are together,
The happier we are.